To Love Twice (2 page)

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Authors: Heather McCoubrey

BOOK: To Love Twice
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“Excuse me, I’m sorry for interrupting, Mr. Campbell, but I
thought this was a part-time position?”

A puzzled look crossed his face.  “No, that position
has already been filled.  Your resume was too advanced for the part-time
position.  You are more suited to this position.  Is that a problem?”

“Well, I’m not sure.  I have a small child and I
haven’t fully investigated child care options.”

“Oh, that’s easy,” Erin interrupted.  “We offer a
childcare facility here in the building.  I have two daughters and they
stay here all day with me.”

“Is the waiting list long?”

“No, in fact there’s always an opening for employees,” Erin
reassured her.

“Oh, well, I guess that’s one item off my worry list. 
Is it possible to get a tour of the facility?”

“After our interview, I’ll take you down there myself. 
This position will also require some travel.”  Erin said, taking over the
conversation from Mr. Campbell.  “I have employees in London.  I
usually make one trip per quarter and I like to have my EA accompany me. 
The trip should last a week, Sunday to Saturday.  However, the past two
trips I’ve made have been ten-day trips.  It all depends on what’s going
on and what needs to be accomplished,” Erin paused and sipped her coffee. 
“This position is a salaried position, with the potential for an end of year
bonus.  You are entitled to a two week vacation each year until five
years, then it moves to three weeks until ten years and then to four
weeks.  We have several holidays each year.  Our benefits package is
one of the best and I can go over that with you later as well.  Do you
have any questions so far?”

“Is the traveling mandatory?”

“Yes.  It’s important for you to meet the London
employees and to learn and understand all aspects of this part of the
company.  For you to excel in this position, you’ll need to know
everything to do with my job.”

“And I’m sorry once again, but what is it that you do? 
I only researched the part-time position since it was what I applied for,” Kate
said sheepishly.

Erin laughed.  “My apologies, Kate.  We should
have been more clear when we called to set up the interview. I am the Vice
President of Customer Relations.  Our products have just launched in the
U.K. and that is why I now have a small group of employees there.”

“That sounds very exciting!  When will you be deciding
on the position?”

Erin glanced at Mr. Campbell.  “We’d like to decide
today.  You’re our last interview.  Let me give you a tour of the
daycare facility, give you the information on the benefits and let you get a
feel for our company.”

“That sounds good.  When will you need an answer,
assuming you offer me the position?”

“As soon as possible.  We need this position filled
yesterday,” laughing Erin corrected herself.  “I need this position filled

After touring the day care facility and reviewing the
benefits package, Kate was in love with the position.  The only thing that
worried her was the traveling.  If it weren’t for that, she’d take the job
in a heartbeat.  The salary couldn’t be beat.  She’d have enough to
get a small apartment close to the office.  She’d already scoped out
apartment complexes and most of them allowed for one vehicle, without an extra
monthly fee for parking. 

Turning into her sister’s driveway, Kate felt upbeat and

Georgie met Kate at the door with her finger to her lips,
and a copy of
in her other hand.  Smiling, Kate quietly
closed the door and set down her purse on the counter. 

?  I thought you’d stopped reading those
gossip mags?”

“Never!  I’m addicted, you know that.  Besides,
someone has to keep up with current events around here.  I wouldn’t have
anything to talk about at Margarita Nights with the girls!” Georgie laughed and
set the magazine on the counter.  “So?  How’d the interview
go?”  Georgie asked excitedly.

“Wonderful, but this is the full-time position. 
They’ve already filled the part-time position.  I was their last interview
and they’re deciding on candidates today.  It sounds so fabulous but it
will be lots of work.  Oh!  And can you believe that they have an
on-site daycare facility?  I toured it and it looks wonderful.  The
salary is amazing and the benefits can’t be beat.  It’s perfect except for
one thing,” Kate said, sighing.


“There’s a requirement for traveling every quarter for five
to ten days to London.  Erin, that’s the woman I’d be working for, just
hired a group over there.  Five to ten days, Georgie, what will I do with

“Oh, that’s no problem, Kate.  We’ll watch her,”
Georgie said matter-of-factly.

“What?  Just like that, you’re going to offer up your
services?  Georgie, you can’t do that.  You haven’t even discussed it
with Tim!” Kate said incredulously.

Laughing quietly, Georgie hugged her sister.  “It’s not
really a hardship to watch her.  And besides, if I know you – you’ll
find a way to hire a nanny and she’ll end up traveling with you, so it’ll be a
moot point anyway.  But until then, we’d be happy to help.”

“Well, that nanny idea had crossed my mind,” Kate
laughed.  “I wasn’t brave enough to ask about it though.”

“It’ll all work out, Kate.  The job sounds
fantastic.  You should definitely accept the position, if they offer it to
you.”  She hugged Kate again.  “This’ll be great for you and Mary!”

Just then, Kate’s cell phone rang.  Glancing at the
caller ID, Kate’s eyes popped wide.  “It’s them,” she squeaked.

“Answer it, hurry!”

“Hello, this is Kate.”  She answered in what she hoped
was her best professional tone.  Nerves were fighting a war inside her and
she had no idea what she was supposed to say or do.

“Hi Kate, this is Erin.  I’m calling to offer you the
position.  Both of us thought your resume was on target.  We liked
you and thought we all clicked nicely.”

“Seriously?  You’re offering me the job?”  Kate
looked up to the ceiling and squeezed her eyes closed tight.  She couldn’t
believe it.

“Yes,” Erin laughed.  “I want you, Kate.”

“I accept.  Thank you so much!  When do I start?”

“How about Monday?  That’ll give you the rest of the
week, plus the weekend to get yourself ready.”

“That’s perfect.  Thank you again.”

“Be here at eight.  I’ll meet you in the lobby and get
you set up at the day care center, and then we’ll start our day.”

“I’ll be there.  Have a great weekend!”

Hanging up the phone, Kate threw her hands in the air and
did a little booty dance.  Georgie laughed and joined her.  “Time to
celebrate, sis!  Wine and Chinese takeout tonight.  I’ll call Tim and
have him pick it up on the way home.”


Chapter Three

With a relieved sigh, Kate unlocked the door to her new
apartment.  Mary was babbling in the stroller, content for now with her
teething ring.  Opening the door, Kate pushed the stroller inside,
“Welcome to our new home, Mary!”  Receiving more babbling in response,
Kate laughed and spun in a circle.  They were home!  The cozy
two-bedroom apartment was perfect for them.

Strolling through the apartment, Kate felt the excitement
brimming.  Her very own apartment.  Space, privacy and
independence.  Of the three, the independence mattered the most.  She
would be forever thankful for all Georgie and Tim had done for her and Mary, but
she was so happy to be on her own again.  It had been a long time since
she’d had to take care of herself, and she wasn’t entirely sure she could do
it.  Determined to succeed, not only for herself but also for Mary, she’d
taken the job, signed the lease paperwork on her apartment, and put herself out

She’d been with the company for a month now and she loved
her job.  She and Erin clicked so completely, with Kate often knowing
exactly what Erin needed before Erin even knew herself.  There was always
something to get done, always something new to learn and Kate never found
herself bored.  But the best part of all was that she could go over to the
daycare anytime she wanted and hold Mary.  Having no idea what she’d done
to deserve this stroke of good luck, she hugged her little miracle closer to
her chest and rested her cheek on Mary’s head. 

Leaving Brad had been the toughest decision she’d ever made,
but it was one she was glad she’d made.  Two months had passed since she’d
left, and she hadn’t heard a word from him.  Georgie hinted that Kate
should call him, just to ensure he wasn’t being a stubborn man.  Kate knew
better.  Brad wasn’t just stubborn, he was cold and it was obvious from
his silence that he was happy they were gone.  Kate wasn’t surprised at
his feelings for her, after all, he’d been pulling away for a year.  What
surprised her was his feelings for Mary, or lack thereof.  Kate honestly
thought that he would have gotten in touch with her at least so he could see
Mary.  But not one word had come from him, and it made her heart hurt to
think that Mary would grow up without her father.

Looking down at her little miracle, Kate shook off the dark
thoughts.  They were sitting in their new apartment.  Kate had a
great job, and they were both healthy.  Dwelling on the thoughts of Brad
wouldn’t get her through the rest of her life.  This was a new beginning
for them, and Kate was going to make the most of it!

Pulling out her phone, she dialed Georgie. 

“Miss us yet?” Georgie asked instead of saying hello.

Kate laughed, “Of course!  What are you up to?”

“Nothing much, watching
Hollywood Reports
.  It’s
kind of quiet and lonely here but Tim should be home soon.  How are you
settling in over there?”

“Oh, we’re sitting on the floor, enjoying each other’s
company.  It hasn’t hit either one of us yet that we’re alone.  I
imagine once I get her down to sleep, I’ll be roaming and wondering what to do
with myself.”

“Seriously?  You’ll start unpacking and probably be up
until two in the morning.  You never were any good at unpacking slowly.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Kate laughed.  “Although
if I was smart, I’d do exactly that – unpack slowly.  I need to be
running on all cylinders now that it’s just Mary and me.”

“You want me to come over and help?”

“No, no, we’re fine.  I was actually calling to see how
Tim would feel about helping me get the rest of our things from Brad’s
house.  I could rent a little moving truck and we could go over there in
the morning.”

“I’m sure Tim would be happy to help.  Let me go ask
him real quick,” Georgie said.

Kate switched her phone to speaker and set it down on the
floor.  She reached over and pulled Mary into her lap.  She loved the
feeling of Mary in her arms.  Loved to snuggle her and inhale her baby
scent.  Her little miracle. 

“Are you still there?  Tim says no problem.  He
said he’d actually go get the truck in the morning and swing by to pick you
up.  I’ll be there around the same time to watch Mary for you.”

“Great!  Tell Tim I said thanks, and I’ll buy him breakfast
in the morning!”

“You’d better buy it before he does the manual labor. 
My man eats like a football team after he’s done any kind of laborious
activity,” Georgie laughed.

“Well, it’s the least I can do.  You both have been
life-savers and I have no idea what I’d do without either of you!”

“Will Brad be there tomorrow?”

“I hope not.  I’m going to call him after I get off the
phone with you.”

“Well, do that now and call me back.  It’s better to go
into a fight knowing what to expect.”

“True.” Kate hung up and took a deep breath.  Dialing
the number that would connect her with her estranged husband, Kate could feel
the nerves pressing in on her.  She hadn’t spoken to him since she walked
out of the house two months ago.  Not knowing what to expect, she hoped
for the best.

“What do you want?”  Brad asked rudely.

Unsure how to respond to his tone, Kate opted to state the
obvious.  “Hi Brad, it’s me.”

“Yeah Kate, I know.  Caller ID?”

“Of course.  How are you?”  Kate asked timidly.

Brad laughed harshly.  “Did you really call to find out
how I’m doing?”  Brad paused for a moment and then continued in a cold
voice.  “Come on, Kate.  We both know I’m better now than I’ve been
in ten years.”

Fighting against the tears and the pain his words caused,
Kate closed her eyes and forced herself to finish the conversation.  “Of
course you are.”  Kate went quiet unsure how to proceed in the face of his

“What do you want, Kate?”

“Um, I was calling to ask if it would be convenient for you
if I came by in the morning to move out the rest of our things?”

“There’s no point.  Nothing of yours is here anymore.”

“Excuse me?” Kate asked incredulously.

“I told you that if you left, there was no coming back.”

Understanding finally broke through and with it came an
intense anger.  “You got rid of everything?  My clothes and
furniture?  What about Mary’s things?” Kate asked quietly.

“It’s all gone, Kate.”

“Everything?  Brad!  How could you do this? 
What the hell is wrong with you?” Kate demanded.

“Kate, you left.  You should have taken your things
with you when you left.  End of story.”

“Brad, you’re going to regret this,” she said through
clenched teeth.

“Are you threatening me, Kate?  Really?”

“No, Brad, I’m not.  I’m promising you.  You
regret the way you’ve treated me and Mary.  You
regret letting
us walk out of your life.  You
regret getting rid of our
things.  You
regret becoming the man you have.  Make no
mistake, Brad.  This is a promise.  You have gone too far,” Kate
said.  She ended the call, and looked into Mary’s smiling eyes.  “Oh
angel baby, we’re up a creek.”

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