Read To Love and Obey (Boundaries) Online

Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

To Love and Obey (Boundaries) (14 page)

BOOK: To Love and Obey (Boundaries)
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Rachel returned her attention to Victoria and grinned. “So, are you a sub?” she asked. “By the way, your answer doesn’t in any way affect the job. I’m just nosy.”

Victoria smiled, shyly. “Well yes I am, actually, but I haven’t had much experience—or luck.”

“Well, I can introduce you to some hot Doms here. In fact, if you like your Doms tall, dark and drop dead gorgeous, then I know just the guy. His name’s Luke and he’s sexy as hell.”


! Adam’s voice had reverberated through Rachel’s body, weakening her knees and sending an instant flush to her cheeks.

“Are you gossiping about the club’s members to our prospective employees?”

Rachel saw the glint of humor in his eyes in time to save herself the embarrassment of kneeling at his feet, in front of Victoria, and begging for his forgiveness. Adam had made it clear that, even if they weren’t playing, when they were on the premises of the club, she was the sub and he the Dom. Final!

“Yes, I am, Sir,” she retorted, bravely and giggled when she heard Victoria gasp. She quickly winked at the girl to let her know she wasn’t really in trouble. “Victoria, this is Adam Stone, my fiancé and your future boss.”

Adam laughed. “Oh, so you’ve made the decision for me, have you?”

“I wouldn’t dream of interfering,” said Rachel, grinning, “but, now that you mention it, you’d be a fool not to hire her.”

Adam grinned and playfully swatted Rachel’s bottom. “Scoot, you little imp, before I put you over my knee and turn your pretty arse bright red.”

“Promises, promises,” laughed Rachel, and quickly dove out of his reach. She winked at Victoria and mouthed, “Good luck,” before heading back to the office.

She was checking over some accounts, when Adam found her a little while later. Her replacement at work had started last week and, as Joanne Baker was away on business, Rachel wasn’t due to start her new job until the following week. In her spare time, she’d helped Adam out with some basic accounting at Boundaries, and even did a bit of waitressing at busy times on club nights, which she’d loved. It had been fine until, on one particular night, she hadn’t been available when Adam had demanded his sub back, and Chrissie had put her stilettoed foot down and insisted that Rachel finish the shift she’d agreed to. There weren’t many people who dared stand up to Adam Stone, and it had been hilarious seeing him growl something about sending Rachel up to the playrooms the second she was finished.

He’d made her pay later by denying her orgasms, and she’d been ready to murder him until he had brought her to a screaming climax that she was sure the whole bloody club had heard.

She looked up and smiled as he closed the door to the office. “Well?” she asked, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. “Are you going to hire Victoria?”

“Do I have much choice?”


Adam walked around the desk to stand behind her and grabbed her hair, pulling her head gently back so she was looking up into his face.

“For your information, yes
decided to hire her. Now, I think we need to reset the dynamic here,” he growled. The jovial twinkle in his eyes was gone and had been replaced with a dangerous glint, and Rachel’s stomach hit the floor when she realized what he meant.

“Whose club are we in?” he growled, tugging her hair gently.

“Yours, Sir,” she whispered. Damn him. Why did he have the power to reduce her insides to mush just by pulling her hair and talking dirty to her? Well, other people might not call it dirty talk, but to her, it did exactly what he wanted—brought out her submissiveness and, subsequently, made her horny as hell.

“And who owns who here?” His voice was deep, gruff and sent the little butterflies in her stomach into free fall.

“You own me, Sir,” she gasped, through a shiver that shook her to the core. Wow, such powerful words, with such a powerful effect. And he knew it.

“Yes, and don’t you forget it. Strip!”

Her eyes widened. “Here? Now?” He had to be joking, surely?

Adam walked around to the front of the desk, sat down on it and indicated for her to come and stand in front of him. “Rachel, I won’t say it again.”

Oh crap.
She hurriedly stood up and made her way around to stand in front of him, glaring daggers at him as she did so. But when she saw his steely eyes glare steadily back, she quickly started to undress until she stood completely naked in front of him. The blood was coursing through her veins, making her slightly giddy. Why the hell was standing naked before a fully clothed Dom so damned sexy?

“On your knees.”

Oh, yes.
Her stomach fluttered again as she sank to her knees and, when she parted her legs, as she knew he’d expect her to, she was shocked at how quickly she’d become wet.

“Good.” Adam stood up and walked slowly around her, inspecting her like a prized possession. “The club will be opening soon and I want you to help Chrissie out until ten o’clock.”

That didn’t sound so bad. She enjoyed helping Chrissie, although the fact that she would be naked wasn’t quite as appealing. At least she wouldn’t be the only one, though—nearly half the subs in the club usually ended up naked at some point.

Even with her eyes lowered, she could see his feet walk across the room to a cabinet. It was the cabinet in which he kept his toys. He took something out and returned to stand in front of her. “You are not allowed to come at any time until you’re back with me. Do you understand?”

She laughed. As if she would be thinking about orgasms whilst serving drinks to the members. But then she looked up and saw the look in his eyes and her heart sank it dawned on her that he wasn’t going to make it quite so easy.

“Get up and bend over the desk,” he ordered.

She was about to tell him where to go, but the warning look on his face made her reconsider. She threw him one last challenging glare, then completely contradicted that defiance by bending over the desk, just as he had instructed. She closed her eyes as his rough hand stroked her bottom, and she held her breath with excited anticipation for the first smack she was sure was coming.

Instead of a sexy spanking though, something cold and wet probed the opening to her anus, followed quickly by the same hard pressure she had felt when he’d inserted the butt plug just before the board meeting. She was about to protest, but stopped when she remembered how turned on she’d been. It really wasn’t that bad, it was just the slight burn as it went in that was uncomfortable, so she sighed and relaxed her muscles to make it easier for the plug to slip in.

“Good girl.” Adam’s voice caressed her ears and she moaned softly as the plug seated itself with a little plop. Then, his finger probed her sex and gently stroked her clit. Electricity charged through her, causing her to tighten her muscles around the thing in her arse. Adam removed his finger and chuckled. “I don’t think we need any lube here.” Before she could comprehend what he meant, he’d filled her pussy with something, not unlike the bullet he’d made her wear on his birthday.

When he was done, Rachel slowly straightened up and gasped as the feeling of fullness asserted itself. It was uncomfortable, but also highly erotic and she couldn’t decide whether she wanted to fuck him at that moment, or kill him.

“You will wear these for the whole time you’re serving and, I repeat, you do not have permission to come. Is that clear?” Adam’s voice had an edge to it that told her he was serious, and Rachel’s insides melted a little more.

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, her voice now husky with submissive lust.

He then drew her into his arms and kissed her hard. “When you’re done, I’m taking you upstairs and I’m going to fuck you hard.”

“Oh… Yes, please.”

A few minutes later, as she stood at the bar chatting to Chrissie, the first members started arriving and Rachel started work. She loved chatting to the members, a lot of whom she now knew by name. Serving drinks was a good way to mix with the crowd and she had quickly become popular with both Doms and subs, alike.

She was thoroughly enjoying herself, although the damn high heels Adam had made her wear were killing her feet. Walking gracefully wasn’t made any easier by the incredible feeling of fullness, which was always present. But, it could have been worse, so she relaxed and focused on doing her job well. Until a few minutes later. She was successfully balancing a tray full of drinks whilst tottering on her heels, when the plug in her arse suddenly started vibrating, followed immediately by the bullet in her vagina.

How she didn’t drop that tray, she’d never know, but somehow she managed to hold onto it as her body went into meltdown. She let out a scream as the shock turned to need, so powerful that her legs actually quivered, and she had to stop and pull them together to try to control herself. That only made her clench tighter around the plug though and she looked helplessly over at Adam as an orgasm started gripping her.

“Oh, fuck,” she cried, and grabbed onto the bar to stop herself from falling. Thankfully, just before she was about to give in to the climax, the vibrations stopped and, slowly, her body returned to normal, leaving a dull ache between her legs. “You bastard,” she hissed at Adam, knowing she’d regret that later.

By ten o’clock, she’d had another five near misses and spilt more drinks than she had served. Laughing, Adam led her upstairs, tied her to a spanking bench then deftly removed the bullet and plug. She moaned slightly as she was left with a feeling of emptiness that desperately needed to be taken care of.

Then his warm breath tickled her ear as he whispered softly, “Remind me, Rachel. Who’s the boss, here at the club?”

“You are, Sir,” she hissed, through gritted teeth. “But just you wait till we get out of here. You’re so going to pay for this.”

Adam laughed. “Hmm… Can’t wait. But first, I’m going to have some more fun with you.”

He rubbed the soft skin of her ass, leaving a tingling need for more, and when his hand came down on her right buttock with a resounding slap, it didn’t take long before the giddiness started to wrap itself around her again. She had already been on the edge of subspace just from her submissive headspace all evening, so it was just a matter of a good, hard spanking to send her deeper into that lovely world where reality felt like fluffy clouds sprinkled with sparkly glitter. All she could remember after that was screaming in a climax so powerful, she thought she’d died and gone to Heaven.

* * * *

It was Friday night and Boundaries would be opening in less than an hour. Rachel sat on a high stool by the bar, waiting for Adam to finish a meeting with the Dungeon Monitors. Chrissie smiled and handed her a bottle of water. “So, sweetie, how’s the party planning going?”

Rachel grinned. She and Adam had had so much fun planning the engagement party, discussing who to invite, and who not to invite. They’d finally agreed they would keep the party quiet outside the world of BDSM, and just tell their vanilla friends that they were planning a quiet wedding. Which was true. They just wouldn’t mention the collaring ceremony which was planned to take place after the wedding reception.

Adam had been adamant that he wanted a formal collaring ceremony as well as the legal marriage. He’d said the collar was just as important to him as the ring, and Rachel had agreed. She would happily wear his collar knowing he wouldn’t be expecting her to submit twenty-four-seven.

“When’s the party, again?” asked Victoria, who had been helping Chrissie set up the bar.

“Two weeks on Saturday.” Rachel grinned at Victoria and was glad she was working out so well. She had quickly settled into the job, and she and Rachel had become quite friendly in the two weeks since she’d started. The members seemed to like her and Luke had also taken a bit of a shine to her. She knew he’d fall for Victoria’s delicate porcelain skin and deep red hair, and Victoria had been just as taken with the tall, dark and gentle Dom.

“You’re coming, aren’t you, Victoria?” asked Rachel then took a sip of her water.

Victoria’s face clouded over for a moment and she looked away. “I’ll be there,” she said, a little sharply, “but I’ll be working.”

Rachel frowned as Victoria disappeared across the room and busied herself cleaning the tables in the alcoves.

“Everything all right?” asked Chrissie.

Rachel shrugged. “Yeah, I think so. I really like Victoria, but sometimes I can’t work her out. One minute we’ll be having a giggle over something and then, suddenly, she’ll go all weird.”

“What do you mean, ‘weird’?” Chrissie looked across the room and watched Victoria working.

“I don’t know. It’s as if something’s bothering her, but she won’t say what. I get the feeling she’s hiding something, but she won’t confide in me.” Rachel thought back to the previous day when she’d caught Victoria crying in the Ladies. She’d tried to comfort her and had stayed with her until her tears had stopped, but she had refused to tell Rachel what had been wrong.

“Well,” said Chrissie, leaning across the bar, “why don’t you invite her out for a coffee after work? Maybe she’d be more inclined to talk away from the club?”

Rachel grinned and raised her hand to Chrissie’s for a high five. “That’s a brilliant idea. Thanks.”

She didn’t get another chance to talk to Victoria after that as Adam came back having finished his meeting, and demanded to see his sub in private.

As he closed the door to his office, he ordered her to kneel at his feet then stood, feet slightly apart over her, dominating her space. She lowered her gaze and stared at his boots—big, black and masculine. His leather trousers hugged his legs and she knew that, if she looked up, the bulge from his cock would be large and prominent.

“Look at me, Rachel.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice was already slightly hoarse from the lust snaking itself around her body. She raised her head and met his eyes, which were burning with power and sexual energy.

She knew then what he wanted and her insides flipped as the fire in her belly flared up.

“Suck my cock.” He didn’t ask, he demanded.

He didn’t give her a choice and the heat from her stomach smoldered down to her pussy as she smiled her compliance.

BOOK: To Love and Obey (Boundaries)
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