Read To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Marian Tee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #New Adult & College, #Demons & Devils, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romantic Comedy

To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (72 page)

BOOK: To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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“Enough questions now,” Luka said firmly.


I caught Luka gazing at me with a frown, and I frowned back. What now?


As Luka guided me down the steps, an insistent male reporter behind us shouted, “What about Devyn Hall, Caylie? Is he still the best kisser you ever dated?”


Luka’s grip around my waist tightened.


Being fond of where my head currently was, I answered over my shoulder, “You tell me when you’ve kissed him.”


The crowd laughed, we got in the limo, and Luka pulled me on his lap insistently, kissing me punishingly. “You could have said
,” he growled.


“And make your head swell even more?” I shot back even as I arched my neck, begging and demanding for his lips on my pulse.


“But I am the best kisser you’ve dated and will ever date.”


I gritted my teeth. I wished I found his arrogance a turn off but it was just the opposite. “You’ve been hanging around with Riyu Delicazzi far too long.”


“But you’re not denying—”


“You just wait and see,” I grumbled as I climbed down his lap and settled next to him. “I’ll find other guys to practice with until—”


Luka growled.


When I turned to him, I was stunned to see his jaw clenched hard, muscle ticking in his effort to rein in his temper. “You will do no such thing,” he bit out.


“I’ll do whatever I want.”


Luka was silent.


I became uneasy, not trusting how Luka gave in so easily. And I was right not to when he spoke again.


“Is this revenge then, Caylie? Would you like to shame me and turn me into a laughingstock of the entire Brethren, dating other men behind my back and knowing my hands are tied? If I break our engagement, it would mean risking your life and your parents’ and you know I would never do that.”


Ah, shit.


Luka really had the bloody finest mind among our kind.


“I didn’t mean it,” I bit out.


Luka was silent again.


Argh! “I really didn’t mean it. I swear it on the Brethren.”


But Luka still didn’t answer and I couldn’t take more of his silent treatment. It always did drive me crazy when he used his silence to get to me. In an instant, I was straddling his lap, my coat gaping open to reveal my bare body to his stunned gaze.


Luka stiffened. “Caylie—”


I bent my head down to take his lips.


He resisted for all but a second before succumbing, his kiss punishingly slow and tender.


I shrugged out of my coat so I could rub my bare body against his, loving how he was completely dressed while I was completely naked.


Luka groaned.


“Take me.” I whispered the words without thinking but when they were out, I knew it was what I wanted.


In a blink of an eye, I found myself sitting on the opposite row, back in my buttoned-up coat and Luka breathing harshly on the other side.



Chapter Twelve





“Ever? Do you realize it’s three in the morning? On a school day?” I had a raging hangover, mostly thanks to the three bottles of diabetic blood flavored whiskey I drank after being rejected so coldly and decisively by Luka.


It just didn’t make sense. And it hurt. He wanted my body—I knew he did. He always had, more so than anything in the world. So why didn’t he want to take it when I practically offered myself on a plate?


“Have you heard the news?”


“No.” I yawned. “What—”


“Fuck. Turn on your TV
. It’s all over the news.


I fumbled for the remote control and switched to the first news channel I could think of that catered to Caro viewers.


Luka Georgiades.


It was all it took to sober me up, and I jumped off the bed, increasing the volume. I managed to switch the loudspeaker on before the phone fell from my suddenly numb fingers.


A vampire had been caught last night. Before he was killed, the vampire was supposed to have bragged about their numbers growing and that they were soon going to overthrow the Brethren because a top-level Caro was among their numbers.


I switched to another channel, needing to hear more about Luka.


There is mass hysterics and paranoia and invitations for questioning being sent out as we speak.


I nearly threw the remote control, surfing through the channels until I heard Luka’s name being mentioned again.


The spokesperson for the Delicazzi clan has already issued a statement defending the honor of Luka Georgiades…


The scene switched to a nearby hospital, its front doors covered by a throng of reporters, both from human and Caro presses. It was a chaotic scene as everyone shouted questions at the doctor being interviewed.


There have been four casualties, three human, one Caro—


I dropped to my knees.
No. Please, please, no
. I scrambled for my phone and dialed Luka’s number with shaky fingers. His line was dea—
I didn’t want to think about that. Grabbing my robe from the coat hanger, I pulled it on as I threw my bedroom door open. I wasn’t surprised when I saw Catherine and William already racing towards me, their faces bleak.


“I need to go see if—that Luka’s okay.”


“I’ve already informed your Brethren security and they’re sending the proper vehicle to take you.” By proper William meant one with bullet-proof exterior, non-skid tires, and a modified engine. Brethren vehicles were designed to protect Caros from human attacks. They weren’t so good for non-human attacks, but then that was what the Brethren guards were for.


The idea of having to stay at home for more than a moment while Luka could be fighting for his life was unbearable. “I can’t wait—”


Catherine made a slashing motion in the air, cutting off my protest. “Caylie Samantha, you listen to me. These are not safe times. If you don’t wait for the car then I’m grounding you here and now for the entire week.”




Catherine’s lips tightened. “Just be happy I’m allowing you to visit Luka as it is.”


My heart lurched at the mention of Luka’s name. “H-have you heard any news?”
Please. Please God of Caros, oh, please, any god who’s listening—please let him be fine


Catherine glanced at William. “Have you heard from any of your contacts?”


My father shook his head. “None yet, but I’m sure he’s fine.” He turned to me with unreadable eyes. “You’ll feel it if he’s not.”


Dear God of Caros, I hoped so.


* * * *


“Yes, I’m his fiancée,” I confirmed without batting an eyelash. Maybe it was fate that I was betrothed for now to Luka. Security had been over the top and it was only by name dropping and basically claiming I was the future Mrs. Luka Georgiades I was able to get past all checkpoints.


The nurse made a call, mentioned my name, and after putting the phone down she gave me instructions on where to find Luka’s room.


Riyu Delicazzi and Stefan Mancetti were the first ones I saw when I stepped out of the elevator. They appeared stunned to see me—and strangely uneasy.


I whitened. “What’s wrong?”


Stefan and Riyu exchanged looks. The way they were gazing at each other made it seem as if they were silently arguing who would be the bearer of bad news. That was definitely not a good thing, and I had to take several deep breaths just to keep myself from going insane.


Luka had to be okay. He had to be okay.


Stefan was the one who finally spoke. “Luka’s fine.”


“Do you mean it?” I whispered.


“Yes. You have nothing to worry—”


“I want to see him,” I interrupted determinedly. The unease was still in Stefan’s gaze, making me doubt whether he was truly telling the truth.


“Ah…” He threw Riyu a seemingly helpless look, and it made me more suspicious…and anxious. Stefan was supposedly the most charming of all Caros, the playboys of all playboys, and yet here he was now, acting all tongue-tied.


“I think it’s better if you wait here,” Riyu suggested, finally coming to Stefan’s rescue.


“You might but I won’t.” I was pretty sure no one had ever dared to be this rude to Riyu, but I didn’t care. “I have to see for myself that Luka’s fine—”


Riyu’s cold mask cracked slightly as he suddenly smiled, leaving me in a state of sudden confusion. But his eyes were studying me intently, as if taking my measure. He stepped aside. “I understand. Luka’s resting, but he’s awake.”


“Riyu.” Stefan sounded like he was in agony, but Riyu and I both ignored him.


Stupid weird princes,
I thought absently as I hurried towards Luka’s private quarters.


My heart started to gallop again as I opened the door. If I saw Luka bleeding and swathed in bandages, wounded all over with vampire bites—the image was enough to have me hyperventilate. Please God of Caros, please let him be all right.


“Luka?” I pushed the door open, a ready smile fixed on my lips.


But what I saw was nothing at all like what I expected and the smile on my lips died a quick death.


Emilia Moretti was in Luka’s arms, sitting on the side of his bed as Luka stroked her hair. She was dressed in a beautiful red gown, her long dark hair twisted in a loose chignon and a choker of pearls glowing around her neck.


The sight knocked the breath out of me, shattering my heart and making me see black and red. My fangs threatened to burst as if I was suddenly under attack. I twisted the knob in my hands because if I didn’t I would be twisting someone else’s long slender neck instead.


The knob that I was about to crush with my fingers made enough noise to draw attention, and Emilia sprang away from Luka when she saw me, her face curiously flushed.


Luka was just as flushed and just the sight of it made me go cold.


For a fraction of a second, nothing in the world existed but my pain.






The shadows in my world receded, and I swayed a little on my feet.


“Caylie!” Luka started to get off his bed. A spasm of pain flashed over his face, forcing him to become still before he renewed his efforts to get up. It was enough to make me crash back to earth and I rushed past Emilia to push him back.


“What’s wrong?” Luka demanded, his violet eyes wild with worry as he scanned me from head to toe. His hands roamed around my body as if checking for wounds.


Even though I knew he wasn’t copping a feel, it was still more than enough to mess with my head—more than enough to make me yearn I could get in bed with him and burrow in his arms to pretend that there wasn’t another girl with us in the room.


I finally tried to pull back but Luka shook his head, his eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong, Caylie?”


I choked back a teary laugh. “Are you serious?
the one having a blood transfusion and you’re asking me what’s wrong?”


“I can’t stand the thought of you hurt,” he muttered as he reluctantly let me go.


I was about to answer when someone called my name softly.


Ah, shit.


I tried not to let my reluctance show as I turned around. Conscious of Luka’s gaze on us, I forced myself to make a low deep curtsy in respect of Emilia’s higher status. Although we were both technically princesses, she ranked higher being the younger sister of Domenico Moretti, who everyone now acknowledged as the leader of
Lyccan packs.


Emilia returned the curtsy as I straightened. When she got back to her feet, I realized just how
she was, like an exquisitely exotic doll. Standing this close to her, I felt like such a gauche overgrown troll.


“I’m sorry for intruding,” Emilia said haltingly. Her voice was soft, husky, and incredibly soothing. Even I could listen to it forever and I hated that. Ah God of Caros, I really hated her.


I wanted to say something but I couldn’t think of any except for a litany of
All I could do was nod and keep a smile on my face as Emilia gazed at Luka far longer than she should before leaving after a hasty curtsy.


I only waited for the door to close before asking tonelessly, “Am I the one intruding, Luka? Do you want me to call her back and I’ll return later?” It was painful to ask, and I didn’t think I would be able to survive it if he said yes. But I felt like I had to, the image of Luka with his arms around Emilia Moretti still stinging fresh in my mind.


“Come here.”


The command in his voice was near irresistible but I still tried to resist. “Luka—”


“If you don’t come here then I’ll come get you—”


Not wanting him to hurt himself more, I forced myself to walk towards him and pausing when I was a half-a-foot away from his bed. One surprisingly hard tug later, and I was falling against him. He tried to kiss me, but I turned my face away.


Luka stiffened.


“I just saw you with another girl in your arms, Luka.”


He cursed under his breath. “Caylie, it’s not what you think.”

BOOK: To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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