To Claim the Elvin Princess: Apprentice (8 page)

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“Mother? What might you advise us, if Amein is in fact unwilling to share somehow...jealous?” Lucarien asked, having trouble even saying such an odd and outrageous thing. Jealous and Elvin were never used together unless the word
was included.

“We will help her, first by being patient; none of you are in danger of being neglected, I’m certain! Secondly, we will attempt to keep our offspring, the ones who are overly eager, from overwhelming Rasten. He will also need time to get used to our ways. He is already much overwhelmed by Amein, and doesn’t need the rest of you to deal with...or myself either!” Haiveria declared, and winked at her daughters.

“No matter how inclined you might be?” Nacien asked, well aware of her mother’s reputation for being overwhelming sexually.

“Especially because of that!” the older Elvin female declared, and chuckled, offering Nacien a hug.






When Amein led Rasten into the Elder’s study, they beheld him standing, gazing out a large window, which looked out over the city. Hearing them enter, he turned enough to glance at them, and gestured for them to join him. Stepping close, Amein held Rasten’s arm, watching his face, to see his response to seeing his first look at his new home. If she expected him to be amazed, she wasn’t disappointed. He stood, spell bound and mesmerized.

The Elder looked past him at Amein. “His first seeing of Alarinad?” he asked quietly, grinning.

“Of course...both of us were unconscious when they brought us from the gate to the Citadel!” she sighed.

“You too should look closely,” the Elder insisted, his voice carrying something that made Amein curious. Knowing that asking would prove futile, she availed herself of the view, seeing what she always had, before a small oddity caught her eye.

“Why does the area by the Insirentire seem different?” she wondered, puzzled.

“Because it is being rebuilt...we were attacked while you were absent, and that area was badly damaged by fire and sorcery.”

“How...who did this!” she nearly shrieked, too stunned to even guess. It had been thousands of years since any had attacked their most important city.

“The Eridians came with a small force, mounted on terranaks and attacked at sunset eighteen days ago. By the time our people could react, much damage had been done, and they fled under cover of darkness. I am told a woman led them, young and of terrible beauty. Her sorcery was adequate to inflict much destruction.”

“Why was I not told this?!” she demanded harshly.

“ were sorely wounded from your own...adventure. You could do nothing, while you healed, and we wished to give Rasten a chance to at least start to comprehend his new existence, before either of you had to face this affront.”

Rasten, who had stood, staring out the window, seemingly oblivious to their discussion, suddenly spoke.

“Shocara did this. It was her idea, to shock the Elvin, and to make you inclined to pull your warriors in, to better be able to defend this city!” he declared, certain and unshakable.

“How can you know that?!” Amein demanded.

“He possesses Sayarin’s gift of farsight! Surely you can see that!” Midarini declared.

“Will she do this again?” Amein wondered.

“She would be a fool to do so. You will be expecting such, and will be well prepared. She likely hopes that more distant places will be rendered more vulnerable, as you seek to defend this place. She is no fool...we will meet her in due time, elsewhere,” Rasten insisted simply.

In spite of knowing better, Amein would have been less shocked had Rasten turned into an alowon.

Amein looked at him several moments, before a small grin appeared. “What does your farsight show you of us?” The Elder burst out laughing, causing Amein to blush.

“I hardly think he requires farsight to see how things will be between you two...a blind rodent could see that!” the elder insisted. This gave Amein pause, and she decided to avoid the subject of her jealousy, at least until she might speak to Midarini alone.

Trying to get her mind on more proper matters, she looked at the Elder.

“How many were...injured...or killed,” she reluctantly asked.

“Nearly a hundred, many of them ordinary Elvin. The Eridian’s lost a couple, to our arrows, and we captured two... one, a male...died of his wounds. The other, a female, is mostly healed from her scrapes and cuts; her terranak was taken down by a well placed shot, and she landed hard enough for people to disarm her!”

“She should be glad to even be alive! I have the worst urge to go and torment her myself!” Amein declared, her eyes wet.

“But you will not...being civilized. Everyone was shocked; it has been long since any attacked us here!” Madarini suggested.

“And that made us complacent!” Amein suggested, disgusted with such a folly. The temptation to blame herself was strong. “Where is she being held?” she wondered.

“In the clan home’s facility She is well secured, and rather angry!” Midarini suggested wryly.

“Marvelous! We shall well examine her, to see what she might know! We can assume she is one of their best, to have ventured forth on such a dangerous mission. I would hope she is being kept bare?”

“Of course...I suggested it...the barbarians are oddly shy about being such...especially the females.”

“Likely because being bare will end with one being raped!” Amein suggested, slyly.

The three sat down, to continue their chat.

“You are curious as to why your life has been so afflicted, yes?” Midarini asked Rasten, seeing his tension. Rasten nodded.

“I assume there must be some reason, other than Amein’s urges!” he teased, and was rewarded by a harsh glance and guilty frown from Amein.  Seeing her about to explode, the Elder cleared his throat, to gain her attention.

“Would you like me to explain it?” Midarini asked. Amein merely nodded.

“Very well.” Turning his attention to Rasten, the old sage began.

“You have heard the term farsight...the ability to know and divine things from a distance? You yourself exhibit this strongly, and it is part of the reason you so calmly accepted Amein and her outlandish desires, especially her wish for you to accompany her here. But there is another ability, one that is quite rare among the Elvin, and which is greatly revered. Your father had it in great measure, and it is hoped that you also possess such a gift!”

“Inaurieim...the ability to see the future! I spoke of this to Rasten while still on Earth,” Amein declared.

“It is more potent than that, dear Amein! The power gives its master the ability to know the past also, and precisely! Your father used it more than once, to know what the enemy had done, to prepare for battle. This gave him great advantage for waging war, especially in being prepared for things otherwise unknowable. If Rasten possesses this, it will be a magnificent advantage!”

“That sounds nice, but what makes you believe I can be a warrior? Shouldn’t I have begun such study ages ago? I’m no longer a child!” Rasten declared. Both Amein and the Elder laughed at this declaration.

“Please...don’t be angry!” Amein managed to insist, seeing his displeasure. ‘You must understand our point of view; on the world of your birth, you were well an adult. Here, surrounded by immortal ones, you’ve barely passed peeing in your diaper! You must open your heart to this new reality, and let go of your old thoughts; none here will abuse you for being a beginner at any of the skills you must learn! I started very young, learning the sword at only fourteen years of age, having barely passed the end of my virginity!” she admitted, looking embarrassed.

“I seem to recall that you were eager to learn the arts of sexual pleasures more that the art of the blade!” Midarini teased her.

“I would have to lie to deny such a thing! Still, I did become properly focused, Thanks to Master Roien’s ways!” Rasten looked mostly unconvinced.

“What must I learn?” he suddenly asked.

“As I spoke before; the blade, the to handle both the terranak and the alowon,” Amein began. “The strategies of battle, the way of sorcery, at least enough to understand what forms it might take, and how best to use or evade it! You must also find what powers and gifts you have inherited from Sayarin, and seek to develop them!”

“Is that all?!” Rasten demanded, daunted by her list. Amein glanced at Midarini, and giggled.

“You have to address my urges also!” she suggested impishly.

“I doubt I’ll have any time for that!” Rasten sighed. “You might need someone to address that...besides me!” he said, thinking to tease her. Instead, she burst into tears, leaping up and ran from the room, shocking Rasten, and leaving the Elder sitting, thoughtfully stroking his chin.

“Apparently my concern has born fruit...she is obsessed with you...isn’t she?” the Elder wondered.

“She acts quite jealous, but tells me no elf might display such. Yet she clearly behaves as if she is! Why might that be?” Rasten wondered.

“It is as I feared. Her desire to imprint you to her has imprinted her to you even more so! The Elvin seldom become so engaged and obsessed with one another, Rasten, normally choosing to love many somewhat, rather than one or a few deeply. Yet occasionally one succumbs to this deeper form of wanting. It makes for much struggle and embarrassment, mostly. If you fail to give her the same level of devotion, she will be consumed with sadness and misery. How do you find her?”

“I can’t imagine any female being more desirable...yet seeing those among her family...I am...well...they all seem unbelievably enticing! I can’t imagine how any could resist females so desirable and...willing?”

“You likely won’t! Only a few weeks ago, Amein wouldn’t have either! You will find this difficult, dear Rasten, likely more so than battling our enemies! The humans are plagued by jealousy, but the Elvin so seldom experience it, that they have little understanding of it, and even less ability to deal with it! I hope that you have your father’s gifts for are doomed to need all of them!” the Elder cautioned.


Rasten and the Elder talked a bit about Elvin ways, before Amein returned, and plopped into a chair, still sniffling.

“My caution was wise?” Madarini suggested thoughtfully. Amein sighed loudly, looking frustrated, and much put out.

“Utterly! I find this quite embarrassing and much against my will! What can I do about this?!”

“Little...other than be patient! Imprinting in such form is much like a deep compulsion. It will likely lessen in time, and allow you to overcome it, but trying to overcome it now, while it is strong, will only cause you more problems. You’re young, and as long as Rasten is smitten with you, you have little reason to complain...although you will anyway!” he said, and chuckled. Amein looked to Rasten likely to stick her tongue out, like a spoiled young girl, which she was in fact wanting to, and rather badly at that. Instead, she managed to resist the urge.

“What are your thoughts, regarding the Eridians?” Madarini asked.

“If I were a barbarian, I would be planning an attack on them, to punish them for their wickedness. They will expect that, so we won’t do such a thing. I’m more inclined to work at capturing more of them! Especially one named Shocara. I’m curious to see just how powerful her sorcery is!” Amein declared. Rasten watched her a moment, before grinning.

“Why do I suspect that you’re more interested in seeing how sexy she is, compared to you? Rumor says she’s quite stunning, for a barbarian Princess?” Rasten wondered. Amein closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. The color in her cheeks betrayed her fully.

“You’re going to be the death of me!” she moaned.

“I’d guess that someone didn’t consider exactly what desiring a person with strong truthsense might be like...did she?” the Elder suggested thoughtfully.

“No, she didn’t!” Amein snipped helplessly, as Rasten laughed, and offered her a hug.

“You can sleep on the floor tonight!” Amein hissed, as she stuck her nose in the air.


In spite of Amein’s threat, there was no chance that Rasten might actually sleep on the floor. He might have gotten more rest, but Amein’s urges put an end to that.

“I want you to know how much I like this!” he declared, as she snuggled close, after having three orgasms in a row.

“The having of me?” she purred.

“The fact that you can’t say no, even when you’re mad! On Earth, the girls would get pissy about something, and pout or sulk and there would be no pussy!” Rasten declared, knowing he was just begging to cause a fit.

“You’re terrible! I need to make you do without!”

“Really, when there’s at least a hundred here eager to get me alone?” he teased. Amein stared at him, caught between being hurt and outraged. Rasten leaned close for a kiss, but Amein held him off with a surprising display of arm strength.

“That was uncalled for! And mean!”

“I’m sorry...I’m just playing!’ll need to make some effort, if you ever expect to get over your jealousy!”

“Maybe I like being jealous?” she suggested, sounding quite snotty. Rasten quickly began tickling her, which she soon succumbed to.

“Stop! You’ll make me wet the bed!” she shrieked.

“Tell me I’m right!” he insisted, slowing his tickling a moment.

“You’re correct,” she managed to sigh. “You’re also an...asshole!” she added, before giggling, and snuggling close, eager to sleep.


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