To Claim a Wilde (Wilde In Wyoming Book 6) (12 page)

BOOK: To Claim a Wilde (Wilde In Wyoming Book 6)
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Over. And over and over...

“Ohhhhh, Canton, what are you doing?” she moaned, crying as he slowly ground her against him, his tongue fastened on one of her breasts as he worked her up and down on his shaft.

He inserted a hand between them, shifted her wet panties to the side and in one smooth move, inserted a thick finger inside her clenching heat.

“I need to feel your mouth,” he said and she opened up to him.

“Canton, if we don’t stop, I’m going to—” She stopped, cried out as he jerked her against his hand, working her as though it was his shaft, moving her so that she felt her body tremble, on fire; she knew if he didn’t stop, she’d come.

As badly as she wanted it, she wanted him to feel good, too.

He’d given to her before without taking anything for himself.

Although the orgasm had been amazing, there had been a part of Naomi that wasn’t fulfilled. She realized it was because she hadn’t given him the same pleasure he’d given to her.

But not this time.

As he kissed her, she felt the tautness of his lips, the control he must be exerting that left his big body trembling, all giving testimony to how badly he, too, needed

She made her decision.

She eased her own hand between them, moved his fingers away from her panties, her heat, enough so that she could feel the heavy bulge pressing into her.

“Baby, no...what are you doing?” he asked, groaning. He broke their kiss and rested his forehead against hers as she stroked him through his jeans.

Not good enough, she swiftly unzipped him and released his shaft, running light caressing fingers over the mushroom head, her fingers coming away wet from his precum.

“Baaaaby, hmmmmm,” he moaned, helplessly moving against her hand as she ran her entire hand, top to bottom, over his long, thick cock.

Naomi was so wet, so excited, she knew it wouldn’t take long to take her over the edge.

With hesitant moves initially, she caressed him; worried that she wasn’t doing it right, she asked, “Is it okay? What I’m doing?” in a near whisper. “Does it feel goo—” Her words were cut off on a long whimper when he readjusted their positions so that as she stroked him, he could go back to pleasuring her.

“Yes, yes...don’t stop.” He grunted the words against the corner of her mouth.

A lone finger circled and rubbed her clit, spreading her moisture around the tight, blood-filled nub that was so engorged it bordered on pain for Naomi, the pleasure was so intense.

When he plunged her depths with one finger and added a second, she grew dizzy, her breaths shallow. But as good as it felt, the mindless sensation of pleasure mounting to incredible heights, she continued to stroke and caress him.

Her small hand was barely able to form a complete fist around his massive shaft, yet she was reassured with his growls of pleasure.

Canton thrust his fingers deep inside her body as his other hand maintained a grasp on her hips, moving her with him as they rocked against each other.

Soon, she felt the beginnings of her orgasm unfurl deep within her belly.

“Canton... I, oh my God, I can’t, oh, I, I—” Her rambling cries for help against the sensual storm were met with feral growls and stinging kisses until she felt her body give in to the pressure.

She came, long and hard, her body shaking as she allowed the orgasm to consume her. As though from a long distance away, she heard him come, felt his body jerk.

When the heat of his seed erupted, Naomi kept the pressure where he needed it, instinct guiding her, as finally, with one last upward thrust into her palm, he collapsed back against the headrest, bringing her body down, her head to rest on his chest.

She closed her eyes, the strength of her orgasm, the wonderful feelings he’d created, all soothing her mind, body and soul.

* * *

After he’d dropped her home with a promise to see her the next day, Naomi felt as though she were on cloud nine; never to her recollection had she ever felt so light. Never could she remember feeling so...right.

All the puzzle pieces of her life fit. If only for this one time, it all fit.

She didn’t want to examine the whys of it. She simply wanted to enjoy the feeling for what it was.

As she prepared for bed, a flush heated her entire body as she thought of how he had, again, first wanted to take care of her needs and not his own. Just as he had before.

Not that she’d allowed that to happen again, she thought, blushing. She’d been afraid she didn’t know what in the world she was doing, having never done that to, for or with a man before. But his groans of pleasure and the way he’d released...yeah, she figured she’d done it right.

A giggle bubbled out of her mouth and she shook her head at herself. He had her acting like a schoolgirl, she thought.

She threw on her pj’s and climbed into bed. For the first time in a long time, she found herself drowsy quickly, and before she could marvel at that, she was asleep, an expression of contentment on her face.

Chapter 15

anton, do you remember when you asked me about my parents, and whether I missed Cheyenne or not? You know...about the town, and everything?”

Canton placed the last book on the shelf from the large stack she’d placed in front of him, with the instructions to “put these in order.”

Naomi was placing what appeared to be the last of her stack on the shelf near her desk, next to her computer. After she placed the large tome onto the smaller shelf she examined her work. With a nod of satisfaction, she turned and walked toward him.

He watched in amusement as she tilted her head, left and right, then went about rearranging a few books until with a satisfied grunt she declared, “All done!”

Impatient to feel her against him, he tugged her to his body. “You were saying?” he asked, reminding her of her question.

Or the beginning of one.

Canton moved her body away so that he could see her face better.

“I remember my question...” he gently prodded her, tucking the always-there errant curl back behind her ear.

He’d learned that at times, despite being a brilliant woman, Naomi could lose track of where she was in a sentence, or the fact that she had even asked a question. Or been asked a question.

Or needed to answer a question.

Pretty much if she were involved with anything to do with medicine, even her office and how to arrange her things to her satisfaction, there was a strong likelihood that she would become absentminded.

Rather than being a turnoff, it appealed to him. She was brilliant. A little scatterbrained at times, but brilliant nonetheless.

They were in her office after meeting downtown for lunch. She’d shyly invited him to come back to her clinic if he was interested.

He’d quickly assured her he was. He was greedy for her. In the time they’d spent together, Canton had quickly wanted to know and learn as much about her as he could, greedy for knowledge about her, thirsty to see the sight of her beautiful face, starving for a taste of her lips...her body.

But he’d bided his time.

He wanted, scratch that, needed for her to come to realize that what was between them was strong. Needed her to come to trust him and ultimately want him as desperately as he wanted and needed her.

When thoughts of the lie of omission he’d created weighed heavy on his mind, he forced them away. He knew soon enough he would tell her the truth. He had no other choice.

Not only because it was the right thing to do, but because he would catch the worry that would occasionally show up in her beautiful brown eyes. Canton knew that thoughts of her family’s situation were never far from her mind.

But the time wasn’t right. He would tell her soon, once he felt secure enough in her feelings for him. Feelings he knew were growing deeper as the days went by.

The week had flown by; each day, as he’d promised her, they spent in communication. Whether it was lunch or a phone call, there hadn’t been a day that had gone by that he hadn’t spent time getting to know her. Allowing her into his world and letting her get to know him.

The “shindig” as she laughingly called it was set for the weekend and a part of him wished he’d lied...and told her there were more events to attend. But he was hoping by then that he could be up front with her about everything, including the lie of omission he’d led her to believe that he would “help” her family in exchange for her assistance.

“Oh. Yeah, right,” she said, laughing softly and shaking her head at her own lack of memory.

When her face lost a bit of its animation, he frowned. Yet he waited for her to speak.

“Well, remember when you asked me if I...missed the town?” she continued and he again nodded his head.

“Yeah, I remember, babe...why?”

“I did. I mean...miss the town, that is,” she replied softly.

Canton frowned and tilted his head. When she ducked her head as though to avoid his gaze, he placed two fingers beneath her chin and brought her face up, forcing her to meet his gaze.

“And?” he prompted, drawing out the word.

“And, well, that’s all. I missed the town. Umm. A lot. I thought about the town a lot, too.”

He frowned, not understanding why she felt the need to tell him that.

“Okay, well, that was expected, baby. But I’m sure you were busy, school, establishing yourself in your field.” He knew she was going somewhere with this, but didn’t know exactly where.

“Canton!” she said, and balled a small fist up and gently tapped him on his chest. The fact that he barely felt her strike him seemed to make her even more agitated.

She struck him again. This time he caught her fist, brought it to his mouth and opened her palm.

He placed a kiss in the center, keeping his gaze on hers the entire time.

“Kisses, not hits,” he said softly, as though he were talking to a child, much the same way she would to one of her young patients, fighting to keep the smile from his face.

“Butthead,” she said and laughed. “That wasn’t the only thing I missed.”

He felt a smile tug the corner of his mouth. Was his recalcitrant woman trying to tell him something?

She drew in a deep breath, and as though it was the hardest thing to do, then looked him in the eyes. She literally squared her shoulders.

Canton didn’t know if he should be happy...or concerned. He hoped it was the former and prayed to God it wasn’t something he didn’t want to hear.

The last few weeks they’d begun to build a rapport so strong, he wondered if she realized how easy she had become with him, how much she had begun to open up to him.

“I missed you. When I left that night seven years ago, a part of me left...because I was afraid.”

The admission wasn’t what he’d expected to hear.

Canton put all joking aside and sat down in her desk chair, pulling her down with him, stealing her protest with a short, hot kiss.

“Continue,” he said, once he’d released her mouth.

She drew in a deep breath and began. “My folks are hardworking people. Although my mom went to college, she didn’t finish; she met my father before she did, they got married...and well, to the day, nine months later I was born,” she began with a small laugh.

Canton listened to her as she opened up about her family, not wanting to speak in case she lost her nerve and stopped. He silently encouraged her to continue.

“The night I met you, it seemed like everything changed for me. I had known of you, your family,” she said. “I mean, who didn’t know about the Wildes? But that was unlike anything that had ever happened to me. The way we seemed to connect from the first...well, it scared me. And after we made love, well...”

As her voice trailed off, Canton didn’t press it. That night had seemed just as magical to him as it had to her. He didn’t know how or if he should share with her just how much it and she had meant to him.

He allowed her to continue.

“The next morning, when I woke, um, the hotel, well, I felt cheap. I knew your rep.” She laughed without humor. “Everyone did. And to be honest with you, I thought I was just a onetime deal with you. That it would be easier for you, and me, if I was gone before you woke up. So I left. A part of me wanted you to come charging after me,” she went on, shaking her head. “But...well, when you didn’t, I figured I was right and you weren’t interested. I graduated a couple weeks later and left for medical school.”

Canton remembered the anger he felt when he realized that not only had she left, she hadn’t even said goodbye to him. In his youthful, righteous anger, he let her go. Thought she’d come back.

By the time he realized she wasn’t, she was no longer in Cheyenne.

For long moments she sat in his lap, listening to his heart as it beat steadily against her ear, remembering that time long ago.

She didn’t know what had come over her, but the closer they’d become, the more she wanted—needed—him to know how much he’d affected her that night. Why she’d left and never returned.

“So, why did you leave?” He got to the heart of the matter with the simple question.

“Fear.” The answer was as bold as it was concise. She sighed. He wrapped his arms around her and she leaned into his embrace.

“Fear that what I felt wasn’t real. Fear that if it was real, you didn’t feel the same.”

He placed his chin on the top of her head as the memories flooded both of them.

“You know, I felt the same way.”

She leaned her head back far enough to look up into his handsome face.

“I had never felt the way I did that night. It was like there was no one in the world but the two of us. From the moment I laid eyes on you to the moment we fell asleep in each other’s arms. I knew it was different. I guess I was a little scared, too,” he said, the admission surprising her anew.

“You? Why?”

“Tiber and I had the responsibility of the family on our shoulders with Dad’s death,” he began and she nodded. She, like everyone in the community, was saddened by the death of the Wilde patriarch, although everyone knew of his love for smoking his favorite cigars; he’d been diagnosed with cancer and months later it had spread throughout his body.

“With that, not only did we have the company to manage, we had Brick and Riley as well. And those two...” He allowed the sentence to dangle and she giggled lightly, as she’d heard the antics of the two youngest Wildes growing up, as well as from Canton the past few weeks.

She felt his pride as he spoke of his siblings. “That and a few personal things had happened that threw me, baby. To be honest with you, I was still sorting through some issues that rocked my world, even as Tiber and I had to hold it together for the family.”

“So...had I stuck around, then what?” she asked after a long pause.

He shrugged and lifted her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. He gazed down at her. “Oh, who knows...maybe nine months later we would have been welcoming a little Wilde of our own into the world.”

His reply brought a swift hiss of what was a combination of pain and desire for what might have been from Naomi.

He knew she was using the incident of her parents as a factor on their own situation, but the thought of seeing a little brown baby with his bright blue eyes staring at them was so real, so...vivid.

For a moment, the words seemed to affect Canton. A flare of emotion shone big and bright in his eyes. To recognize the truth of his emotions. Even though neither one of them had yet said those three important words to each other.

“So...what do we do now?” she asked in a low voice.

He stroked a hand over her curls, and she lay closer against his chest.

“We keep doing what we’re doing now.” He surprised himself with his answer, not for what he said but the wealth of emotions that lay beyond the words.

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