To Catch a Husband... (19 page)

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Authors: Sarah Mallory

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Hell and damnation, this was madness!

Daniel snapped himself upright. She was as good as promised to Harworth. Her coming here with him today was undoubtedly a declaration of intent. Daniel had been surprised when he had seen the ladies arrive with Harworth, but pleasantly so and he had enjoyed showing them around the mill. Ann Harworth had evinced little interest but Kitty had been eager to learn. He had noticed how she had moved closer when he was talking to Harworth and the questions she had posed today had been intelligent and apposite. If Harworth did marry her she would take an interest in his mill and its workers, he was sure. Daniel stifled the tiny voice in his heart whispering that Harworth didn’t deserve her. He acknowledged his jealousy, but he would overcome it. He cleared his throat.

‘I think we should be getting back, Miss Wythenshawe.’

Kitty looked up as Daniel’s deep voice cut through the light chatter of the schoolroom. She had quite lost track of the time in talking with the teacher and the children. For the first time since coming to Kirkleigh she could see a purpose to her future life. Her concerns that as mistress of Kirkleigh she would have nothing to do were at an end. If Lord Harworth should offer for her then she would interest herself in his people. There were already his tenants and those who worked on his land to care for, but once his mill was working there would be even more families arriving, and many would have young children.

Kitty’s head was buzzing with ideas as she walked back
to the mill beside Daniel and they had gone more than halfway before she realised that her companion had not said one word to her since leaving the nursery building.

‘Thank you for bringing me here,’ she said earnestly. ‘Is it very unusual to set up such a school as this one, Mr Blackwood?’

She was idly swinging her bonnet by its ribbons, too preoccupied to think of putting it on, or to consider the effect of the sun on her complexion.

‘It is becoming more common,’ he replied. ‘Mill owners recognise the benefits of looking after their workers. This was my mother’s idea. She visits frequently to assure herself the children are well cared for.’

‘Yes, I can see that such a role might fall to the mistress,’ murmured Kitty, frowning a little.

‘Do you think men are so lacking in kindness?’ he challenged her.

‘I think they are more motivated by profit, and can forget the more civilised aspects of life,’ she replied, thinking of Lord Harworth, poring over the ledgers in the office.

‘It is not impossible for profit and philanthropy to go together, Miss Wythenshawe!’

Kitty stopped.

‘I beg your pardon,’ she said, her colour heightened. ‘I did not mean to imply any slur upon you, Mr Blackwood.’

‘I am well aware of what you think of me,’ he muttered. ‘I am hardly a gentleman in your eyes!’

He went to walk on but she caught his sleeve.

‘Now what nonsense is this? I thought we had done with that misunderstanding. You know how much I regret ever thinking ill of you.’

He shook off her hand.

‘That is not the point. Nothing can change the fact that I am a manufacturer.’

She was confused by his anger, and a little hurt, too.

‘You told me you were proud of what you are,’ she retorted. ‘Do you think we came here out of idle curiosity, to look at your mill as one might look at a freak show? Lord Harworth wants to build a mill and has consulted you because your family knows more about the subject than anyone.
is why he came to Hestonroyd today.’

‘And you insisted upon accompanying him,’ he threw at her. ‘Still toadying up to him, I don’t doubt, showing him you are the perfect helpmate, entering into all his concerns!’

‘No!’ cried Kitty. What could she say? He was only repeating what everyone else thought of her. She moved a step closer, forcing herself to meet his eyes. ‘That is not how it is. I wanted to come, I wished to see the mill. I wanted…I wanted to discover why it means so much to you, why you are so proud to be a manufacturer.’

The anger still smouldered in his eyes, his mouth fixed in a thin line.

‘And are you satisfied?’

Kitty’s anger melted. He looked so much like a sullen schoolboy that she wanted to reach out and brush the stray lock of hair from his forehead, to pull his face down to hers and kiss away his sulks. She dare not allow herself to do any of these things so she merely nodded.

‘I think you should be very proud of what you have achieved here, Mr Blackwood.’

He continued to stare at her but she would not look away. She needed him to know she was sincere.

‘You must think me a boorish fellow,’ he said at last.

She smiled. ‘I think you have a temper that is not always under control.’

His lips curved a little and the dangerous light faded
from his eyes. The wind had whipped an errant curl across her face and he lifted one hand to catch it.

‘You are right,’ he said, tucking the curl carefully behind her ear. ‘My mother despairs of me.’ The touch of his fingers set Kitty’s heart knocking painfully against her ribs, but when he dropped his hand the lack of contact was even more agonising. She forced herself to stand still while every nerve screamed to reach out for him. The world no longer existed, she was no longer aware of the rumble of the mill, the sound of the stream or the singing of the birds, there was only Daniel, standing so close, holding her eyes.

His face softened, he lifted his hand again. ‘Miss Wythenshawe—Kitty—I…’

‘There you are!’

Lord Harworth’s jovial cry echoed over them. Daniel dropped his hand and Kitty was filled with an intense disappointment. As one they turned, schooling their features to smile as Lord Harworth approached with his sister hanging on his arm.

‘You were gone such a time that we decided to walk out and meet you,’ said Ann. ‘What kept you so long? ‘

‘I’m afraid I could not tear myself away from the children.’ Kitty responded calmly, hoping the turmoil within her did not show in her face. To her relief Ann merely released her brother’s arm and reached out her hand.

‘Bertram thinks it is time we were going back to Kirkleigh, so I think we should walk ahead and let the gentlemen talk business. I know Bertram has one or two final questions he wishes to put to Mr Blackwood.’

Kitty dare not look at Daniel to see if he was happy with this suggestion. She allowed Ann to take her arm and walk with her back towards the mill entrance but all the time she was aware of Daniel and Bertram behind her and although they spoke of nothing but business her ears
strained to catch every syllable that Daniel uttered, revelling in the sound of his deep mellow voice and knowing that she would forever wonder what he would have said to her, if they had not been interrupted.

Chapter Ten

itty did not know whether to be glad or sorry that the visit to Hestonroyd Mill attracted so little interest from Lord Harworth’s guests. On the one hand she would have been glad to discuss all she had seen there, but she was aware that any such discussions must involve mention of Daniel Blackwood and she would much rather not talk about him. She did not even want to think about him, but the wretched man kept coming into her head and cutting up her peace quite dreadfully.

He had not spoken a word to her once Lord Harworth and Ann had joined them on the road outside the mill and when he escorted them back to their carriage she heard him tell Lord Harworth that he would be too busy to call at Kirkleigh again for several weeks.

Kitty was determined to put him out of her mind. She knew the best thing to do was to stay busy so she made great efforts to keep herself occupied. The dry sunny weather continued and the guests at Kirkleigh whiled away their time with pleasant diversions. The younger members
of the party played bowls and amused themselves in the gardens while the gentlemen rode, fished and shot and the older ladies spent most of their time reclining in easy chairs, fanning themselves and complaining of the heat.

Ann was determined that nothing should spoil their ride to Titchwell and resisted Lady Leaconham’s suggestions that they should postpone the visit until the weather was cooler.

‘Pho, Aunt, we are not such fragile creatures that we shall melt under a little sunshine. What say you, Kitty, are you not bored with sitting around the house? Do you not long to ride out in this glorious weather?

‘No, I am not bored,’ said Kitty, who was spending the long, lazy days at Kirkleigh practising upon the pianoforte, writing long letters to her mother or filling her sketchbook with scenes to show Mama and Aunt Jane when she returned home. ‘I am a little nervous of riding out with you,’ she confessed. ‘Selby is very encouraging about my ability, but I am still very much a beginner…’

‘You will be perfectly safe with us,’ Ann assured her. ‘We will enjoy the odd gallop but in the main we will keep to the lanes, so there will be no fences or ditches to cross.’ She dropped her voice so that only Kitty could hear her. ‘And think how wonderful not to have my aunt, or Mama or even Bertram telling us how to go on!’


Tuesday dawned fine and clear, and spirits were high when the young people gathered at the breakfast table. Lady Leaconham was still uneasy and pointed to the strong sunshine as a reason for deferring the ride.

‘To be out of doors in the height of summer, exposed to the elements for hours on end,’ she said. ‘Just think of the damage to your complexions.’

Ann was quick to disclaim.

‘We will have our bonnets, Aunt, and we can always stop under the trees if we need to rest.’

‘But you cannot dismount,’ objected Lady Leaconham. ‘Who will look after your horses if you do not take your groom?’

‘You may be easy, Mama,’ put in Garston. ‘Hamilton, Camber and I will be there to take care of the ladies.’

‘Let them be, Letitia,’ said Lady Harworth before her sister could speak again. ‘Young people must be allowed a little freedom. And what harm can they come to as long as they are on our land?’

‘But what if one of them should fall…?’

Kitty could see that her godmother was not reassured and she gave her a quick hug.

‘Do not worry, ma’am, we will be riding directly to Titchwell and back again. I am not proficient enough for anything more than the gentlest of rides, is that not so, Ann?’

‘We will proceed with great decorum, I promise,’ said Ann, twinkling. ‘You may expect to see us back here in very good time for dinner!’


In high good humour the riders gathered in the stable yard an hour later. There were several minutes of noisy confusion as the horses were brought out and everyone mounted up. Kitty looked askance at Selby as he walked up to her, leading a very pretty grey mare.

‘Dapple has cast a shoe,’ explained the groom. ‘The mistress ordered Bianca to be saddled for you.’

Kitty eyed the mare doubtfully. She had grown used to the little pony and although the grey mare looked beautiful, she doubted she would be quite as docile as Dapple. She was obliged to take an extra step up on the mounting block
to reach the saddle and she tried not to feel too nervous as she gathered up the reins.

‘Just remember all I’ve taught you, miss,’ said Selby as he adjusted the stirrup and checked the girth. ‘She’s a sturdy little mare, and will carry you all day without flagging, never fear.’

‘I seem so much further from the ground,’ said Kitty, trying a little laugh.

‘You will be safe enough on Bianca,’ said Ann soothingly. ‘She has no vicious habits. And if we get separated,’ she added, as she turned to lead the way out of the yard, ‘just give Bianca her head: she knows her way home!’

It did not take Kitty long to settle on to her new mount and she soon felt very comfortable in the saddle. Ann suggested they should gallop through the park and Kitty found the mare’s speed exhilarating. It was gratifying to be able to keep up with her friends and their compliments upon her ability helped her to relax and enjoy the long ride into Titchwell. The landlord of the Star was looking out for them and his stable lads were waiting to take charge of the horses as soon as they arrived.

Kitty allowed one of the diminutive stable boys to catch at the reins, holding the mare steady while Mr Hamilton ran over to help her dismount. Ann had already jumped nimbly to the ground and was gazing intently at a paper nailed to the doorpost as Kitty and her escort walked across the yard.

‘Now what is that, Miss Ann?’ demanded Mr Hamilton, laughing. ‘What has caught your attention?’

Ann quickly tore down the paper handed it to Garston, who uttered a laugh.

‘A little added entertainment,’ he said, tucking the paper into his pocket as they all followed the landlord into the hostelry. Miss Camber and her brother immediately
demanded to know what he meant, but Garston merely shook his head, and when they applied to Ann she would only smile mysteriously.

‘Come now, tell us what is on that paper,’ cried Mr Hamilton as they settled themselves around the table in their private dining room.

‘Something very dear to Miss Wythenshawe’s heart,’ announced Ann.

Kitty looked up.

‘I am sure I do not know what that might be.’

Garston pulled out the paper.

‘An Abolition meeting,’ he read. ‘At Harper’s Field, Chapeltown, this afternoon. Members of the Anti-Slavery Movement will address the meeting.’ He looked up. ‘These meetings are happening everywhere: I think it is time I attended one. Doesn’t do to be behindhand, you know.’

‘Chapeltown is not far from here,’ said Ann. ‘We could go there this afternoon.’

‘But we promised Papa we would go directly back to Kirkleigh,’ objected Miss Camber.

‘It is only a little deviation from our route,’ said Garston, studying the paper. ‘The meeting is for two o’clock: no doubt it will be over by three and if we do not tarry, we will still be back in plenty of time for dinner.’

‘Is Chapeltown part of Lord Harworth’s estate?’ enquired George Camber.

Ann waved one white hand.

‘It is only a couple of miles outside the boundary.’ She pouted. ‘I should have thought that you of all people would want to go, Kitty. You were very keen to support the cause in London.’

‘I am still a supporter, but this is not what we planned…’

‘We planned to spend the day riding.’ Mr Hamilton
grinned. ‘If we were to take a look at the meeting on our way home it can do no harm.’

‘Perhaps Mr Clarkson will be there with his box.’ Ann turned to Miss Camber, her eyes wide. ‘You should have seen him, Lizzie, he pulled out thumbscrews and leg-shackles, all designed to subdue the poor slaves. I vow I almost fainted at the sight of such gruesome articles.’

‘By Jove, I wish I had been there!’ declared George Camber. ‘By all means let us ride over after lunch and take a look.’

‘We need not stay long,’ added Garston, ‘We do not want to be late for dinner.’

‘And I should like to see what this Clarkson has to say,’ added Mr Hamilton.

‘Let us take a vote upon it!’ cried Ann. ‘Who would like to ride over to Chapeltown when we have finished our meal?’

Kitty remained silent, but the others were all in favour. She tried to hide her unease. She guessed that a large crowd meeting in the open air might not be quite so well behaved as those gathered in Lombard Street. Something of her thoughts showed in her face, for Ann reached over and gripped her hand.

‘Do cheer up, Kitty. You were doubtful about the meeting in London, were you not? And those fears were quite unfounded.’

‘It did pass off very well,’ Kitty admitted.

‘And so will this one,’ said Ann. ‘Besides, this time we have three gentlemen to look after us.’

Mr Hamilton reached for the bottle of wine.

‘Don’t you worry, Miss Wythenshawe,’ he said comfortably. ‘We will take care of you all. And if we don’t like the look of the meeting, we can always ride away.’

‘Good notion, Hamilton.’ Garston nodded. ‘Is that the last of the bottle? Waiter, bring us more wine, and hurry!’


Because of their proposed detour the little party did not tarry over their lunch and they were soon on their way again, not riding back towards Kirkleigh but taking the road south to Chapeltown. It was a glorious day and the trilling song of a lark accompanied them as they rode between the thick green hedges that marked the lower valleys and provided a contrast with the dry stone walls of the hill farms. As they approached Chapeltown the road became noticeably busier.

‘No need to fret about getting lost,’ grinned Mr Hamilton, bringing his horse alongside Kitty’s mare. ‘I have just spoken to one of the men. He is a local, and says everyone is going to Harper’s Field. All we need do is to follow the crowd.’

Ahead of them Kitty could see the people stepping off the road and into a field, where a number of carts and carriages were already drawn up close to a small copse, taking advantage of the shade. One farm cart had been stationed out in the open, and Kitty guessed it was to act as an improvised stage for the group of serious-looking gentlemen standing close by. She looked around. From her vantage point in the saddle she had a good view of the whole area. There were one or two better-dressed gentlemen sitting in the carriages under the trees, but the large crowd comprised mainly working men. Farm labourers, she guessed, with a few women amongst them and a noisy crowd of very young men in one corner that she thought could well be apprentices.

‘You see,’ said Ann, ‘everyone is perfectly amiable.’

‘They are also perfectly noisome,’ giggled Lizzie
Camber, holding a handkerchief to her nose. ‘Let us move away from the crowd, shall we?’

‘Aye,’ agreed her brother. ‘We could tether the horses in the shade. That fellow over there has a flagon of ale. I wonder if he would sell it to me. It’s dashed hot here today.’

‘Good idea, George. Let’s get the ladies into the shade and we’ll come back and ask him.’

They began to walk their horses towards the trees. Kitty noticed that more people were arriving, one or two on horseback but most were walking, including a large group of rough-looking men who strode purposefully into the field. Very quickly the festival atmosphere disappeared. The late-comers were carrying thick sticks that they brandished threateningly. The air was now full of menace and Kitty watched, horrified, as they began to force their way through the crowd, lashing out at anyone who got in their way. Angry roars replaced the laughter and chatter as fighting broke out amongst the men. Kitty looked towards the apprentices. With a loud halloo they charged into the crowd, fists flying. Behind her she heard Garston utter an oath.

‘We should get out of here,’ he said sharply. ‘Camber, look to your sister. Ann, Kitty, come along.’

They turned towards the gate, but Kitty could see that their exit was blocked by even more people pouring into the field. Behind her, shouts and yells filled the air: men were grappling with each other, women screamed and people were running in all directions, trying to avoid the rough-looking men brandishing the cudgels.

‘This way!’ shouted George Camber, turning his horse about, but everywhere they looked there were groups of men, fighting. Lizzie Camber began to cry.

The crowd was spilling out around them. A man
cannoned into Ann’s mare, which reared and snorted nervously. Garston pushed his own horse closer and urged Ann to move away. Kitty fought down her nerves, trying not to snatch at the reins as Bianca sidled and fretted beneath her. A scream made her look round. A woman with a baby in her arms was being pursued by a black-jowled man in a leather waistcoat. The woman was turning, using her body to shield the child from the blows he was aiming at her with his short staff. The man was gaining on his victim; another few strides and his huge paw would close on her shoulder and she would be lost.

Without thinking Kitty kicked Bianca, forcing the horse between the woman and her attacker.

‘No! Leave her alone, you fiend!’

The man pulled up quickly and narrowly avoided crashing into Bianca. He raised his head and glared at Kitty, his face contorted with rage. With a snarl he lifted his stick, whether to attack Kitty or Bianca she did not know, but even as she tried to move the mare out of the way, a huge black horse thundered up, its rider kicking out one booted foot to knock her assailant to the ground.

‘Daniel!’ Kitty gazed at her saviour, dizzy with relief.

He said nothing, merely grabbed at her reins and led her away from the immediate danger. Ann and the others trotted up. Kitty noticed that George Camber was riding very close to his sister, who was sobbing quietly.

‘Blackwood, thank heaven—’ began Mr Hamilton, but Daniel cut him short.

‘We need to get out of here, immediately.’

Garston nodded, looking pale.

‘I know,’ he said, ‘but the gateway is blocked with carriages and men fighting…’

‘We will have to jump the hedge,’ said Daniel shortly. ‘The longer we delay the more chance that we will be
attacked. Go on,’ he ordered as George Camber began to protest. ‘We must get the ladies out of here!’ He held Bianca’s rein to prevent her following as the others set off towards the far corner of the field. He turned to Kitty. ‘You will have to jump, too. What practice have you had?’

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