Read To Bed a King Online

Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #Bodyguards in Love

To Bed a King (13 page)

BOOK: To Bed a King
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“Yep,” the janitor said, stuffing the bill in his shirt pocket. “I’ll take care of what I need to at the other end of the building then catch the game on the TV in the library.”

“Perfect.” Raven gave the man a friendly slap on the back before returning to the gym.

The decorations were perfect. The party planner he’d hired to give the gym an authentic late eighties-style, had done a fantastic job.

He spotted Ghazi across the room talking to Jimmy, who had happily agreed to provide a portion of the night’s entertainment. Unbuttoning his sports coat, Raven walked towards the man he loved who was completely drool-worthy in his expensive tuxedo. He couldn’t keep the smile off his face. Evidently Ghazi was used to an entirely different kind of dance than the ones Raven had been to growing up.

“All set,” he informed them.

Ghazi’s brows rose at the sheer white T-shirt under Raven’s jacket. He brushed his hand over Raven’s chest, stopping to pluck at the pebbled nipples. “I wasn’t sure why you didn’t want the janitor around, but I’m starting to figure it out.”

“You guys aren’t planning to like, fuck around us or anything, right?” Archer asked.

Raven glanced at his co-worker. Archer might act disgusted, but the hard cock trapped in his black leather pants told a different story. “I wasn’t planning on doing it right there on the dance floor, but I was hoping to blow my man in a bathroom stall.”

“Experienced at that are you?”


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Raven was, but no way would he tell Archer. The man already thought he was a slut. If he knew Raven had blown half nearly every unattached bodyguard that worked for Three Partners he’d never hear the end of it.

Instead of answering, Raven tugged on Ghazi’s hand when he saw Brier and Jackie enter the gym. “Come on. Let’s go welcome our friends.”

As they walked off, Raven heard Jimmy reprimanding Archer. “Why do you have to say stuff like that to him?”

“I don’t know. Habit, I guess,” Archer answered.

“Well, time for a change in habits,” Jimmy informed his partner.

“Yes, babe.”

Raven continued walking. Thank God Archer found a man who loved him despite his faults. Maybe they’d all get lucky and Jimmy would mellow Archer enough that he could actually be in the same room with Raven without calling him names. He sighed. A guy could hope.

The sound of the programmed music started, filling the gym with a song from the past.

Raven pressed himself against Ghazi’s side. “You ready to shake your groove thang?”

“I thought I’d already done that today, twice.”

Without missing a step, Raven reached down and palmed Ghazi’s cock through his tuxedo pants. “It’s not my fault. You’re the one who made me pack up all my toys. You know how I get when I’m nervous and excited about something.”

“Yes, believe me, I know. As a matter of fact, I’m planning to keep you on edge for the next fifty years or so.”

Raven’s ass clenched at the idea of riding Ghazi’s cock for the next half-century. He stopped in front of Brier and Jackie and held out his hand. He’d usually hug Brier, but with his cock painfully hard, Raven didn’t think it was a good idea. “What do you think?”

Brier’s big brown eyes were huge as he continued to stare at the Christmas lights and streamers draped from the tall ceiling. “It’s beautiful. Even better than the dance on Footloose and that was awesome.”

The comparison made Raven smile. “I’m glad you like it. Why don’t the two of you grab something to eat? There’s also some beer or pop in the cooler beside the food table. I have something Ghazi needs to take care of in the bathroom.”

“Huh?” Brier asked, his brows drawn together.


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Jackie leant over and whispered in Brier’s ear. Brier’s jaw dropped. “Really? Do you think we could try that later?”

Jackie chuckled. “Of course. What would a high school dance be without some fooling around in the bathroom or the janitor’s closet?”

“The closet?” Brier shook his head in apparent wonder. “I think I would’ve loved high school.”

* * * *

The sounds of eighties rock filtered through the door as Ghazi licked Raven’s nipple through the white shirt, rendering the fabric completely transparent. “This is so sexy.”

“Glad you like it.” Raven moaned and started unfastening Ghazi’s pants. “Want you.”

“Not yet.” Ghazi lifted Raven and sat him on the edge of the sink and knelt between Raven’s legs. “This is your special evening, and to honour such, I will pleasure you first.”

Raven reached down and threaded his fingers through Ghazi’s black curls. “You pleasure me daily. What I desire is for you to fuck me from behind.”

With Raven’s cockhead poised at his lips, Ghazi stopped. “From behind? I thought we’d grown beyond that phase of your life?” He ran his tongue over the dark bronzed head, stopping to gather the generous drops of pre-cum.

“Sometimes we must face our pasts.” Raven ran his finger around Ghazi’s lips as they stretched over the girth of Raven’s cock. “It’s important to me,” he whispered.

Ghazi released the cock in his mouth and stood. Cupping Raven’s face, he leant in until his cheek rested against Raven’s. He didn’t fully understand Raven’s request, but anything that meant that much to the man he loved would be met with love and vigour. “Take off your pants.”

Within moments Raven was completely naked with his hands braced on the edge of the sink and his ass pushed out. “Leave your tux on,” Raven instructed, handing Ghazi a small tube of lube.

Before opening the lube, Ghazi reached down and pushed his pants down. “I’ll leave my top-half clothed, but I don’t relish the thought of going through the entire night with lube spots on my trousers.”


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Raven glanced over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. “You’re so prissy sometimes.

Seriously? With an ass like this on display the only thing you can think of is messing up your pants?”

Ghazi knew Raven was poking him on purpose. It was a known fact between them that their love-making took on an entirely different level when they argued. Ghazi wrapped an arm around Raven’s waist and slammed his cock against the crease of Raven’s ass. “I’ll show you who’s prissy.”

“Show me,” Raven challenged, reaching for his cock.

Ghazi opened the tube and dripped lube down Raven’s crack, making it easier to slide his cock up and down the crevice. “How many times have you been bent over a sink?” he growled. He hated the thought of another man fucking Raven.

“Too many to count,” Raven admitted. “But never by someone interested in more than a night of manic fucking.”

Ghazi lifted one of Raven’s legs to rest on the edge of the sink before sinking three fingers deep within his partner. “From now on, mine is the only cock that’ll be buried in your ass.”

“You think you’re up to the job? I like a lot of sex.”

Removing his fingers, Ghazi applied lube to the length of his cock before pressing it against Raven’s stretched hole. “I will make a pallet for you under my desk. You need only to reach between my legs to have me at your bidding.”

Raven shoved back, impaling himself fully on Ghazi’s cock. “I like the sound of that.”

“I thought you would.” Ghazi withdrew his length before surging back inside. Once they had come to an agreement, Ghazi gripped Raven’s hips and began a hard, fast pace in and out of his lover.

The position allowed a clear view of Raven’s tattoo, reminding Ghazi of his partner’s past. Raven’s words came back to him. Ghazi’s rhythm stuttered as he realised why the position was so important to Raven.

Ghazi bent and kissed the tip of each wing. Raven needed to make sure Ghazi accepted him as he was. “I love you.”

Raven’s back muscles flexed as he began fucking himself on Ghazi’s cock. The action made the wings appear to move, almost as if Raven was readying himself to take flight. “I love you, too,” Raven ground out between clenched jaws.


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Ghazi moved one hand to Raven’s shoulder, holding him in place as his pace began to increase. “Listen.”

The acoustics in the restroom amplified the sound of slapping skin. It was probably the most erotic sound Ghazi had ever heard. With each slap of his balls against Raven’s skin, Ghazi slipped closer to the edge.

“I…can’t…hold…off,” Raven panted as his body began to jerk with the force of his orgasm.

The squeeze of Raven’s ass as he rode out his climax pushed Ghazi over the edge. He pressed against Raven’s lower back as he shot deep within his lover. Despite it being their third fuck of the day, Ghazi’s sac continued to pump seed in Raven’s hole.

The intense orgasm left Ghazi feeling completely drained of energy. He slumped against Raven’s back and struggled to regain his breath.

“You can fuck me in the restroom anytime.”

“I’ll remember that,” Ghazi mumbled.

* * * *

After dancing the Electric Slide with Brier, Jared and several others, Raven wiped the sweat from his neck and joined Ghazi and his friends at the table.

Ghazi threaded his fingers through Raven’s as soon as he sat down. “Amir has found a broker for the diamonds. Seb is due to meet with him next week.”

“That’s good news,” Raven regarded Amir, Mac and Nicco. “Thanks.”

“Our pleasure,” Mac answered.

The music from the CD player kicked off and the sound of Jimmy’s acoustic guitar filled the room. It was the song he’d written for Archer, a current number one hit across the nation.

“Dance with me,” Raven whispered against Ghazi’s lips.

“Only if you lead. I haven’t danced since I was a boy.”

Raven climbed off his partner’s lap and pulled Ghazi to his feet. As they came together on the dance floor, they were joined by every couple in the room. A few of the bodyguards stood around, looking awkward in their single status. Raven thanked God he was no longer TO BED A KING

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living in the land of bachelorhood. He hummed to the song as he danced, cherished in his lover’s strong arms.

He glanced around them, happy to see his friends enjoying the sentimental love song.

The way Jared and Seb clung to each other nearly brought tears to Raven’s eyes. He obviously knew something Seb hadn’t figured out.
I could stand naked in front of Jared and he
wouldn’t even notice me.
The slight, kind-hearted Jared would forever only have eyes for the big jackass, Seb.

Raven chuckled.

Ghazi leant back. “What’s funny?”

“Nothing much. I’m just realising how much I’m going to miss these guys.”

Ghazi looked around at the various couples. “Are you going to change your mind about coming home with me?”

“No. Oh, God, no. Don’t even think that.”

“Then I shall fly your friends to Jurru whenever you need them.”

Raven wrapped his arms around Ghazi’s neck. Under the glow of the twinkle lights, he gazed into the loving eyes of his partner. “You’re the only person I will ever
.” He looked over his shoulder at his friends. “They’ve all finally found love, just as I have. It’ll make me happy enough to catch up with them a few times a year.”

Ghazi brushed his lips against Raven’s. “Whatever you want, know that I will give it freely and with love.”

“I know.” Although he’d always thought his life would be complete if he found a rich man who loved him, Raven had no idea he would gain so much more than money if he found a man to love in return.

About the Author

An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her own brand of erotic romance. Carol juggles between being a full-time mother and a full-time writer.

These days, you can usually find Carol either cleaning jelly out of the carpet or nestled in her favourite chair writing steamy love scenes.

Email: [email protected]

Also by Carol Lynne

Campus Cravings: Coach

Campus Cravings: Side-Lined

Campus Cravings: Sacking the Quarterback

Campus Cravings: Off-Season

Campus Cravings: Forbidden Freshman

Campus Cravings: Broken Pottery

Campus Cravings: In Bear’s Bed

Campus Cravings: Office Advances

Campus Cravings: A Biker’s Vow

Campus Cravings: Hershie’s Kiss

Campus Cravings: Theron’s Return

Campus Cravings: Live for Today

Good Time Boys: Sonny’s Salvation

Good-time Boys: Garron’s Gift

Good-time Boys: Rawley’s Redemption

Good-time Boys: Twin Temptations

Cattle Valley: All Play & No Work

Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Mistletoe

Cattle Valley: Sweet Topping

Cattle Valley: Rough Ride

Cattle Valley: Physical Therapy

Cattle Valley: Out of the Shadow

Cattle Valley: Bad Boy Cowboy

Cattle Valley: The Sound of White

Cattle Valley: Gone Surfin’

Cattle Valley: The Last Bouquet

Cattle Valley: Eye of the Beholder

Cattle Valley: Cattle Valley Days

Cattle Valley: Bent-Not Broken

Cattle Valley: Arm Candy

Cattle Valley: Recipe for Love

Cattle Valley: Firehouse Heat

Cattle Valley: Neil’s Guardian Angel

Cattle Valley: Scarred

Karaoke at the Tumbleweed

Legend Anthology: Healing Doctor Ryan

Joey’s First Time

Between Two Lovers

Corporate Passion

Poker Night: Texas Hold Em

Poker Night: Slow-Play

Poker Night: Different Suits

Poker Night: Full House

Men in Love: Reunion

Bodyguards in Love: Brier’s Bargain

Bodyguards in Love: Seb’s Surrender

Bodyguards in Love: I Love Rock N Roll

Bodyguards in Love: Taming Black Dog Four

Bodyguards in Love: Seducing the Sheik

Also by Carol Lynne and T.A Chase

Dracul’s Revenge: Dracul’s Blood

Dracul’s Revenge: Anarchy in Blood

Carol loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

BOOK: To Bed a King
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