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Authors: Desiree Holt

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“That was the appropriate decision. Come in and we’ll see where we are.” The man stood back to let them enter.

Rachel looked around the interior of the house. As rustic as the place was outside, the inside was finished down to the last detail. A massive stone fireplace rose against one wall, with bookshelves on either side. The walls were beige stucco, the floors polished hardwood, the furniture comfortable and inviting. One end of the room had a dining table and chairs as well as a long sideboard and led into an open kitchen. Stairs reached up to a second floor where she assumed the bedrooms and bathrooms were.

“I think we can all use a drink,” Gabe said to the other man. “Then explanations. I want to know what the hell happened and how.”

He led an unresisting Rachel to the couch and sat down beside her. She gratefully accepted the drink the man who’d greeted them handed to her, knowing she desperately needed something to settle her nerves. She’d gone from hot, sweaty sex to fleeing the city in a too short a span of time and her head was reeling. This whole situation convinced her even more that whatever Gabe did was very top secret.

“All right,” their host said, sitting in a large chair across from them. “Here’s the situation. Miss Winters, we haven’t met but you may be familiar with my name. Daniel Killian.”

Rachel’s hand jerked in surprise, nearly spilling her drink. “DRK Inc., right?”

He nodded.

She dug into her mind to remember what she’d been told about DRK. Daniel R.

Killian, Incorporated. A highly respected, low profile security and protection agency specializing in…well…almost everything covered by those two terms.

Run by a former CIA operative, it employed former Special Ops, Army Ranger, Delta Force and SEALs as well as high caliber former policemen. They operated internationally and no one ever talked about the things they did or their accomplishments. Clients had to be referred to them to hire them. It was whispered they also did “off the books” work for the government when missions required plausible deniability.

Was this who Gabe worked for? Was this why he was gone all the time and could never tell her where he was going or why?

She studied the man standing there for a moment. Probably as tall as Gabe but heavier, his dark brown hair shot with gray, piercing chocolate eyes peering out from beneath thick brows. Lines were carved into his square-jawed face and his nose looked as if it had been broken at least once. She was sure the sweater and slacks he was wearing cost as much as her entire wardrobe.

“You were… Didn’t you… I mean…” God, why did she have to sound so stupid.

“Yes. We were the ones who rescued Sam Harris two years ago.”

Rescued. Such a basic word for the intricate mission they pulled off.

“Of course.” She took a sip of her drink to steady herself. “Not something I’m likely to forget.”

“You and I did not meet personally at that time but I understand you were extremely valuable in helping the foundation keep a low profile during the entire episode. And also providing support for Loraine.”

“Both Sam and Loraine are very important to me,” she told him. “As is the foundation.” She looked at Gabe. “When we met at that barbecue…”

“I wangled an invitation,” he confessed. “I saw you briefly when we returned Sam to his home and I wanted to meet you. I asked a few quiet questions, found out you were going to the barbecue hosted by a couple who owed me a favor.” He reached for her hand again, a surprising silent declaration to the man who was obviously his boss that she was more than just a woman he was spending the evening with. If he meant it to make her feel more secure it was helping.

“I hope you won’t be offended,” Killian said, “if I tell you that from the moment Gabriel showed an interest in you we had you thoroughly investigated.” He held up his hand as she opened her mouth to object. “Please understand that the nature of our work dictates that anyone my people are involved with must be beyond suspicion. We already knew a great deal about you from our association with the foundation.”

She looked at Gabe but his face at that moment was unreadable. Was he waiting to hear what she said? She swallowed the angry retort on the tip of her tongue and took a moment to compose her thoughts. Despite her irritation at this unknown intrusion into her life, now that she knew the circumstances a little better she had to admit it made sense. Especially after finding out that Gabe was on someone’s hit list.

“I understand completely. If Gabe is doing dangerous work, it’s important to know that when he’s not on duty, so to speak, he has a safe place to unwind. So can you tell me exactly what he does?” She looked directly at Daniel Killian. “I mean, now that I’ve been yanked out of my house in the middle of the night and have no idea what’s happening?”

Gabe and Killian exchanged glances, then the older man cleared his throat. “Since Sam’s kidnapping we’ve worked off the books for the government to infiltrate the terrorist cell that took him and tried to follow it to the top. The group that kidnapped him was just one unit of an organization calling themselves Sword of Allah. But we think the name’s a red herring. That they’re a huge mercenary army for hire to whatever cause pays them the most. The government needs them put out of business but at the same time can’t be involved in it. We’ve done things like this before.”

“And?” Rachel prompted when he paused.

“Gabe is one of my best. We managed to get him inside and he’s been working on this for two years, moving up in the structure to where he was close to getting the names we wanted. And the opportunity to shut them down for good.”

“But something happened,” Rachel guessed. “Or we wouldn’t be here in the middle of the night.”

“Yeah,” Gabe broke in. “I’d like to know what the hell is going on too. I thought we had this operation locked down tight. No leaks. No way for anyone to know who I am.”

Killian nodded. “So did I. But someone somehow learned who you are, Gabriel and put out the order to eliminate you. Immediately. We…learned through an informant that the order just came down tonight, that they knew where you were and you were to be taken down at once.” He looked at Rachel. “I promise you, Miss Winters, you would have been little more than collateral damage to them. That’s the way they operate.”

“But how did this happen?” Rachel asked. “He wasn’t at the dinner even thirty minutes. We left almost as soon as he arrived. I know for a fact he was very careful when we drove to my house. And I can’t imagine anyone at the fundraiser knowing who he is.” She looked at Gabe.

“That’s the only thing I can think of.” Gabe’s voice was flat but Rachel sensed the hidden anger. She didn’t blame him. This was his life they were talking about.

“Someone we didn’t expect was in place and somehow recognized me.” He looked at his boss. “What are you doing about it?”

Killian shrugged. “I put people to work on it at once. It happened suddenly so we’re playing catch-up at the moment. The first thing we did was pull a list of everyone at the function tonight, including staff and start a check. Everyone in the tech department’s working on it.”

“What happens next?” Gabe asked. “Do we just sit here and wait? You know that’s not my style.”

“At the moment your safety is the number one priority,” Killian told him. “I use this house when I need a very secure place for someone important.” Killian swallowed the rest of his drink and looked at Rachel. “I’m sorry you were caught in this but Gabriel was right not to leave you behind. Five minutes after you left men invaded your house looking for him.”

“My house?” She suddenly felt cold all over.

“Yes. We managed to get there just as they finished searching and let them go in order to see who they would lead us to.”

“And?” Gabe prompted.

“We followed them back to an apartment building and we’re sitting on them. They had to report they didn’t find you, so sooner or later they’ll get new orders. When they move, we move.”

Rachel looked from one man to the other. “And that’s all we can do? They wanted to kill us, for god’s sake.”

Killian rose from the chair. “I know that. But until my men report in we can’t make specific plans. That’s why I had both of you brought here. Obviously neither of you can leave here for the moment.”

Gabe tensed beside her and squeezed her hand even harder. She wanted to say something but she was so out of her element she couldn’t think of something sensible.

Additionally, she was conscious again of the scent of sex still clinging to her and the way the two of them appeared.

“I’d like to take a shower, if that’s possible,” she told Killian.

“Of course. Let me show you both upstairs.” His gaze traveled over the two of them. “We keep a wide selection of clothes in one of the rooms since we never know exactly who will be a…guest here. Feel free to help yourself. Both of you.”

He led them up the stairs and opened the first door they came to.

“I assume you’ll only need one room?” A tiny smile played at the corner of his mouth.

“That’s fine.” Gabe’s voice was expressionless. “Give us some time, okay?”

“No problem. I assume Miss Winters has a lot of questions to ask you.”

Gabe grunted. “No doubt.”

“And Gabriel? Despite any objections you might have, you’re stuck here at least until the team reports back. I know you want to get out there but I’m not willing to risk your life any more than we have to.”

He turned and walked back down the stairs, effectively shutting off further conversation.

Gabe slammed the door and banged his fist against it. “Shit, shit, shit.”

“That seems to be your favorite expression tonight,” Rachel commented, wrapping her arms around herself.

She suddenly felt chilled to the bone. Her home had been invaded, she’d had to flee in the middle of the night with a man who—face it, she hardly knew except in bed—

and she had no idea what was going to happen next.

Gabe drew in a deep breath, exhaled slowly, a pulled her close to him. “I’m sorry about this. You didn’t deserve to be caught in this.”

“Maybe now it’s time for you to fill in the blanks around Mr. Killian’s information.”

She leaned her head against his chest, feeling the hard planes of muscle beneath his shirt.

“Let’s get you showered first. Then I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. After that we’ll talk to Dan and see if we can close the door on this. Come on.”

He took her hand and led her into a bathroom with the biggest shower she’d ever seen. Thick towels were piled in readiness on the counter and a variety of soaps and gels were lined up on an inside shelf.

“Your boss seems to think of everything,” she commented.

“You don’t know the half of it.” Gabe slid the shower door open and reached in to turn on the spray, then pulled off his shirt and trousers. He looked at Rachel. “Well?

What are you waiting for?”

Chapter Three

Gabe was so gentle with her Rachel nearly cried. The shock of the night’s events had caught up with her. She stood, shivering, as he peeled off her top and slacks, then positioned her in the shower so the spray hit her just right. He brushed her wet hair away from her face, stroking her cheek with his long fingers. Even the hot water couldn’t seem to warm her up, so Gabe pulled her tight against his naked body, wrapping his arms around her and rubbing her back.

They stood there, water pouring down on them, creating a mist that wrapped around them like a cocoon. Somehow as his hands stroked her and his body warmed her she forgot about shivering and being scared. Her brain locked onto one thing—she and Gabe were naked, skin-to-skin in this shower. She closed her eyes and for a moment wished she was back at the foundation party, the orchestra playing something warm and mellow in the background, Gabe moving her to the music with a familiar fluid grace.

But now they were locked in an erotic dance, flirting at the edge of danger and she wasn’t sure she knew all the steps. He had an erection that was hard enough to carve a hole in her. His thick rod was like a hot pipe pressing into her, the hair on his chest a rough carpet pricking at her breasts and nipples. She tightened her arms around his waist and nipped at his chest with her teeth. When she found a flat nipple she pulled it into her mouth, closing her lips over it.

Gabe’s big body tensed and his fingers dug into her spine. While her mouth explored every inch of his chest and abdomen his hands slid down to her buttocks, squeezing the cheeks rhythmically, the tips of his fingers intruding into the deep cleft.

“Look up at me,” he rasped.

Rachel lifted her face and as the shower sprayed down on them he took her mouth in a rapacious kiss, his tongue licking every inch of the inside of the welcoming cavern.

She was trembling now but for a different reason. The danger they were in disappeared in the thunder of lust that swept through her. She wanted this man. Oh, god, how she wanted him. The pulse deep in her cunt began to beat its tempo of arousal.

“Jesus, Rachel.” Gabe was breathing heavily when he broke the kiss. “This probably isn’t either the time or the place for this but I have to have you now.”

“Now?” she repeated. “In the middle of all this?”

“I don’t know what’s going to happen tonight. I don’t want to think I wasted even one minute of whatever time we have.”

She blew out a breath, wiping everything else from her mind except the here and now. “Me, either.”

He gave her a wry grin. “You’re a habit I can’t kick.”

“Is that so bad?” she asked, reaching between them to wrap her fingers around his cock.

His breath whistled through his teeth and he flexed in her grip. “Common sense—

which apparently I don’t seem to have—says I should never have started with you. I’ll probably go to hell for pulling you into this life I live. It’s too erratic. Too unsafe. But the truth is, the minute I saw you my brain took a vacation and my body took over. And with each time we spent together, you became more and more important to me. Now I’ve put you in danger, yanked out of your home in the middle of the night—”

Rachel pressed her fingers against his lips. “Hush. I knew the minute I met you that you weren’t any kind of ordinary man. I knew nothing about you and I didn’t care. And I also didn’t care whenever you showed up without warning and left the same way.”

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