'Tis the Season: A Collection of Mimi's Christmas Books (46 page)

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Authors: Mimi Barbour

Tags: #She's Not You

BOOK: 'Tis the Season: A Collection of Mimi's Christmas Books
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“I’ve accepted the inevitable, Marcus, but I still don’t know why Sister wouldn’t let us come to be with Nicholas right now. You know how he is when we stay away too long. He gets so distraught that no one can calm him. I can’t stand thinking of him suffering, crying for me, and me not going to him. It breaks my heart.” So saying, she dissolved again, withdrawing previously dampened tissues from her pocket and shuffling through the mass trying to find an unused one.

Hearing Marcus clear his throat, she glanced his way and then accepted the clean hankie he held.

“She said something about weaning him away from his attachment,” he said. “Plus, he’s to be the baby Jesus tonight, and they wanted him to behave at his best.” She cocked her head and looked at him disbelievingly. “I know, it doesn’t make sense. My guess is that his new parents are to be there today, and she didn’t want you running into them and becoming upset. Especially so soon after your recovery.”

She wiped her eyes, straightened her shoulders, and inhaled unsteadily. “Marcus, I’m worried about Cece, also. She’s formed a connection to him and will be distressed when they take him away.”

“I know, my dear. I’ve seen how she worries over him like a miniature mother. But Cece will be performing tonight, especially for you, and so I’m sure they’ll keep her busy and unaware of what’s happening. You know, she’s learned every word of the first few verses of ‘Away in the Manager’ and intends to sing it all by herself? It’s all she’s been talking about since you’ve been—shall we say—incommunicado.”

Abbie smiled and felt the heaviness in her heart lighten. She pictured the little darling, who, once she’d set her mind to something, couldn’t be stopped. Abbie reached over to cling to Marcus’ hand, and her spirits lifted when she thought about seeing the little girl later that evening.

He stopped the vehicle and, before they went into the cottage to gather what she would need for staying at his house, he slid toward her and took her in his arms. “I’ll give you all the babies you want, Darling. Dogs, babies, anything to keep you happy.” His kiss sealed the promise with such aching tenderness that she knew she should count her lucky stars. Even though she was about to lose someone she loved, she’d gained so much more, and with that she’d make herself be satisfied.


Back at Marcus’ house, together with Madeline and her parents, the rest of the day passed slowly, filled with reminiscences and stories from each of them in turn. Marcus, quiet as usual, sat near her, ever watchful. Between his undivided attention, the dog’s hovering while periodically whining and licking her hand, and both her parents’ and Madeline’s kind concern, Abbie felt wholly loved.

The dreadful heartache receded but never quite left as she gave the best performance of her life. Her mum’s poodle, Bertie, scratched at her knee until she picked him up, as if he sensed her unhappiness and decided his furry, warm, little body would give her comfort. And Mate simply looked on understandingly.

Toward evening, she slipped her presents under the tree and felt astonished to see how many gifts had magically appeared tagged with her name. While the Christmas lights twinkled and the ornaments glowed, the tinsel shimmered pure silver, alive from the fire’s reflections. She wandered up to the mantel, where Madeline had placed a wonderful nativity scene. The figurines looked to be antiques, and well loved. They reminded her of the celebration she would be at later, and of Cece, who’d be performing specially for her.

Numbering her blessings, as was her nature, Abbie shook off the lingering sadness. She looked into the nearby mirror and liked what she saw. Her hair gleamed from being freshly shampooed, and her silky, short-skirted red dress, made purposely for the holidays, looked professionally sewn. The high-heeled slippers to match added to her height and gave her confidence.

The dinner table, fancied up with a white linen tablecloth, tall red candles, crystal glasses, lavish dishes, and an arrangement of fresh poinsettias, was set up next to the tree to take advantage of the room’s ambience. Marcus’ part-time housekeeper had prepared a wonderful meal that inundated the room with incredible smells of turkey and stuffing, puddings, and mulled wine. The woman was to spend the next day with her own family, and therefore she’d cooked them a special treat tonight, both for Christmas and in celebration of their engagement. Abbie had finally gotten to meet that paragon, and had taken to her straight off.

After they were all seated, Abbie stood to get everyone’s attention and lifted her glass. “I want to make a toast. You’ve all been so kind today, and I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your caring. I’ve enjoyed being a part of these festivities and look forward to many more.” Then she turned to the man at her side and leaned down to kiss his cheek. “Marcus, my darling, I’m blessed by your love.”

Not to be outdone, Marcus stood and spoke, and then each of the others took a turn. The quips became more and more outrageous, and laughter flowed along with the wine.
Now this is what families should be all about,
Abbie thought.
Enjoying each other with laughter and hugs. I’m so lucky to be a part of it all.

Later, after they’d unwrapped some of their gifts, she joined them in the foyer. Everyone put on their heavy winter overcoats, adorned with Christmas corsages bought by Madeline, and they added their new scarves and mitts, made by Abbie. They all thanked her once more for her thoughtful presents. Once everyone was ready, they made their way to join in the town’s festivities.

Upon their arrival, the first person Abbie saw was the vicar, dressed in his Santa suit. He bustled around, getting in everyone’s way. “Oh, my dears, I’m so glad you’ve come a bit early. No one else has arrived yet, and I’m getting terribly anxious. And awfully hot. Maybe I should have waited to get dressed in my finery.”

Abbie went to hug the little man and calm him at the same time. “Father, hush. Everything will be just fine. Step outside for a moment to cool down, and it would probably help if you took off the whiskers and hat until the people start to arrive. As far as the rest, we’re here now and we’ll help get things set up. Tell us what’s to be done.”

“The kitchen. No one has opened up in there, and we need to get the coffee and tea started and set out the trays of cookies and cakes. The goodies have been arriving all afternoon, but all I did was put them in the cold room out back. The stage is ready, and Sister Agnes called to say they weren’t going to appear until the last minute, as the children would get too excited. And, let me see, oh, yes—Frank has taken the vicarage bus and has gone to pick up the seniors from The Gardens. They’ll be here shortly and have promised to pitch in serving the refreshments.”

Abbie bit her lip to stop from grinning, happy to see the vicar in his stride. “Father Witherby? I’d like to introduce you to my parents, Corrie and Hans Strauss. They’ve found me, thanks to Madeline, and I’m ever so grateful.”

“Yes, she told me earlier. Welcome, and God bless.” He shook their hands, then wrapped an arm around Abbie. “Your daughter is one of my very favourite people. If everyone had even half her heart, the world would be a far better place.”

Hans stepped forward. “Seems she takes after her mother, then, because I’m far too crotchety.”

Laughter set the mood for the evening. The women went to work in the kitchen while the men helped set out more chairs.

A little later, Abbie felt the presence of someone close behind her. As she turned, Mrs. Pearson stepped close and kissed her cheek. The woman appeared so much younger than the previous time she’d seen her. Contentment shone from her eyes, and the tense expression she usually wore was missing.

“Mrs. Pearson. I’m so happy to see you looking this well. What have you done with yourself?”

“Since I saw you last, I’ve moved over to the Gardens and become immersed in their book club to the point that they’ve elected me chairperson. I’ve been spending a lot of time reading to some of the residents who’ve lost their sight, and that’s helped me make so many new friends. Abbie, I don’t know why I didn’t take your advice years ago. It took a rather smart young man to make me see I had been a foolish, stubborn old lady.”

“Yes, Marcus told me he’d convinced you to move. I’m ever so glad. Did you know he’s my fiancé? We got engaged last night.”

“See, I knew he was smart.” They both laughed and then joined the others to start carrying the trays of food from the kitchen to the decorated tables lined up on each side of the hall.

“Abbie!” Dr. Andrews and Mrs. Dorn approached, each with cherry-red cheeks and delight evident in their smiles. Both hugged her, but then Dr. Andrews spoke, cutting off Mrs. Dorn’s squeals of pleasure. “I knew you’d be well enough to attend. Last night when the hospital called, alarmed and ready to telephone the police, I told them you’d regained your strength and would be fine. And that I thought you had plans. Seems I was right, if the gossip I’ve been hearing is correct.”

“If the gossip you’ve heard is that Marcus and I are engaged, then it is correct. If you’ve heard that my parents have found me and are in attendance tonight, you’re also correct.” She smiled at their astonishment.

“Aw, God luv yer, pet, I’m that happy for ya.” Mrs. Dorn wiped her eyes with a fancy hankie and beamed. “Come on, then, I’ll give a hand with you in the kitchen.” Putting her arm through Abbie’s, she about-turned them both.

Soon the hall filled up, and once the kitchen chores were finished Abbie went to look for Marcus. He sidled up to her, leaned close, and entwined their fingers. She let her head rest on his shoulder as her eyes swept the decorations that brought the room alive with Christmas.

The town’s children had made miles of red-and-green paper chains, which now hung scalloped along each wall. They’d also taped masses of coloured Christmas trees around the room and filled the real one with handmade paper angels and silver balls. On one wall a giant Father Christmas hung, and his merry smile beamed at the congregation. Swallowing with difficulty, Abbie blinked away the hovering tears and whispered, “Isn’t it lovely? Such a feeling of fellowship, it gladdens my heart.”

Steered by a youth on one side and a little girl on the other, a woman stopped as soon as she spotted Abbie and Marcus. The family might have been poor and shabbily dressed, but they looked well fed and much healthier than the last time they’d all been together. Marcus smiled and nodded. “Good evening, Mrs. Sykes. I’m glad to see you and your family tonight.”

“Thank you, sir. It’s nice that we were able to come. Thank you for arranging the car to pick us up. I hope you don’t mind that I asked our neighbours to join us? You see, they had nowhere else to go.”

“Not at all, madam. Enjoy the evening.”

Mrs. Sykes turned to Abbie and they both smiled down at the little girl as she hugged Abbie around the knees. “Merry Christmas, Abbie. It’s lovely to see you looking so well.”

Abbie reached down, picked up the child, and kissed her cheek. “Hello, Pet.” Then she answered the other woman. “Merry Christmas, Margaret. It seems forever since I’ve seen you. I’ll visit after the holidays, shall I? We’ll have a good old natter and get caught up on everything.”

“I’d like that,” Margaret said, and then proudly added, “I’ll be
at work
after four o’clock each day so maybe you wouldn’t mind coming in the early afternoon?”

“It’ll be my pleasure. Merry Christmas!”

Both Abbie and Marcus watched the family join their friends. She smiled into his eyes and whispered, “Have I told you today how much I adore you?”

He winked. “I’d rather you show me—later.”

Sounds of feet stomping, the clamouring voices of excited children, and greetings of holiday cheer rang all around, breaking into their little world and bringing them back to earth. The noise created a happy din that Abbie enjoyed.

Above the ruckus, they heard someone call Marcus’ name, and they both turned in the direction of the voice. A distinguished-looking middle-aged gentleman approached with his hand reaching, ready to shake. “Marcus, my dear fellow, I’m very glad I ran into you tonight. I’ve brought my family to see the town of Bury, and we opted to stay for the concert after the vicar kindly invited us.” The man pointed to where a well-dressed woman and two teenagers were being greeted by the closest townsfolk. “I can’t tell you how happy I was to get your phone call, not to mention the follow-up presentation you sent me about Bury and its promising potential for future development. Your flawless work cut through a lot of time for our company, and after we did a bit of our own investigating, we could see how well adapted this area would be for our needs. I’m quite sure we’ll be bringing a project to the vicinity later in the New Year, by way of a rather large mill where we’ll be focussing on the fancier types of paper.”

Abbie felt her pride in Marcus flourish as she watched him talk to his colleague. She listened as he told the other man he’d gotten the idea to draw up the plans after helping a young barmaid on the street escape from a bad situation. He added, after winking at Abbie, that someone close to his heart had explained about the lack of employment in the town being a major cause of problems with unruly youths. This state of affairs had prompted him to make the approach.

Recalling the night in question, Abbie accepted that nothing got past her man. I must remember this trait in the future and not be quite so choke-full of myself for having managed to pull the wool over his eyes periodically. I suspect he’s onto most everything that’s happening around him.

Just then the door opened and the orphanage group, en masse, burst into the hall. Their noise rose until the Sisters took the children in hand and tried to steer them behind the curtain on the stage where the nativity would be performed. All would have been well, except that they spotted Abbie. As one, they rushed to cluster around her. Cries of, “You’re back! I’m ever so glad to see you,” and “I knew you’d be here to see us tonight,” rang out as they each reached for her.

She hugged them all and didn’t notice that Cece hung back to march over to Marcus’ side.

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