Tip of the Spear: Devil Chasers (Lima Six Motorcycle Club Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Tip of the Spear: Devil Chasers (Lima Six Motorcycle Club Book 3)
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“You want to invite Ellen and Maggie out for dinner tomorrow?” Leo asked as Jamie unlocked the trunk of her car.


“That would be great. We could have a cook out.”


“That’s what I’m thinking.” Leo began hefting the bags of food from the trolley into the trunk while Jamie held the cart to prevent it from rolling into her car. “It seems like a shame not to share these steaks.”


Jamie looked up from watching Leo as a motorcycle roared by on the road, watching it to make sure it passed. She and Leo go everywhere together so they can watch each other’s back. The club had made no move against them, but that didn’t mean they
and the last thing she wanted was to be involved in another shooting.


As the bike roared past, she returned her attention to Leo. The trolley was nearly unloaded and they would be returning to his home. As much as she hated to admit it, she actually enjoyed grocery shopping now. It was one of her few chances to get out of the house and
something. Anything. Between staying inside while Leo was working, and being inside at the bar, she was going stir crazy. How sad is your life when the highlight of your week is getting to go to the market? Leo placed the last two bags in the car and slammed the lid.


“Shit,” Jamie muttered as a white SUV with the DEA seal on the door turned into the parking lot.


Leo looked to where Jamie was watching and grimaced. “I thought they had given up.”


Jamie spun the trolley around and started pushing it to the cart corral. “Not damn likely.”


The SUV pulled in and parked next to Jamie’s Honda. Kary Lundergrund stepped out of the passenger side as another agent stepped out and closed the driver’s door.


“You’re a hard man to find,” Lundergrund said as she swayed around the front of the SUV.


“I am armed, Officer Lundergrund,” Leo said.


“Leo, I keep telling you that I don’t care about that.”


“The law requires that I inform the officer. I just don’t want there to be any misunderstandings.”


“Right. Because we know you are a fine and upstanding citizen.”


“What do you want, Lundergrund?” Leo asked as Jamie returned.


“You heard about the latest shooting?”


“Yes. What has that got to do with me?”


“Nothing. Only that you could help prevent future shootings.”


“Oh? And how is that?”


“The club, Leo. They’re dirty. You know it. I know it. You could help me shut them down. No more drugs, no more violence.”


“Right, because drugs are ICE’s primary concern.”


“Didn’t I tell you? I’ve been attached to DEA temporarily. Thanks to you we’ve been able to put the squeeze on the Prieto Cartel. They’re going down. Between us closing off their supply train into the United States, and their war with the Cuervo Cartel, we have their balls in a vice.”


“So what do you need me for?”


“You see, Leo, their last major pipeline runs right through Lima 6 territory. We shut that down, we choke off the money, and the Cuervo Cartel takes care of the rest. One less cartel to have to deal with.”


“So do it.”


“There’s the rub. Lima 6 is helping them. There are too many dirt roads and goat tracks to cover them all. We think Lima 6 is providing intel to the cartel in addition to running the drugs.”


“Life’s a bitch, isn’t it?” Leo said with a nasty smile. “I’m not a member of the club anymore. You know that. So I don’t see how I can help you.”


“You can tell me what you know about the Prieto Cartel. Who your contact is within the cartel.”


“I don’t know any of that. I was frozen out before Lima 6 turned. You remember the hit, right? The one that killed all my friends? That was the result of my meddling with the club when they started going bad. So I think you can excuse me for not wanting to get involved in that again.”


“So you are willing to let the killings continue? You won’t give up information on a club that threw you out, even if it means letting innocent people die?”


“That’s not fair!” Jamie interjected.


Leo placed his hand on her arm to calm her. “It’s okay.”


“It’s not fucking okay! It’s not your fault the club went bad. If she would do her damn job, maybe the killings would stop!”


Lundergrund smiled at Jamie. “That’s what I’m trying to do here, sweetheart, my job. Maybe you should try to convince your boyfriend here to cooperate. Then maybe I
do something to stop all the violence. But he would rather protect the dirty members of his club than protect the innocent people that live here. Isn’t that what you signed on for, Leo? Isn’t that what Lima 6 was supposed to be all about? Protecting Vallecito de Grande from the drug traffic and the violence that goes with it?”


“Fuck you, Lundergrund, you bitch,” Jamie muttered.


Lundergrund smiled at Jamie. “Oh, I’ve tried to get him to do that too, but he won’t cooperate there either. What about it, Leo? Are you just going to stand around and continue to let people,
people, be killed? Nobody has to know it was you that helped me.”


“Nothing I can do,” Leo said through clenched teeth. “You’re just going to have to find another mole in the club. I think it is time for you and your pet gorilla here to leave. There is milk in the car.” Leo saw the male agent bristle. “You want to try me pal? Take your best shot.”


Lundergrund put a restraining hand on the agent. “Leo, if you want to get physical, there are so much more,
, ways, don’t you think?” Lundergrund produced a card from her back pocket and slid it into the front pocket of Leo’s jeans. “You can reach me at that number, anytime, if you change your mind. About anything,” she added with a wink at Leo and a nasty grin at Jamie as she leaned in close. “Do what’s right, Leo. I can make it worth your while,” she breathed like a lover. She dragged a finger down Leo’s chest then stepped back and nodded at the SUV as she walked around the front and climbed into the passenger seat.


The truck backed out but then stopped behind Jamie’s car as Lundergrund rolled her window down. “Don’t wait too long, Leo. I’m taking down Lima 6. You can either help me, or you can go down with them. Your choice. I would hate to see you in prison. That would be such a waste.”


“Okay. Go sit by the phone and wait for my call.”


Lundergrund smiled and gave him a small nod before the SUV started moving again.


“I fucking
that bitch!” Jamie snarled as she stomped around the back of her car and slid into the passenger seat.


“Yeah. I can see that,” Leo said quietly as dropped into the driver’s seat. “Don’t let her get to you. I told you before, she is just trying to get under your skin and make you do something that she can then use as leverage with me. You getting all pissed off just tells her what she is doing is working.”


“I know, but I can’t help it. The way she comes on to you makes me want to scratch her eyes out. How do you stand it?”


“I just ignore it. And bathe with strong soap.”


Jamie giggled. “Loan that soap to me tonight, will you?”




“You know what she said isn’t true, right? It’s not your fault people are being killed. You are not part of Lima 6 anymore. You tried to turn the club. There is nothing else you can do.” Jamie said as she and Leo put away their groceries. She was worried about him. He had been quiet and subdued on the drive home and that usually meant the darkness was trying to creep in.


“I know,” he said softly. “But there seems like there should be more that I could do. Maybe this thing with Copper will turn into something and he can do what I couldn’t.”


“Maybe. But we’re going to have to be careful.
going to have to be careful.”


“I know. But sometimes you have to take risks. Maybe I need to reach out to Copper.”


“No. Let him come to you. If you reach out you may push him away. But if he comes to you, then you two can figure out a way to oust Ron and drag the club back into the light.”


“I just don’t want to see anymore friends killed. No more innocents either.”


Jamie placed the half-gallon of milk into the refrigerator door and closed it. All the refrigerated items are now put away, and the rest could wait a moment. She turned to Leo and pulled him into her embrace. His arms encircled her back and held her comfortably as she rested her head on his shoulder. He tilted his head over and placed his cheek against her head as they stood together, giving and taking strength from each other, for a long time.




He’s Not Here
was hopping and Jamie had forgotten about the meeting earlier that afternoon with Lundergrund. Over the past month, her business had returned to almost pre-shootout levels. It was about nine o’clock, in the thick of the of her Saturday rush, when Copper walked into the bar. His Lima 6 colors didn’t cause the bar to fall silent, but the din dropped noticeably as the patrons turned to stare.


Jamie saw Leo immediately rise from his stool at the end of the bar and intercept Copper before he had made it two steps in. He took him by the arm and turned him to escort him out.


She was too busy to do anything, but she began to fret when Leo didn’t immediately return. She was just about to take her shotgun and go outside to see what was taking Leo so long when he returned. He appeared to be unharmed, but his face was hard.


“Everything okay?” she asked as she pulled three beers, the mugs held in one hand as she worked the tap with the other.


“Yeah. Peachy.”


“What did Copper want?”


“He threatened me.”


“He what?” she hissed as she set the three mugs on Rachel’s tray and began to fill the next order.


“Yeah. He knew Kat came to see us yesterday. He told me to stay away from her. He’s afraid, Jamie. Afraid for Kat.”


“She came here! It’s not like you went looking for her. Did he know why she came?”


“He didn’t say. He just told me to stay away from her or there was going to be trouble. He knows Lima 6, or anyone associated with it, is no longer welcome here. I have to guess he knows it wasn’t a social visit and had something to do with the club.”


“Well he can just go fuck himself as far as I’m concerned. If he had stood up to Ron at the beginning then he wouldn’t have anything to be afraid of now, would he? Besides, if he can’t control his old lady, that’s his problem, not yours.”


Leo smiled at her. “You’re not very sympathetic to his problems.”


“Like I give a shit what happens to Lima 6. After what they did, they can all go straight to hell as far as I’m concerned, and I won’t shed a tear at their leaving.”


Leo nodded. He could understand her feeling like that. “Yeah, I know. But they are not all dirty. Copper, Fitz, Allen, TC, and all the rest that have been frozen out. They are probably frozen out because Ron knows they are not comfortable with what the club is doing.”


“Then they need to man up and do something about it instead of depending on you to do it all. You and Will, and the rest of the cleaning crew, did your part, and look what happened. As far as I’m concerned, they are all guilty until they prove otherwise.”


“But if someone does come forward, wanting to take on Ron again, are you okay with me helping?”


“Does it matter?”


“Yes,” Leo said softly. “It matters to me.”

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