Tiny Dancer [Divine Creek Ranch 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (24 page)

BOOK: Tiny Dancer [Divine Creek Ranch 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Camilla moaned as Ben kept at his strokes and then smiled up at him. ”I’m starving for you.” She opened and sucked in the tingling head of his cock, and he cried out as the heat of her mouth enclosed him. She made a yummy noise, which vibrated along his length until his balls drew up, and he gasped. “This probably won’t take long, baby. Suck it hard.”

Ben echoed her primal sound as she did exactly as he asked and gave him long, voracious pulls as he slid in and out. Her cries of pleasure escalated, and Quinten cried out as another orgasm boiled in his veins, his cum jetting out in hot streams, which she swallowed hungrily before releasing him.

“What a good girl, sugar.” Ben reached forward and drew Camilla into an upright position, lifting her arms up and clasping her hands behind his neck. He rubbed her clit between his fingers as he continued giving her his cock, their flesh pounding together.

Ecstasy made her even more beautiful to Quinten as she arched her body and froze, a triumphant howl flying from her as she ground against Ben, the scent of her arousal and the wet, hedonistic sounds of their union filling the room and Quinten’s senses until he felt intoxicated.

Ben laughed in triumph and wrapped his arms around her midsection, pumped forcefully a few more times, and stilled, clutching her tightly as he gritted his jaw and shook with the force of his climax.

Quinten loved her a little bit more as he watched Ben embrace her. His friend’s demeanor changed as he held her and caught his breath. Camilla had no idea the healing power she had over Ben. No idea. But Quinten could see it as Ben closed his eyes and held her with the same reverence he would a precious infant. Ben tucked his face close, burying his nose in her hair, and took a deep, shaky breath.

She lay back against him, sated and limp, smiling as Ben pressed kisses to her throat and whispered, “You’re the beautiful one. So perfect. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

“It was perfect. I love the way you take control, and the occasional edge of pain increases the pleasure for me.”

Quinten joined them at the head of the bed as Ben withdrew and helped her lie down between them.

“Sorry we kept you waiting last night, baby,” Quinten murmured as he lazily stroked her abdomen. They’d arrived home from The Pony’s Halloween bash the night before to discover that a neighbor’s cattle had broken down their fence and were milling around in the acreage that made up their rather expansive front yard. The neighbor was having a hard time getting the cattle back through the fence. Ben would’ve been content to let them be until the morning, but his front entry didn’t have a cattle guard or a front gate, so they had to be contained somehow.

Both men had sent her inside to remove her costume, get cleaned up, and ready for bed. She’d giggled and gone inside after they’d told her that they’d be along directly to collect their due for dressing up for her.

“Directly” had turned into two exhausting hours of chasing cattle. Both men had been bushed from a full night at the club and then a strenuous night with the straying bovines. She’d been sound asleep by the time they’d come inside, in dire need of showers, and they’d decided to let her sleep.

“That’s okay. The long, hot bath relaxed me and I must’ve drifted off while I waited in bed for you.” She sighed and closed her eyes. “Y’all wore me out. I’m ready for my nap.”

Ben smacked her ass playfully and said, “Nope. Time for a shower. Then we have something we’d like to show you.”

Quinten grinned in commiseration, because she really did look ready for a nap, and said, “I’ll nap with you later. I’m still tired, too. But first we have a surprise for you.”


* * * *


Wondering what Ben and Quinten were up to, Camilla looked around as Ben parked in the parking lot of the old Huffield’s Hardware Superstore building. Weeds grew through the cracked asphalt in the parking lot, giving the area a neglected atmosphere. The building had sat vacant for a couple of years since closing during the economic downturn that had affected Morehead as much as the rest of the country.

Ben switched off the ignition and turned to her, a decidedly hopeful expression on his face.

She looked over at Quinten as he held up his hands like a frame to the windshield and squinted through at the building. “You’re gonna have to use your imagination, baby.”

A jingle caught her attention as Ben held up a keychain with two keys on it.

Her stomach acted like it was on a roller coaster as she switched her gaze from one man to the other and opened her hand to receive the keys Ben held out. “What are these for?”

Ben opened his door and climbed out as Quinten did the same on her other side. They stood there grinning like loons at her, and Ben replied, “That’s entirely up to you.”

She couldn’t move. “What do you mean?”

“Well, we figured that you’d want to name
.” He swept his hand toward the empty building. “Tah-dah! Of course, that is to say, if
like this location. We got the keys so you could look inside.”

“Have you been inside it?”

Ben smiled and shook his head. “No. I wanted to wait and look at it with you. Ethan has been inside it and suggested that maybe you might see the possibilities.”

She wasn’t sure why she felt better that they hadn’t already seen the interior. Maybe she wanted to experience it with them, like Ben had said, or maybe she liked that they weren’t steamrolling her into a club location already. She’d actually been thinking about looking around, and right then was as good a time as any to start.

Quinten clasped her fingers with his. “Ethan has had his eye on this place as a possible secondary location for a while. When Ben told him your plans, he suggested that maybe this was the reason the property had caught his eye.”

She leaned against his arm and allowed Ben to gather her other hand in his warm, callused one. “Thank you. Let’s look inside, I guess.”

The three of them walked hand in hand as she cast a critical eye around the deserted building. “The exterior and the parking lot need a lot of cosmetic work. Cleaning up.”

Quinten tripped on a crack in the asphalt. “Definitely.”

The old builder’s warehouse storefront looked like many others that were built in the 1980s and would have to be completely redone. The cinder block exterior had potential, and in her mind’s eye, she got a glimpse of the walls textured with stucco.

Don’t get ahead of yourself, missy. This place is enormous. Way bigger than you’d planned.

“How many square feet inside?”

Ben replied, “Within the four walls you’ve got nearly five thousand square feet.”

There’s no way you could afford to lease this structure, much less buy it.

Quinten added, “Behind the building is about the same amount of square footage in the lumberyard.”

A place like that, renovated and managed right, would have tremendous appeal. She knew she could handle the task of running the club if they could find the financing and a contractor who wasn’t a crook to handle the renovations.

As if reading her mind, Ben said, “Ethan told me Jack would be happy to put in a bid on the work. Seeing vacant, neglected buildings like this drives Jack nuts. Ethan said he’d love nothing better than to renovate it and make it useful again.”

She inserted the key in the front door lock, and it turned smoothly. Quinten pulled open the door, and the scent of lumber and paint thinner wafted in the air, layered over with dust and time. The remaining display fixtures and the sales counter sat in the same places she recalled them being the last time she’d shopped there when she’d still lived in Morehead.

Quinten released her hand and headed toward the dim recesses at the rear of the store. “Ethan said the power was on and the light switches were to the right, inside the stockroom doors.”

Camilla was glad because she hadn’t wanted to wander around the dark, cavernous interior of the building with just the limited light coming through the entry and the dinky little flashlight app on her smartphone.

A sudden crash startled them, followed by Quinten calling out, “I’m okay! Ow, ow! Shins, not so much! I tripped on…rubble…or something.” Another crash sounded, and she began to worry about Quinten, but Ben only chuckled.

A minute later, the fluorescent tubes in the tiled ceiling flickered and came on. Camilla stood there, looking around, not moving forward. She glanced at Ben and saw that he, too, was assessing the interior.

Camilla wondered if he was rethinking bringing her there. “It needs a lot of work.”

“Try to ignore all the leftover garbage, the fixtures, and the displays. See the bones, sugar. We can get a crew in here and have all this cleaned out and stripped down in no time.” He tugged her forward.

She looked up at the ceiling. “The tiles up there look old, but none of them are stained. That’s a good sign.”

“Ethan has already had an independent building inspector service come and look the place over. They said they couldn’t find any underlying problems with the structure, foundation, or the roof.”

That was reassuring.

“It’s near the interstate, and the location on this side of town will draw traffic from all the surrounding towns, including Divine…”

She looked over when his words dwindled. His expression was hard to read as he looked around but didn’t seem to see anything.

“What’s the matter?”

“It’ll mean not working alongside you at The Pony. I’d miss you.” He glanced her way, and she saw the emotion he’d been trying to hide. Her heart clutched as she realized that he was helping her achieve her dream even though it might mean he’d see less of her.

She wrapped her arms around him, not fighting the tremors that shook her. Ben’s solid stability anchored her. Quinten’s warm presence as he moved close behind her made her feel even better. She’d only just gotten together with them and perhaps taking on this huge responsibility was rushing things a bit.

“I’d miss you too. Maybe…maybe this isn’t the right time for this.”

Ben shook his head as he tilted her face up to look into her eyes. “Your business management degree is going to waste right now, and you know it. Your position as assistant manager was intended to be temporary. The fact that you’re advancing into managing another club instead of The Dancing Pony is just logistics. This is what you were meant for, and we’re not holding you back.”

She looked around again and said, “Ben, there’s no way I could afford to utilize all this space. Maybe this really isn’t the right place.”

Quinten didn’t seem worried as he brushed her hair back from her shoulder and kissed her temple. “Or maybe this is the perfect venue for you, and you just need someone backing you.”

“What do you mean?”

Ben caressed her shoulder. “A limited partnership. You’re a good risk, and we want to back you. We know people in Morehead and Divine. Jack knows all the subcontractors in the area. He can build to your specifications. Ethan also suggested the possibility of putting in a restaurant.” Ben pointed to the far side of the building. “With separate entrances and access to the club.”

“Holy crap.” This was what she’d dreamed of, but she’d thought her goals were unrealistic.

With the right help, this could work, and work well. I wonder what Ben meant by they “knew” people?

Ben added, “The Huffields are motivated to sell this property. Mr. Huffield didn’t have any heirs, and he’d like to find a buyer so he can do a little traveling while he’s in good health and can still get around.”

Quinten tugged at her hand. “Come on. You need to see the rest.”

She smiled and allowed them to lead her around as a tiny spark of hope came alive in her heart.

The stockroom was half the size of the interior of the store. The men made quiet comments here and there, and Camilla’s imagination took over. She could picture the dance floor, a stage for a band, a DJ booth, and where all the tables would be. Ben suggested placing the bar along the centerline of the store, where two offices and a pair of restrooms were currently located.

“You could have your office behind the bar, and if you liked the idea of the restaurant, they could build doors accessing either side of the business, the nightclub, or the restaurant.”

Her mind was awhirl with the possibilities as she looked down at the keychain in her hand. It didn’t look like the kind of keychain that a real estate agent would supply.

She held up the other key on the ring. “What does this go to?”

Ben and Quinten glanced at each other, and then both men smiled at her. Quinten chuckled and replied, “We wondered how long it would take you to ask.”

“That’s the key to our house, sugar.” Ben stroked her jaw with his knuckle.

Quinten drew close and kissed her when she turned her head to look up at him. “We want you to move in with us. We want you…permanently in our lives.”

“What are you asking me for?” She had an idea of how things worked in her friends’ marriages, but she wasn’t sure that was what they wanted.

Ben was the one to answer. “We’re hitting you with a lot at once and didn’t want you to be overwhelmed. We’re actually doing things backwards, I suppose. You’ve had several upheavals lately, and we wanted to take it a step at a time. We didn’t want you to be frightened of all the changes, and we—”

BOOK: Tiny Dancer [Divine Creek Ranch 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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