Tiny (21 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Tiny
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“Yes?” Alex asked.

“They’re here.”

Chapter Eleven


Snitch climbed off his bike inhaling the scent
of Fort Wills. He was home, and The Skulls were fucking gone. The compound was
down to the ground, but he didn’t give a shit. The town was now his own. His
men climbed off the bike, Battle and Scars flanking his side.

“We did it, Snitch. We’re
back in your town,” Scars said.

Smiling, he looked up and
down the street that was now his own. The sound of sirens alerted him to the
presence of the law. They were all going to be in fucking shock. Clicking his
knuckles, he tensed up waiting for the brawl about to happen. No one ever told
him what to do and got away with it.

“Boys, we’re going to have a
showdown. Let’s show these good people how it’s fucking done.” Snitch couldn’t
believe all it had taken was luring The Skulls out of town. Finding Ned had
been a stroke of genius, and luring The Skulls out to a planned run was
perfection. Like always, patience meant fucking perfect.
He wondered what had distracted Tiny enough to
take the run with the planned route. He’d put money it would have to do with
that fucking slut he was panting after.

Like so many fucking men, Tiny got his dick locked on
one fucking woman.

The cars came to a stop in
front of him and his men. Glancing behind him he saw the men grabbing their
crowbars and guns ready to rain down hell.

“Sir, I’m going to have to
ask you to leave,” the man dressed in a cop uniform said coming closer. He
looked nervous, and Snitch laughed.

“Are you going to be the one
to get rid of me?” Snitch asked, stepping closer. Scars pressed a crowbar to
his hand behind his back.

“With all due respect,
you’re not welcome here.” The man stood his ground.

Snitch was impressed. Most
men ran from him when he started advancing closer.

“I’m not going anywhere.”
Swinging the crowbar around, he slammed the metal against the man’s face. “And
you’re not going to get rid of me.”

The cops looked petrified.
Tiny really had become the law in Fort Wills.
couldn’t help but be impressed. The cop went down as he held the crowbar by his
side. Snitch loved the feel of breaking bones. Another cop ran at him, and he
used his fist, slamming his knuckles into the face, loving the feel of flesh on
flesh. The fight ensued, each cop trying to take them on. Snitch laughed as
over and over again he lashed out taking back his town. Tiny had taken this
away from him, and if the fucking bastard wasn’t dead then he’d have the
pleasure of hunting him down and killing him.

Twenty minutes later the
cops were on the ground, moaning, whimpering and clutching their injuries. He
imagined the folks were watching him from their apartment windows.

“I want you to all listen
up,” Snitch said, yelling into the night. He threw the crowbar to the floor
beside him. “The Skulls are all fucking dead. Your town is no longer theirs,
and they will not be coming to your rescue. They’re dead.”

The joy filled him at the

“From now on, you’ll be
getting your orders from us.” Pulling the gun out of his pocket he aimed it at
the first man’s head. “Anyone who doesn’t and tries to defy me will get this.”
He shot the man in the head.

It was time for Fort Wills
to know who they were dealing with.


Tiny cursed, throwing the
cell phone Alex handed to him against the opposite wall. “Getting angry at
phones is not going to be the answer to our problems,” Alex said.

“Snitch has killed one of
the people I swore to fucking protect.” Tiny slammed his fist into the wall. The
pain did nothing to ease his anger or the feeling of deep seated hatred he felt
for the man of his past.

“You can’t do anything about
him, Tiny. You’ve got no choice but to bide your time and hope the others call
soon. There’s nothing else we can do other than hope he doesn’t go after Tate.”
Alex sat forward trying to reason with him.

“She’s vulnerable, Alex. My
daughter, my flesh and blood, is within the same town that fucking lunatic is.
I know Snitch. He’ll hunt her down and fucking
her.” Tiny knew Snitch would do a hell of a lot more than simply hurt her.
Snitch would break her down, rape her,
her, make
her wish for death long before he gave it to her.

“Killer will never let
anything happen to her. He’s loyal, and we’ve got to find Murphy. Turning up
without him will ruin her far more. She loves that boy, and no matter what I
tell her, she won’t
budge. You really should
have taught her to do as she was told growing up.”

“She won’t leave. I’ve
begged her, and so has Eva. She’s staying in case her man shows up. She’s too much
of a fucking brat.
Fucking boy better show up soon.”

Tiny couldn’t believe he was
thinking of Murphy as a boy. Still, compared to him, Murphy
nothing but a boy.

“Fine, give me the phone.
I’ll call Killer back,” Tiny said. He sat beside Alex as the other man dialed
the number.

He needed to
think of his woman to get him through the painful moments.

“My doctor will be by to
have a look at your wounds,” Alex said as he got Killer on the phone. He’d not
thought about the pain since the news of Snitch’s return to fucking Fort Wills.
Tiny knew in that instant he should have done more to hunt the bastard down and
kill him years ago.

“Hello, boss, I wish I could
give you some good news,” Killer said.

“Is Tate with you?” he
asked, rubbing his temples. He felt the stirrings of a headache begin.

“She’s in the other bedroom.
They all fucking screamed. I had to turn the lights off and shut the blinds. I
don’t want to draw attention to the apartment. Snitch doesn’t look like a man
you want to get in a dispute with.”

“No, he’s not. I need you to
promise me you’ll keep Tate safe. If you can convince her to leave then do it.
I want her out of harm’s way.”

“What about Murphy?” Killer

“Still no
Keep her safe for me. I’m sorry to put you in this position.”
Tiny looked up at the red headed doctor as she walked in.

“Boss, no
I’ve got a reason to stick
around if you know what I mean.” Tiny knew the answer, Kelsey.

“Good. Keep the women safe,
and I’ll keep you updated.”

“If you
want my advice, boss, hurry.
This guy
is unstable, and he’s going to start hunting in the morning. I’ve told Kelsey
she can’t go out to work. Something tells me these men are not going to care
about the women who refuse them.”

Tiny agreed with him. “Stay
close to the phone, and do not let my daughter out of your sight. If anything
happens I’ll end you, understand?”

“Boss, if anything happens
to these women, I’ll end myself.”

The call was disconnected as
the red head went to her knees before him. She pushed his robe out of the way
to assess the bandages. “How is the pain?”

“Not bad for those special
pills you gave me,” he said.

She sported a wedding ring,
and he felt even more comfortable in her company. “You’re married?”

“Five years now. Marrying
him was the best thing I ever did. I love him so damn much.” She was smiling as
she talked.

“Where did you go for your
honeymoon?” he asked.

It was beautiful. The heat,
the food, the setting, it was perfect. Are you thinking of getting married?”
She gently removed the bandage. “You were incredibly lucky.”

“I was wearing my gear. I’m
a lot of things, Red, but I’m not a fucking idiot.”

She chuckled.

“I’m engaged. I’ve been
married before, and it didn’t end well.”


“No, she died of cancer.
Left me with a kid and a hatred of marriage.
We married
quickly when we didn’t even really know each other. I thought we were good
together, and at times we were, but we weren’t always compatible, which made
for some really hard times. Shit, I shouldn’t be telling you this shit.”

“I’m a doctor. It’s my job
to be told things.”

“Still, marriage is a gamble
no matter what. I just didn’t get the big bonus in the end.”

“I’m sorry,” Red said.

“Don’t be. I finally found
the woman for me.” He waited for her to finish with his bandages.

“You’re healing nicely. Your
protective clothing kept most of the damage at bay. If you hadn’t been wearing
them you could have lost a leg by now.” Red got up, taking her rubber gloves
off. She snapped her case closed and turned to him. “Keep changing the
bandages, press on the ointment, and in a week try to keep the wound clear to
give it time to heal. I don’t see any other problem with your condition.”

“Thanks, Red. I appreciate
you coming here to look after me.”

“Take care, Tiny. I’ll give
Alex my bill.”

For several minutes he sat
on the sofa trying to relax. His woman was upstairs, probably asleep and
waiting for his attention.

“If she wasn’t married she’d
be in my bed so fucking fast. I bet she has a nice tight pussy to drown
in,” Alex said, walking back into the room.

“We square for the bill?”
Tiny asked.

After I sent you into a fucking trap, it’s the least
I can do. “

“I’m going back to Eva.”
Tiny stood ready to leave.

“I am sorry,” Alex said,
following him out to the door.

Tiny asked, holding onto the door
handle then turning back to look at the other man.

“I would never have gotten
you involved or put you and The Skulls in danger. You’re my brother, Tiny.
We’re not related by blood or by relation, but to me, you’re my brother.”

“I know, man, I know. I
suggest you get fucking Ned Walker and that punk Gavin. See if they had
anything to do with my set up.”

“What if no one had anything
to do with it?” Alex asked.

“Then Snitch is a sneaky
bastard to get past your defenses, and you better make sure it doesn’t happen
again. People dying
bad for fucking business.”

Closing the door behind him,
Tiny made his way upstairs to his woman. The guard nodded at him. Tiny nodded
back and entered his room. The sound of the television playing echoed
throughout the whole room. Going to the bedroom, he saw Eva passed out across
the base of the bed. She wore her robe, which had opened up to her waist. He
got a tempting view of her mound. His mouth watered, remembering the taste of
her. Going to the bedside drawer, he pulled out a tube of lube and a condom.

Tiny needed inside her, and
if he got a chance to sample her tight ass then he was happy about that.

In the morning he’d deal
with Ned and Gavin. After that he was getting his men together, and he needed
to come up with a plan to take on Fort Wills. Snitch had done his work on all
of the men. There was no way Tiny could just drive back into town shooting the
place up. He would never risk the lives of innocent people, and with Snitch
involved, innocent people always ended up dead.
Removing his robe, he climbed in behind her. Untying
her belt, he opened her gown, giving him enough room to caress her breast
before going down to her stomach. She moaned, rubbing against him.

“Come on, baby, wake up for

He slipped his fingers down
to stroke her pussy. She was slick to the touch. He moaned as he slid two
fingers easily inside her.

fucking juicy, wake up, baby.
I want
to fuck you.”

She moaned. “Tiny, I was

“And now you’re not.”
Tugging the robe out of his way, he lifted her leg in the air and pressed his
hard cock to her entrance.
Her pussy
wanted him, swallowing him up as he slid deep inside her.

Turning her head to claim
her lips, he kissed her muffling her cries of pleasure.

“Where were you?” she asked.

Releasing her lips, he
sucked onto her neck.

We’ll talk after. First I have to fuck you.”

He slammed inside her loving
the feel of her cunt rippling around him. Tiny would die a happy man with her
heat surrounding him.

“Tiny,” she said, chanting
his name over and over again.

“Yeah, baby, say my name.
Beg for it, and I’ll give you everything you fucking need.” Pounding her pussy,
he sucked at her neck, marking her as his own. When he met that fucking asshole
who wanted her, Tiny wanted him to know who Eva belonged to.

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