Tiny (12 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Tiny
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Dropping his cell phone
under the man’s truck, Snitch put his hands up in the air. “I’m so sorry, man.
I wasn’t looking where I was going. My woman was on the phone,
’. You know how it is?” It took every ounce of
willpower not to laugh. Snitch saw Murphy glare at him, bending down to grab
the cell phone.

“Get the fuck out and watch
where you’re going next time.”

Yeah, he was going, and when
he came back, the bastard and the women were going to be dead.

Chapter Six


Sipping at his beer Tiny
watched Ned from the corner of his compound. Tate was soaking up the attention,
and Eva was stood with his daughter. The two women were the best of friends. No
one would even suspect that Eva helped to raise his daughter. He was sure if it
wasn’t for Eva, his daughter would have been impossible to tame.

Whizz approached him. The
smile on the other man’s face wouldn’t alert any of the club to the possible
danger they could be in.

“Hi, boss,” Whizz said,
taking a gulp of his drink.

“What do you have for me?”
Tiny asked.


Frowning, he turned to the
other man at his side. Whizz had once been a Lion, one of his enemies. When The
Lions went down, Murphy brought three men to him who he felt would be a benefit
to his own club. Whizz, Time, and Killer were brilliant, and Tiny knew the men
were loyal.

“What do you mean you’ve got
nothing?” Snitch was not the kind of man to
have a record.

“Exactly what I mean, which
is fucking messed up. No one can get around without being noticed. This man you
asked me to look into pretty much disappeared after you took over Fort Wills.
All the dates you’ve given me actually add up.” Whizz took another long pull on
his beer. “You know what it means?”

“Yeah, he’s off the grid,
and there’s no way for us to know where he is.”

“He can’t be found unless he
wants to be. If this man is a danger to us and Fort Wills then you’re going to
need to alert the others. I can’t find him, and if I can’t find him, I can’t
prepare us for it.” Whizz was looking around the club.

“This could be down to my
own paranoia,” Tiny said. Over the last year he’d been hit left, right, and
fucking center. Was it making him think of a dead man as an enemy? There was a
reason for someone to go off the grid, and that’s because they’re fucking dead.

“I looked at this man’s
file, Tiny. Fort Wills didn’t stop him as they were fucking terrified, but the
guy has a record from before then.” Whizz turned away from the group. “He
doesn’t give a fuck about anyone. He doesn’t have a code or care who he hits.
Women, children, the innocent, he kills them all, and those who take his fancy,
he tortures them.”

Tiny didn’t need to be
reminded. The image of the girl’s pain flashed across his mind. He knew the
kind of pain Snitch could inflict, and it wasn’t good.

“Good work,” Tiny said,
slapping the man on the back. He was no closer to knowing if Snitch was alive.

“I’m sorry I can’t give you
any good news.”

“Don’t worry about it. Enjoy
the party.” Tiny felt it was going to be the last party for a long time.

Leaving his alcove he joined
in with the celebration. Angel, Sophia, and Tate were all glowing with
happiness. He watched each of them preen under the attention. Murphy, Lash, and
Nash didn’t leave their sides. The pride in their expressions made

“They remind me of you,”
Alex said, coming forward.

“Oh yeah,
Tiny asked, smiling at his brother-in-law.

Alex had become a friend
Tiny never expected to have.

“When Patricia told you she
was pregnant with Tate, you practically glowed. It was hard not to knock you
the fuck out for knocking my sister up.”

Tiny laughed, remembering
the joy at the good news. Staring at his daughter, Tiny was proud of her. She
was a fighter, and he knew she wouldn’t take any shit from Murphy. Any of the sweet-butts
who tried it on with her man got to feel Tate’s wrath. She’d gotten his temper,
which he didn’t mind. He knew Murphy wouldn’t get the chance to hurt her.

Eva’s laughter caught her
attention. Her head was thrown back, and the happiness in her eyes caught at
his heart.

She’s leaving.

“I heard about Eva,” Alex

“What about her?”

“She’s going back to Vegas
with her father.”

Tiny didn’t say anything.
There was no need seeing as there was nothing he could do to keep her home.
Tate had phoned him earlier giving him a stern talking to. Nothing he said or
did would ever bring Eva to him. She was untouchable. There was no point in him

For many years he thought
she was this sweet, innocent woman who couldn’t handle the lifestyle. In many
ways she reminded him a little of Patricia. Then, she’d turned the tables on
him. She was probably more prepared for this lifestyle than his daughter. Tate
had grown up with him being the head of The Skulls, and Eva had grown up with
her father being the head of an underground fighting ring. The only difference
between the two was he’d kept Tate as far from the club as he could whereas Ned
welcomed his daughter with open arms.

Eva was a tough woman who
was used to making hard decisions.

“You’re not going to say
anything to make her stay?” Alex asked.

“I’m not going to beg a
woman, Alex. She’s going, and it’s for the best. This is not the place for

They were silent as both of
them stared at the women in question.

“You’re probably right. I
doubt she’ll be back. I heard Gavin is anxious to have her back,” Alex said.

Before Alex had moved back
to Fort Wills, the other man had lived in Vegas. Tiny knew Alex and Ned were
friends, or at the very least business associates.

“Who’s Gavin?”

Alex smirked, and Tiny just
wanted to knock the smile off his face.

“Gavin is Eva’s ex and also
one of Ned’s fighters.”

Before he could ask any more
questions, Alex moved away, finally leaving him alone. He wasn’t an idiot. Alex
had told him the truth about Eva on purpose. She hadn’t been a virgin, but Tiny
couldn’t stop the feeling of jealousy consuming him.

Next Ned walked toward him.
Staying still, Tiny waited for the other man to start a conversation. He
understood any anger Ned felt as he knew the feeling when it came to Tate.

“You’re going to let my
daughter go?” Ned asked.

Tiny stared at Eva. She was
so beautiful inside and out. He’d lost so much time where he could have called
her his own.


He’d lost time and caused
her heartache and pain.

“Eva won’t be back. She
won’t be waiting for you. I’ll make sure she has no choice but to move on,” Ned

“Are you threatening me?”
Tiny asked.

“No. I’m not going to kill
you. What I’m going to do is make sure my daughter is not standing around
waiting for you. She deserves better than what you can give her.”

“You’re not going to kick my
ass?” Tiny was surprised. He figured the other man would want to hurt him and
make sure he couldn’t father any more children.

“I’m on your turf, Tiny. I’m
not some young person who doesn’t know how to respect their boundaries. Come to
Vegas and we’ll see what happens.”

Tiny respected the man more.

“My daughter is in love with
you,” Ned said. “I’ve seen her love before but never like this.”

“I hurt her. She deserves so
much more than me.”

“And yet you’ve not taken
your eyes off her.” Ned nodded toward everyone else. “They all respect her and
treat her like your old lady.”

“Anyone who hurts or
disrespects her answers to me.”

“I heard a rumor that not
long ago one of your men almost killed her by being fucking high. It was an
accident or so I heard,” Ned said.

Glancing at Nash, Tiny grit
his teeth together. Nash had been under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The
intoxicating substances didn’t excuse his behavior, but Nash had worked like
hell to get back on the straight and narrow.

“What about it?” Tiny asked.

“You beat the kid to a
bloody pulp. Eva didn’t even have a scratch on her, and you fought for her.”

“What are you trying to
say?” Tiny faced him.

“If you’re going to hurt my
daughter you would have done it. When was the last time you took another woman
since your last time in Vegas?”

Tiny didn’t answer him. He
glared, waiting for him to make a point. Since their time in Vegas, Tiny hadn’t
been able to touch another woman. Stepping over the line with Eva had sealed
his fate. No other woman would do for him. Even though Vegas hadn’t been that
long ago, Tiny felt a difference in

“I see you’re going to be a
hard ass.
Your loss.
Evangeline is a tough woman. I
made sure she could handle herself.”

He noticed Ned said her
whole name. Tiny loved her name. It was beautiful like the woman.

“We’ll be out of your way
within the hour.”

Ned moved away without a
word. Tiny watched him go seeing the arrogance and confidence in his movement.

There was nothing he could
do to stop her. Leaving the party behind, he went to his office. He didn’t shut
the door as he didn’t want any of his men to be getting the wrong idea.

“You’re hiding away in
here?” Eva asked.

She was stood leaning
against the doorframe.

“I’m not hiding. I’m
waiting.” He sipped at his beer, staring down the length of her body. Memories
of the last time he’d seen her in this room ran through his mind. Her body had
been naked, open and waiting for him.

“Tate’s excited about
everything.” Eva didn’t move from her spot.

Tiny caressed the spot on
the desk where he’d tasted and taken her.

“I’ll always remember what
you looked like when you took my cock.”

He heard her gasp. Glancing
up, he saw her advance into the room. She rounded the desk, wrapped her arms
around his neck and brought him down to her.

She claimed his lips,
plunging her tongue into his mouth. He gripped her ass, pressing his hard dick
against her stomach. Their moans mingled together, and with his other hand, he
held her head still.

His heart was pounding, and
the need was intense. Never once had he ever felt this way with anyone, not
even Patricia. He felt like he was drowning in her essence.

“Don’t go,” he said,
whispering the words against her lips.

“I’ve got to.” She broke the
kiss, leaning her head against his chest.

“No, you don’t. I’ll take
care of you.”

She stroked his chest,
running her fingers across his patch.

“No.” Eva pulled out of his
arms. Her lips were bruised from his kisses. “You’ll forget about me soon enough.”
She caressed his cheek then moved away. He followed her out and paused as Tate
pulled her into a hug.

His men offered their wishes
and goodbyes. Ned led the way outside, and he went with the crowd. She waved to
everyone climbing in the car. He broke through the crowd, watching Ned pull
away from the curb.

Eva turned around and stared
at him. Her hand was up, waving to him.

Tiny couldn’t tear his gaze
away as she drove out of his life.


“Eva?” Ned asked.

She was staring at Tiny, who
stood with his hands fisted at his sides. There was nothing for her to do. She
had to get away. If she gave into him then he’d regret his decision. Tiny was
not ready for any kind of commitment. Living with him had made her aware of the
kind of man he was.

“Don’t, Dad.” She spoke
still seeing the man she loved getting smaller as they moved away.

When she could no longer see
outline she turned back around to stare out of
the front of the car. The scenery didn’t catch her eye. She was too busy
remembering the feel of
lips on hers. They
were silent for several minutes. Eva kept her gaze out of the window watching
Fort Wills leave her behind.

“Gavin is looking forward to
you coming home,” Ned said, starting a conversation.

Turning to him, she glared.
“Don’t go there. Nothing is going to happen between Gavin and me.”

“He’s sorry over what
happened. It’s time for you both to move on.”

“When I move on it will not
be with Gavin or any of your men.” She grabbed her sunglasses from her bag.

Eva frowned. She’d never
once told her father the reason why she’d moved on. “How do you know what
happened between him and me?”

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