Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor (126 page)

Read Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor Online

Authors: Rue Allyn

Tags: #Historical, #Romance

BOOK: Timeless Passion: 10 Historical Romances To Savor
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Not understanding what he was doing, she grabbed at his hair, trying to pull him up. He reached up stroking his hand down her forearm, then, threading his fingers through hers, pressed her hand into the mattress.

“Nay, lass,” His hot breath against her mound sent pulsing waves of heat skating across her nerves. “Let me taste you.” She stiffened, feeling his tongue flick over her sensitive skin. Heat rippled through her as he slowly stroked the moist folds driving her ever closer to the precipice.

“You’re so sweet. I could taste you forever and never tire.”

Kara came apart in exquisite agony. Her body throbbed, lights danced behind her closed eyelids as she flew on the arrow of sensual release. She could feel Hawke throbbing inside her, filling her with his very essence. His breath was hers, his heartbeat hers, his desire hers.

• • •

Kissing her and laving her sensitive taut nub with his tongue, he slid a finger slowly into her as he continued driving her desire with his tongue. She tightened around him. He inserted another finger, stretching her. She was so tight. So hot. He could feel her body pulsating stronger and faster around his finger, her climax near. Sliding his fingers from her, he pulled down his pants, releasing his turgid flesh. He molded his body to hers, settling his hips between her thighs, bracing his upper body on his arms, looking into her passion-filled eyes.

“Slowly, love,” he murmured against her neck. He was fighting his need to drive into her until he was buried to the hilt, determined to cause as little pain as possible, but the restless motion of her body, the rhythmic pumping of her hips and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist was driving him wild. Grasping at his hips, she arched into him. Hawke tried to pull back, slow down, but he could no longer think, only feel. She arched and pushed against him. He felt her barrier give way and he sank deeply into her heat.

Holding still, he felt her pulsating muscles envelop him in the tightest heat he had ever known. He leaned down, kissed her eyes, her cheeks, her mouth, soothing her with his voice trying to gain control of his own raging need.

“It won’t hurt anymore, love,” he said tenderly as he looked into tear-glistened eyes. “It will only get better, I promise.”

He could feel her tightening around him as he pulled out, then slowly thrust into her again and again. He kissed her hard and deep, his own release imminent, his tongue matching the motion of his body.

“Now my love,” he said, moving faster against her. “Come with me now. Let yourself fly.”

He felt her climax, closed his mouth over hers, and gave into his own release. They melted into one being of heat and pulsing sensation.

Hawke wrapped his arms around her and rolled to his back keeping her body close to his. He smiled as she burrowed her face into his neck and sighed contentedly.

Chapter 20


Kara smiled sleepily. What an incredible dream she’d been having.


That was a good description. She had been engulfed in a flame of passion ignited by Hawke. Her body hummed with sensual need from her dream. Not wanting to wake, she snuggled deeper into the incredibly warm blankets of her bed and tried to pull the pillow closer. The pillow was so warm. She woke abruptly when the blankets hugged her back. Memory came flooding back to her. It hadn’t been a dream and the strong arm holding her close to a very large very warm very, very male body proved it. She groaned.

“Fire! The mine’s on fire!”

Realizing the shout had come from outside, she sat up, looking over as Hawke stood and walked over to the window.
He’s beautiful
, she thought, admiring the strong legs and firm buttocks. He raised the window sash to hear what was happening in the streets below.

He turned back towards the bed, a half smile on his face.

“What’s going on?” she asked softly, tearing her gaze away from him and towards the window.

• • •

Her voice brought him back to the present. “It sounds like there is trouble at one of the mines.” Knowing people would be responding to the alarm, he pulled his gaze from the sensual lines of her body. “We better get you back to your room before the entire hotel is roused and we are in a position neither of us will be able to explain.”

Kara quickly scooted off the bed, still clutching the sheet around her, and looked for her gown and robe.

“The Old Abe is on fire and men are trapped below! Everyone come help!” The shouts from outside were louder as people surged into the street. Hawke grabbed his trousers and strode to the window to assess the situation. Dressing, he watched people pour out of the casinos and saloons. Lights flared in the houses nearby, and wagons full of people barreled down the street in the early morning light as mine employees and citizens hurried towards the fire.

“Hawke? Wake up!” It was Alec pounding on the door. “Case is gathering everyone in the lobby to help out at the mine.”

Hawke walked calmly over to the door and cracked it open. “I’ll be down shortly,” he said.

Alec shoved the door open and stepped into the room. He started at the sound of a feminine gasp.

“Bloody hell!”

Kara was sitting on the bed, in a gown and a robe, looking thoroughly compromised.

Looking back at Hawke, he shook his head. “Do you have any idea what a muck you’re in now? Her father and Mr. Roberts are going to all of our rooms waking everyone to assist at this mine fire. How the hell do you plan on explaining your way out of this? He will expect you to stand by your honor and marry her.”

He watched as she flushed in embarrassment.

“Look,” Kara said grimly. “I certainly don’t expect you to marry me, because of some antiquated belief you men have about women and their purity.”

“Well, you might not,” Alec replied sharply. “But I can assure you your father and Hawke will both tell you they believe firmly in that antiquated credo.”

Kara looked to Hawke.

“You can’t possibly believe … .” she sputtered. “I have no intention of marrying you, just because we … we.”


“We, well, we had sexual relations,” she huffed, and crossed her arms, staring obstinately at the two men in front of her.

The clanging of alarm bells drew Hawke to the window. Then he strode over to the wardrobe to grab a shirt and his shoes.

“I think we had best postpone this discussion. Kara, I will escort you to your room so you can dress and then meet us downstairs. Alec,” he commanded, “go make sure no one is in the hallway. It wouldn’t do to have Case or Mr. Roberts see her come out of my room. What happened will have to be dealt with, but right now I believe there is a greater emergency.”

Alec stepped outside, poking his head in a moment later to indicate the way was clear. Hawke took her by the elbow and strode swiftly down the hall to her room.

Reaching for the doorknob, she turned to look at him. Before she could say anything, he leaned over and gave her a quick hard kiss.

Drawing back, he smiled. “Be assured we will discuss what happened and what is to be done. Now hurry up.” He gave her a quick pat on the bottom as she opened the door, then turned to head down to the lobby.

• • •

The lobby was a frenzy of activity. In the center of the maelstrom, Case was trying to organize those who would go out to the mine and those who would stay behind and help the town doctor as the injured were brought down.

He signaled Hawke and Alec to his side when he saw them enter the lobby.

“This is what I have heard,” he explained in between directing others where to go. “Apparently the trammer was returning the ore car to the main shaft and saw the fire. They think one of the large kerosene lamps they keep lit at the top of the mine gallows in the hoist house set the structure on fire.”

He looked grimly at the two men. “It’s bad. All the timber is bone dry and the flames are spreading fast. If they can’t get the men out of that deep shaft they won’t have any air left.”

“How many men are in the shaft?” Hawke asked.

There had been mine fires in England and the results had been devastating. The cost in lives was always terrible. It was one reason he hesitated to invest in mining.

“The foreman said twenty men were in the shaft. It’s eight hundred feet to the bottom.” Concern tinged the older man’s voice. “Even if they had warning when it first started,” he said gravely, “the climb out will not be easy.”

• • •

Austin walked over as Kara stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking at the swirl of activity.

“If you don’t want your father to kill a certain Scotsman,” he growled low so only she could hear, “you’d best cover up those marks on your neck.”

She could feel a furious blush race up her neck to her face. Her hand flew to the open collar of her dress, as if by touch she could see what Austin was staring at.

“Hell, I think I’ll kill him myself.” He turned but was stopped by Kara.

“Austin, please,” she pleaded. “Don’t do or say anything. It’s not your place, and it would destroy our friendship if you interfere.”

A man entered the lobby, shouting that a wagon had returned to take more volunteers out to the mine.

Austin looked deeply into her eyes. “We are not done with this … understand? He’s not getting away with it.” He turned and strode towards the front door.

Closing the button on her collar, Kara crossed the crowded lobby to her father.

“Honey.” Case pulled her aside. “You help Sarah, Alicia, and the others. We’re heading out to do what we can.” He quickly kissed her on the cheek. “Don’t worry about us, just pray we can help those poor men.”

He and the other men hurried out of the hotel.

“Where in blazes have you been?” Alicia came up beside her, whispering frantically in her ear. “I was forced to lie to your father!” She nailed Kara with an irate glare, “Lie to your father! Do you have any idea how hard it was? I was so anxious; I don’t know why he believed me. Then I saw Austin come up to you. He looked furious.”

Alicia leaned back and looked, really looked at her. “Oh my gosh!” she gasped. “You were with Hawke,” she said, her voice rising. “You were in his room … alone — in your nightgown.”

Kara grabbed her by the arm and dragged her over by the staircase, out of earshot.

“Look, if you don’t quiet down everyone in this blasted hotel is going to know. I’m not prepared to deal with your mother, my father, or anyone else right now.” Kara felt her patience wearing thin. “I think we need to concentrate on helping. I will tell you everything later.” She raised her hand to stop any further questions. “I promise.”

Alicia’s mother was talking to a soot-covered man when they returned to the lobby. He was outlining plans to erect tents out at the mine for the injured, and for the people fighting the fire to rest and to get a meal.

Sarah began coordinating with the other women to collect the supplies and arrange for wagons to take them to the mine.

The women walked out into the early dawn. The sky was a mass of white, boiling smoke; a hellish red-orange light glowed close to the ground in the direction of the mine.

The land around the mine was full of people. Bucket brigades were passing pail after pail of water up the hill to the opening of the shaft attempting to beat back the flames roaring from the opening.

This must be what hell looks like, thought Kara.

The scarred land around the blazing hoist house was black with soot as fine ash rained down around the frantic rescuers. The gallows over the hoist house where the fire began was a blaze of bright orange flames rising from skeletal red and black burning timbers. Smoke bellowed out of the mine shaft opening and many a person was seen crossing themselves to ward off the feeling of damnation.

Chapter 21

For two days everyone fought the blaze. Case and the ranchers who lived close enough to the town sent riders to bring in more men and equipment. Kara, Alicia, and the other women worked tirelessly treating the wounded and trying to feed the many tired souls working to free the miners … their friends.

Kara saw hands from the ranch working alongside the miners and people from town. They came by to grab a cup of coffee or a bite and they let her know her father and the others, while exhausted, were fine. She longed to ask about Hawke, but was embarrassed to single him out from the others. Others came with stories of what was happening at the shaft.

The fire had burned so ferociously it had consumed all the oxygen in the mine. As far as anyone could tell, the eleven men that emerged from the shaft shortly after the fire began were only survivors. Many of the miners refused to leave the opening of the mine to rest, or eat.

Kara and several other women decided to take canteens of water and bundles of food to the men working at the opening of the shaft. The smoke was heavy as they approached the charred remnants.

Men, black with dirt and ash, eyes haggard with exhaustion and shoulders bent with defeat, undistinguishable from one another, continued to move the collapsed timbers and look for survivors or bodies.

Kara turned from a group of weary workers, all her water gone, her heart breaking at the look of defeat in the men’s eyes.

Shielding her eyes from the sun’s glare with her forearm, she looked towards the top of the hill. There she saw her father, the Roberts men, Alec, and Hawke.

Her heart thudded against her chest in a mixture of relief and excitement. She began climbing towards them, scrabbling through the loose soil and rock, wishing she were wearing her work pants and boots instead of a skirt. She felt herself beginning to slide back down the hill when a hand reached out and grasped her by the arm. She met Hawke’s eyes, almost colorless, in a weary face blackened with ash.

“What are you trying to do?” His voice was hoarse; she could see deep lines of exhaustion etched around his mouth.

“I came to see how my father and Mr. Roberts are doing. They’re not as young as the rest of you.” She looked down quickly so he couldn’t see her concern for him.

“Lass,” a smile burst through a dirt-encrusted visage, “those two men could still outwork most of us.”

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