Time Travel Romances Boxed Set (31 page)

Read Time Travel Romances Boxed Set Online

Authors: Claire Delacroix

Tags: #historical romance, #tarot cards, #highland romance, #knight in shining armor, #reincarnation, #romantic comedy, #paranormal romance, #highlander, #time travel romance, #destined love, #fantasy romance, #second chance at love, #contemporary romance

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Local superstition, I
suppose.” Darian rubbed his hands together in gleeful anticipation.
“It’s been a tremendous boon to us over the years, that’s for

Julian made his appearance at that moment
and introductions were made. The lawyer fired a fierce glance at
Baird before turning to Darian. Then he coughed discreetly into his

You must be looking for a
place to stay,” Julian began and Baird’s heart sank.

Darian shrugged. “I hadn’t actually thought
about it, I was so intent on getting here quickly. Is there
somewhere you could recommend?”

Baird glared at his friend, who steadfastly
ignored him. Julian wouldn’t.

But he did.

And without hesitation.

You really must stay with
us, we insist. We’re still under construction, of course, but the
accommodations are as adequate as anything you’ll find in

Julian coughed again and Baird knew things
were going to get worse. “Actually, Beauforte Resorts has made a
tremendous commitment on all our sites in preserving the history of
the locale. Why don’t you join us for dinner, Mr. Mulvaney, and
tell us a bit about your work?”

Oh, yes, darling!” Marissa
cooed, linking her arm through Baird’s and pointedly ignoring
Aurelia. “Just imagine, Baird darling, an Indiana Jones of our very
own! This is so exciting! You simply must tell us all about your
adventures, Mr. Mulvaney! Baird and I just love a good

Darian smiled again. “Thank you for your
generosity, Mr. Beauforte.” For a fleeting instant, his gaze locked
with Baird’s and Baird caught a quick glimpse of cold

Then it was gone, leaving Baird wondering
whether he had imagined it in the first place.

You must all call me
Darian,” the arrival insisted. “After all, I’ll probably be
underfoot for quite some time. These investigations take time, at
least when they’re done properly.”

Didn’t that just figure.

Julian glared at Baird before he could say
anything remotely disparaging and as much as he hated to admit it,
Baird knew that this time the lawyer was absolutely right. This
Heritage Society could probably claim Dunhelm in its entirety as
some kind of historic site - or encourage the government to do so -
and Baird would lose the property he had fought so hard to

He couldn’t let that happen. Darian
Mulvaney’s presence would have to be tolerated.

But Baird didn’t have to like it.


Chapter Eighteen

Darian Mulvaney watched the others as they
settled at the table, trying to sort out who knew what this time.
His memory of the eighth century, of his father Erc’s demise and
his own pledge was crystal clear, but he hadn’t been so fortunate
each time he and Bridei met.

The Fates were capricious when it came to
memory. To Darien’s good fortune, it seemed that there was still
considerable confusion in the others’ minds.

Julian, fortunately, had no recollection of
the past he and Darian shared. Baird seemed to harbor some
animosity - and no wonder after all the times Darian had hacked the
life out of him - but apparently his memory was unclear. Darian
could use that advantage.

And he would.

Aurelia, the prize herself, was even more
lovely awake than asleep. If he had ever seen her like this, he
might have taken her on one of his many other visits to Dunhelm. Or
let Bridei succeed and steal her from beneath that man’s nose.

Which would have been interesting, to say
the least. Thus far, his only interest in Aurelia had been
thwarting Bridei’s goal of saving her from her curse. Obviously,
Darian’s thirst for vengeance had blinded him to the

Possibilities that were very interesting

He’d have to ensure that didn’t happen

Darian smiled at his reluctant host. “I
certainly have to thank you, Mr. Beauforte, for extending your
hospitality to me,” he said expansively, watching the other man’s
response with care. “It’s such a treat to have a good country

Aurelia leaned toward him with a trusting
smile. “Elizabeth is a very good cook,” she said with the grace of
a queen. “I am certain that whatever she has conjured will be
wondrous indeed.”

Marissa snorted delicately. “Aurelia,
darling, though such home-cooked fare suits a rural appetite like
your own, some of us have more sophisticated palates.” She slid a
hand over Baird’s and eyed him through her lashes. “Isn’t that
right, Baird, darling?”

Ah yes, Darian swallowed his smile. Dear
Aunt Drustic, as malicious a bitch as ever, making trouble as only
she could. It was always refreshing to find another being more
self-motivated than himself.

Drustic had really outdone herself in the
packaging this time, Darian acknowledged with admiration. He might
not be adverse to a little family reunion himself.

Not that Drustic’s figure seemed to make any
difference to her prey - the link between Baird and Aurelia was as
hot as a live wire. Once everything was lined up, Darian would take
great pleasure in cutting that cord for all time.

By the time he was done deflowering the
luscious Aurelia and giving Baird Beauforte what he deserved, no
one would have any doubt that he was victorious over both Dunhelm
and its heiress.

Darian hadn’t once been the son of The
Destroyer for nothing.


The air at dinner was colored with
discomfort, with Julian forcing conversation, Marissa trying to
corner Baird and Baird refusing to do much more than glower at the
new arrival. Aurelia was in no mood to manage such a complicated
tangle of events.

She did, however, over the course of the
meal have the increasing feeling that Darian was trying to goad
each of them in turn into revealing something of themselves.

Aurelia told herself that she was only
sensitive because of her concerns about summoning the Dreaming
tonight. She escaped from the table early, but had only been in her
room for a few moments before there was a soft rap on the door.

Aurelia opened it to find Baird leaning
against the frame, his hands shoved into his pockets.

Like some company?” he
asked softly. He was serious, but his eyes glowed with such
intensity that her heart skipped erratically.

Aurelia felt herself flush. She was sorely
tempted to accept his offer. On the other hand, she had to dream
tonight, despite the allure of sharing a bed with Baird once

She managed somehow to smile and hoped she
looked as tired as she felt. “I am sorry, but I need to sleep

There was a flash of hurt in Baird’s eyes
and it pained Aurelia to know that she had caused it.

Then he smiled wryly and the shadow was
gone. “And what makes you think I wouldn’t let you get any?”

Aurelia arched a brow, feeling no need to
say anything more.

Baird almost laughed. Then he touched her
chin in the tender way she loved and brushed his lips across her
brow. “Pleasant dreams, princess.” He flicked a finger across the
tip of her nose and turned to stride down the hall.

Aurelia closed the door and leaned her back
against it, fighting a ferocious impulse to call him back. Her room
looked colder than it had just a moment past, her night of Dreaming
less tempting now that she would do it alone.

But this had to be done if she was to know
for certain. Let the Dreaming come and show her the shadows of
Baird’s heart.


By the time Baird got back downstairs, the
other two men had retired. He prowled the perimeter of the
restaurant restlessly, refusing to admit what was bothering

He certainly hadn’t been counting on
sleeping with Aurelia again. Baird circled the hall, toured the
cellars, paced the entire interior of the resort and still wasn’t
the least bit sleepy. All the same, he climbed to his room, paced
its circumference, then poured himself a healthy shot of

It was Darian’s presence that was keeping
him awake. It couldn’t be anything else. After all, this man could
cost him Dunhelm.

And Baird didn’t like him.

His sour mood certainly had nothing to do
with the way Aurelia smiled and chatted with Darian over dinner,
much less that she had suddenly and unexpectedly turned him

Baird didn’t need Aurelia or anyone


The dream took no cautions in its approach
this time: it simply exploded in glorious color in Baird’s mind,
without apology, introduction or fanfare.

He was in a stone room, the smell of the
wind hinting that it stood on high ground. Its furnishings were
simple, its occupants garbed in a manner similar to what Aurelia
had worn in the well.

An auburn-haired woman slept in the great
pillared and curtained bed in the middle of the room. Her features
were beautiful, the curve of her lips kindly, the circles under her
eyes hinting at her exhaustion. A golden ring glinted on her hand,
that hand lying limp on the coverlet. A portly woman changed the
linens beneath her, casting those bright with blood into a

A silver-maned man with a full beard stood
impatiently beside the bed, obviously uncomfortable with his role
here. He was tall and broad, a man with a muscled back who had
labored hard. His hands were callused, there was a scar on his
hardened cheek. A heavy silver chain encircled his neck and he
carried himself like a man used to the weight of authority. A
golden ring, the mate of the lady’s ring, adorned his left

The power of this man’s feeling for the
woman was a tangible force. He eyed her with a vulnerability that
surprised Baird.

She will be fine?” he
asked anxiously. This battle-hardened warrior was afraid for his
wife’s survival, Baird realized, and found himself hoping the woman
would be all right.

The glance that the older woman fired across
the room revealed that he had asked this before.

Many times. “Oh, yes, my lord. Women have
children all the time. All your lady needs is a good sleep.”

But the blood…” The
warrior shivered with horror and looked to the bucket as though he
couldn’t stop himself.

Is not so much as I have
seen before.” The woman dropped the last length of linen into the
bucket, straightened a corner of the fresh ones, then scooped up a
red-faced baby from beside the bed. She expertly swathed the child,
then handed it to the older man. “You might take the chance to make
your son’s acquaintance, my lord.”

The man looked to the woman again, then
accepted the weight of the child with an uncertainty that showed
his lack of experience in such matters. He moved carefully to sit
in a beam of sunlight, as though he was reluctant to move away from
his wife. He cradled the child with the caution and awkwardness of
a new parent.

My son,” he whispered to
himself, almost as though he could not believe it to be true. The
baby clutched at one heavy finger and held on tight, the gesture
lighting the father’s eyes with joy.

You be sure you’re not
disturbing the lady for a while, my lord. She’s had a rough go of
it, but a good sleep will set her in order.” The woman, who Baird
realized was a midwife, scooped up her bucket and swept out of the

The warrior barely noted her departure. He
stared at his son, gradually gaining confidence in handling the
boy, and his stern features relaxed into a smile.

My son,” he said again,
though this time his voice echoed with pride.

The force of the man’s feelings assaulted
Baird like a wave. He felt the man’s rush of paternal pride, he
felt the strength of the warrior’s commitment to the blood of his

And Baird found himself envying the child
who would experience the force of this man’s powerful love shaping
his life.

He is the one, you know,”
an elderly woman separated herself from the shadows, her voice low
with import.

The warrior barely looked up. He tickled his
son and chuckled when the baby gurgled. “What one?” His tone
betrayed his disinterest.

The one the prophecy spoke
of, the one to break the curse laid upon Gemma’s daughter

The warrior scowled. “You are not going to
begin that nonsensical talk of prophecies again, are you? I long
thought you a woman of good sense, Luan, but this has gone beyond

It is not nonsense!” Luan
argued heatedly. “I was there at the naming! I heard Drustic make
her curse! You must betrothe this boy to Hekod’s daughter with all

The warrior looked up, skepticism bright in
his eyes, reason in his low voice. “Luan, with all respect, you
rave like a madwoman in this matter. This child is barely born, the
Nairns have yet begun to weave the thread of his fate into their
cloth. I cannot commit him to alliances and obligations so

Luan flung her hands into the air. “Do you
care nothing for the consequences? Drustic will take him for
herself just to keep her curse on Hekod’s child from being averted.
You know how malicious she can be!”

Luan, enough!” The man
bounced the child lightly, and humor underscored his tone. “My son
has yet to even have a name, let alone to know what he wants of
this life. Give the child a chance to be whoever he is destined to

He is destined to lift
Aurelia’s curse.”

The warrior’s brow arched skeptically. “That
would be the curse that has yet to bear fruit?”

Details!” Luan crossed the
room to wave a finger beneath the man’s nose. “Can you not see the
hand of destiny drawing near?”

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