Read Time to Pretend Online

Authors: Michele Zurlo

Tags: #Book/Menage

Time to Pretend (30 page)

BOOK: Time to Pretend
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Michele Zurlo

she could. “If only because Danny’s a bed hog. I think he needs a queen size to himself. Do they make beds in double queen size?”

“Oh, please,” Daniel growled. “You like sleeping close to me.” He closed his mouth over hers and plunged his tongue inside. His fingers dug into her hips, pulling her until she rolled on top of him.

His cock, hard and ready, pressed into her stomach.

“I want you both,” she said when he released her lips to kiss her neck. “At the same time.” Her earlier doubt resurfaced, but she pushed it away. They would be gentle, and anal sex wasn’t new to either of them.

Evan’s hand caressed her lower back. “You’re so tiny, honey. Do you really think you can handle both of us?” She curled her lips with the wickedest smile she knew how to give. Though she was short, she’d never thought of herself as tiny.

She had too many curves to be considered petite. “Evan, I think you already know the answer to that.”

Daniel lifted her shoulders and slid her up his body. Heat closed around her nipple, and he sucked hard. Alaina cried out. Her nails sank into Daniel’s arms.

Evan scooted closer. He leaned up on an elbow. His lips, soft and firm at the same time, brushed against hers for a second before he sucked her tongue into his mouth. He played with her, licking and nibbling her tongue and lips until she forgot how to keep up with her end of the kiss.

Beneath her, Daniel worked his magic. His kisses and his hands awakened her already sensitive flesh, and fresh need filled her veins.

All week, thoughts of having the two of them at the same time kept her distracted. Now her fantasies were about to come true.

Evan ended the kiss and rose to his knees. Two sets of hands moved her body, positioning her the way they wanted. Alaina straddled Daniel. Looking down, she saw his cock already sheathed in another lime green condom. Because his hands hadn’t left her body once, she knew Evan had put it on him.

Time to Pretend


The desire to see that happen burned hot in Alaina’s chest. She wanted to see them kiss one another. Would Evan be as gentle with Daniel as he was with her, or would he be rougher, the way Daniel liked it?

What would it be like to watch them fuck? Oh, she would definitely need a vibrator if she was going to watch them locked together that way.

Those fantasies fueled the need already throbbing through her pussy.

Daniel reached between them. He rubbed his cock against her clit, sending more sparks shooting into her system. She rocked against it, feeding her pleasure until she felt sweat beading along the back of her neck. Moving her hips forward, she rolled them to force him into her pussy. A moan escaped from them both as she sank down to take him fully inside.

Evan’s rough hand pushed between her shoulder blades, guiding her to lie against Daniel’s chest. Cool gel coated the finger he thrust into her ass. He massaged lubricant into her with practiced ease, wringing tiny moans from her.

Daniel jerked. His hips bucked off the bed, and his fingers dug into her thighs. She knew he could feel Evan inside her, stroking Daniel’s cock as he prepared her for his own. Until this moment, it hadn’t occurred to Alaina that having them inside her at the same time meant they would feel every stroke, every vibration of the other as they thrust into her. More cream gushed to her pussy, running down her thighs and drenching Daniel’s hips.

The tip of Evan’s cock pressed the tight ring around her anus.

Alaina whimpered in anticipation of the sweet pinch and burn.

Daniel’s thumb traced her cheek. “Are you okay, Lainie?” Evan pushed harder, but not hard enough to breech her ass. “Are you kidding? She loves this. Get ready, Danny. You’re going to have to hold her still.”


Michele Zurlo

Heat scorched her pussy, demanding friction to ease the ache.

“Damn it, Evan, stop playing around. You know how I like it.” Her vision went white the moment he did as she demanded.

Daniel moaned, and his legs spread even wider apart, taking hers with them. The leverage she needed was gone. Alaina had no idea where the strength to buck against Evan came from, yet her ass lifted and pushed against him.

Four hands held her still.

Daniel kissed a trail from her temple to her lips. “Relax, Lainie.

We don’t want to hurt you.”

“Yeah,” Evan echoed behind her. His thick cock filled her so deliciously. Combined with the feel of Daniel in her pussy, Alaina was sure an orgasm was seconds away. “This is our first time, too, honey. Let us get used to the way it feels, okay?” The subtext was not lost on Alaina. She knew they were reveling in the feel of each other’s cocks while surrounded by her moist heat.

It was the best of both worlds for her men.

She buried her face in Daniel’s shoulder and let them have their moment for as long as she could stand it. Of its own accord, her body squirmed, demanding to be fucked.

“Please,” she breathed.

The spell broke. Daniel gripped her hips to hold her in place. Then he moved her, withdrawing his cock from her pussy until his thick head stretched the sensitive tissues near her entrance. As he thrust into her, Evan withdrew. They set an opposing motion, one withdrawing as the other buried himself. Their movements were gentle and slow.

Sweat coated their chests as they both struggled to maintain control.

Alaina didn’t even try. She welcomed the first orgasm, gripping the pillow under Daniel’s head so that her nails didn’t rip his skin open.

* * * *

Time to Pretend


Daniel was in heaven. Each delicious slide of his cock into her tight heat was accentuated by the feel of Evan’s cock through the thin tissues separating them. He’d always loved the way being with Evan felt, but being with both Evan and Alaina completed him in a way nothing else ever had. This was the reason he had held out against Evan’s subtle and not-so-subtle hints that the two of them should settle down together.

Now that they had found the perfect woman, he was perfectly happy to settle down with both of them. He wanted them both together, like this, and he wanted them separately. He loved watching Evan drive Alaina to the pinnacle of pleasure and push her over the cliff. He had locked his eyes to Evan’s while Alaina had sucked his cock. Silent understanding had passed between them both, and he knew Evan shared his opinion.

Alaina’s catlike mews pulled him from the thoughts distracting him from orgasm. He wanted to prolong this, to drive both her and Evan crazy. He wanted to climax at the same time as Evan.

“Harder.” She whimpered as she pleaded. Her tiny body writhed between them. The hands curled into the pillow on either side of his head returned to his shoulders. She pressed her palms against his muscles.

Evan did as she asked, increasing the pace so that his rhythm was slightly off from Daniel’s. The effect was incredible. With each thrust, Evan’s head somehow hit the sensitive spot on the underside of Daniel’s cock. Daniel bucked, unable to keep the slow, steady rhythm that had already pushed Alaina to the top once.

Alaina went wild, not that her movements had been controlled before. His Lainie, his uptight, proper little doctor-lady, came apart.

She had let herself go with him before, but it was nothing compared to the catlike creature she had become. Her feline eyes lightened and her nails scratched paths into his arms and chest that were definitely going to show tomorrow.


Michele Zurlo

Her head shot back, catching Evan’s chin. She didn’t seem to notice.

Evan’s thrusts became jerky. “Hold her,” he growled. “She’s going to hurt herself.”

Daniel wrapped his arms around her torso and forced her chest flat against his. He couldn’t move like this. He couldn’t thrust into her, but it didn’t seem to matter. Her cries increased in volume, and her body writhed despite how tightly he held her. Sweat slickened her skin and his, making her even more slippery.

And the feel of Evan fucking them both sent him over the edge.

Alaina’s pussy contracted violently, squeezing him as she climaxed, and still Evan thrust into her. The man had amazing stamina. This was not news to Daniel. However, he had no idea how Evan could hold out under the dual onslaught.

Black spots dotted the periphery of Daniel’s vision, and he felt lightheaded. His hold on Alaina slackened. Her frenzy had barely begun. Now he knew why Evan was holding out. Alaina wasn’t finished.

Inside her pussy, his cock responded to the primal demands and to the friction of Evan’s thrusts. He hadn’t thought it possible, but his cock was once again hard and ready. Without thinking, he rolled the three of them so that Evan was on the bottom.

The shifted position brought a lift to Evan’s brow, but Daniel didn’t miss the relief in his best friend’s expression. Evan was tired, but he didn’t want to stop, and he didn’t want to climax, not yet.

Head nestled against Evan’s shoulder, Alaina stared up at him in shock. Her cat’s eyes were large and round.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded, though the dazed expression in her eyes didn’t change .

His nod was a curt acknowledgement of Alaina and a command to Evan. “Lift her knees.” Daniel needed his own hands to hold his weight from crushing the two people he loved most in the world.

Time to Pretend


Evan did as Daniel asked, spreading Alaina wider. Alaina moaned. She lifted her hips to meet his thrusts, rolling in a large, curious kind of motion that puzzled Daniel until he realized she was also thrusting against Evan. He altered his rhythm to work with her.

Daniel was going to make damn sure Evan came this time. He had never been a gentle lover. It took all of his willpower to refrain from plowing into Alaina’s pussy and claiming her the way he had before.

He thrust into her, angling to hit her sweet spot and the underside of Evan’s cock at the same time.

She went wild. The measured perfection of her movements went to hell as she surrendered to frenzy. She screamed, bucking with renewed violence. Evan’s moans came louder and louder. He thrust, lifting her body to meet Daniel’s. Her hips slammed into Daniel’s.

Her torso arched, and her pussy clamped on his cock. Evan’s shout combined with Alaina’s, and Daniel let himself surrender to this special kind of bliss.


Michele Zurlo

Chapter 17

The amount of work a good construction crew could accomplish in one week amazed Alaina. For five days that first week, Evan’s crew had slaved away on a new roof. By the end of the second week, they had completely repaired her attic, and most of the internal structural repairs had been made.

Daniel joined the crew for a few hours each day, donating his labor when it didn’t interfere with the classes he taught at his studio.

The sight of his shirtless form, sweaty from exertion, brought Alaina home from work for lunch several times during the week.

The last day of Sophia’s self-defense class had come and gone.

Alaina had found counseling placements for each of the women, so she wasn’t upset to see it end. Now she and Daniel both had one more free evening to spend together.

Since something had come up and Drew had postponed their dinner, Daniel worked on Saturday. Alaina had been called into work, and Evan spent the day hanging drywall in Zach’s bedroom. By the time Alaina made it home, the entire room was transformed. Gone was the cowboy theme. All four walls were white.

Alaina stood in the door, watching Evan sand the mud from the joints. The loud whir of the wet-dry vacuum gave her the opportunity to observe without Evan being aware of her presence.

White dust coated his jeans, giving them the appearance of having been bleached. They molded to his ass and thighs nicely, tightening over his muscles when he bent and loosening when he straightened.

The original color of his tee was not discernable. Right now, it resembled some washed-out shade of grey.

Time to Pretend


An emotion welled in Alaina’s chest. She wasn’t comfortable enough to call it by its true name, not out loud. There was time still.

Neither Evan nor Daniel had once hinted to her they were in love with one another. Daniel had expressed his love for her, and he had outed Evan as having the same feelings, but she hadn’t reciprocated.

Whatever caused them to keep their love a secret also prompted her to keep her feelings to herself. So many things could go wrong.

Too many variables made it difficult to be certain about anything. She did know that being with the both of them felt right. All these years, she had avoided relationships that might lead to marriage because she was afraid of ending up with some controlling bastard like her father.

Now she was contemplating the unfairness of not being allowed to marry two men at the same time. Her opinion of polygamists had undergone a radical transformation in the past week. She wasn’t about to join a cult, but she did want to know there was a way to have legal permanence and recognition of their love.

The noise ceased, pulling her from her thoughts. Evan lifted the breathing mask from his face and let it hang loosely around his neck.

He reached out and ran his fingers over the spot he had just sanded. A tremor ran though Alaina as she remembered the way he had touched her only that morning.

More often than not, he and Daniel stayed the night with her. She liked waking up sandwiched between their warm bodies. With those two, winter was going to be a lot warmer. Still, they needed time alone, without her. That meant she was going to have to kick them both out of the house tonight because neither of them was very good at coming up with lame excuses.

She sighed. It came out louder than she intended.

Evan turned, a smile lifting his sensuous lips and lighting his clear blue eyes. “Hey. You’re home early.”

“And I’m heading out in a bit. I’m working tonight. They called me in a little while ago.”

BOOK: Time to Pretend
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