Time to Play (2 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Time to Play
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“Fuck!” John shouted.

“Yeah, fuck.
So all this time you’ve been fucking your
little secretary?
Wow, such a porno move to do. Do you at least give her

The secretary, Joan, she thought her name was, suddenly squealed trying
to cover her body. Not that there was much of a body to look at. The girl was
all skin and bones. Yeah, Simone got it. She was too big of a woman for this

Simone was a full woman all over, large breasts and hips with a small
waist. She would never make a super-model and didn’t want to.

“Simone, what are you doing here?” John asked.

, I thought I’d surprise my boyfriend
on Valentine’s Day, but you know what, looking at your limp dick, I think I’ll
find a new one.” Simone turned on her heel and began walking out of the
apartment. Shit, she’d wasted several months on him.

“Simone, wait.” She was tired of waiting. When would she learn that not
all men appreciated her curves or her sexual appetite? It was unfair.

“Screw you,” she said over her shoulder. Once she made it to the
elevator, she clicked the button to be taken down. There was no way she was
going to attempt the stairs in her high heeled shoes. These shoes cost a great
deal of cash and were comfortable. The expense and luxury of the fit meant she
was keeping them in the best possible condition.

John came out of his apartment with his sheet wrapped around him.
“Simone, wait. This is not what it looks like.”

“No, then I take it Joan is merely a figment of my imagination.” Folding
her arms underneath her breasts did nothing to calm the anger building up
inside her. She was furious with him.

Why do I care? I never loved him. He
was a bit of fun while it lasted.

Because the rumours are going to start doing the circuit at work.

She groaned. There was nothing worse than office gossip. Some of the
women hated her because she refused to diet and talk about her weight. Was it a
crime to actually like the way you looked? No, she would never be stick thin.
She loved her food and had learned at an early age to love her body.

When she was eighteen years old, an older man had showed her how
beautiful her body was. They’d met in a bookstore, and one thing had led to
another. He’d been an imaginative lover and friend at the time. After a few
months, he’d found a woman his own age, and they’d parted on good terms. He’d
been a wonderful person.

John was not the
. His
voice grated on her nerves, and he had this ability to make everything around
him that went wrong, other people’s fault. In fact she really didn’t like him.
The few occasions she’d
it had been because
she’d been fingering her clit. Yep, she was more pissed off about him cheating.
Out of everything he could have done, cheating was the big fat no-no. She hated
cheaters. Her father had been a cheater. She still remembered the pain her
mother had been in whenever he came back stinking of other women’s perfume. No,
she’d never abide cheating in a relationship. They had been exclusive, and John
fucked it up.

“You always make it sound so seedy,” John said.

There, the blame was being pushed back on her, and Simone had had

“Seedy? Your dick was inside her cunt, John. How else am I supposed to
look at it?” The elevator pinged open. She stepped inside and pushed John back
when he made a move to follow. “I’ll bring your crap into work tomorrow.”

“What? Why? This was a mistake.”

“Fuck you.”

The elevator doors closed. She leaned against the back carriage, closed
her eyes to take some even breaths. Her hands were shaking. This was what she
hated the most, the confrontation between people. It terrified her.

She could hold her own in a fight and even argue until she was blue in
the face, but afterwards she’d be a nervous wreck.

When the elevator hit the bottom floor, she waved at the doorman and
made her way onto the main street. She glanced up the street then down. There
was no sign of a taxi to help her.

“Great, alone on Valentine’s Day.”
Simone walked a few more feet. A
flashing sign in the distance caught her eyes. “Thank God for small mercies.”

Taking her time, she crossed the street thanking the cabs that had let
her pass then made her way over to the upscale hotel and restaurant. She’d been
to this place a few times with clients from work.

Her boss liked her to be part of every single contract. He said her
looks and allure were what drove their clients to stick with them. Simone had
no idea what he was talking about and decided to ignore any of his compliments.

She worked hard for the clients she got. There was no sex involved.

The doorman smiled at her as he let her inside. She recognised him and
paid him a tip. Once again she was thankful for taking her purse.

A stiff drink and a room was what she needed. She’d start on the stiff
drink, and then when she had too many, she’d rent one of their rooms. Simone
made her way across the foyer into the hotel’s exclusive bar. It was dark with
a live band playing off in the distance. The room was crowded. She made her way
toward the bar, grabbed a stool and raised her hand.

The barman appeared instantly.

“I’d like the strongest drink you’ve got,” she said.

“Coming right up.”

She stood, removed her coat revealing the small black dress she’d
bought. The neck plunged at the front showing off her cleavage to the best advantage.
The bra she wore pushed her little beauties up giving her shape a whole new
look. The fabric moulded to her curves in all the right places. It was the kind
of dress women would pay thousands of dollars for to look good in. At least,
she’d paid a good thousand for it. After the Christmas bonus she’d earned,
Simone figured she’d treat herself.

No panties were worn though. She couldn’t stand the constraints they
gave her body.
Most of the time she wore no panties.
The feel of being bare down below gave her such a rush. There were times at
work where she got so horny she’d have to leave on lunch break to make it home
to finish

The barman came back with a glass of dark liquid. “This is the good
stuff,” he said.

“Keep them coming.”

“It’s Valentine’s Day, miss. Why are you alone?” he asked.

“If you keep the questions to yourself, I’ll give you a nice tip at the
end of it.” She gazed at the man before her waiting for him to agree. He nodded
his head then left.

“Well, lucky me. I find a lady all alone on Valentine’s Day,” a guy said
sitting next to her.

She rolled her eyes hating his attention. “Fuck off.” At work she kept
her attitude under control. However, she wasn’t at work, and this guy was
pissing her off.

“Excuse me?”

Sighing out loud, Simone turned to her male company. “I don’t give a
shit what you want, buddy. I’m not here for company. Fuck off and leave me
alone, or I’ll make your balls wish they’d stayed in their pants.”

Turning back to her drink, she took a sip. The dark amber liquid burned
her throat on the way down. Perfect.

She raised the glass to the barman and acknowledged he’d made a good

The guy at her side left but was soon replaced by another man. She
wanted alone time, not to find a guy. None of these men were worth the time she
wanted to be taken.

That’s what you need, Simone, a
proper man who takes what he wants regardless of what you say.

Her pussy melted at the thought of a man coming up beside her and making
her take notice. There was no man in the world like that. She would have to
stick with her fantasies and dreams.


Gallagher watched the raven haired
woman at the bar shoot down another man as he tried it on. He’d noticed her the
moment she walked into the bar. Most males had turned their attention toward
her. She oozed raw sexuality and femininity all in one package.

He wondered what colour her eyes would be. Sparkling blue he imagined,
with the edge of fire within their depths.

“I see another woman has taken your fancy,” Cole Turner, his long-time
friend and business partner said.

Turning back to the table, he glanced at his friend before speaking. “I
saw the way you looked at her as well, Cole.”

“The shocking black-haired beauty who is currently threatening another
man does have a way about her. Yes, I’ve seen her. She really is something, but
we need to get back to business.”

“Why? Everything will be taken care of on Monday. I’ve got the weekend
to go over it. It’s Valentine’s Day, Cole. Let’s enjoy it.”

“You want to go over to that woman and risk losing your balls.”

“She looks in need of some company, my friend.”

“You always liked a challenge,” Cole said.

picked up his beer and took a
healthy swallow. “Are you concerned about our account?”

“I don’t trust the company. I don’t like them, and we’ve lost money.
A lot of it.”

knew what had been happening at the
marketing firm that had been handling their company’s advertising. Thousands,
even millions, of dollars had been missing from their account for lousy work.

“I’m looking into every employee connected to our account. I suspect
something will crop up soon,” Cole said.

“Good.” His friend dealt with security detail. He’d done a tour of
service in
but after a life-threatening injury he’d been pulled out of active duty and had
left the service.
didn’t ask about his time in
a war zone. He knew Cole would rather not talk about what happened over there.

His friend was still alive, and for that,
was thankful.

“I’m calling it a night. Go and screw your woman. Be on time for the
business meeting Monday.” Cole threw down some notes then walked out of the
bar. He had a hotel room on the top floor next to

Grabbing his beer, he made it over toward the bar. The barman gave her
another drink. He noticed she took the drink with a smile.

Sitting down in the seat next to her, he passed the barman his beer

“Another,” he said.
didn’t ask if the
seat was taken. He didn’t care if it was.

His beer was placed in front of him with the cap pulled off.
picked it up and took another sip. Chilled, the way
he liked it.

The woman at his side hadn’t spoken a word. He saw in the mirror,
opposite them that she wasn’t paying him any attention. She was swirling an
umbrella around in her drink.

“On my last count you’d shot down three men,”
said, facing the bar.

“None of your business, hotshot.
If you think you can have a go then
fuck off.”

Colourful language.

“Actually, my friend has gone, and I don’t see a need to fill up a
table.” He turned his leg so that his brushed against hers.

“Whatever.” She sipped her drink, wrinkling her nose at the taste. He
couldn’t help himself, he chuckled.

“Such a bad attitude for a little lady.”
There was nothing little about her.
She was a full woman with a nice rounded ass. He’d seen her ass as she removed
her coat. Fuck, his cock pulsed with arousal. She looked good enough to eat and
then fuck. Turning all of his attention on the lady at his side,
stared at her.

He’d been right.
Gorgeous blue eyes.
Wow, she
really was a beautiful woman.

“You’re drooling,” she said.

“So, you’re a beautiful woman, and I
like looking at beautiful things.”

“I’m not a thing.”

“No,” he said in agreement.
moved in
close whispering against her ear. “You’re a living, breathing toy.”

Her eyes flashed in awareness. She raised her hand as if to slap him.
caught her palm, kissing the tender flesh on the
inside of her wrist.

“Now, now, I was only making a comment.”

“Don’t insult me,” she said.

“Then tell me why you’re alone on Valentine’s Day.”

placed a hand on her knee, feeling
the smoothness of her skin. His cock was rock hard in his pants. The need he
felt for her consumed every breath he took.

“You really want to know?” she asked.


She stared at him with a glint in her eyes. “Okay, I caught my boyfriend
fucking his secretary. I’m here because I don’t want to deal with his whiny
voice today.” The woman at his side raised her glass. “Cheers.”

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