Time Thief (The Anomaly Trilogy) (6 page)

Read Time Thief (The Anomaly Trilogy) Online

Authors: Anna Hackett

Tags: #Paranormal sci fi romance

BOOK: Time Thief (The Anomaly Trilogy)
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Thoughts of everything but the man touching her drifted away. She wanted Sean, more than she’d wanted any man before. She wanted to explore his tough body, let him touch her. She wanted to pretend for a little while that there was only the two of them. Nothing else.

He pressed a palm to her belly. She quivered. He flicked open the snap on her jeans.

“Sean.” She heard the plea in her voice.

With his other hand he yanked her back against him. Pain shot through her shoulder. She couldn’t stifle her cry.

He pulled back like her skin burned him. “Shit. You’re hurt and here I am pawing at you…” he backed up.

She wasn’t fragile. “Sean—”

“Me. You. This should never have happened.” A grimace crossed his face. He reached for the door. “I won’t touch you again.”

A knot clogged Bay’s throat. She wrapped her arms across her chest, feeling very exposed. The door closed with a final click.

She stared at her face in the slowly fogging mirror. She looked like an ordinary woman. Maybe not beautiful, but she might rate pretty.

Sean would never, ever forget that she wasn’t just a woman.

She was an aberration. She was what had destroyed his life.


Sean tried to block out the sound of the running shower.

It didn’t work. Instead, it made him imagine water sliding over naked skin. Lean limbs glistening. Honey-blonde hair darkening and slicking down over her slender back and full breasts.

He groaned. Jesus, she was injured. She needed rest. He was a bastard putting his needs before hers. Hurting her.

But he wanted her. Wanted to run his hands over her skin, cup her curves, dip questing fingers between her muscled thighs. His cock twitched and with another groan, he rose.

He could admit now that he’d been attracted to her since the first time he saw her. It had been in Miami. She’d given him the slip at the airport. She’d outsmarted him and he’d admired her calculating, quick mind. She’d also locked two of Leven’s men in a janitor’s closet.

Sean had learned everything about her over the last few months. Watching her from afar, studying the places she’d stayed, analyzing her moves. But he’d avoided ever finding out her name.

A part of him had been so angry that he wanted to fuck a time thief.

Now she wasn’t the enemy.

And he didn’t want to fuck her. He wanted more.

She was someone who understood his pain. Someone he wanted to take care of. He knew she was more than capable of caring for herself, but that made him want to look after her even more.

She was injured from saving his life and here he was trying to get her naked. He cursed himself. She’d spent her whole life having everything taken from her…he wouldn’t be another bastard trying to take more.

Damn you, Leven.
Anger licked Sean’s insides. The bastard was evil. He’d destroyed Bay’s family, murdered Sean’s team. God, Leven must have laughed at having Sean work for him. Well, Sean would make sure Leven never laughed again. Just like his team wouldn’t, either.

Sean dropped onto the bed, his head in his hands. His stomach was kinked into a thousand sharp knots. He wanted to hurt Leven, wanted to beat the guy bloody.

This damn anger was going to consume him. He clenched his hands into fists against his temples. It would burn him up from the inside out.

He didn’t give a shit. If he died going after Leven, he didn’t care.

The bed dipped. A brush of skin against him. “Sean?”

Her voice was like a breath of cool mist. Her wet hair framed her face and she was only wrapped in a towel.

His gaze traced her bare shoulders. Slim, but toned. Her legs were curled beneath her.

The emotion in him morphed into white-hot desire. He wanted to rip that towel away, throw her on the bed and forget everything.

He’d take care of her, even if he suffered in the process. He ripped his gaze away and stared at the wall. “Feeling better?”

“Shoulder’s much better.” She pressed a hand to his thigh. “You okay?”

“No.” And her being so close wasn’t helping. His already tense muscles turned rock hard.

“I know I’m not one to talk about letting things go, but you need to control what you’re feeling.”

Right. That was like asking him to stop a river in flood. He ran a hand through his hair. Jesus, she smelled so good. Clean and fresh with a hint of something…lemon maybe.

“It’ll eat away at you otherwise. And you’ll make a mistake that’ll get you killed.” Her moss-green eyes were steady. Understanding. With her hair slicked back, she looked younger, softer.

“Talking from experience?”

A quick nod. “After my family…I ran. But I burned with the need to kill Leven.” She sucked in a breath. “I heard he was in Chicago. He owns a strip club there. I snuck in and surprised him while he was getting a lap dance.”

Obviously Leven hadn’t grieved long. “You attacked him?”

“Scared the stripper off and got my chance to choke the bastard. With my shoelace.” Bay shook her head. “I was so young, and running on adrenaline and anger.”

“Bad combo.” He’d seen soldiers in battle do the same. They made stupid mistakes that risked not only their lives, but the lives of those around them.

“I almost killed him, but his guards stormed in. Started beating me. And Leven stood there, blood running down his neck, telling me how he was going to keep me chained up. Force me to steal time for him. Let his men have me whenever they wanted.”

Sean’s jaw clenched.
She’d been no more than a kid!
Leven would pay, over and over.

“Hey.” She pressed her hand to Sean’s other thigh. Her fingers massaged his tense flesh. “I didn’t tell you to make you angrier. I got away when they tried to stuff me in a van. After that, I knew I needed to cool off. To plan. And I realized I didn’t want to just kill him, I want to make him miserable before I eventually take his life.”

She was so beautiful. Her pretty, earnest face, her green eyes and her ferocious spirit. Even talking about murder, Sean wanted her so badly.


Something in him was drawn to her, begged him to lose himself in her. For a few hours. Days. Hell, maybe longer.

He wanted to forget blood and death, forget revenge and feel something clean and fresh.

She’s hurt, remember?
He jerked to his feet. “I’m going to hit the shower.”

Something moved in her eyes and her cheeks flushed. She stood and her towel slipped. His heart clenched.

She tightened the towel with a quick hand. “Right. I’ll just…get dressed. I’m sorry for getting too close and about before in the bathroom. I know you’d never want a time thief.”

He had a painful hard-on and she thought he didn’t want her? “You don’t know anything.”

He wanted to prove her wrong, but the need to look after her was stronger. He forced himself to head for the bathroom.


Chapter Six




Bay stood in the middle of the bedroom waiting for her flushed cheeks to cool. Her instinct was to run. Get away from Sean Archer and his compelling gray eyes.

She grabbed the clothes Matt had left. Too big for her but they’d do for now. Sean was drowning in his guilt, anger and sorrow. One of these days it would overrun his military self-control and get him killed.

Oh, but she understood. Her hands dropped to her sides. She’d been in his shoes, was still there. Living and breathing for the chance to make Gabriel Leven pay.

They were certainly a pair.

“You don’t know anything.”
Had he meant what she thought he meant?

She let her instincts take over. The man was definitely attracted to her. Time thief or not. She fiddled with the edge of the towel. Even now her breasts felt full, her nipples hard, just from being close to him. Remembering his caresses.

Just get dressed, Bay. Leave him to his demons.
She chewed on her lip.

She couldn’t leave him. For lots of reasons, but only one mattered the most. She wanted him. For the first time in years, she wanted something just for herself.

Letting the towel drop, she headed for the bathroom.

Steam clouded the room. His strong silhouette showed through the glass of the shower stall. One hand was pressed to the tiles, his head down, hot water pounding over him.

When she opened the shower door, his head shot up.

Boiling gray eyes widened but he didn’t say anything. His gaze drifted down her naked body, lingering. Where he looked, she burned for his touch.

But he didn’t touch. Didn’t close the distance.

So she did.

She stepped inside, the hot spray hitting her skin. She took her time studying his battle-scarred body. He was tanned skin over tight muscles. He had several older white scars and one newly healed pink one on his chest. Wide shoulders narrowed to trim hips and a heavily ridged stomach. Below that, his thick erection jutted between muscular thighs.

“You need me,” she said.

“But you don’t need me.” His hands curled into fists. “You should be resting.”

“I know my strength, Sean. I’m fine.” She ran a finger down the center of his chest. Touched the ridge of his scar. “Why don’t we forget for a while?”

His face contorted. “You just want to fuck? Go at it like bunnies?”

He was still trying to run her off. “No. I want to touch you, pleasure you. Remind you that there’s more than anger and hatred.”

The tendons in his neck strained.

“I get a regular birth control shot.” No way she’d risk bringing a child into her crazy life. “And I’m healthy.”

He sucked in a deep breath. “Me too.”

“You have to say yes.” She wouldn’t make it too easy on him. “Tell me yes, Sean.”

A muscle in his jaw worked and his knuckles turned white. Then fire ignited in his eyes. “Yes.”

She wanted to rush. To grab at him and let the molten desire loose. She’d always admired his looks, even when he’d been hunting her. But now she knew the damaged man beneath the hard exterior.

But she wouldn’t rush. She wanted to give him more. She wanted to ease his pain for a little while.

And ease her own.

She moved close to him, the hot water pouring over them both, slick skin pressed to slick skin. She slid her hands into the tawny strands of his hair.

His mouth pressed to her temple. His lips moved down her cheek, then claimed her mouth.

She moaned in pleasure and ran her hands along his side. He gripped her thigh, lifted it to wrap around his hip. His erection pressed hard into her belly.

“Shoulder okay?”

The man was too caring for his own good. “Fine.”

“You feel good.” His hands slid under her bottom. “I’ve fantasized plenty about these lithe legs of yours.”

“I’m short.” Her voice was breathy.

He eased her back against the tiles and the shock of cool ceramic was a stark contrast to the hot male pressed against her.

“You’re just right.” His mouth travelled to her ear. He nipped at her sensitive lobe before setting his teeth against the tendons of her neck.

Sensation tore through her and she tilted her head to the side to give him better access.

“I want more.” His words were deep, torn from him.

When he broke contact, she made a sound of protest. “I want to touch
. Drive you crazy.”

His callused hands closed over her breasts and all thoughts rushed from her head. He flicked a thumb over her nipple.

driving me crazy. And what I want is to taste you. All of you.”

That was all the warning she got. He dropped to his knees. His hands weren’t gentle as they nudged her legs apart.

Then his mouth was on her.

Her head rapped back against the tiles. Pleasure, hot and intense, roared through her, leaving her panting. He wasn’t soft or timid. He lapped at her, driving her higher and higher.

“Sean.” She gripped his shoulders to stay upright. Her knees had melted and her belly was tingling. She felt her muscles tightening, control slipping away.

She never let herself get out of control.

“Let go, Bay. I’ll catch you.”

She looked down into his tough face. His eyes burned. For her. He wasn’t thinking of the past or the present. What she was or wasn’t. Just the here and now and the desire between them.

This man had saved her today—more than once. He knew what she’d suffered. She was shocked to realize that after such a short time together, she trusted him.

She let her muscles relax and gave herself up to him.

Another bold caress of his mouth and Bay splintered. The pleasure poured through her—hot, liquid, intoxicating. When her legs gave way, Sean caught her, as promised.


Sean was shaking.

He’d been outnumbered in fights, jumped from planes at low altitude and fought for his life too many times to count. Never once had he lost his cool like this.

This woman brought him to his knees and left him wanting.

Water still poured over them. He stroked her good shoulder, watching until her eyes fluttered open. They were still a little unfocused, but she smiled at him.

“We aren’t finished yet,” he growled.

Her smile widened. “I hope not. I want you inside me.”

Her words inflamed him. He grabbed her and surged upright. More than anything, he wanted to lose himself in her.

When her hand slid down his stomach, he sucked in a breath. She circled his erection, fingers brushing over the sensitive head and he groaned.

He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him. He took her slight weight, didn’t want to risk hurting her by pressing her against the wall.

She shimmied her hips and his erection pressed against her slick opening.

He lost the last of his tenuous control. He looked at her as he thrust inside her. Watched the flare in her eyes as he filled her.


Her fingers dug into his shoulders. “Stop thinking. Just love me.”

He did as she asked. Because he couldn’t stop himself. He thrust into her. Her small cries echoed off the tiles and she arched into him. An invitation to take all she offered.

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