Time Out (4 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Time Out
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“Don’t forget spiritual.  I would guess that some people r
aised in a religious environment might have some conflicts or even be drawn more into it because of how they were raised,” Kristina considered, thinking.  She had also
picked up on the word ‘individual’ in lieu of ‘student’. “Would that individual be working with me on the research?” Kristina asked.

“That would be up to you, my dear.”

Kristina’s thoughts immediately went to Bryan.  Would he be willing to help with her research?  She strongly suspected she already knew the answer.

anne watched Kristina leave and leaned back in her chair.  She thought of the instructor who had opened the doors for her twenty years earlier.  He had been her mentor, her friend, her lover and her first Dom. He had also become her husband and taught her everything he knew about their secret world. He had disapproved of Suzanne wanting to Top, causing them to amicably part ways several years later.

Suzanne considered the questions she had given Kristina.  Douglas had obtained primary custody after their divorce, leaving her to raise her two daughters on weekends and during the summer while he pursued his extra-curricular interests.  Those girls had been her treasures and they had grown up too quickly. Gloria, just turned 20, had recently moved south with her new boyfriend to help him with his kennel.  To both Suzanne’s delight -and dismay- she frequently showed up unannounced to her mother’s home. But Suzanne had missed so much of the growing process of her beloved daughters and longed for the sweet stage where mommy could do no wrong and could fix every hurt. She wanted a child who would never really grow up, except during special times when an adult companion was needed.

She had been introduced to age-play during a session with a young female submissive several years after her divorce.  The women had been referred to Suzanne by her regular Dom to address her ‘mommy’ issues. The Dom had been Douglas.  Once again, he sent her in a direction that only he knew she had needed.  Together, they topped the young woman and helped her regain her sense of self. Armed with new confidence, the woman pursued a lesbian relationship.  She had returned to Suzanne for counseling about her struggle with wanting to pursue another mommy/daughter relationship.  This time, with her partner.

Suzanne was forever grateful for Douglas’ direction and instruction, and still loved him deeply, as he did her.  They kept in frequent contact and still saw each other on occasion. On a whim, she picked up the phone and dialed, “Hi Doug, it’s Suz. Got some time to catch up? I got some news for you. I met someone and wanted your input…”

Chapter Three



“How old’s your sister?” Kristina asked after Bryon got
an earful from
Cassie regarding not wanting to wait to go grocery shopping until he got home.  He had come by Denny’s to visit Kristina during her break, rose in hand, to congratulate her for accepting Suzanne’s offer to write for her.

“She’ll be 21 next month.  She’s a brat, but I adore her.”

“I bet you’re a great big brother,” Kristina commented. 

Bryon chuckled, shrugging. “I person
ally think I
’m the best, but Cassie says I’m too over-protective.  I might be
a little
. More coffee?”

“Yes, please. So, you two have a pretty big difference in age,” Kristina observed.

“We’re about twelve years apart.  Her mom and my dad married when she was eight.”

“Oh, so she’s your step-sister!”

“Yeah, and still a little brat.  How about you? Any brothers?”

“None.  I have three older sisters who walk on water.  I was an ‘accident’ post-vastectomy. My parents are older and didn’t have the energy to deal with another little kid,” she said casually with a hint of sorrow.

“But you’re so cute,” Bryon frowned. “How could they not want to play with you? Man, if it was me, I’d play with you all the time and drive you nuts.”

“Now you sound like a big brother. You are just too sweet.  Nah, I was an inconvience and they let me know it. Do you have any other siblings?”

“Middle child. Rob’s one year older and Glenn’s 11 years younger. I have a great family and my dad was always active and attentive in our lives.  He met Margie a year after our mother took off and they got married a few months later.  She was a great step-mom, too, especially for Glenn.  She passed over a year ago.”

“I’m sorry. That must have been terrible.  Was it expected?”

“No, it came about suddenly.  It was hardest for Cass; but she had us to help.  Having a housefull of big, strong men can be a bit overwhelming, but also very comforting, for a scared little girl.”

“She’s lucky,” Kristina said quietly.  There was a moment of silence as Bryon studied her.  She looked sad. 

“Hey, if you ever need to be overwhelmed, you are more than welcome to join us.  We are loud, obnoxious and the whole family is a total pain in the ass. Especially when we watch a game. It’s fun,” he squeezed her hand.  She didn’t pull away
that time.

“I might take you up on that one day,” Kristina smiled sweetly. 

Bryon frowned. “I hope so. I’m being serious.  I’m not just your teacher and a friend; if you ever need a big brother or a daddy fix, you better call.  Hear me, young lady?”

“Yes, I hear you. I need to get back to work
and you have shopping to do
,” Kristina said nervously, feeling something tremble deep inside of her, starting in her stomach.  His tone, his look, and his words sent a thrill of excitement raging through her body.

“Do you mind if I sit here and work
a while
? I hate grocery shopping. Please?” Bryon asked with
a cheesy grin

“Be my guest.  It’s quiet and the boss doesn’t mind.  More pie?”

Are you kidding? I might spoil my dinner and give Cass another reason to yell at me
. What do you think?” Bryon held out his empty pl

After another very late evening of working, talking and drinking coffee with Bryon during her breaks, Kristina sat on her bed, laptop in hand.  Pausing, she began to write….

‘If you ever need a big brother or daddy fix, you just call.  He
ar me, young lady?’
These words awakened something inside of me that I did not know existed.  A desire, no, a need to feel protected and c
red for by the very role of the people who rejected me.  Every girl needs a daddy in her life, but what does she do when there is not one there for her? She begins to search….

Kristina wrote frantically until the early morning hours, expressing her thoughts, needs, and confusion regarding the dichotomy of desire.  Glancing at the clock, she gasped.  It was 6 a.m.  She was going to be late for the breakfast shift if she didn’t hurry! She quickly dressed
and raced to the restaurant, making record time.
Half asleep and dead on her feet, Kristina walked over to a table where a very large, d
ark haired,
handsome man sat next to a beautiful, petite blonde woman.  Kristin
forced b
ack a yawn and smiled
. “Welcome to Denny’s. Can I take your order?”

“Latte for my girl and leaded for me, please,” the man said, his dimples showing.

Kristina nodded, eyeing him.  He looked very familiar. “I’m sorry, I don’t me
an to be rude,
but do I know you from somewhere?” she asked, writing down the order.

“I don’t think we’ve met.”

“I know I’ve seen you before…. Wait, are you related to Bill Johnson?”

“Yes, I’m his oldest son, Rob.”

“It’s so good to meet you! I’m being tutored by your brother, Bryon.  I’m Kristina Barker.”

“Why, yes! He told us about you.  I’m very pleased to meet you, Kristina.  This is Cassandra, my fiancée.”

Kristina stared at the girl, blinking.  Fiancée?

“You better explain before she has a heart attack.” Cassie piped in.

“No blood relation.  Married into the family. Took 12 years and she finally came to her senses
and saw
at I’m a good catch
.” Rob grinned. 

a major
butthead.  I’m
a much better catch than you are and you know it.
You look tired, Kristina.” Cassie said, punching his arm.

“I am.  I was up all night writing.”

“That’s right, you’re working with Suz.  How’s it going?” Rob asked, giving Cassie the ‘eye’ for her disrespectful comment towards him.

“Word gets around fast in your family, huh? I just started. It should be interesting.”

“What’s it on?” Cassie asked, ignoring Rob’ h
and on her thigh

“She’s researching some areas in alternative lifestyles.  I’m helping her.  It’s something called age-play.”

Rob and Cassie glanced at each other.  So, that’s what Suzanne was up to!

“Sounds fascinating.  Is Bry helping you with it?” Rob asked.

“He gave me some ideas.  He’s going to do the editing and help Suzanne a bit with the research. I’m sorry I looked surprised. He told me your age, but by the way he talks about you, I couldn’t help but picture you as being 5 or 6.” Kristina commented towards Cassie. 

She wrinkled her nose. “Believe me, he treats me like I’m 5 or 6 sometimes.  So does this one,” she tilted her head towards Rob.

“Can’t help it when you act that way, brat.  Plus, you’re no bigger than a bug.”

“Bite me.”

“Can’t you wait until we get home?”

“You’re not getting anything from me when we get home, Mister Man.  That you can count on,” Cassie smarted back with a scowl. 

“Oh really? We’ll see about that, little lady,” Rob answered back good-naturedly.  Only Cassie could see the warning glint in his eye.   She swallowed, knowing she’d crossed the line again.

Unaware of the dynamics between them, Kristina laughed.  She now understood Bryon’s affectionate warning about his family. She finished taking their orders, excused herself and left.

“So, that’s the little girl that Daddy Bryon was talking about,” Cassie said sweetly, snuggling into his large arm and kissing his bicep, hoping to steer the conversation away from her n

Rob nodded, kissing her temple in return. “It looks like it. Now, what did you say to me?” he asked sternly.

“I was just playing,” Cassie whispered, chewing on her lower lip.

“We’ll talk about your smart comments when we get home, young l
.  You know better than to talk back to me or call me names, Cassandra, especially in front of people.  It’s disrespectful and we are raising you to mind your manners. I’m very dis
appointed in you.

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry,” Cassie sighed.

“You will be this time.  Both Daddy Bryon and I have warned you many times about curbing your tongue. I believe this is the third offense.  You know what that means.”

Kristina watched the couple from the counter.  She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she could tell by the look on their faces that the girl was being scolded for something. She wondered what it would feel like to be in Cassie’s position
have men like Bryon and Rob always there for her, even just to scold when she misbehaved.

These thoughts intensified when Rob paid the bill and looked at her sternly. “I strongly suggest that you budget your time a little better and get some rest, young lady.  If you fall asleep behind the wheel, I know Bry will be very upset.  He’s very fond of you and he’s not the type of man you want to make worry. Once you are on his friend list, he becomes very protective.  As do I.”

Kristina nodded dumbly; speechless from the raw dominance that Rob exuded. He touched his finger under her chin to lift her eyes and look at her closely. He had the s
ame manner as Bryon. Rob silently r
aised an eyebrow, touched her nose with his fingertip, and then left holding Cassie firmly by the hand. Kristina stood paralyzed until her boss snapped her out of her reverie.

“Table 7 needs more coffee, Kris.”

“I’m right on it, Mr. Dade.”


* * *


“We met your young lady today, Bry.” Rob said, sitting on his bed
as he talked on the phone. He watched as
Cassie stood, sniffing, in the corner.  Her jeans were down and bottom bright red with the outline of his paddle clearly visible on
the lower portion of her heart-shaped backside


“Denny’s.  The poor kid looked like the walking dead.  She was up all night writing.  By the way, your little girl just got herself another spanking.  This time she decided to mouth off at me. In public, none the less!”

“Again? I’ll reinforce her manners when I get home.  Doesn’t she know she always gets double when she breaks the rules?”

“She hasn’t seemed to learn that yet.” Rob sighed, le
aning back and rubbing his neck.

“That child…. Anyway, what did you think about Kris?”

“She is absolutely adorable. She has the vibe, you know. I gave her my ‘game face’ as I cautioned her about her safety and against worrying you, and I thought she was going to crumble right then and there.”

“Yeah, I caught it right away too. Did Cass like her?”

“She seemed to, but then, she was more worried about her bottom after she smarted off,” Rob chuckled,
eyeing the girl in the corner, “Don’t you even think of  it, missy!” he barked as he saw her hand timidly reach back to rub her backside.

Bryon snickered. “Suzanne is one manipulative little stinker.  She pulled that girl into her web before she even knew what happened.”

“She is a smart one.  How’s Glenn?”

“Apparently, she’s keeping him very sore… both front and back sides,” Bryon chortled. “Let’s have them over tomorrow.  She needs some kid time with both of them.  Her daughter hangs around the house too much.”

“Sounds like a plan. Are you on your way home?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there in an hour or so.  Just gotta finish these papers. Do you need me to pick up anything?”

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