Time for Love (17 page)

Read Time for Love Online

Authors: Emma Kaye

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #English, #Time Travel, #Regency

BOOK: Time for Love
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Alex put her arm around her shoulders, squeezing gently. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you were so close. It must have been horrible.”

Evelyn nodded. “Yes, I…” She paused, looking at something behind Alex with a queer expression on her face.

Alex turned to look, and her jaw dropped. Nicholas and Mr. Grayson struggled up from below deck. They argued as Mr. Grayson attempted to hold Nicholas back.

Something was odd about Nicholas. He moved strangely, and Alex had never seen him argue with Mr. Grayson before. Brief snatches drifted to where Alex and Evelyn stood, looking on in amazement.

“Wait until you’re…” said Mr. Grayson.

“I am not…” Nicholas replied.

“Now’s not the…”

“I will not wait any…”

Their words wavered in and out as the ocean waves slapped against the hull. Mr. Grayson appeared to give up, shaking his head and walking away while Nicholas stood peering around, his arms outstretched slightly as if trying to maintain balance.

“What do you think’s going on?” Alex asked Evelyn. “Nic… uh, the captain looks as if he’s about to fall over.”

“Foxed, looks like,” Evelyn replied.

Alex did a double take. She should have recognized the signs, she’d worked as a bartender long enough, but somehow it seemed completely out of character.

A moment later, he caught sight of her and made his way to her side. “Alex.”

She stared back at him, waiting for him to say something and hoping he wasn’t about to embarrass the hell out of her, but somehow pretty sure he was. When he didn’t say anything, “yes?” she prompted.

She thought he was about to fall, but suddenly he reached out and pulled her roughly to him. There was nothing clumsy about his kiss. Shocked, she leaned against him, unable to break away. And not sure she wanted to.

A gentle coughing slowly reached her ears, and Nicholas pulled back, though he didn’t release her.

When she looked around, she saw they had gathered a crowd. All along the ship, people had stopped working to gawk at the spectacle of their captain embracing a young boy.

“Oh, God,” she said. “What must they be thinking?” She hid her face in Nicholas’s chest and groaned.

“Go back to work.” She reared back to stare and her jaw dropped as Nicholas waved a hand and spoke to the watching crowd. “Alexandra and I have some important matters to discuss.”

She caught a brief glimpse of Mr. Duff staring at her as he paused in his work on the rail a short distance away. She hadn’t noticed him as she talked to Evelyn. The look on his face made her shiver.

Nicholas tugged at her hands, forcing her to follow as he led her back to his cabin. His smile was reminiscent of a young child who had accomplished some great feat of daring, clearly expecting everyone to be overjoyed with his success.

“What the hell was that all about?” she demanded the second the door slammed closed behind her.

He tried to pull her toward him, but she snatched her hand away and dodged across the room so she could glare at him from a safe distance. The crumpled sheets brought forth memories from the night before, and she averted her gaze, trying to focus on her humiliation. Not as pleasant, but much smarter at the moment.

He fell into a chair and leaned back with a sigh. “I told you we needed to talk.”

“You can’t seriously have been expecting me so soon. It’s still daylight.”

“I may be a little foxed and not thinking too clearly at the moment.” His words slurred slightly.

All her anger drained away, and she had to laugh. “I think that’s a bit of an understatement.”

She went over and knelt in front of him, peering up into his handsome face. “Well, I’m here now. What did you want to say?”

“I can’t remember,” he whispered as he reached for her.


Alex spent the next few days sequestered in Nicholas’s cabin, too embarrassed to face the rest of the crew. He tried to ease her mind by saying the crew had taken the news of her gender well, but she wasn’t sure if this was true or if he just said it to ease her discomfort. He certainly didn’t object to her remaining in his cabin as he left to inform Mr. Grayson he would be in charge for the duration.

By some mutual unspoken agreement, they didn’t discuss the future, although all other topics were fair game. The days passed swiftly as they spent the time getting to know each other better.

All too soon, they heard the cry, “Land ahoy!” and Nicholas left to see to his ship.

The news brought mixed feelings for Alex. She was anxious over her sister and eager to begin her search, but the thought of leaving Nicholas brought fresh tears to her eyes as she sat in his cabin thumbing through one of his books.

She looked up at a quiet knock on the door and quickly dried her tears. “Come in.”

“Did you hear?” Evelyn asked as she walked through the door. “They’ve spotted land. We’ll be home soon.”

“That’s great.” Alex forced a smile.

Evelyn sat across from her and leaned over to take one of her hands in her own. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“About what?” Alex feigned innocence.

“I may be young, but I’m not an idiot.” Evelyn sat back and folded her hands in her lap. “Do you still wish to leave with me?”

“Of course, nothing’s changed.”
Only her whole world.


Nicholas finished tying his cravat and looked over at Alex lounging naked under the covers. “I will return as soon as I can. I have to take care of a few matters myself, or I wouldn’t leave you.” He grinned widely and moved toward her. “I certainly do not care to leave while you present such a tempting picture.” He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned into her, savoring the silken warmth and delicate scent of her skin as he trailed kisses down the length of her arm.

Her hand came up to trace the scar along his cheek, and it surprised him to find he didn’t mind.

“Does it hurt?” she asked quietly.

“No.” He hated the scars. Women viewed his face with horror and repugnance, men with fear. His crew saw it as a badge of honor, a reminder of his actions in the war. Hardly anyone took the time to look past the scars to see him.

Not Alex. With her, his scars no longer defined him. She didn’t flinch away in revulsion, and that pleased him. The pride of his accomplishments overrode his hatred of his disfigurement for the first time.

She gazed at him as if trying to remember every detail of his face. A small tremor of foreboding caused him to frown, but she pressed her lips to his, and all thoughts receded as he lost himself in the sweet delicacy of her kiss.

He broke away reluctantly and laughed, albeit a bit shakily. “I had better leave, or you might tempt me to remain here all day.” After one last, longing look he turned and headed out the door.


Alex breathed a sigh of relief. That had been much harder than she’d thought it would be. She still wasn’t sure how she had managed to keep from breaking down and begging him not to leave. She was lucky a kiss could so easily distract him, even if it had left her weak in the knees and wondering how she would find the courage to walk out of his life.

Quickly. That was the key. She rushed to get dressed. Before long, Evelyn knocked and entered, carrying a bag with all their belongings. She looked excited and happy, but a touch nervous as well.

“Are you sure they won’t stop us?”

“They have no reason to. I think Nicholas has made it pretty clear you’re forgiven, and, well, I’m not sure what they think of me, but they have no reason to stop me either.” She shrugged and tried to look casual, as if every fiber of her being wasn’t screaming out in pain.


Alex squinted in the sun as she came up from below deck, stepping hastily to the side as a sailor rushed past carrying a heavy wooden crate. Finally. They could get off the ship. When she got home, she’d never again complain at the time it took to get off a crowded bus.

Everywhere she looked, sailors raced to and fro, going about the business of unloading cargo and finishing their work as quickly as possible, eager to head to shore. Spirits high, they joked around as they worked, but their ribald comments died away when they saw her and Evelyn. As one sailor nudged another to draw their attention, work momentarily halted as all eyes focused on them. Then quickly, as if it had never happened, work resumed, though with fewer bawdy jokes.

She tried to ignore it all as she strode to the gangway, hoping she looked more confident than she felt.

Just as they stepped onto the dock, a voice she had dreaded spoke from the rail above, “Where are you off to?”

She looked back at the Adonis as he started toward them. “I just have a few errands to run.”

“Surely it can wait until the captain gets back. I’m sure he would be pleased to accompany you.”

“No,” she said, a little too quickly. “That’s not necessary. I don’t wish to waste his time, and I know he had plenty to do today.” Was that suspicion in the first mate’s eye?

“You should have someone with you. It’s not safe for a lady on the wharf.”

Oh, so that was it. The whole
women are too delicate and must be protected at all times
crap. “I can handle myself. Besides, as far as anyone can tell, I’m a man, escorting a young girl. Don’t worry we’ll be fine.” Before he could say any more or insist on sending an escort, she pulled Evelyn along and walked away from the ship, trying not to look as if she were running away.

Evelyn looked back over her shoulder briefly. “I don’t believe he’s following.”

Alex sighed in relief. “That was close. I was worried he was about to insist on having someone escort us. Now. How do we get out of here?”


Nicholas leapt down from the carriage and gazed at his townhome. His. Hard to believe. He could remember the day Lucius had dragged him out and taken him to the docks. He hadn’t been back since.

Not nearly as big and imposing as he’d remembered. Of course, at only ten and three, he’d been much smaller then.

The door swung open before he made it past the newly-painted, light blue gate at the entrance. His sister fairly flew down the three steps, skidding to a stop directly before him and sinking into a graceful curtsy. He bowed in response, laughed, and pulled her into his embrace.

“Meghan! You know I do not abide such formality.” He smiled into her glowing blue eyes. How she’d grown. “Who is this lady that stands before me? Where is the little minx I left?”

She tilted her head in a regal manner to look down her nose. Not as effective as it could be as she stood a full foot shorter than he. “It has been five years, Oakleigh. Our brother did not approve of my reckless behavior.”

He frowned at her use of his title. “I may be Lord Oakleigh, but I am still your brother.”

She grinned, and her eyes twinkled as they had when she’d been a child, before their father’s untimely death. Her spirit was good to see.

“Oh, Nicky. It’s so good to have you home.” She placed her hand gently upon his arm and urged him toward the house. “Come. Mother is waiting.”

The butler stood at attention by the door. He bowed as Nicholas passed and stood by to receive his hat and greatcoat. Nicholas had dressed for the occasion. He knew his mother would expect it. It had been too long, and he wished to please her. She’d been through enough at his elder brother’s hands.

“Mother is in the drawing room. We watched you arrive. I simply could not wait to greet you.”

He followed Meghan up the stairs. The house looked to be in the midst of refurbishment. Everywhere he looked were signs the house had been on the verge of ruin prior to the recent improvements.

“Meghan.” He reached out a hand to halt her midway up the stairs. He nodded to the wall where half the paper had been stripped away. He ran his hand over a piece of the faded, dirty paper still remaining. Tools littered the upstairs corridor. “Mother is refurbishing the house?”

“Yes.” She looked around. Was she avoiding his eyes? “We were surprised when we received your message that you had arrived so soon. We had hoped to have the house complete before your arrival. Mother wished to make your homecoming as grand as possible.”

He took a closer look at her dress. It looked new. “Is that a new dress?”

She nodded and continued up the stairs without saying anything further.

His mother stood to greet him as he came through the door into the drawing room. She held out her hands, and he rushed forward to take them in his. “Nicky! It is so good to have you home.”

“It is good to be home, Mother.” He kissed her hands and embraced her. He held her lightly, lest he crush her frail form in his arms. “Are you well?”

“Of course, darling.” She lowered herself to a settee and patted the spot beside her. “Please, sit. I have sent Yates for refreshments. You must be hungry after your journey.”

He sat and looked around the room. It too had signs of recent repairs. “I see you are redecorating.”

His mother stiffened. “Yes. I do hope you don’t mind, Nicky. We wished to make sure your home suited your new station.”

Meghan twisted her hands in her skirt and sat in a chair opposite them. “Don’t be angry, Nicky.”

“Angry?” What did they think of him? “Why should I be?”

Meghan hung her head and spoke in a whisper, “Because of the expense.”

“Never mind the expense. We are quite wealthy.” He peered into his mother’s face. “What I would like to know is why the house needed refurbishment so desperately? From the state of the old wallpaper, it appears as if the house was in a shambles.”

His mother and sister stared at each other a moment before Meghan answered. “It was.”

“Why?” He jumped up and paced the room. While everything was new and decent quality, there were very few decorations. He paused at an empty cabinet on the far wall. “Where is your figurine collection, mother? I seem to remember cabinets full of the tiny little statuettes.”

“I found I no longer enjoyed them and disposed of them.”

“Father bought you many of them.” She would never get rid of those horrible artifacts. “You loved them.”

“People change, Nicky.” She shrugged as if it did not matter, but her eyes told a different story.

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