Time at War (18 page)

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Authors: Nicholas Mosley

BOOK: Time at War
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About my loves – my marriages to my first wife Rosemary and to my second wife Verity – I have tried to tell of these in my novels. The style is one which tries to portray the hope of peace but the near impossibility of achieving it: a condition in which there seem to be no orders but only paradoxical demands for self-ordering. Love has to be self-giving yet you have to make of yourself something to give; marriage should purvey not only possession but enablement. This is what seems impossible; but also what, if admitted, seems possible through grace. Peace can be found in the mind and in the heart. War, evolution, can go on elsewhere.

A Note on the Author

Nicholas Mosley was born in London and educated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford. He served in Italy during the Second World War, winning the Military Cross for bravery. He succeeded as 3rd Baron Ravensdale in 1966 and, in 1980 he also succeeded to the Baronetcy.

He is the author of twelve novels.
Hopeful Monsters
won The Whitbread Book of The Year Award in 1990. Mosley is also the author of several works of nonfiction, most notably the autobiography
Efforts at Truth
and a biography of his father, Sir Oswald Mosley.

Discover books by Nicholas Mosley published by Bloomsbury Reader at

Catastrophe Practise
Efforts at Truth: An Autobiography
Hopeful Monsters
Imago Bird
Time at War

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This electronic edition published in 2013 by Bloomsbury Reader

Bloomsbury Reader is a division of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 50 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DP

First published in Great Britain 2006 by Weidenfeld and Nicolson

Copyright © 2006 Nicholas Mosley

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The moral right of the author is asserted.

eISBN: 9781448211241

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