Till the Break of Dawn (21 page)

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Authors: Tracey H. Kitts

BOOK: Till the Break of Dawn
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His smile was grim. “Yes. But this way I get to take out at least some of my anger on whoever is dumb enough to step in the ring with me.”

Well, that sounded ominous. “Don’t kill anybody.”

He snorted. “I’m emotionally wounded, not insane.”

“I know,” I said softly. I put down my lipstick and crossed to where he sat on the bed. David and I had become fast friends and I often felt the need to hug him. It was almost as if I could physically sense his pain. I think it had something to do with how close he was to Marcus. I believe I was feeling David’s pain through my connection to the vampire.

I gave him a comforting squeeze just as Marcus walked back in.

“You guys ready?”

I could tell he was worried about David. The way he looked at the other man, his concern was plain to see.

“Ready as we’ll ever be,” David said.


Although it had been years since I’d been to a P.F.C. show, nothing seemed to have changed except for the fact that they needed a bigger arena. The smell of sulfur was still in the air where they’d been testing the pyrotechnics. Marcus hated that smell and so did I. It was like candles being blown out mixed with fireworks. It always made me want to sneeze.

Tonight’s event was being televised and camera crews were already in place. Marcus was going to introduce me to Nybras before he had to go backstage and finish getting ready. I was terrified.

My only comfort was in the fact that I’d been right about being searched. Being the special guest of Nightmare excluded me from the usual treatment. I was fast approaching the V.I.P. booth with a silver cross firmly pressed between my breasts.

“This is my guest, Dawn,” Marcus said, addressing the big werewolf at the door.

Did they have a fully transformed werewolf guard the booth in the hopes of scaring people away? It would certainly work if you asked me. If I hadn’t been with Marcus, I would have turned around the instant we turned the corner and saw him. He was enormous, taller than the six-foot-seven vampire by a few inches. His fur was as black as Marcus’ hair and when his amber eyes focused on me I swallowed hard.

“He’s expecting us.”

The werewolf stepped aside without a word and Marcus opened the door. The first thing I noticed was the one detail Marcus had left out of his description. Nybras was very good-looking. The suit he wore was silver with white pinstripes. It went well with his white hair. His skin was the palest I’d ever seen. His blue eyes glowed in the dim light and his lush red lips seemed to beg for a kiss. What had I gotten myself into?

“Nybras, this is Dawn. Dawn, Nybras.”

He glided toward me, his movements so smooth I couldn’t seem to stop myself from staring. He placed a small goblet on the table beside me before reaching for my hand.

“At last I get to see the Dawn again,” he said, chuckling softly as he kissed the back of my hand.

I looked over my shoulder at Marcus. “He has a sense of humor?”

Nybras laughed louder as he pulled me toward him. “What did you expect, a cold-hearted monster who never smiles?”

“Something like that,” I admitted.

Nybras smiled and I felt the hairs on my arms stand up. “I think we’re going to get along just fine, Marcus. You should go get ready.”

Despite what his master said, Marcus looked to me for reassurance before he left.

“I’m fine.”

As soon as we were alone Nybras asked, “Would you like some wine?”

I hesitated.

“I’m not going to poison you.”

What was he, a mind reader? “In that case, some wine would be nice.”

“Red or white?”

“Red. White is for pussies.” I couldn’t believe what had just come out of my mouth. It was something Terry had said for years and apparently it had wormed its way into my vocabulary.

Nybras offered me a surprisingly sexy smile as he poured me a glass of red wine. “I like a woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind,” he said, offering me the glass.

“You say that now. Wait till I say something

He moved to where I stood, looking out the window and down into the arena.

“You’ve already done something offensive. Or did you think I wouldn’t know about the cross?”

I jumped at his words and the touch of his hand against my back.

“Who told you?”

He shrugged and took a sip from his own goblet, which I doubt contained wine.

“No one. I can sense it.”

“Then why did you let me in here?”

Nybras sat down his glass and put his hands on my shoulders. Believe it or not, I wasn’t threatened by his touch. I was frightened in a different way than I ever had been. This fear didn’t come from wondering or guessing what might happen. I was frightened by the certain knowledge that the creature who held me close could completely destroy me in an instant. Despite that, I couldn’t help but admire his beautiful blue eyes.

“I wanted you to feel safe,” he said.

“How old are you?”

He smiled. “Why the sudden curiosity?”

“I just wondered what my chances are of getting out of here alive if I piss you off.”

He didn’t answer. He simply turned back to the window and looked down. “Do you feel safe?”

“Not in the slightest.”

Time passed quicker than I’d expected and before I knew it David’s match was finished. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he would soon be joining us and I wouldn’t have to be alone with Nybras for much longer.

“I understand his interest in you,” Nybras said, breaking the long silence between us. “You’re very intriguing, for a human.”

That pissed me off just enough to provoke me into opening my big mouth again. “You all started out as humans. Don’t act so superior.”

Before I could blink he was in my face. He never touched me, but I knew he could have done anything he wanted in an instant. “Don’t make the mistake of thinking we aren’t.”

David came in and not a moment too soon. “Everybody ready for Marcus’ big match?”

Nybras turned back to the window so fast that I don’t think David realized he’d been threatening me only a moment before. David was already changed into a pair of jeans and a tight-fitting black t-shirt. There were comfortable looking chairs in the room, but David chose to remain standing as well. When he moved to put his arm around me Nybras laughed.

“Something funny?”

“You seem to have grown accustomed to the touch-feely nature of the beast very quickly. Most people never get used to the way werewolves like to casually touch them.”

“I like to be casually touched by people I know don’t mean me any harm.”

Nybras moved closer and I found myself wondering what his lips would taste like. It wasn’t that I wanted him. Not really. He was just so damn appealing. Surely that was part of his power and not my own lust running wild.

“And what if you knew that
meant you no harm?”

I smiled. “That would take an awful lot of convincing.”

It wasn’t long before the time arrived for Marcus’ fight. He was the main event of the evening. As his opponent entered the ring even I could feel the tension in the air. The crowd was going wild. It had been over seven years since I’d attended a live event and Nightmare’s popularity had grown considerably.

“Is this guy new?” I asked Nybras. “I don’t recognize him.”

“He’s not new to the company, but he is new as a fighter.”

“What’s he been doing then?”

Nybras gave me a sideways glance before answering, “He’s been helping to train some of our up-and-coming fighters in the minor leagues.”

“Do you know him?” I asked David.


As soon as the other vampire entered the ring the arena went dark. Marcus’ entrance music began to play, but it could barely be heard above the crowd. He stepped through the curtain and I gasped. His cloak was open instead of pulled up as usual and he wasn’t taking his time. Marcus snatched off his cloak with a roar, baring his fangs. The room grew darker and even from a distance I could see his hair blowing on that electric-like current his power produced. What the fuck was going on?

The way he looked in those tight black pants was a sin and the way he moved spoke of both power and pleasure. I took another look at the crowd on the big monitors spaced throughout the arena. Grown women swooned like teen girls at a boy band concert.

“Look at them,” I said.

“Yeah. He’s like the pied piper of ass.”

Nybras chuckled at David’s comment and I gave him an odd look.

“What’s going on? I’ve never seen him act this way.”

“Me neither,” David said. “I have no idea.”

By the time Marcus entered the ring, the other fighter was already putting on his gloves so that he could touch the silver chains. The announcer was going over the rules when Marcus pushed him aside. I couldn’t tell what was being said, because the microphones weren’t picking it up, but he was right in the other vamp’s face. I had never seen him so angry. His eyes were solid green and his fangs lengthened. He looked like he had when he’d spoken to Nybras on the phone. It wasn’t his true form, I knew enough about vampires to understand that, but it was close. Damn he was mad.

The bell rung and he caught the chains as the other vamp flung them his way. Marcus hadn’t bothered with his gloves and steam rose from where the silver touched his flesh. He ripped the chains away from the other man and whipped him across the chest, sending the vampire to his knees.

He was saying something else to Marcus and I found myself pressed against the glass as if that would help me to hear.

“Nybras, what’s going on?”

He didn’t answer me. I watched as the other vampire rose to his feet. Marcus whipped the chain around his neck and pulled it tight. Blood splattered the crowd as Marcus ripped his opponent’s head clean off. My screams reverberated throughout the room. Fighters were killed once in a great while in the P.F.C., but it was rare and by accident. This was on purpose. I couldn’t seem to wrap my mind around the fact that Marcus had just killed someone right in front of me and millions of viewers around the world.

He looked straight at the booth as if he could see through the two-way mirror and looked directly at Nybras. Marcus ran a hand through his hair, smearing blood over his face. I gasped as he lifted a bloody hand to his mouth and licked the palm.

The crowd was still cheering. What was wrong with them?

I had barely taken a few shaky breaths before I heard a yelp outside. The door came crashing inward and there stood Marcus, still covered in blood.

“Explain yourself,” he said to Nybras.

David put himself in front of me, backing us both into a corner.

Nybras seemed unfazed. “What would you like to know?”

“Tell me about the time you decided to cost me a normal life,” Marcus growled.

With a flick of his wrist Nybras closed what was left of the door. “Please, have a seat.”

“I’d rather stand.”

Nybras shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He looked back out at the crowd and I assumed that the show had gone on. It wouldn’t be long before they started clearing out the arena.

“It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. Jackie approached me. He had heard rumors about the P.F.C. and wanted to join.” Nybras turned back to face Marcus. “Cancer ran in his family. He was afraid of meeting his end like so many of his relatives had already done.”

“So, you offered him eternal life in exchange for me?”

“Yes and no. He was supposed to convince you to join us, not cripple you. I never meant for things to turn out the way they have.”

what you meant and
Jackie too.” Marcus laughed bitterly. “At least he didn’t die of cancer.”

“What can I say? He hated you. I didn’t realize this until it was too late. He resented your popularity. So, he found the most brutal way to honor our agreement. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

Marcus seemed even more surprised than I was to hear those words. He sighed and his appearance returned to normal just like magic.

“Whose idea was it for him to fight me tonight?”

“His. I told him you would kill him if you ever saw him again. I suppose he felt he had something to prove.” Nybras studied him for a minute before asking, “How can I make this up to you?”

Marcus looked over to where I was still hiding behind David. “I do with her whatever I want and you have no say in the matter.”

Chapter Twenty-four


Nybras nodded his agreement and just like that it was a done deal. When David stepped away I almost fell without his support. I didn’t want to fall apart in front of Nybras. That meant I needed to get out of there soon, because I was really starting to freak out.

“You might want to ask her if she is all right with that,” Nybras teased.

Marcus looked close to another round of violence. He reached for me and I only shook a little when I took his blood-covered hand. He led me outside where I almost tripped over the unconscious werewolf who had been guarding the door when I first arrived.

I had trouble keeping up with Marcus’ long strides as he led me down the hall. He must have noticed, because he slowed down about halfway to his dressing room. Staff members lined the halls, all of them staring at him for the first time as if Nightmare was no longer a character he played on TV.

He still hadn’t spoken by the time we entered the dressing room. When Marcus looked down at me his heartbreak was evident in his eyes. It hurt for me to see him this way.

“Please,” he said softly, “don’t look at me like I’m a monster. Nothing I can say will take away whatever you’re feeling. Just please help me get the blood off. We’ve got to get out of here.”

David stayed to guard the door and I followed Marcus into the showers. He put a straight-back metal chair underneath the water and stripped before he sat down. If I was going to help him, this was the only way I could reach everywhere. I picked up a bottle of shampoo and started washing his hair in silence. The water pressure wasn’t turned up very high, so I didn’t have to worry about anything splashing onto my clothes.

Finally he said, “That was the man who crippled me.”

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