Authors: Cheyenne Meadows
Tags: #Contemporary, #contemporary adventure erotic romance
Cale doubled his presence inside her, focusing on her face for any signs of discomfort. He saw none, only growing arousal and need.
The pain grew unbearable, snapping his tightly held control. Quickly, he removed his hand to tear open the packet on the bed. In a flash, he rolled the condom into place, and once again looked down at Lily.
Her eyes opened to meet his.
Holding her gaze, he lowered his larger frame over hers, careful to keep most of his weight on his forearms. He kissed her softly as her hands rubbed and massaged his back, holding him close while she returned his kisses enthusiastically.
Lining up his hips, he pressed the head of his erection against her, pushing slowly and gently. Her body parted for him, welcoming him back with greater tightness and more liquid than before. Moving unhurriedly, he bore down until he felt her flinch under him. Feeling and understanding why, he paused once more. "Lily? Look at me, sugar."
She turned, opened her eyelids, allowing those pretty hazel eyes to meet his. Her chest heaved with rapid breathing as both hands held onto his sides, as if bracing for a hard impact.
"You sure?" He gave her one final opportunity to escape, her virginity intact.
"Yes. I want this. You." She held his gaze steady. The earlier hesitation gone.
Sealing his lips over hers, he thrust powerfully, punching through the frail barrier.
She sucked in a breath, her body jerked upwards in an instinctive retreat. Muscles tensed and locked tight, holding him in place deep inside her body as her hands gripped his shoulders, nails digging into flesh for a purchase.
Cale remained still, soothing her with soft kisses and whispered endearments, apologizing for causing her discomfort while praising her efforts and sheer beauty.
Muscle by muscle, Lily relaxed under him. She sighed softly, her hold on him lightening by the second even as her hips began to lift, tentatively at first, then with more zest.
Taking the hint, Cale began to ease back a little before pressing in once more. The tightness remained, which tested his willpower all the more. He clutched onto the last bit of his control, determined for Lily to find her pleasure first. His hand reached down where their bodies met, searching until he found the tight nubbin, stroking it in rhythm to his movements.
Lily's hands released him as she gripped the sheets so hard her knuckles turned white. Her mouth opened and her head turned this way and that. A whimper of sheer need escaped from her throat.
Tingling began at the base of his spine, signaling his upcoming release.
Pulling on all his reserves, Cale's fingers flew over her burgeoning flesh, pressing a bit harder, while he sought the deepest penetration possible.
Lily's hips arched off the bed as her head threw back. A grimace of sexual completion covered her face as a crimson flush spread quickly over her face, neck, and chest. Strong contractions squeezed his cock, sending him over the edge with a gruff shout.
Spasms raced through his body, fiery pulses of ecstasy. Over and over again until finally he rested on top of her, spent and sated.
Lily's body still pulsed now and again with each small shift in their position. Her breathing slowed before she finally opened her eyes.
He pushed upwards, removing some of his weight from her slighter frame while he watched her closely; trying to determine what was going through her head. "Are you okay?" His entry hurt her, he knew that. She also climaxed under him. That feather he stuffed in his hat proudly.
"Yes. That was… surprising."
What the hell did that mean?
He kicked himself, realizing like he sounded like a teenager, questioning and rating his sexual performance. "That's good, right?" It never hurt to clarify, just in case.
An age old smile covered her face. She reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him down for a soft kiss. "It was better than good. Wonderful, in fact."
His ego expanded with the praise. Returning the quick kiss, he untangled her arms. "Hold on."
Retreating gently, he eased himself from her body, holding onto the condom as he did so. Her body twitched from the motion, but quickly relaxed once he exited fully.
He pulled off the condom, tied it up, and headed to the bathroom to dispose of it. While in there, he found a washcloth under the sink and wet it with warm water. Taking it in hand, he strode back to the bed, his eyes raking over Lily the entire way.
. The pink tint to her body only added to the classical curves.
Her face flamed when he reached down, coaxing her legs apart once more. "I can do it. I'll get up and…"
Cale shook his head. "Shhh. Let me." Knowing her embarrassment, he set about his task as matter of fact as possible, caring for her like an every day occurrence. Tenderly, he cleansed the area, noting the few splotches of blood on the soft material. The condom bore the same speckled appearance.
She turned her head, but didn't offer further protests.
He finished the task, tossed the cloth into the hamper, and returned to her side. Sliding his arms around her, he pulled her close.
Thoughts raced through his head as he kissed her shoulder and neck, not wanting to excite, but more to soothe and share.
Never before had he wanted to cuddle with a woman after sex. If pressured, he did so reluctantly, counting the seconds until he could leave without having to deal with an avalanche of tears and anger. Lily made it different. He wanted to stay with her, hold her close. Protect her from any harm.
Something about her called to him on a basic level.
Her innocence?
He considered that for a few beats before giving the equivalent of a mental shrug. That certainly was part of it, but there was more. He felt deeper about her than anyone else.
Lily turned to rest on her back, looking up at him with those expressive eyes. She wore the smug look of a woman well loved and fast coming into her own.
Taking one of his hands, she pulled it to her mouth, planting kisses to the palm. Her gaze never wavered while her other hand traced down his side, tickled his loin, before wrapping around his flesh. It jerked with her tender touch. "Is it finally my turn to touch again?" An impish smile shaped her lips in an upward arch.
He enjoyed her teasing more than he cared to admit. "You do know where that will lead?"
"Oh, yes." She whispered as her teeth nipped his thumb. "Magical places."
Magical places indeed.
Chapter 13
Lily woke slowly, warm inside a cocoon of blankets with strong arms wrapped around her, a muscular chest providing cushion to her back. Her mind quickly recapped last night's events causing her stomach to clench and somersault. She certainly couldn't complain. What was it Cale said? It was all in the preparation? That might be true, but she had a hunch it was the man himself that deserved most of the credit.
His large hand slowly roamed from her belly, heading north until it cupped a naked, full breast. Her breath sucked in with the gentle tightening of his fingers as he revisited territory he explored thoroughly before.
Turning over, she rested on her side, looking down at Cale as he lay on his back. Uncertainty flared, her courage fled as she gazed down into his face.
What if he regrets what we did?
It's not like I'm anywhere near the class of women he's used to.
He lightly stroked her back with long fingers, watching her face carefully. "Good morning."
"Morning." Unsure what else to say, she remained mute, waiting for the other boot to drop.
Charity took that moment to climb up the side of the bed, heading straight for Cale's chest. She plopped down smack dab in the middle of his sternum, staring at him as if willing him to understand and obey. A second later, she leaned over, sinking her teeth into his nipple.
"Ow. Damn." Cale grabbed her in both hands, lifted her up, and met her eye for eye. "First of all, that's not gonna get you any milk and secondly, it's no wonder your mother is trying to wean you. Those teeth are like daggers."
Lily burst out laughing, clutching the blanket while holding her belly. All the tension of the morning began to ease away. Leave it to Charity, the trouble maker, to decide Cale made a good substitute mother.
Cale shook his head, setting the kitten against Lily's arm. Charity immediately looked up at her, then down to her chest. "Oh, no. Don't look at me. I'm of no more help than he is."
Shooting them both a look of disdain and total disgust, Charity leaped off the bed and walked out of the bedroom, tail high in the air.
Cale snorted, but broke his tough guy persona with soft laughter at such dramatic antics as he absently rubbed the injured area.
Lily's heart soared as she joined him with giggles. "Want me to kiss it and make it better?" The whispered words teased as she coyly peeked up through her lashes.
His eyes became heavy-lidded, something sultry sparked in those depths as the corners of his mouth kicked up. "Nurses are supposed to ease suffering, after all." Giving his nipple one more brush, he sighed dramatically. "And, oh am I suffering."
She snorted. Shakespeare he would never be. But, his light jovial manner this morning mixed with innuendoes kept happiness flowing through her, giving her energy, and sheer joy in life, and in the man she loved.
Leaning over, she flicked her tongue slowly across his nipple, earning a low groan for her efforts. "There. All better now."
He pouted like a small boy being told homework came before playing baseball with his buddies.
She sat up, pulling the blanket with her, after tapping his lips with her finger.
"Where are you going?" His face quickly turned to an expression of concern while his hands grabbed her hips, holding her still.
"To feed the bottomless pits, of course. I would hate for Charity to return and bite something else if she doesn't get her breakfast." Sending him a smile full of promises, she climbed off him and out of the bed.
"Good point." Cale reclined back, folding his hands under his head, watching her every move. "Why are you taking the blanket?"
She didn't stop to answer. "It's cold and well… it's cold." Her face heated even as she left the room on her way to the kitchen to feed the girls followed by a quick stop in the spare bathroom. It wasn't every day she slept with a man and ran around the house naked. Last night had been a first for the former and she didn't think she could quite muster the latter.
As it was, each step drew her attention to the soreness between her legs, reminding her of the passion they shared. She had no regrets and couldn't have found a better man to be with.
That doesn't mean he feels the same way.
Pushing that thought aside, she focused on the moment, buying time before she had that discussion with him.
She caught a glimpse of Cale's discarded t-shirt lying on the floor from the night before. Without a second thought, she snatched it up and pulled it over her head, dropping the blanket as she did so. The borrowed garment fell to mid-thigh. More comfortable now that she was covered, Lily tossed the blanket on the couch, and headed into the kitchen.
A few minutes later, she returned to the bedroom, after a hasty stop in the second bathroom to freshen up, brush her teeth and hair. He probably wouldn't complain about bed head or bad morning breath, but she couldn't help being self-conscious.
Her breath caught at the sight of Cale lying on his side, chin resting on his palm, as his eyes tracked her movements. Sparks flared in those light blue eyes. The corners of his mouth tilted upwards as he patted the mattress beside him.
Obediently, she climbed back into the bed, ignoring the twinge of discomfort the action caused. Truth be told, she needed his reassurance at the moment and cuddling was a nice start. She could easily become addicted to Cale wrapped around her, keeping her warm and secure, pampering her like a cherished treasure.
"Feeling shy this morning?" When she drew close enough, he reached out, sliding one hand under his borrowed t-shirt to cup her bare rear.
"Some." She scurried into place, making sure all her essential parts were covered. Not that she expected such a thin barrier to deter Cale.
He tucked her against him, still on his side, as he placed her supine adjacent to his long, lean body. Not bothering with the covers, he sprinkled tender kisses over her forehead and nose. "Now, where were we?" The low sultry tone promised another lesson in making love.
The corners of his mouth kicked up. "Hmmm." His mouth trailed kisses down her neck only to latch onto her breast after his hands fisted the shirt and tugged it out of the way. "Maybe just about here."
Lily bit back a moan, shifting closer to his talented mouth. Never would she have dreamed it could be like this. Sensations of burning fire splashed through her blood, settling in the pit of her stomach. The heat made her ache for more.
His hand roamed lower to cup her femininity. "Sore?"
Her face heated as she nodded. Having sex was a heck of a lot easier to do than talk about. At this rate it would take a mere half century for her to stop blushing at every little thing.
Cale released a sigh before locking her tightly in his arms. "I'm sorry."
She gave him a small smile. "I'm not. I never imagined it would be like that."
"Like how?" He rubbed her tummy gently.
"Like, with you, I could actually fly." She cupped his cheek, placing a tender kiss to his lips. "I do want you."
"And, you'll have me. Later." He tapped her nose with a finger then kissed the same area. "Maybe after a long hot soak in the tub."
"Promise?" Reaching around, she rubbed and massaged his lower back with one hand, unable to resist touching his glorious body, thrilled in the ability to finally experience skin to skin contact with this man.
"Promise." He whispered against her ear as he nibbled on the lobe.
"I love you, Cale." She muttered softly against his ear, flicking her tongue across it to seal the deal.
Cale's head jerked up, intensely searching her face.
Throwing caution to the wind, Lily said it again. Louder. "I love you."
He sat back on his haunches. One hand finger-combed through his short hair. All the while he sat quiet.
Lily's heart plummeted.
It's okay. I love him enough for both of us.
The thought didn't re-form the bubble of optimism that burst with his wordless reaction. "It's… I…" What was she supposed to say now? She could hardly take it back. But, at the same time, she felt idiotic spilling her innermost feelings to someone who obviously didn't return those same sentiments.
"This is harder than I thought."
The pained expression made her feel even worse. Her comment turned a magical morning into one full of awkwardness. Flipping over, she edged away, intent upon escape.
Cale refused to let her go. His hand snagged around her middle, pulling her flush against his front. "Wait. Please." He brushed stray hairs off her face. "I need to explain."
Lily tilted to get comfortable. Her gaze never left his face as she waited for him to speak.
He pulled in a deep breath and told her about Rachel, the woman who tore his life apart, shredded his heart, and drove a steel wedge in the relationship between him and his parents. He explained how he loved her, gave up everything for her, then felt the agony of her betrayal. "It killed something inside me."
She developed an instant hate for his ex. How could anyone do such a thing? Especially to Cale. He did nothing but care for others, putting his life on the line day in and day out to keep the world safe. He didn't deserve such betrayal. No one did.
His explanation made her realize something else. She didn't need to hear the words. His actions told her all she needed to know. No man could have been more understanding or gentle with her. Protective and kind. The words may never come, but she had her answer in each kiss, each caress, and every moment of pleasure he rained upon her. It may not be love, but it was in the same ballpark in her book.
Lily cupped his cheek. "I'm sorry. I wish I had something better to say to take away all the pain."
He nuzzled her palm. "I know."
"I still love you." She smiled up at him.
Relief and amusement flashed across his face, replacing strain and sorrow. "I…"
Her finger covered his lips, sealing in whatever he was going to say. "It's okay. You don't have to say the words. In fact, I would prefer you don't unless you really mean it and are comfortable saying it." She replaced the finger with her lips, softly meshing hers with his.
He responded in kind, gentle and lazy.
I could wake up every morning to this.
Cale broke off the kiss. Large hands gripped her shoulders and lightly rubbed. "We should stop before I get carried away."
Lily nodded.
She could wait a bit longer.
For his love, she could wait a lifetime.