TietheKnot (5 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Rayne

BOOK: TietheKnot
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“Say my name!” he ground out. She
needed to come for him, Goddamn it.

“Sax!” she ground out, riding
through her orgasm.

“That’s right. My pussy. My wife.”
He ground into her one last time and came hard. Filling her with his cum.
Claiming her once more as his own.

Maggie grinned at him, her cheeks
flushed, her eyes a little watery. He had never seen her look so beautiful. He
loved the way she sort of purred after an orgasm, how she made these sweet
little moans, stretching like a cat bathing itself in the sun, content and
warm. He tucked his cock away and was about to release Maggie from the spreader
bar when the old man finally came, grunting and wailing his release as he clung
to the girl on his lap. The blonde rocking on his cock didn’t even pretend to
orgasm. After the man shouted his release, she got off his cock and approached

Sax, was about to wave her off when
she gasped.

“Oh my God, Sax, is that you?” To
his horror, he realized that his mask had slipped down the bridge of his nose
as he’d given his wife a hard pounding. She pulled her mask off and it
fluttered to the floor “It is! It’s Lacy. Is that your new girl?” She looked
Mags up and down. “You know if you wanted to bind me and then fuck me, I would
have brought restraints. All you had to do was ask.”

Oh holy shit.

Maggie had turned pale. She covered
her breasts with her hands, eyes flicking between him and the woman. “What does
she mean, Sax?”

He looked down at her. “I’m so
sorry, Maggie. I should have told you everything, right from the start.” He
turned to Lacy. “Mags, this is Lacy and Lacy, this is my
, Maggie.”

“Oh!” Lacy covered her mouth with
her hand. “Oops. Cat out of the bag.” Lacy held out her hand and Maggie stared
at it until the other woman finally dropped it.

Maggie glared at Sax. “You need to
let me out of this thing. Now. And then? I need an explanation.” She raked her
eyes over Lacy. “How do you know this woman?”

Sax untethered the rope and
hurriedly undid her ankles. Maggie jumped to her feet, wrapped her arms around
herself. He stared at Lacy. “You did your damage. Get the hell out of here.”
Irrationally, he was angry with her, even though he’d made this mess all by

Maggie lifted an eyebrow. “Well.
I’m waiting.”

“Let’s talk about this at home. I
will explain everything.”

“I think you need to start talking
now.” Her voice was icy but he could see the hurt in her eyes.

“I hired Lacy. She works at a place
called Pandora’s Box. She’s a professional submissive and I hired her and other
women since we separated.”

Maggie smoothed her skirt. She
glanced at the table, the carpet beneath her feet. Anywhere but at him, as if
she couldn’t bear to even so much as look at him. She shook her head. “Oh my
God, she’s your prostitute.”

“No!” He knelt in front of her. She
stepped back from him. “I should have told you all of this but I just couldn’t.
I only hired her for discipline,” he pleaded, hoping she would believe him,
even though she didn’t have a reason to. “I didn’t have sex with her.”

“I can’t believe this…this crap. I
highly doubt you didn’t have sex with her. She evidently charges for
her…services.” She spat that last word. “You lied to my face. I asked you! I
asked you, specifically, if there was anything else I didn’t know. You never
mentioned it.”

“I’m not lying. I swear to you, I
only disciplined her. I could never have sex with another woman.”

“You did lie to me, Sax.” She
hugged herself tighter and he had the urge to wrap his arms around her, soothe
her. “Oh God, I’ve been an idiot. I don’t know you at all and you know what
else?” This time, she did meet his eyes, skewering him with her gaze. “I don’t
want to.” Pain knifed through his heart. With that, she stalked off.

He followed her to the entrance of
the club and she whipped around, getting in his face. “I shouldn’t have given
you another chance. You still didn’t let me in. You kept secrets. Snuck around
behind my back. You must think I’m some kind of fool, that I would believe
anything you say.”

“I thought if I told you everything,
you would run from me.”

“Wrong. I’ve been very open with
you. You told me what you were into sexually and I accepted it. Hell, I even
enjoyed it. But one thing I can’t deal with? Lies. I can’t be with someone who
lies to my face.”

He hung his head, unable to meet
her eyes. She was right. She had given him the opportunity and he’d chickened
out. “Maggie, I’m so sorry.”

“Too little, too late.” With that,
she ran out of the club.

* * * * *

The past week seemed endless.

Maggie went back and forth from
fury to despair. Was he really telling the truth? Or was this just another
quick and convenient lie? Did she ever really know Sax? And more importantly,
did she want to continue to know him?

That last couple of days she’d
picked up the phone several times to contact a divorce lawyer, but she hadn’t
been able to go through with it. She’d always hung up at the last minute.

Maggie had ignored all the phone
calls and endless text messages Sax had sent. She wasn’t ready to talk to him
yet. Or see him.

What was harder to ignore was the
courier who arrived bearing a gift. Twenty-four red roses in a ruby vase sat
there on her kitchen counter. Mocking her. Part of her wanted to gather them up
and feed them to the garbage disposal, or cut them up and send them back to him
in a box. She held the card in her limp hand, unable to crumple it up and throw
it into the trash unread.


I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t
tell you everything straightaway. I know you don’t trust me right now.
hearing the truth from another might help.

Love, Sax.


Attached to the note was a business
card for Pandora’s Box, for the proprietor Ms. Lisa Brink. She recognized the
business name. It was where Sax had obtained his whores. Ever since the
incident at the club, Maggie had been obsessed with trying to understand the
situation. She’d googled information on Pandora’s Box and on BDSM.

She looked at the card. Sax had
been less than truthful, in fact he’d pretty much lied to her face. Would this
Ms. Brink woman give her more of the truth?

Maggie picked up the phone and
dialed the number. What the hell? She needed answers and hopefully Ms. Brink
would tell her what she needed to know.

Chapter Five


Maggie was expecting a brothel, but
Pandora’s Box looked more like an expensive law firm. She walked off the elevator
into a large waiting room with black-and-white parquet floors, a roaring fire
in a gray marble fireplace and pendulous crystal chandeliers hanging from the
ceiling. There were a couple of businessmen hidden in corner chairs. One had a
copy of the
Wall Street Journal
, and the other punched buttons on his cell.The men eyed her speculatively. She could see them out of the corner of her
eye, but when she turned around they pretended to be enthralled with their
respectiveitems. She could almost hear them wondering if she was a new Dominatrix,
or perhaps a new submissive?

At the white counter, a young
receptionist stood from her chair. She had a sheaf of papers in her hands and
smiled at Maggie, all business and no judgment. “Welcome to Pandora’s Box. Do you
have an appointment?”

“Yes, with Ms. Brink.”

She could feel a flush rising on
her cheeks. One of the men behind her cleared his throat and Maggie turned to
look at the younger one. He eyed her up and down and smiled. Maggie winked at
him. A small, wicked part of her that Sax had awakened wondered if they would
try to schedule an appointment with her. If they found her attractive.

The receptionist tapped on the
computer keyboard and raised a brow. “Oh yes, I see it here. Mrs. Saxon?”

“Yes, that’s me.” Although, come to
think of it, maybe she shouldn’t have used her own name.

“Excellent. Let me show you in to
Ms. Brink’s office.” She escorted Maggie down a long white hallway to a
nondescript black door. The receptionist, while wearing a business suit, had
impossibly high six-inch heels on. She teetered on her feet as she knocked on
the door.

“Come in,” Ms. Brink said from the
other side of the door.

The receptionist smiled. “She will
see you now.” And then she tottered back down the hall.

Lisa Brink, sat at a large white
desk while a middle-aged man stood behind her, wearing a scrap of black leather
that barely covered his crotch. He massaged her shoulders and neck, his eyes
nearly closed in a dreamy sort of ecstasy. A kind of ecstasy she knew all too well.
Subspace, meaning when a sub received pleasure for serving a dominant partner.
Now that she’d had a taste of that sort of bliss. It was hard to imagine going
back to so-called vanilla sex. Lisa waved him off and the sub sank to his knees
beside her desk, obedient and quiet.

Maggie too loved obeying Sax’s
sexual demands, but she couldn’t imagine paying for the privilege. Of course, a
few scant days ago she would never have dreamed she’d want her husband to spank
her rump soundly and then screw her silly but she’d come to crave that rough
sort of love.

Lisa had short black hair and black
reading glasses, which she removed to massage her temples. She was dressed in a
black vinyl dress with matching opera-length gloves. While the dress was tight,
it didn’t show much skin, but perhaps that was erotic in its own right. “I’m
glad you made an appointment. Mr. Saxon called me this morning.” She smiled,
glossy red lips smirking.

Maggie nodded and sat in the black
lacquer chair in front of the massive desk. “He said that he has been using
your, er, services for several weeks now.”

Her eyes flicked to the computer
screen and with a few clicks of her mouse she nodded. “Yes, approximately one
month ago.”

Right after they had separated. She
sagged in relief. Now for the next hurdle. “And he just wanted to discipline
them? The women, I mean?” She still couldn’t believe she was sitting here
having this conversation with a stranger.

She folded her arms across her
ample breasts. “Mrs. Saxon, I’m not usually so indiscreet. I guard the secrets
of my clients as if they were my own. However, your husband has requested that
I be frank with you and I will.”

“I appreciate that.”

She raised her chin a notch. “For
starters? I don’t run a brothel. I can assure you that any of the encounters he
had from this establishment were strictly bondage and domination-oriented. I
will not tolerate illegal activities.” She leaned forward. “Your husband
requested off-premises visits and I have never had a complaint from any of the
women I employ about your husband seeking more than some bondage and

“I see,” Maggie said. What if Sax
had been telling the truth about Lacy?

Lisa walked around the desk and
offered one leather-booted foot to her submissive. “Clean my boots, Walter.”

He began to lick them, eyes closed.
Maggie could discern the man’s erection beneath his tight black vinyl shorts.
His eyes had closed and an expression of abject pleasure spread across his
face. Clearly, he was having a glorious time.

“So, the women in your employ aren’t,
um, call girls?”

Ms. Brink raised a perfectly
plucked eyebrow. “Of course not. However, if someone wants to have an
indiscretion, that is his or her business. It is not a requirement, my staff
don’t get paid for it, and I certainly don’t want any part of it.”

Funnily enough, Maggie believed
her. “Thank you for your candor.”

“You are welcome.”

“And what about Lacy?”

Lisa idly watched the man lick her
shoe as if it were another day at the office. “Was summarily fired after Mr.
Saxon brought her behaviors to light. She shouldn’t solicit clients and
, she shouldn’t have acknowledged him in public. That is
absolutely forbidden.”

She sighed. “Okay.” But where did
that leave her? While Sax had let her in, he had also deliberately withheld the
truth from her. It also seemed that as far as their living situation and the
course of their relationship, he had the upper hand. She was no longer content
with the arrangement.

“You look troubled, Mrs. Saxon. I
don’t pry, but many clients confide in me, due to the intimate nature of this
business, and I do not pass judgment on them or their actions. If you don’t
mind a little unsolicited advice?”

Maggie nodded. Why not? She
couldn’t help but continue to watch Walter perform shoe fellatio on Ms. Brink’s
boots with gusto. This was a day for the unprecedented. “Sure.”

“I believe your husband to be a
very good man. Not many men ask me to be completely open with their activities
here.” She cleared her throat. “In fact, no man has.”

Maggie took a moment to let that
sink in.

“What he wanted from this
establishment was a physical release. One that he gained at his own hand, mind
you. Not sex. And certainly not love. I believe he wants to do these activities
, not some random girl he purchases.”

“You think I should forgive him?”

“I do.” She sighed, pulling her
booted foot from Walter’s grasp. “When he spoke of you, he got choked up.” She
cleared her throat. “The sort of love you two seem to have comes around once in
a lifetime.”

And yet he had chosen to come here
instead of confiding in her. She could feel tears burning her eyes. “What about
the way he lied to me?”

“He loves you, but like all men, he
was weak. He needs to learn his boundaries. He needs to learn some respect for
you and your role as his wife. In short, he’s been a very bad boy.” She grabbed
a riding crop from the far table, then slapped it on the surface of her desk.
The slave before her trembled. His erection was still harder than ever, pressed
up tight. Clearly, he was looking forward to his so-called punishment. “Walter,
tell the lady what happens to very bad boys.”

Walter moaned. “They get punished.”

Ms. Brink smirked. “Exactly. They.
Get. Punished.” She punctuated her words with a slap of the flogger on the
table and then turned to Maggie and winked. “It seems as if your husband has
been naughty and needs to be taken in hand. I’d like to gift you with some
brand-new supplies from a favorite shop of mine. Perhaps you can make him see
the error of his ways.”

Maggie began to smile.

* * * * *

His flat was dark.

Funny. Sax distinctly remembered
leaving the hallway light on. He could barely make out a feminine form in the
blackness of the room, but the bedside lamp flicked on and he found Maggie
seated on the edge of the bed. Wearing a short black vinyl skirt that barely
hit the tops of her creamy, lush thighs, a satin black underbust that displayed
her full breasts, thigh-high fishnet stockings, and she held a small black
paddle the size of a hand mirror.

Sax got hard at the sight of it.

“You have been a very, very bad
boy, Sax.” She slapped the paddle against the palm of the opposite hand as she

His cock jumped in excitement.

In fact, excitement started
thrumming through his body, making his heart rate pick up, his knees wobble
just a bit. Maggie had come back to him. She’d forgiven him.

And she’d come to give him the
punishment he so richly deserved.

“Yes, Mistress.”

She moved to the side and pointed
an imperious finger at him. “Now, I want you to bend over the foot of the bed,
drop your pants and boxers.” He undid his belt and his pants dropped, weighted
down by his wallet, keys and cellphone. He pushed his red boxers down and
stepped out of them, waiting to see what she would do. She walked behind him,
as though surveying her property. And he did belong to her, as surely as
belonged to

She ran her hands over his ass
cheeks, stroking them at first and then squeezing them before she gave each
side of his ass a good swat with the paddle. It was just a love tap but it made
him hard as fucking steel.

Christ. He had no idea that she
would come so far, so fast.

She bent over and observed his
cock, which had hardened in response to her demeanor and the sexy little outfit
she wore. He wanted to kneel down and bury his face in her pussy. He hadn’t
been dominated in so long and the thought of her doing wicked things to him
sent his libido on overdrive.

She ghosted her fingers over the
cock head and his hips bucked in response. He loved that she was drawing this
out, toying with him. He never knew this side of her existed, but he craved it.

She walked away again and he heard
a rustling of paper behind him before she tossed
The Washington Post
classifieds on the bed. “Before I can administer your punishment, we have a few
housekeeping items to handle.”

“Can’t we talk about this, um,
after?” There was only so much blood flowing in his body and right now it was
all headed south.

“No!” She hit his ass. Hard. Fuck,
if it didn’t make his cock stiffer.

“Pay attention.”

“You have my full attention.”

“Good boy.” She reached around and
grazed his cock again, just giving him a couple of fingertips instead of her
fist like he craved. She pulled back from him, all business once more. “Item
one, our living arrangements. You and I are both going to sell our apartments
and move into one that we choose together.”


“This isn’t
home, it’s
home and you would feel the same way in my apartment. So, as a symbol of
starting our life together, we will pick a neutral place to live.”

“Yes ma’am, I’d be happy to go
apartment hunting with you.” He hadn’t realized she’d been that serious about
finding a place together. Where they lived didn’t matter to him, as long as she
was happy. He wanted her…no, needed her in his life. In his bed. Forever.

“Item two, your bondage chippies. I
want honesty from you.” She grasped his arm and turned him slightly to face
her. “Was it sexual? Did you have sex with them, Sax? I want the whole truth
this time. Not some bullshit evasion.”

Christ, he felt like some kind of a
fool. He never should have resorted to desperate measures. He should have just
come clean to her right out of the gate. “No, of course not. I never had sex
with any of the women, I, er, played with them and discipline makes me feel
sexual. It aroused me and it was a way to get my rocks off, a tool I used to
masturbate afterward, but nothing more.”

Her lips had compressed into a
tight, thin line. “And that is the whole truth?” She smacked the paddle on her
palm again. Irritated. And God help him, her anger was such a fucking turn-on.
It was hard to think with his brain and not his hungry dick. “Fine. It ends
here. Moving on, before we get too intimate, tell me, Sax, do you have any
other indiscretions you conveniently forgot to mention?”

“No, that’s it.” And he was relieved
to get the proverbial cat out of the bag. It was killing him, lying to her.

“Are you certain? Think carefully.
I won’t be giving you a third chance.”

“I’m certain, ma’am. I will be
telling you the entire truth from now on.”

“Good boy.” She came closer. “I
have decided to forgive you for your indiscretion, because you didn’t actually
sleep with her. However, if you ever, and I mean
, pull something
like that again, I will ask you for a divorce so fast you won’t know what hit
you. The next time there won’t be any counseling or a peaceful separation while
we work things out. You touch another woman and I am out the door and I won’t
be looking back. Am I understood?”

He met her gaze, he could feel his
eyes burning. He didn’t deserve her. That was the plain truth of it. “I
understand. What a cock-up! I’m so sorry for what I put you through. I will
never do anything that foolish again.”

She favored him with a small smile
and reached out to caress his cheek, running her fingertips down the length of
his jaw. He closed his eyes, relishing even that small touch. “See that you don’t.”

She kissed his mouth softly.

When she pulled back, she had a
wicked little grin on her lips. His cock leapt again. She disappeared behind
him once more. “Bend over, lover.” He leaned forward, bracing his arms and
giving her his ass. She patted his bottom with the flat of her hand before squeezing
his cheeks again. “Now for your penance. You’ve been a bad boy. And tell me,
Sax, what happens when a very bad boy lies?” She rested the paddle against the
soft skin, scraping it along. Letting him feel the texture and weight of it.

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