Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his... (11 page)

BOOK: Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...
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The ride back to the house was urgent and hurried. The horses galloped along over the lush green hills until they arrived back at the stables. Cooper’s employees were there, ready to take care of the horses so we could rush inside.


Cooper could barely keep his hands off me as we raced up the flights of stairs to the playroom. My ass was pinched too many times to count. If he was as aroused as I was, we wouldn’t be playing too long today. All I could think about was tearing our clothes off and fucking like rabbits.


“Remember the rules,” Cooper said as we burst through the doors.


I instantly went into my submissive role. I sat on the floor with my legs underneath me, my hands on my knees and my eyes downcast. My skin was electric and alive in the moment.


“Good girl. I want you to stand now.”


I stood and waited for my next command. Everything in me wanted to please him with my obedience. He would take care of me, ensure I had fun in the room with him. I trusted the man completely.


Cooper walked around me slowly, taking me in from all angles. It was torturous waiting for him to make a move when I was so horny I could barely contain myself. My breathing was coming in short, ragged breaths, making my chest heave with the motion.


He was standing behind me when he carefully removed my riding jacket, neatly folding it and placing it on the top of a nearby bureau. “You are incredibly sexy,” he growled. “I’m never letting you go.”


“Yes, sir,” I replied. I loved the way he claimed ownership of me. I was more than happy for him to claim my body as his, ready to surrender to the desire and love that kept us together.


Cooper stood in front of me as he undid each of the buttons on my blouse. My chest was revealed piece by piece, including the peach lace bra underneath. He was taking his time, savoring each moment and the tantalizing promise of the pleasure we would share today.


Not even just today, but every day afterwards, too.


He pushed the blouse over my shoulders, whipping it around my body so he could place it on top of the jacket. The cool air conditioning whispered around me, welcome in the heat rising inside of me like an inferno.


I’d never known being undressed by a man could be so sensually erotic. Every time his skin touched mine, it warmed me further, heightening my horniness until it was barely caged within me.


My riding pants were next. I had to open my legs a little for him to be able to pull them down my legs. His hands grazed the skin on my inner thighs, making my pussy pulse and cry for attention. He was so close to the sweet spot, just a flick of his wrist would do.


I was standing in only my underwear when Cooper once again stood in front of me. He was thinking, assessing, drawing out the anticipation until it was almost painful between my legs. I needed him to touch me and relieve some of the pressure of my desire.


Cooper took off his own clothes while I watched. He stripped down to his underwear – black boxers. He was as gorgeous as a model, the sexiest man I had ever known. To think he was mine made my heart swell. I wasn’t sure how I’d gotten so lucky to have him in my life.


He stepped closer to me, so near that there was hardly a breath between us. His hands gingerly slid around my ribcage until he reached the clasp of my bra. It loosened when he undid it. Cooper couldn’t just let my bra fall to the floor; he guided it down my arms and left goose bumps everywhere he touched.


“Take off your panties,” he ordered. When I did, he held his hand out to take them from me, then added them to the neat pile. How he could be so calm and controlled was beyond me. The bulge in his pants told me he was just as aroused as I was.


Cooper took my hand and guided me across the room to the window side. The windows were covered in thick fabric, ensuring our complete privacy on the estate. He didn’t have any neighbors for miles but he did have staff that could possibly peep in if they really wanted to.


My hands were pulled behind me, secured with a length of silk fabric. Being in that position made my chest stick out, my generous boobs hanging out in front with pert, erect nipples leading the way.


Cooper ran a single finger around my areola. My knees quivered with the wonderful feeling while my pussy yearned for the same treatment. He pinched my nipples and smiled at my reaction. He knew exactly what effect he was having on me, enjoying every moment of it.


He opened a drawer and grabbed a length of rope from it. I had no idea what he was going to do with it but was keen to find out. It didn’t worry me in the slightest when Cooper tied me up. He wouldn’t hurt me, of that I was certain.


The end of the rope was loose, giving Cooper the opportunity to trail it over my body. It tickled, making my face flush with need. I was almost ready to beg, but going slow made everything so much better. The longer our sessions, the more intense the orgasm at the end.


I was in awe of the way he worked the twine. It was black and finer than normal rope. He twisted it around my body and tied it in intricate patterns, knotting it around my boobs and containing them while not restraining them.


By the time he was finished, my torso was trussed in the rope, my boobs trying to pop out through the gaps. Looking down at my body, I thought it looked beautiful. I had never imagined being tied this way could be so erotically gorgeous.


“Perfect,” Cooper concluded, admiring my body displayed in the way he wanted it to look.


My legs and head were the only part of me left untied, but I would not move them until my dom commanded me to. We were in his playroom, working under his rules. I would wait until he was ready for me.


“On your knees,” he ordered.


I sank to my knees while Cooper took off his trunks. His cock burst free, thick and hard with his arousal. He stepped closer to me while his hands guided my head to his crotch.


“Open up.”


My mouth opened eagerly, ready to taste his cock and relish in the salty sensation. The head was already slick with his juices, ready to have some fun just as I was. He guided it into my mouth, my tongue instantly ready to take him.


I closed my lips around his length as I started to suck on his cock. My tongue ran along the length as he pulled in and out of my mouth. His breath hissed between his teeth as he grew harder.


The satin of his skin glided easily, my saliva covering his shaft as it passed between my lips. All I could think about was Cooper, the man whom I could bring to his knees with my body alone.


His hips rocked back and forth, his movements growing in intensity while his cock grew in hardness. He had to be close, ready to feel the climax as he worked toward it.


My tongue slipped over his skin, sucking and licking along his cock while I was on my knees and bound for his pleasure. He would get to me later; this moment was about him and bringing him to the peak of an orgasm.


His hands were suddenly on my cheeks as his hips came to a standstill. “That’s enough. When I come, it’s going to be inside your gorgeous tight cunt. Stand up for me.”


He had to help me keep my balance as I rose to my feet. He grabbed a tissue and dabbed around my mouth, cleaning himself off me. I could still taste him on my lips, no matter how well he cleaned me up.


“How am I going to fuck you?” Cooper asked, a rhetorical question I was looking forward to knowing the answer to myself. He could take me any way he chose, but I was eager to know what he was planning.


His outstretched hand pinched both my nipples in turn, making me yearn for more. His engorged cock bobbed as he walked circles around me, thinking of all the possible ways we could fuck for the rest of the afternoon.


He slapped my ass, causing the area to sting before he rubbed it better. I could picture his handprint on my white bottom, pink in contrast.


Finally, Cooper stood in front of me again. He wore nothing but the sexy smirk on his lips. Just that one look promised so much pleasure I wasn’t sure how I would handle it all at once. When Cooper King put his mind to something, incredible things happened. It was how he had built his billion-dollar empire and how he had won my heart.


His body brushed upon mine as he moved closer. His hands went to my back, one on the silk material tying my wrists together and the other on my ponytail. He pulled down on both so my head was upturned for his kisses and my boobs were straining against the black rope.


My lips were claimed by my dom as he kissed me deeply. My mouth opened for him, his tongue where his cock had been only minutes before. He held me in place until I was breathless from his passionate kisses. His eyes sparkled as he pulled back from me.


“My little sub, you’re a sexy little slut, aren’t you?”


“Yes, sir.”


He unexpectedly slipped a hand down the curve of my ass until he was in my pussy. One finger shoved into my hole, making me jump from the sudden movement. Cooper pulled me closer against him until we were crushed against one another.


“I’m going to fuck this little cunt,” he growled, his voice husky and needy. “Tell me what I’m going to do.”


“You’re going to fuck my little cunt,” I parroted back. It was all I could do to get the words out. His finger was gently pumping in and out of my pussy, giving me just a taste of what was to come.


“Remember your manners, babe. Say it again.”


“You’re going to fuck my little cunt, sir.”


“That’s better.”


His finger was driving me wild, to the brink of insanity and back again. I couldn’t move, but if I could, I would have pushed him down to the floor and ground on his cock until we were both sweaty and satisfied. I wouldn’t have stopped until I didn’t have any energy left in my reserves.


Cooper’s cock was between us, a fact both of us were acutely aware of. I was so ready for him, wanting nothing more than to have him inside me.


He took his finger out as he laughed under his breath. “Babe, we have a lot longer to play before I’m going to let you come.”


“Yes, sir.”


It was time to move again. Cooper placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to the black leather couch sitting proudly in the middle of the room. He guided me to sit down and then lie backwards. He took an ankle in each hand and pulled my legs apart, letting them rest on the couch’s smooth surface.


Cooper grabbed something from a drawer before he sat down with my legs on either side of him. My pussy was pulled wide for whatever he chose to do next.


He held up the item he had retrieved – a dildo. It was black and large. He pressed a button to show its strong vibrating abilities. I knew I wouldn’t last even a minute when he started using it on me. It was going to take all my control to await his command.


“Brace yourself, babe. You can be noisy this time. I want to hear how much fun you’re having. Remember the safe word?”


“Yes, sir.”


“Good, because I’m not going to stop if you just say ‘stop’. Only your safe word is going to save you.”


“Yes, sir.”


He turned on the vibrator and held it only a few millimeters from my pussy. He was teasing me, showing me how much control he had. I wasn’t going to beg, just bracing myself like he told me to.


I was about ready to arch my back so I could make contact with the contraption when Cooper decided he’d waited enough. Slowly, he moved the dildo closer to my clit until it made contact.


The sensation was instant. My swollen and ready clit was immediately swept up in the vibrations and pressure from the dildo. Cooper held my knees apart with his body, making sure I was taking every one of the vibrations without flinching.


The heat in my belly was ready to spill over and dive off the crest of my climax. I was so, so close, but I had to hold on. Cooper continually pulled the dildo away before pressing it onto my clit again. He would let me get right to the crest before backing off, extending my wanton need to enormous lengths.

BOOK: Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...
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