Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4) (18 page)

BOOK: Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4)
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When he let out one last belch, he climbed the stairs and went to his Stupid Room. More Flowers. He picked up the remote and turned on the news.

“This just in from the news room: Raymond, what’s going on with the Preston situation?”
Her hair looks like an Ant Hill
! Robert chuckled. Speaking of Ants, he couldn’t wait to hear how the Dumb Cops were running around in circles.

“Well Martha, Robert Preston remains at large, but his ex-wife is here to make a plea for him to turn himself in.”

“My name’s Renee Montclair and Robert, if you’re listening, do not hurt anyone else. You need to turn yourself in immediately. If you do, the judge may show some leniency. Thank you.”

“Hopefully he’s listening and he’ll take your advice.”
Raymond, you look like a Loser

“I hope so. I’d also like for Robert to know that I’m staying at the Southfield Inn if he’d like for me to go with him. I know how difficult it is to be alone during such trying circumstances.”

He watched the Stupid Bitch smile at the camera.
How stupid does she think I am
? “I’m coming for you Asshat, and I’m going to bash your skull in…”

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

When the plane landed, Tyler and Sean took off running through the doors to the passenger drop off area.

“My keys are gone which means she’s taken the Cadillac. We’ll have to grab a cab to my place and get my car.” Tyler flagged a taxi down and jumped in the backseat. He promised the driver an extra twenty dollars if he hurried.

“Wait, Ty, we should just get my Jeep.” Sean suggested.

“My Mercedes is faster than your Jeep. Right now, we have to move!”

“My Jeep’s here in the lot.” Sean looked at him. “Snap out of it Tyler.”

“Can I drive?” Tyler pleaded.

“Oh hell, no. Come on.” Sean began jogging through the lot, with Tyler right behind him.

Thankfully Sean could drive like a madman. Tyler wasn’t in the mood to have to prompt him to step on it. Sometimes his brother’s driving scared the shit out of him, but today wasn’t one of those times. Then, suddenly, traffic came to a halt. “I can’t believe this!” he shouted.

“Relax, Ty, we’ll get there. I run late for every meeting. But I’m a master at cutting through side streets and parking lots. Hang on.” Sean drove up the shoulder of the road with his flashers on and took off down the first exit ramp.

“Don’t kill us!” Now he was scaring the shit out of him. Tyler held on for dear life.

By the time they pulled onto his street, Tyler was as white as a sheet. He jumped out of the Jeep as Sean was putting it into park. Opening the front door, he began running from room to room. When he came back down the stairs, Sean had already restarted the engine.

“She’s not here.” Tyler was breathing hard.

“I know. We’re going to my house to watch the news, just in case Robert plans on a visit here. I don’t feel like getting fire-bombed today.”

Sean opened the garage door as they rounded the corner to his house. Once they ran in, Sean flipped on the news, and there she was.

“Oh my God! Fly downtown Sean!” Tyler took off towards the garage door. “Remember, we have to be careful, Brother. The asshole has a gun.”

“Yeah, so I’ve been told.” Sean squealed his tires as he sped out of the driveway. “We’ll find him, Ty. And we’ll kill him.”

“Not with your crowbar we won’t.”

“Jeep versus gun. I’ll win.”

Chapter 18

obert waited until
two in the morning before getting up to put The Goon’s clothes back on. He tucked the guns in the back of his pants and walked out with a feeling of satisfaction. He’d kill The Bitch and he didn’t care who saw him. Let the Clown Cops come and haul him off. He’d live just fine in prison, just as long as he had the sweet memories of kicking in his Stupid Ex’s face.

He started up the Shit Box and pulled out of the driveway. There was a spot on the ground which looked like oil or blood, but Robert didn’t care.
Let the flies have a feast
! Hopefully Pock Ass would be nice and ripe when the Dumb Cops popped the trunk. He couldn’t help but laugh at the thought.

As he drove out of town, Robert remembered the empty gas tank. It pissed him off so bad he wanted to punch it, but he’d have to save his strength to take care of business. Finally, he found a gas station. It looked like it was from the Damn Stone Ages. He pulled up and went inside. The cashier was a Dumb Ass, reading her Girlie Magazine and ignoring him. He cleared his throat as loudly as possible.

“I need to buy some gas,” Robert demanded, as he was reaching into Goon’s pocket for some money. The bags of cheese corn caught his eye. He almost did a jig but stopped himself. There were six bags on the rack and Robert bought them all. The Stupid Twit didn’t even bother to thank him or say bye. He gave her the One Bird Salute as he drove away. He immediately tore open a bag of cheese corn. Stuffing fistfuls of it in his mouth, made him feel like he was in heaven.

By the time Robert had made it to the freeway, he’d polished off three bags of the Delicious Kernels. He laughed as he pictured getting orange on Stupid Renee’s face when he punched it.

When Robert reached Southfield, he knew he had to use his Great Eagle Senses to avoid being captured before he was ready. There were still a handful of cops patrolling that Robert had counted, and some were in unmarked cars.
They think I’m stupid. Guess What
You are
! He laughed hard as he drove right past one.

Robert knew he couldn’t park anywhere near the Southfield Inn. He was sure that Stupid Liar’s television speech was Phony Shmoney, and that the Clown Cops were going to be there with handcuffs. He’d park a few blocks away and wait until she walked out of her room. Once he bashed in her Stupid Skull, he’d throw her in the dumpster and let the rats chew her eyes out. Hell, maybe he’d dig those out before he dumped her. She thought he didn’t see all the times she rolled her Ugly Eyes at him. Now he’d pull them out and toss them in the road. Maybe he’d get to see a car smash ‘em before he got arrested. Robert opened the last bag of cheese corn and stuffed a handful in his mouth.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

“We should call the cops, Ty, and have them camp at the Inn.” Sean was slowly driving around the streets downtown.

“If we call the cops, Robert will spot them in a heartbeat, or be tipped off. We can’t risk him having, or not having, ties with them. I’m sure someone on the force would run to his rescue and help him kill Renee.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I’m just worried the creep will get to her before we do.” Tyler hoped not.

“Let’s go back around by the Inn and see if her car’s parked there. So far it hasn’t been.”

“We’ve been by there at least ten times. I think Renee would be smart enough not to have her car out in the open where we can see it. Remember, she’s hiding from us right now.” Sean turned the corner by the Inn.

“I don’t see it, do you?” Tyler was straining his eyes towards the shadows.

“No, I told you it wouldn’t be there. I’m going to park here where she can’t see us without walking right up to the Jeep. We can see the parking lot from here.” Sean pulled up to the curb and shut off the engine.

Tyler knew none of this was going to turn out well. There were only three cars in the parking lot and he guessed that they were mostly employees of the place. “If she got a room, it wouldn’t be hard to find her.”

“Do you want to go see if we can?” Sean looked over at him.

“Yes, but we can’t. If she sees us she’ll run. I know Renee better than anyone. Once she sets her mind to something, it’s a done deal.” Tyler shook his head and kept his eyes focused on the parking lot.

“I guess we just sit here and wait then.” Sean sounded just as dedicated as Tyler.

“All week if we have to.”

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Robert kept his head down as he darted along the sides of the buildings.
Just like a Spy
, he thought. Tonight was the perfect night to get his revenge. The Bitch wouldn’t know what hit her. He’d been working on his Perfect Physique, so there was no way for her to outrun him.
I’ll mow her down like a locomotive
! He stopped when he saw a cop driving past him.
They’re a bunch of Blind Bats
! He continued with his Spy Moves once they were gone. Robert thought about coming up with a song to mark the occasion, but he’d be too tempted to sing it out loud. His voice was great, and all ears should hear his Wonderful Music.

There was still a little cheese corn left in Pock Boy’s car, but he’d save it for the celebration. Maybe Judge Waddles would gain the understanding that Robert wasn’t a killer. He did a Community Service every time he removed a Public Annoyance. A song was building up in his mind again. He’d have to concentrate on The Bashing so he wouldn’t blow his cover. There’d be plenty of time for making up his Beautiful Words later. He was an Artist after all.

When he made it to the corner, behind a large pine tree, he looked through the branches at the sign. Southfield Inn was lit up like a Christmas Tree, and Robert couldn’t wait to go there and open up the face of his present. There were only a few cars in the parking lot, but he didn’t know which one was The One. He’d have to wait. If she didn’t come out before sunrise, he’d haul over there like Lightning, and start knocking down some doors. Hell, maybe he’d just go to the office and put a gun to the Sissy’s head.
I bet they’d cough up the key then

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Tyler’s phone rang and he quickly answered it to stop it from ringing. It was Vincent, probably to yell at him.

“Tyler, what the hell’s happening? Did you find Renee? Are you home? Please tell me you didn’t go back to your house!” He was definitely yelling, making Tyler feel the pounding in his head even more.

“I went home briefly to see if Renee was there, but she wasn’t. Did you see the news?”

“No I’ve been busy trying to keep Brian calm. It’s not been very entertaining here, Ty. You should have called me.” His voice was starting to soften, but not by much.

“Renee made a public plea to Robert, on television, to turn himself in. She also announced she was staying at the Southfield Inn if he needed her to go with him.” Tyler’s stomach had turned to pure acid.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“I wish I was, Vinnie. Sean and I are at the Inn waiting. If Robert shows up we’ll go for him. I just pray that we get to him before he gets to Renee. I’m petrified, Vin.” Tyler felt his eyes sting and his heart race again. “Our family is separated once again, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”

“I’ll fly home, and Jacob can stay here with everyone. He can handle it.” Tyler heard a door shut and knew that Vincent had probably gone into the hallway.

“Stay there, Vinnie. The less people I have to worry about out here the better. I’ll call you when something changes. Try not to ring my phone unless it’s an emergency. I don’t want Robert hearing it if he’s close by. Its pitch black outside, so he could be hiding anywhere.”

“Tyler, you guys take care of yourselves. I know there’s nothing I can say that’s going to make you all pull out of there. I want the four of you to come home safe and sound. Got it?” He could hear the tension and worry in Vincent’s voice, but he was right. Nothing could make them abandon Renee and her baby.

“Tyler, look. Someone’s over there.” Tyler tried to see in the direction Sean was pointing.

“I don’t see anyone.” He was tempted to get out of the Jeep and go investigate.

“He ducked behind those cars, across from the Inn. You keep your eyes on the parking lot, in case Renee pulls in, and I’ll watch for this guy to stand back up.” Tyler kept shifting his eyes in both directions.

“Don’t move Sean. If it’s Robert, we don’t want him to get paranoid and start taking shots at us.” Tyler and Sean slid down in their seats.

“He still hasn’t gotten up. The side of that building is white. It’s the only reason I spotted his movements. Anything in the parking lot yet?” Sean didn’t turn his head.

“No. For all we know, she could be perched somewhere watching us. Renee knows by now that I’m back in town looking for her.” Tyler just wished he knew what her plan is.

“There he is, Ty. I don’t think that’s Robert. This guy isn’t nearly as frumpy as that jerk.” Sean’s body relaxed some.

Tyler watched the man, jog, then walk across the street. That’s when he knew for sure. “That’s Robert, Bro.”

“Shit!” yelled Sean. “Tell me what to do!”

“When he gets into the parking lot, I want you to gun it, like a race car driver. No matter what, you don’t stop.”

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Renee could see him. She’d know that damn gait of his from a mile away. She’d backed her car up on the grass, beside the building, earlier this evening. The office lady took the fifty bucks easily enough, but Renee had to promise the reason wasn’t drug related.

Her car was hidden from the glare of the parking lot lights. The moment Robert showed his ugly face in the lot, she’d run his ass over faster than the wind. Going to prison for killing the monster would be worth it to keep her family safe.

If she failed and Robert succeeded, at least he would stop going after them. If he appeared where she thought he would, she’d have a clear, short path to hit him. If he went around to the back of the building, Renee wasn’t worried. She’d just throw the car in reverse. Either way, Robert was going to eat her bumper tonight.

She watched him crouch down on the other side of the building, in the landscaping.
Maybe after I kill him, I’ll bury him there.
But then again, she probably wouldn’t. He only deserved a gasoline and match service. After all, isn’t that what Robert had done to her.
Karma sucks.
Maybe she’d yell that right before she hit him.

The fact that he had a gun was something she thought about for only a moment. She couldn’t dwell on it or she’d risk not going through with her plan. If he was able to get a shot or two off, he’d go for the windshield, but ducking was an option…if she got the chance.

Renee tried to think. If Robert decided to go back across the street, she’d slowly drive out of the lot until she spotted him again, then she’d leave tracks on his back.

Regardless of what happened, Tyler would never forgive her and neither would Brian. Hopefully in time they’d understand why she did what needed to be done, but if they didn’t, at least they could move on without having to constantly look over their shoulders.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Robert’s legs were starting to cramp. He should have been doing squats in the jail instead of just his Olympic Pushups. That was okay though. There’d be plenty of time for exercise after he snapped his Damn Ex’s neck. If the Stupid Cops were going to come down on him anyways, he might as well go out with a bang and give The Bitch a Third Eye! Robert marveled at his grand idea.

He was starting to become worried that Stupid Renee wasn’t here. No one had gone out to their cars, and he couldn’t see any lights on in the rooms. But then again, this was a nice motel that had good curtains, not the Cheap Shitty ones like in other places.

Renee Montclair
…the name whipped around in his head as he squatted there.
So she up and married the Damn Idiot.
No wonder she could afford to stay in these expensive places.
Hell, I bet she’s paying eighty bucks a night
! Now he was really pissed.

Robert was going to have to find a way to get to her. The only thing he could do is stroll casually into the office with the Dumb Bimbo and put the gun in her mouth. He sent a quiet thank you to Skinny Ass. He wondered if his Big Fat Wife had cashed in on her insurance policy yet. Women are all the same. Big Fat Liars.

Robert slowly stood up. It felt good not to be squatting anymore. Powerful Men such as himself, with Strong Powerful Legs, have a difficult time trying to stay in that position. He was going to have to be standing in order to attack The Wench if she came outside within the next five minutes. If she didn’t, he was going to the office. His Bimbo Alert was going off left and right.

If he wasn’t in Spy Mode, he’d be whistling a Sweet Tune to lull himself to sleep while he stretched out on the cool grass.
But noooo
! His Dumb Ass Ex had to ruin everything. It was okay though. She’d get hers. Robert rubbed his palms together before reaching behind him to pat his guns. They were his Good Luck Charms, not that Robert the King needed any luck. He wondered if someone was drinking his orange pop.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

“He’s standing up, Ty. Get ready.” Sean straightened up in the seat.

“Hang tight and wait to start the Jeep. He needs to be further away from that tree so we can get to him. Once he’s in the lot, do it.” Tyler was readying himself for anything. Would he have to jump out on foot to go after the guy?

BOOK: Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4)
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