Tidal Falls (Wounded Hearts Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Tidal Falls (Wounded Hearts Book 1)
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“You’re doing great. Not so hard, is it? I
just love these old songs; they lend themselves to rhythm.”

Nick could think of a few other rhythmical moves he’d love to be practicing right now. “
Yeah, it's not so bad. Thanks, Teach.”


Sara was floating, safe and secure, tucked in close to Nick's warm body. One hand rested on his broad shoulder. The other was wrapped securely inside of his, resting between her breasts. They were so sensitized by the movement of their bodies, she needed him to do something. Anything.

Looking up,
she became entrapped within the hooded darkness of his eyes. He wanted her. She knew it by the tension in his shoulders, and the hard brush of his body as it rubbed against hers.

It’d been almost two years since she’d
lain with a man. On that nightmarish day
she’d had no chance at all against Tom’s anger. It was that, as much as the actual act, which had frightened her the most. And maybe he’d felt guilty for what he’d done to her. She didn’t know, or care, but was grateful when he moved out of their rooms and never bothered her again.

One of the first things Sara bought upon their escape was pepper spray, and she made sure there were hard case flashlights in both her car and every room of their house. She’d learned they were an effective way to fight off an attacker, at least long enough to escape.

The dance had ended. Angry that she’d let stupid thoughts of the past waste the precious moments, she returned to their table to pick up her purse. “I'm tired, Nick. Mind if we go home now?” The evening was destroyed. Once again, Tom had managed to assert his mastery of her. Would she never be free of him?

She tried to smile as
he searched her eyes. “Sure honey, just let me pick up the check. Why don't you go wait for me by the doors?”

ff-balanced and emotional, she moved to stand by the entry. Gazing through the moon etched glass into the starlit night, she realized either she could spend the rest of her life jumping at shadows or she could take this chance at a new beginning.

She knew which
one she wanted to choose.

’s big body joined hers, reflected in the glass as if the two of them were an actual couple. Nick, so tall and dark, standing protectively behind her smaller, slighter form left her feeling both sheltered and loved.

She chose to live.

He guided her to the parking lot where his big four-by-four truck should have looked out of place among all the fancy imports. Instead, it looked safe and trustworthy, much like the man who owned it.

Opening the passenger door for her, he grimaced at the left over takeout bags and coffee cups. “This truc
k's not really meant for classy dressed ladies. Hold on while I make some room.”

Watching a
s he collected the empty coffee cups and chocolate wrappers, carrying them to a nearby garbage can before striding back to move some power tools into the back of the pick-up, Sara couldn’t help but note the differences between her ex-husband and Nick.

Tom always had to surround himself with the best of the best. From the cars he drove, to the meals at upscale restaurants and expensive suits he wore. Nick, on the other hand, was comfortable in his own skin, wearing jeans and button down shirts as if they were of the finest cloth.

“Okay, ready, but there's no way you’re going to climb up there in that dress. I'll give you a boost up.” He dropped his arm behind her knees, and wrapping the other around her waist, easily picked her up.

Breathless at the
contained strength in those hard arms, she grasped Nick around the neck, bringing their lips millimeters apart.

“I would cut off my own arm before I ever hurt you. I hope you
realize that.” He said, the eyes holding hers, a crystalline blue.

She sighed, not surprised at how
their thoughts had overlapped. “I do know, Nick. It's…”

“What? Talk to me sweetheart.”

She knew he sensed something stood between them from her past. If they were going to move forward, she would have to trust him with the truth. Soon.

“Take me home, Nick.” Wanting
to forget, she bridged the gap between her lips and his. The shock of his warm, perfect mouth on hers made her gasp, and her hands tightened their hold against his neck.

A deep, hungry groan was her only warning before he took control, kissing them both half senseless. A muffled cough and a
giggle nearby broke them apart and it was hard to say which one of them looked sorrier.

Choking out a
giggle, she said, “Wow, you’re pretty good at that.” She smiled into his eyes. “Maybe you’d better, um…set me down now?”

Oh yeah. I guess we should probably go.” As he settled her carefully into his pick-up, her hand caressed the side of his face down to the pulse she could see pounding in his neck.

“I want to go home, Nick.
With you.”




Gripping the wheel, Nick kept stealing sideways glances at Sara as she sat biting her nails and gazing out the passenger window. As far as he was concerned, they couldn’t arrive at his place quick enough, but he had a feeling she was second-guessing her decision.

He defini
tely needed to get his lungs under some kind of control. Even to his own ears his breathing sounded like a freight train. For crying out loud, he wasn’t some callow teenager looking to get lucky here. He’d better get his shit together. She was different, special to him. Whatever happened between them, he wanted her to know she would be safe with him—he’d never hurt her.

“Nick I hope you…
” Her voice drifted across the dark cab.

“Sara, are you…
?” They looked at each other and laughed, releasing some of the growing tension. This was becoming a habit.

“You first
, this time.” She smiled.

“I was just going to ask if you’re sure
, about you know—this. You and me? I don’t want there to be regrets between us, so if you’ve changed your mind, I’m fine with that. Well maybe not, but I'll live,” he teased, hoping to ease her mind a little.

, Nick, that’s pretty noble of you, offering to go without like that.” She giggled at his pained expression. “I'm kidding, of course I'm ready, or I wouldn't have made the offer. I just wanted to make sure this meant more to you than a simple fling. Because, it does to me. Mean something, that is. I haven’t done this sort of thing before.”

He pulled to a stop in the driv
eway of his rental and threw the truck into park, cutting the engine. Listening to her hesitant little speech had him almost reaching for her right there. Instead, he shot her a quick glance before hopping out to stride around and open her door.

“Honey, I
can guarantee there isn't anything simple about this. Sometime soon, we're going to have to be open with each other. There are things about me I want you to know. And I think it would do you a world of good to get whatever is bothering you off your chest. If there’s going to be something between us, I think we should talk.”

attention zeroed in on her pearly white teeth chewing her luscious bottom lip and he groaned under his breath. Leaning in, he gently kissed it better. Pulling her towards him, he let her slide deliberately slow down the length of his body. Letting out an inaudible growl at the soft warmth of her against his hardness, he nibbled along her smooth jawline up to her ear, breathing in the essence of sunshine and roses that was so much a part of her. Giving a little bite to the lobe, he smiled against her throat as she moaned and dropped her head back to give him access. He tucked back a stubborn strand of silky hair, before cupping her warm cheek. “I’ve dreamt of this, you know. Of us being together like this. You’re so damn beautiful. But––I don’t think we should rush into something you might regret, so how about we go inside and I’ll make a nice hot cup of tea. We'll take things slow and see where we end up, okay?”

The gratitude
swimming in the golden depths of her upward glance told him more than words ever could. “That sounds perfect. I guess you noticed how nervous I am.”

“Don't be
, honey. We won't do anything you aren’t ready to do.” He stroked a finger down her cheek, enjoying the feel of its velvety smoothness.

“What if I want it all
, Nick? What then?” she murmured into his chest, her innocent directness almost unmanning him right there.

, then I'll die a very happy man,” he only half bantered. Jesus, he wanted this woman. More than he could remember ever wanting another.

Only when
, and if she’s ready. Don’t rush her.

He led her through the back door,
smiling as she looked around, glad for once the Navy had drummed cleanliness into him. He lit his stove and placed the kettle on to boil. Searching through the cupboard he found a bag of Oreo cookies, and a couple of delicate looking porcelain teacups, and set them on the island counter behind him. Catching her amused expression, he shrugged. “They came with the place, and what's tea without cookies, right?”

snickered, the sound a sweet chime, and moved to hike herself up onto one of the wooden bar stools. “You’re right, tea is meant for dunking. You know, you’re not at all what I expected after our first meeting.”

“Yeah, I wasn’t too sociable.
” He grimaced.

“And then you almost decked me.”

“Hey now, that was purely accidental.” Serious, he reached across the counter and caressed her cheek. “I would never hurt this pretty face.” Unbidden, a tear slipped down her face and he cursed under his breath, his careless words leaching the warmth from the room.

“He di
d, you know. My husband. He did,” she whispered, the color fading from her skin, leaving her face pale and almost translucent.

Freezing at the
anguish oozing from her voice, he dropped his hand and wrapped her ice cold fingers in his. He was going to kill the son-of-a-bitch. He swore roughly, aloud this time. Keeping calm was the hardest thing Nick had ever done, but Sara needed comfort right now, not more violence.

Reaching behind, he turned off the stove
, and then, keeping her hand in his, circled the island to her side. “Come on honey, let’s sit in the living room and get this off your chest.” Tugging her up gently, he led Sara down the hall into the semi-darkened room. Sitting in a big, leather rocking chair he pulled her down onto his lap, and turned her so her head rested on his shoulder and her legs stretched out over the side.

e rubbed up and down her ribcage trying to infuse some of his warmth into her chilled skin. His chin rested on the top of her head. For a while, there was only the squeak of his old chair and the tick of the clock in the hallway, hypnotizing them both as it slowly counted the minutes.

hen she began to speak her tone was careful, controlled. “The night I met Tom, I’d recently lost my foster father. I was lonely, he was handsome and charming, and said all the right things. Before I knew it, he’d swept me off my feet. And when he told me we should get married, I stupidly believed he loved me.” She snorted, “More fool me.”

up at him with despair, she continued, “I thought things were good between us, and they were. Until I found out I was pregnant. I couldn’t wait to tell Tom. I thought he’d be thrilled with the news. Instead, he accused me of trapping him into fatherhood and ordered me to have an abortion.” Her voice hitched on the words, and Nick gave her a little squeeze of reassurance, his blood boiling at the disappointment she must have felt. Guilt plagued him. He wondered if his wife had thought the same of him with his seeming indifference.

After that he changed. Became oppressive. Domineering. I couldn’t do anything without him. He cut me off from my friends, told me I needed to meet a better class of people. He even kept me from my studio, saying I needed to quit wasting time with my painting. I guess I should have known then, but we were married. I thought we could work it out. When Jessica was born, he insisted on hiring a full-time nanny, even though I begged him not to. He made sure I hardly ever saw my own child.”

Nick’s jaw clenched, furious
at what she must have endured. It sounded as though she’d married Jekyll and ended up with Hyde. He nuzzled her forehead. “Shh, baby, it’s okay. It’s over now, I’ve got you.” He wished there was something more he could do, but knew she needed to get this out before she could move forward in her life.

Fiona, my friend who owns the gallery I had a showing with, called and somehow managed to get through. She asked if I’d like to go shopping, a girl’s day out. The nanny had Jessica, Tom was out somewhere on business, and I was lonely, so I jumped at it. We had so much fun, gossiping and laughing like school friends. We stopped for a late lunch downtown and she tried to talk me into another showing, I didn’t want to admit how unlikely that would be, so instead I told her how busy we’d been getting the campaign ready. Tom planned to run for Governor in the next election. Of course then she wanted to hear all about our ‘exciting’ lives. What a joke. Anyway, it was later than expected by the time I returned home.” Her head dropped back to his shoulder, as if too heavy for her neck to bear.

Her voice when she
continued, was so low Nick had to strain to hear it. “Tom went psychotic, screaming and swearing I’d been with another man. I tried to explain, but he wouldn’t listen. I decided to give him time to calm down and told him I was going to lie down for a while. But he followed me, and even though I tried to stop him, he––he hurt me.” Tears were coursing down her face now and her whole body shook. “He was my husband and he hurt me. How could he do that? How?” Sobs wracked her body, and she buried her face into Nick's neck.

His blood boiled
even as his soul cried with helplessness. Pulling her closer, he wished to God that he could take her pain upon himself. It’d been hard enough watching his mother go through this kind of shit for years when he’d been too young to help her, but with Sara, it was torture.

After a while, her sobs sl
owed down to hiccups. “Af…after that day Tom never touched me again. I think he knew it was over for us, but he still refused to let me go. Said he needed me, and I could never leave him. He even kept Jessica away to make sure I stayed.” Her fingers played distractedly with the buttons of his shirt.

One night I overheard him on the phone in his office. It proved what I’d already suspected. He’d been aiding his clients dealing in drugs and gunrunning for years. I didn’t know who to trust. I didn’t feel I could take a chance on calling the police. My husband has a lot of important friends.” She stopped for a moment, wiped her eyes with impatient fingers.

Then he prosecuted, and won, a high profile murder case. He said it was his ticket into the governor’s chair, and hosted a celebration dinner party. I took the opportunity to sneak away and copy the files I knew he had hidden on his computer. Then I grabbed my little girl, and ran. Fiona met up with us, gave me a vehicle and enough money to get by with. I owe her so much.” She lifted red-rimmed, weary eyes to his, her voice raspy, “I don’t know what I was thinking. I only took the files as leverage. In case he tried to make us go back with him. I just wanted him to leave us alone. But now, with what I know, he never will.”

to ease the fear and pain he could see in her tear-swollen eyes, Nick tenderly kissed first one lid, and then the other closed. “Hush now, rest. We’ll figure something out in the morning. You’re not alone in this anymore. Okay, Sara? Do you hear me? You’re not alone.”

He sipped at the
tears running down her cheeks, and catching at the corner of her mouth. She, in turn, wound her arms around his neck, drawing him down, even as he would have eased away.

, Nick. For one night, help me to forget. Just kiss me.”

He knew s
he was defenseless right now and didn’t want to take advantage of that, but sweet heaven, he wanted her. More even than the sex, he wanted to ease her pain, erase what had happened to her. But since that could not be––he at least wanted to prove to her that all men were not like that asshole.

Her moist
lips touched his in a tentative invitation he was more than willing to accept. Tasting her bottom lip, he licked into her mouth before tangling his tongue with hers. God, she was so responsive. Nick could feel her softening for him even as she kept his mouth sealed to hers. Her seductive hands combed through his hair, massaging his scalp, until he couldn’t contain a hungry groan, whispering, “Oh baby, you taste so sweet. I want to savor all of you, every honeyed inch.”

His words seemed to release something
almost desperate within her. She slid her hand down his chest, over his pounding heart, to the bottom of his shirt, slipping under to touch his overheated skin. Her teeth nipped at his neck as her other hand joined the party working to get his shirt off. As Nick lifted his arms to toss it aside, she licked and kissed her way to his rigid nipple, and he tensed as her lips closed over his skin.

was in danger of embarrassing himself if he didn’t slow this down a little. Hands trembling, he cupped the side of her face, lifting it to his own. “My turn,” he whispered, as he closed his mouth over hers. At the same time his fingers were doing the walking, skimming up the inside of one silken thigh until his thumb could rub her sex through her lacy panties. Sweet hell, she was already wet, ready for him. He groaned and eased aside the leg, his fingers flicking and teasing her honeyed softness, even as his tongue copied the motion above. Sara's sexy little cries showing he was on the right track.

He slid
his lips from the heat of her too tempting mouth, and stopped to lavish attention on her silky neck. She moaned and dropped her head back to give him more access as he worked his way down to feast on her luscious breasts. Pushing aside the neckline of her slay-me-now dress, he paused to suck in a hard breath at her beauty in that moment, “Sara.”

His shaking fingers moved to caress
one hardened nipple as his mouth latched on to its twin, suckling softly at first, and then with more force. She tasted like candy, sweet and succulent.

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