Thy Neighbor's Wife (69 page)

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Authors: Gay Talese

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality

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Fithian, Marilyn, 347

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 79, 80

Flaubert, Gustave, 96

Fleishman, Judith, 420, 434–35

Fleishman, Stanley, 420–27, 428–29, 431–35, 436, 440, 441–44, 445, 446

Fleishman, Mrs. Stanley, 425

Fleming, Ian, 127

, 45, 68

Flynt, Larry, 469, 492, 493

, 68

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 190–91

Ford, Gerald, 390

Fort Hood, Texas, 33

Fortas, Abe, 365, 371–72, 381

, 499

Fourier, Charles (Fourierism), 302–4

France, 120–24, 228; and life insurance, 151

Franco, Francisco, 48

Francoeur, Robert, 334

Frank, Jerome, 106–7

Frankfurter, Felix, 101, 109

Franklin, Benjamin, 54

Free-thought movement, 64

Fresno, Calif., 400

Freud, Sigmund, 187, 194

Fuck You—a Magazine of the Arts
, 253

Fuller, Margaret, 304


Gable, Clark, 133

Game of Love, The
, 110

Garfield, James A., 132

Garrison, William Lloyd, 306

Gauer, Raymond, 368–70, 381, 382–83

Gaul, Ken, 254

Gaulle, Charles de, 124

Generation gap, 131

Genet, Jean, 120, 123

Genitals, 110.
See also
Nudity; specific acts, organs

Georgia, 240, 419, 423–24

Georgia, University of, 422–23, 424

Germany, 190, 544.
See also
Hitler, Adolf

Getting Back Together
, 331

Getty, J. Paul, 468

, 68

Gigolos, 529

Gill, Thomas D., 373

Ginger Man, The
, 121

Ginsberg, Allen, 191, 238

Ginzburg, Ralph (
United States
), 230, 392–98, 443

Girlie magazine.
Literature; specific magazines

Girodias, Maurice, 121–24

Glenn, John, 179

Goddard College, 517

God’s Little Acre
, 101

Gold, Herbert, 520

Gold (metal), 228

Goldman, Emma, 94

Goldstein (Alvin’s father), 234, 237

Goldstein, Mrs. (Alvin’s mother), 235

Goldstein, Alvin, 233–54, 271–76, 492, 521

Goldstein, Mrs. Alvin (the first), 242–43, 244

Goldstein, Mary Phillips (the second Mrs. Alvin Goldstein), 248–51, 253

Gone With the Wind
, 119

Good Times
, 105

Gough, Arlene, 156, 157–58, 163, 195, 204, 206, 208, 212, 214, 216, 221, 224, 279, 280, 343

Government, 59, 60, 77, 101, 189.
See also
agencies, cases

Gowland, Peter, 24

Goya, Francisco de, 50

Grable, Betty, 45

Graham, William, 24

Grant, Ulysses S., 57

Gray, Barry, 247

“Greatest Man in the World, The,” 82

Great Gorge, N.J., 470, 494

Great John L, The
, 360

Greeley, Horace, 303, 304

Greenburg, Dan, 520

Greenwood, Edward D., 373

Gregory, Dick, 126

Griffin, Robert P., 371

Grimes, Tammy, 515

Grissom, Virgil, 132

Group sex, 358, 360.
See also
specific groups

Grove Press, 119, 120, 347, 390, 408

Gruber, Max, 505

Guccione, Bob, 413, 492


, 229, 265

Halberstam, David, 500

Haldeman, H. R., 364

Haley, Alex, 500

Hall, Radclyffe, 99

Hamill, John, 98

Hamilton, Erastus Hapgood, 311, 324

Hamling, Deborah (daughter of William), 415, 420, 434

Hamling, Frances, 384–85, 415–18, 419, 420, 434

Hamling, William (
United States of America
), 377, 381–87, 388, 400, 401–7, 414, 415–47, 533

Hancock, John, Insurance Company, 151

Happi-Press, 245

Harding, Warren G., 393

Harlan, John M., 108, 365, 397

Harmony community, 301

Harper’s Bazaar
, 125, 275

“Harrad West,” 330

Harris, Barbara, 357

Harris, Frank, 98, 101, 123

Harris, Mrs. Frank, 99

Harrison, Robert, 45, 68, 74

Hartman, William, 347

Havana, 241

Hawaii, 400, 427

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 303–4

Hayes, Rutherford B., 63, 300

Hayes, Mrs. Rutherford B., 63

Hayworth, Rita, 45

Hearst, Patricia, 474

Hefner, Christie, 453, 479, 496–59, 501, 502

Hefner, Glenn (Hugh’s father), 29–30, 41, 80, 499

Hefner, Grace (Hugh’s mother), 29, 31–32, 41, 43, 76, 80, 449–50, 499

Hefner, Hugh M., 24, 25–51, 66, 69, 71–92, 227, 384–85, 401–4, 449–503

Hefner, Keith, 30, 43, 80, 454, 499

Hefner, Mildred Williams (Hugh’s wife), 34, 35, 50, 76, 81, 84, 90, 453, 498, 502

Heinlein, Robert, 295

Heitner, Nanci, 475–78, 483, 484

Heller, Steven, 254

Hemingway, Ernest, 48, 82, 121

Hewitt, Bernard, 422

Hewitt, Florence Fleishman, 422

Heywood, E. M., 63

decision, 68, 106, 109–10

Hill, Morton A., 372, 374, 378, 401

Hillman, Richard, 488

Hillman, Shirley, 488

Hiroshima, 77–78

Hiss, Alger, 102

, 68

Hitler, Adolf, 124, 544

Hobo News, The
, 67

Hoffa, Jimmy, 500

Hoffenberg, Mason, 121, 381

Hogan, Frank, 103

Holden, William, 515

Hollywood, 144, 367, 369, 425.
See also

Hollywood Studio Club, 23

Homiletic Review
, 47

Homosexuals (homosexuality), 36, 75, 187, 240, 258, 352, 387, 393, 523.
See also
specific works; gigolos, 529; magazines for, 110

Hood College, 250

Hoover, Herbert, 98

Hoover, J. Edgar, 229, 366, 380, 394

Hope, Bob, 515

Hopkins, Matthew, 59

Hornsby, Rogers, 150

Hospitals, 55, 263

Houdini, Harry, 132

Houriet, Robert, 331

House Committee on Un-American Activities, 102

Housewife’s Handbook on Selective Promiscuity, The
, 392, 395. 397

Houston, Tex., 399

“How Come Every Time I Itch, I Wind Up Scratching You?,” 517

Hughes, Howard, 36, 367, 468

Hunt, Howard, 361

, 469, 492, 533

Hutchins, Robert M., 357

Hydrogen bomb, 228


I, a Homosexual
, 409

I Am Curious
), 229

Ideal Marriage
, 124

Ile du Levant, 360

Illinois, University of, 34–35, 38, 39

Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research, 31

Illustrated History of Pornography, An
, 409

Immoral Mr. Teas, The
, 125

Incest, 168

Index, Wash., 245

India, 240

Indo-China, 123.
See also
Vietnam War

Infidel Abroad, An
, 64

Ingersoll, Robert G., 61

Ingres, Jean, 50

Inquisition, the, 296

Insurance, 132, 136–37, 145, 151–52.
See also
specific companies

Intercourse, Pa., 395

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 482

International News Photos, 238

International News Service, 21

Ionesco, Eugene, 120

Iowa, 400, 421, 427

Irish, 65, 230

Iroquois Theater fire, 150

Ithaca, N.Y., 63

Iwo Jima, 228


Jacobellis, Nico (
), 387, 428

Jamaica, 470, 494

James, Henry, 304

Jefferson City, Mo., 143

Jelke, Mickey, 75, 104

Jesuits, 62

Jews (and anti-Semitism), 93–94, 119, 133.
See also
specific persons

John Birch Society, 135

Johnson, Lyndon, 228, 366, 371, 372, 401

Jones, G. William, 372

Jorgensen, Christine, 75

Joyce, James, 96, 123, 232

Joy of Sex, The
, 523

Julius, Emanuel, 64

“Just Beyond the Moon,” 517

Juvenal, 240

Juvenile delinquency, 104


Kahane, Jack, 122

Kaiser, Robert Blair, 520

Kama Sutra
, 98, 358

Karalus, Charlaine (Janet Pilgrim), 87–90, 126

Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 394

Keating, Charles H., 366ff., 375, 377, 378–79, 381, 396, 405, 412

Kefauver, Estes, 104–5

Kelly, Ed, 66

Kemp, Earl, 402, 406

(magazine), 48

Kennedy, Jacqueline.
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy

Kennedy, John, 127–29, 131

Kennedy, Robert, 129, 227, 394

Kennedy, Rose, 129

Kennedy Justice
, 394

Kennelly, Martin, 66

Kent State, 359

Keogh plan, 137

Kerouac, Jack, 191, 238

Khrishnamurti, J., 203, 224

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 227

Kinsey, Alfred (Institute; report), 27, 36, 75–76, 81, 194, 353, 374; and Roth trial, 106

Kirkridge Retreat, 334

Klapper, Joseph T., 373

Klein, Barbara.
Benton, Barbi

Klemesrud, Judy, 497

Knight-Ridder chain, 500

Knopf, Alfred A., 99

Kretchmer, Arthur, 494

Kronhausen, Phyllis and Eberhard, 347, 393

Kunkin, Art, 347

Kwajalein, 172


Lady Chatterley’s Lover
, 9, 98, 99, 113–14ff., 358, 387, 400

Lafayette, Calif., 330

La Guardia, Fiorello, 231

Lake Arrowhead, 196–201

Lake Geneva, Wisc., 470

Lama community, 330

Lamarr, Hedy, 45

Lange, Ed, 24, 275

Langer, William, 105, 391

Lanza, Mario, 133

Larsen, Otto N., 373

Last Exit to Brooklyn
, 413

Last Tango in Paris
, 412, 413

Las Vegas, Nev., 454

Latimer, Dean, 254

Lawrence, D. H., 114–15, 117, 387

Leal, Oralia, 203–4, 206, 208, 210, 212, 214, 279, 280, 336, 346, 541

Leaves of Grass
, 57, 322

Legion of Decency, 367

Legman, Gershon, 430

Lehrman, Nat, 402, 403, 492, 521

Lehrmann, Irving, 372

Lengel, Frances, 121

Leonardo da Vinci, 50

Lerner, Max, 347, 519


Lewis, Freeman, 373

Lewisburg, Pa., 99, 100, 111, 191, 398

Lexington Avenue Models, 267

, 392, 395, 397

Liberating Masturbation
(Dodson), 508–9, 512

Libre community, 330

Liddy, Gordon, 361

(magazine), 45–46, 243

Life insurance, 151

Lincoln, Abraham, 306

Lindsay, John, 231

Link, Winfred C., 372, 378

Lipton, Morris A., 372

Literature (books; magazines), 1–17, 45–51, 53ff., 66–69, 126, 358, 384–414, 531
See also
specific titles, writers;
reviews, 232

Little Big Horn, 132

Little Blue Books, 64

Lockhart, William B., 373, 374–75. 377

Lockheed Aircraft, 176, 177, 179

Logue, Christopher, 121

, 121, 123

London, 54, 95

Lonely-hearts groups, 245

Long Island, N.Y., 355–56

(magazine), 45

Look Homeward, Angel
, 515

Lopez, Adrian, 68

Los Angeles, Calif., 19–24, 124, 131, 132ff., 180–81, 183ff., 367–70, 407–9, 425, 426.
See also
specific groups, residents; massage parlors, 274; UCLA, 120, 359

Los Angeles
Free Press
, 331, 347, 360, 520, 539

Los Angeles
, 367, 404

Lovelace, Linda, 414, 534

Lownes, Tom, 487–88

Lownes, Victor, 91, 487, 493–94

Luros, Milton, 377, 421

, 151

, 121

Lust Pool
, 399

Luther, Martin, 62

Lynch, Thomas C., 372, 378


, 469

McCalla, Irish, 68

McCarthy, Joe, 390, 503

McClure, Greg, 360

McClure, Joyce, 360

McElligott, Marion Williamson (sister of John Williamson), 168–71, 172

McElligott, Richard, 170, 171

McGrady, Patrick, Jr., 538, 540

Mackey, Charles, 58

McKinley, William, 132

“Madame Tellier’s Brothel,” 393

Mademoiselle Studio, 272

Mafia, 373, 376

Literature; specific magazines

Post Office

, 74

“Malibu Run,” 515

Manet, Édouard, 50

Mansfield, Jayne, 86, 485

Manuel Enterprises
, 387

Manuals, sex and marriage, 55–56, 58

Marital Intercourse
(film), 409

Maritime insurance, 151

Marshall, Thurgood, 413, 418, 427, 428, 438–39, 445

Marshall Islands, 172

Maryland Hotel (Chicago), 488

Maslow, Abraham M., 193

Massachusetts, 53–54 Massage (and massage parlors), 259–81, 525–30, 531, 535

Mass Psychology of Fascism, The
, 191

Masters (William) and Johnson, 76, 192–93, 194, 347

Masturbation (self-abuse), 53, 75, 116, 142, 187, 193, 208, 229, 430, 507ff., 530.
See also
Massage; specific persons; Kinsey report on, 36

Mate-swapping (wife-swapping), 81, 193, 358–59.
See also
specific groups

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