Thursday Nights (The Charistown Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Thursday Nights (The Charistown Series)
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“I called cabs for you lovely ladies,” Julie informed Janie, Lyla, and Ashley.

“Ash, where’s Ryan? Isn’t he your chauffeur?” Janie teased.

“He’s on a date with one of his groupie sluts,” Ashley answered with bite.

Lyla with a hand on her chest, faking surprise that she actually did feel said. “He dates?”

“I keep telling you guys—we are not a couple. We live together, but we don’t date each other. We date
other people
.” Ashley looked shy and something else that Janie couldn’t recognize. Was it sadness? Longing?

“So…do you date?” Lyla questioned.

“Yes, I date! Fuck you, Lyla! If you’re gonna keep your goodies to yourself, I’m keeping mine to myself!”

Lyla smiled. “Oookay.”

“So, Sunday dinner is at my house,” Janie said. “Julie, can you spread the word? I’m not sure who will show up since, between the two of us, we aren’t talking to half of the group, but everyone is still invited. Whoever shows…shows, and whoever doesn’t…doesn’t.” Julie winked at her and headed back to her office.

Lyla pushed to a stand. “I’m gonna hit the little girls’ room before I head home. Can you tell my cab to wait for me a minute? Tell him he’ll be well compensated.” Lyla wagged her eyebrows and laughed heartily at her own silliness.

With matching snorts as affirmations, the other two women nodded. “We’ll just wait for you…No woman left behind, remember?”

“I wish to hell I never took that first taste of your mouth. Because even though I can’t give you everything I want to give, everything you deserve to have…”

Lyla had stopped stone-still the minute she heard his first word. In the dim light of the pool table room, she didn’t see his face yet but his scent caressed her skin—cedar, leather, Gage. She inhaled deeply, his words burrowing into her soul.

“I can’t stop myself from thinking about your mouth,” he said, stepping out into the muted light and staring at her plump, red lips. She now saw his whisker-roughened jaw and his jet-black hair falling just over his brow as his eyes continued to gaze at her mouth. “I want it. Christ, I’m a greedy son-of-a—”

Before he could finish his statement, he pulled her up against his hard chest and crushed his mouth to hers. Lyla’s body reacted immediately by melting into his. Her hands wrapped around his neck, her fingers running through his soft black hair.

Gage could feel her warmth radiating from her skin through her clothes. His hand snaked down her spine while the other held onto the base of her neck. He controlled the kiss, even though he had lost control of his body.

. Sorry, kids. Didn’t know anyone was in here.” Danny turned around and left the room.

Lyla came back from the bathroom with a dazed look on her face.

“You okay, Ly?” Janie didn’t press for more when Lyla said she was fine.

Max watched the three women leave Danny’s and head out into the warm September night air. Watched Janie, with her arm draped over Lyla’s shoulder, whispering something that was apparently funny in her ear. She was so beautiful, and so kind, so soft…if only…

The bar was cleaned and closed, and every one had left. It was three in the morning, and exhaustion rolled through Max’s body like a thick fog in the early morning harbor. His mind was blissfully numb from a long night of work, and the only thing he wanted was to fall into his bed.

“Hello, handsome,” said a slightly familiar voice from behind him.

Max turned to find the redhead from earlier standing about a foot behind him.

“Remember, Sex on the Beach?” she prompted in her cigarette-scarred voice.

Max smiled tightly. He remembered. Girls like Big Red were all the same. They thought if they showed you what was under the hood, you would buy the car. Max wasn’t interested.

“Nice to see you again…” He couldn’t remember her name, and he didn’t care to ask for it.


Max grinned on the outside while laughing hysterically on the inside.
Of course
, he thought to himself.
What else would it be?

“Well, goodnight, Bambi,” Max said.

She stalked closer to him, the gritting of her stilettos on the concrete echoing in the stillness of the night. She stood close to eye level with him. He had to admit that she really was an attractive woman.

“Max,” she said in what must have been her sexy voice. “You look like you could use a little attention.”

“To be honest with you, Bambi,” Max said, trying to keep a straight face while saying her name out loud, “I am bone tired. I’m gonna go home and get some sleep. It was nice to meet you.”

She was not getting the hint, though, or maybe Bambi had her own selfish needs she wanted fulfilled. Either way, she went on. “Max, honey, why don’t you take a load off and let me take a load in?”

Max blinked. He was actually stupefied by the woman’s boldness. He surprised even himself when he asked, “What do you have in mind?”

She smiled a perfectly white smile and pointed to Max’s car door. Thoughtlessly he opened it and helped her up into Jeep. He walked around to the driver’s side and climbed in. It was an act that had played out so many times before with so many nameless, faceless women. It was a way for him to satisfy his body but never have to give anything more.

She all but purred as she pressed her double-Ds up against Max’s side. “I know what you’re willing to give, Max,” she whispered. “And it’s exactly what I need.” She rubbed her small hand up the length of his hardening cock and moaned.

“This is what I want. Can I have it just for tonight?”

His mind drifted to the beautiful, dark-haired, fair-skinned angel he kept locked out of his heart, and he immediately shut down his thoughts
. I can do this,
he thought.
It’s just physical. Just a distraction.
Max’s breaths were shallow as he tried to think about the impending release.

Taking his silence as acceptance, Bambi had his jeans unbuttoned and unzipped in record time. The fire in her eyes matched the color of her hair as she reached her hand into Max’s boxer briefs. The minute her warm fingers wrapped around Max’s erection, he felt a chill take over his body. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t the woman he longed to have curled up against him. Her perfume was overpowering in the confines of his Jeep, her fingernails were too long. Her touch didn’t hold the familiar tenderness that had been branded into his memory, and her skin felt all wrong. She wasn’t Janie.

“Fuck,” he groaned. Bambi misread his expletive and leaned down, ready to place her mouth around him. Max was finding it difficult to breath. “Stop,” he gasped.

When Bambi didn’t heed his request, Max began to panic. “Bambi,
. This isn’t right. You have got to stop.” He pulled himself back at the same time he pushed her away, hearing a shocked breath escape the woman’s mouth. The redheaded vixen watched as he buttoned his jeans with trembling fingers and then lifted her face to meet his, eye to eye.

“What’s going on, Max?” Her eyes were soft and sincere. “I came here tonight for exactly what we’re doing. It’s no secret that you’re the man to go to for this…kind of thing…you know, no strings attached. Women talk. That’s what I’m offering. So what’s the problem?”

Max could see the embarrassment blooming in the woman’s eyes. And she was right—she did come to the right guy. But there was a problem, a big problem. Well, not quite big and not quite a problem, but there was a five-foot-two-inch woman that was overtaking his mind, and if he was being honest with himself, his heart. And he just couldn’t go through with having another meaningless fling after experiencing what could only be described as heaven with Janie. He may not be able to give her his heart, but he couldn’t give anyone else his body.

“I…I just can’t do this anymore,” he said suddenly. “Not with you, not with anyone. I just can’t. I know I led you on, and I’m sorry about that, but this isn’t going to happen.” He couldn’t stop or hide the trembling in his voice.

A smile that showcased her beautiful white teeth also enhanced a deep awareness in Bambi’s eyes that Max hadn’t noticed before.

“You finally found her.” It wasn’t a question, so Max didn’t answer. “I don’t know your story, but I know the type. You’ve gone through your hell, Max. It’s time to reach for happiness. Clearly, you’re ready for it, but here’s some advice. If there is ever a next time, don’t let it go so far. Most women don’t like to know that another woman was touching their man.” With that parting shot, Bambi opened the door and slid out of Max’s Jeep.

“Let me walk you to your car…Bambi.”

With a smile, she nodded her acceptance. “My name isn’t really Bambi, you know. That was just the first name that came to my head when you asked.”

Max laughed, opened the door to her beat-up, early-90s sedan, and waited for her to put on her seatbelt before closing it.

“Thank you for…well…everything. I obviously have a lot to work out, and I’m sorry that you got caught up in my bullshit.”

“We all have our bullshit, Max, but I hope you figure yours out.” Max could hear the sadness coming from her statement but let it go.

“Drive safely.” He stood in the darkened parking lot watching as her taillights disappeared into the night.



Those Two

“You look like you could use this.” The coffee wasn’t Starbucks, but Janie was grateful for it nonetheless.

“Thanks, Owen. Do I look that bad?” She winced, adding a large amount of creamer and sweetener to the black coffee.

Taking a second to what Janie assumed was prepare a kind answer, Owen smiled. “I wouldn’t say
…I would just say that you had a really good time last night.”

“Owen, you should have been a politician instead of an algebra teacher.” She laughed and took a sip of her coffee.

They spent the rest of their lunch break engaged in witty banter and pleasant conversation. Janie felt relaxed when Owen was around.
, she thought.

“So, are we still on for tomorrow night?” Owen’s chocolate eyes looked excited.

“Unless you’re bailing on me,” Janie teased.

“Not a chance.” Owen leaned over and placed a light kiss on the top of Janie’s head before leaving the teacher’s lounge.

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