Thursday Nights (The Charistown Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Thursday Nights (The Charistown Series)
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With a smile, Max lifted his body and spoke softly in Janie’s ear, sending goose bumps down her arms. “Janie, baby, I’ll give you what you want. Let me make it amazing for you. Let me give you this.”

Her breath hitched at his words, and she nodded her acceptance.

Taking her nonverbal cues as consent, Max continued his sensual attack on her lips. His only obstacle was keeping his own body in check long enough to bring her the pleasure that she so desperately needed. That he needed, as well.

Janie felt an instant loss when Max’s mouth left hers. But the loss was instantly forgiven when she felt his lips trail along her skin to the spot where her neck met her shoulder. His magical hands glided down her back and unhooked her bra before she even realized they had been there. Gripping each breast in one of his large hands, he lowered his mouth to her nipple and snaked his tongue around the hardened flesh. Tingles swept through Janie’s core as he blew a soft, warm breath over her nipple before pulling it back into his mouth for another hard suck. Janie could feel the wetness forming between her legs.

Max bit down hard enough to cause a small pierce of pain, but instantly followed his bite with a long, hot trace of his tongue. Janie wasn’t sure if it was possible to have an orgasm from breast stimulation alone, but as she felt her panties dampen and her body begin to thrum, she knew the answer to that question.

“Oh, yes…Max…Oh my God.”

Max continued his manipulations as his hands moved down her body to remove her wet panties. She could feel him grin against her skin, but he could grin all he wanted to as long as he didn’t stop.

“Max,” Janie panted. “I need to feel your skin. I need to know I’m not alone…please.” Janie hated the sound of her begging, but she had felt so lost earlier and Max was so good at being her guide. She needed him with her one hundred percent.

“You’re not alone, baby. I’m here. I promise—you’re not alone.”

With wide eyes and a lustful smirk, she watched as he quickly moved from the bed and stripped off his jeans, boxer briefs, and cotton T-shirt, then eased his lean, hard body down next to hers. Face to face, he pulled her close, her breasts tight to his chest, their skin melding together. Max slid his hand down the satin skin of her body, to the valley of her waist and up the hills of her lush hip, and repeated the journey in reverse. When he arrived at her shoulder, he gently, but firmly, pressed her onto her back and smiled when she let out a small moan. Lying on his side, he used his right hand to continue to stroke her, the pads of his fingers running over her flat belly to her inner thigh where he stopped.

With a strangled giggle, Janie said, “Don’t be a tease, Max.” He exhaled and leaned over to kiss her again. His fingers slid up her thigh and into the already wet and waiting entrance of her core.

“Oh God, Janie. You are so warm and wet.” His slid one thick finger inside her as she moaned her acceptance and then he eased the digit out. Janie groaned her disappointment just as Max slid two fingers back into her hot, aching pussy.

“Oh, Max, that feels…that feels so good.”

He worked his fingers in and out of Janie’s sex while his thumb massaged her swollen clit. He possessed her mouth with his hot kisses, nipping at her bottom lip as her breaths became more shallow. When her legs began to shake, Max applied more pressure onto the hardened pearl, and she bucked against his fingers and groaned out his name.

Every nerve ending in her body felt exposed as she tightened around his fingers. Her toes curled and her fingers ran through his hair, gripping tightly at the soft, thick locks.

“Give it to me, Janie,” Max demanded. “I’m here with you…. Let go...”

With those words, Janie came undone. The release came harder than she ever thought possible as her heart pumped wildly in her chest. Surely harder than it ever had with a human partner, and the battery-operated ones weren’t as warm or tender. Yes, this was quite possibly the most intense orgasm she had ever had.

Max licked his fingers, his chest filled with lust, as he watched Janie lying sated and flushed on her bed.

Janie didn’t know why but watching him lick her juices off his fingers turned her on even more.

“Don’t worry, babe,” Max said, his tongue lapping at his thumb, a small grin resting on his lips. “We are just getting started.”

Janie bit her own lip as she watched Max’s other hand slowly wrap around his thick, erect cock and start stroking it. Janie’s previously sated body began to arouse as she watched this beautiful, sexy man pleasure himself. Eyes round like saucers, Janie continued to stare.

Max gave her a crooked smile. “Would you like to touch me, Janie?”

“Yes,” Janie thoughtlessly answered. It only took a moment before Max straddled her body, his hard cock in his hand, and moved up her torso. Janie’s mouth began to water in anticipation. She wanted this man like she wanted her next breath.

She gently cupped his balls in one hand and smiled when Max let out a groan. She massaged and rolled each ball with her hand and then her tongue, loving the feel of him against her mouth. Suddenly, she stopped, her eyes traveling up his body and stopping at the green gems that bore into her own blue eyes.

“Janie,” Max said in a moan. “You’re being a tease.”

With a wicked smile, Janie stopped her ministrations for a brief second. “Sucks, doesn’t it?”

Max replied with a deep breath and a quick
. Janie went back to lavishing her attention to Max’s balls, his mind swimming with anticipation, when Janie finally placed her hand on Max’s shaft and he shuddered.

“Babe,” he moaned.

Janie followed her first manual pump with a warm wet lick from base to tip. A primal groan ripped out of his chest as if it had been sucked from his body.

The wet licks and sucks to Max’s cock drove him wild as he grabbed on to the headboard and growled in pleasure and appreciation. She lavished his crown with special attention, especially the point just under the head, where she knew from their first encounter drove him wild. She tasted the first drops of salty fluid from the slit of his shaft. When it hit her tongue, she moaned her approval and sucked him deeper.

Max started to move his hips as he fucked Janie’s mouth. He felt himself losing control, letting himself surge to the back of her throat. She accepted the deep thrusts with enthusiasm, grabbing his ass and moaning around him.

“I’m gonna come, babe,” Max said, trying to disengage from her mouth. But Janie wouldn’t let him go. “Janie, I can’t hold back much longer, honey, please…Fuck!”

Janie held on tightly and continued to suck him off until Max was groaning loudly. She felt warm fluid painting the back of her throat, and she swallowed it down. Max’s body was tight and covered in a light sheen of sweat. His eyes were closed, and his face, though Janie had once thought it impossible, was even more beautiful in its relaxed, sated state. Janie swallowed the last of Max’s climax and gently pulled away from him.

Although the lights were dim, when Max opened his eyes, he stared at Janie with a look she had never seen before. She had no name for the emotions that she saw, and she had no desire to try and figure it out. Max stroked Janie’s cheek and quietly thanked her, placing soft kisses on her forehead, cheeks, and lips. She accepted his gratitude and tried to avoid the pull of loneliness that was threatening to edge back into her mind.

“Um, do you have any interest in staying over tonight?” she asked as every relaxed muscle in her body tightened while awaiting his response.

“Yes.” His arms twined around her body, pulling her in for an embrace. “I told you—I’m not leaving you alone tonight.” Breathing in the musky smell of their time together, he leaned in and kissed the top of her head.

“Okay, well, I’m going to take a quick shower,” Janie announced. Max noticed her shoulders were once again becoming tense as the bliss of the moment was wearing off. He’d have to do something about that.

She went to the bathroom and turned the shower to scalding hot and stepped in.
Will he be there when I get out?
she wondered to herself.
Or will he run the way he did last time? Will he run out like Lyla did and leave me alone?

The fear was threatening to take her over so she thrust her body under the hot water, focusing only on the droplets pounding against her skin. She was in the middle of washing her hair when she felt another set of hands massaging her scalp.


Max lathered the shampoo in her hair and let out a breathy laugh. “Were you expecting someone else?”

“That’s a cheesy line, even for you, stud muffin,” Janie teased. A groan escaped as Max continued to shampoo her hair.

“Stud Muffin?” he laughed, trying to keep his tone light even though he knew it was fear of him pulling another Houdini act that made her wary in the first place. “Nice.” He was happy that he was standing behind her so she couldn’t see the feelings he knew he must be wearing on his face.

“I can deal with cheesy if you keep doing that.”

Max could feel her body relax under his touch, so he rinsed out the shampoo and applied some conditioner. As her smooth, wet skin pressed against him, his shaft began to lengthen once again. Even he was surprised at his recovery time, and he smiled into the hot droplets.

Janie felt his cock come to life between her thighs and leaned back into it, allowing the hardness to rub against her labia. The wetness pooled between her thighs, and it had nothing to do with the shower spray.

“I’m impressed, Max,” Janie teased again. “I didn’t think men your age could go again so quickly.” No one would ever be able to notice the almost ten years that separated the two of them, but Janie often made fun of his old-man status. Not that thirty-seven was old. But it sure was fun to watch him squirm.

She slowly rocked her hips back and forth, keeping him nestled between her thighs. Their position had the crest of his cock connecting with her clit on both the way forward and the way back.

Aroused to the point of near pain, Max cupped Janie’s breasts and rolled her nipples tightly between his thumbs and forefingers. “Watch it, young lady,” he purred in her ear, “or I will turn you over my knee and show you how bad little girls are treated.” At those words, Janie felt a flush of wetness seep out of her pussy. She reached up and took one of Max’s hands from her breast and led it down to her entrance, guiding his finger up into the wetness.

“It’s time to get out of the shower, Max.” Her voice was hoarse with pleasure as she turned off the tap and Max reached for the towels. He wrapped her up like a present and led her back to her bed. When he finally pressed his lips to hers, Janie felt the familiar electrical currents buzz through her veins again. She let the towel drop to the floor.

With a sexy grin, Max swept her up in his strong arms and laid her down gently on the bed like a sacrifice to the Gods. Her arms were lifted above her head, her legs straight and slightly separated. The sight of her in that position had him hardened with desire and nearly panting with want. Max took the scenic route, though, as he leisurely kissed and licked down Janie’s body. He spread her legs farther apart and breathed in the sweet, musky scent of her lust. His eyes met her for a brief moment.

She saw hunger in his green depths of desire, but before another thought could register she felt Max’s warm tongue lap her from slit to clit. His moan vibrated through her core, sending ribbons of pleasure through her body. She heard him whisper how sweet she tasted and how he loved having her cream on his tongue. Her body began to shake. When he stuck two fingers into her drenched pussy and continued to lap and suck, Janie felt a band tightening inside her. His fingers continued their rhythm, moving in and out of her as his teeth lightly grazed her engorged nub. The internal band snapped, then, sending Janie into orgasmic bliss. Shaking, she grabbed his arms and pulled him up to her. Sliding her tongue into his hot mouth she could taste herself on him.

Breaking the kiss, she begged. “I want you inside of me, Max.” She had never been so needy or so greedy before. It was as if her body knew that this might be their last night together, and it wanted to gorge itself on him. Janie’s heart was beating a different tune altogether, though. She didn’t want to believe it, she knew it was impossible, but she was falling in love with this strong, protective, beautiful man. And if she were being honest with herself, she’d admit she’d been falling in love with him for months. When she was with other men they had been friends. When he was with other women they had been friends. But now, knowing that they could have
…God, how could she go back?

Her fingers danced down the smooth plane of his back, stroking the sinew and muscles as she slowly found her way to his hard, firm ass. His skin was satin and fire, his body silk and stone. “I want you,” she whispered, kissing his neck.

Max looked at her with a hooded gaze, his lids fringed with dark-blond lashes, the sexiest bedroom eyes Janie had ever seen. “Anything for you, Janie…anything.”

“The condoms are in the nightstand,” she said. “Get one.”

Desire was radiating off of her in waves, and Max felt like a God for being the man to put that lust in her eyes. A punch of jealousy hit when the open drawer revealed a bowl of condoms and a few different vibrators.

You have no rights to this woman,
he thought to himself.

Those internal words held little comfort, though, when the image of Janie with another man flooded his mind. He could feel his anger start to flare as he clenched his jaw. With his concentration lost for a brief moment, Janie wrapped her legs around his waist and reversed their positions. A surprised Max was now flat on his back, wide eyes staring at the sexy naked woman straddling him.

“What are you doing?” The question came out in a breathless whisper.

“Well, Max, it appears as though I’m going to fuck you,” Janie said. Her uncharacteristic boldness sent a shiver up her spine, and her words made Max’s already painful erection start to weep. Janie ran her hands down Max’s chiseled chest, her fingers gliding over his pectorals as she leaned forward and kissed and sucked each nipple. She rubbed her hands down the ripples of his abs and finally took his length in her hand. Max moaned loudly, spurring her on.

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