Thrust: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Thrust: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 2)
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A hint of a smile came to her mouth. I’m sure she believed she had me right where she wanted me. That was fine. She was free to think whatever she liked.

“And how can I do that?” she asked.

I took a few steps in her direction. Off to either side of me, Bernard and Leopold listened in silence. I was sure they were eager to get the payoff. That wasn’t about to happen, not unless I got something in return for it.

“Do you know anything about Formula One, Dani?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Well, tonight is the sport’s annual gala and awards banquet. I’d like for you to accompany me to it.”

When I finished speaking, I noticed her eyes flash, taking on the shape of small, round moons. Clearly caught off guard, she glanced towards Bernard and Leopold. Both men said nothing but instead just nodded at her. She turned and looked at me again.

“Well, I-I…” she stammered, trying to put together a response. “I didn’t bring anything to wear, especially not to a gala.”

I waved my hand towards her in a dismissive manner. “I’m quite sure you’ll find something. If needed, I can arrange for someone to help you.”

She went quiet. For a moment or so, she chewed on her lower lip before replying.

“No, I… that won’t be necessary. I can take care of it. Thank you, yes, I would like that very much.”

When she finished, I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could get a word in, the head steward of my yacht appeared from the galley.

“Mr. Rhys, sir? Do you and your guests need anything?”

I shook my head.

“No thank you, Rafael.” I began, gesturing towards the entrance of the salon. “I believe we’ve concluded our business for the time being.”

“Very good, Mr. Rhys.”

He exited, and Bernard, Leopold and Dani began to gather up their belongings. Before leaving, Bernard and Leopold thanked me for my time and walked away, leaving Dani and me alone. She straightened her spine again and extended her hand towards me once more.

“Thank you for the invitation, Mr. Rhys. I’m looking forward to tonight.”

I smiled at her businesslike demeanor. Her face held an expression of certainty. I glanced towards her stiff fingers. Apparently, she hadn’t learned anything from our earlier interaction. Looking into her eyes, I reached down and wrapped my hand around hers, easing my fingers closed once again.

“Please, call me Marco.”

She twitched.

Her body was still on edge – I could feel it. I waited for a second or so until she let go of the tension. Never losing my eye contact with her, I raised Dani’s hand to my lips and kissed it again. In an instant, her chest flushed crimson. I allowed my lips to linger on the ridges of her knuckles, just long enough so that the hard lines of her expression eased. I picked up the slightest hint of her perfume. After taking a final inhale of the delicate jasmine scent, I moved her hand away from my mouth and released it.

“Bernard has my phone number,” I said, nodding at her. “Get it from him, then text me and let me know where you are staying. I'll send a car for you. You’ll need to be at the banquet by eight o’clock sharp. Lateness is unacceptable.”

“Unacceptable?” Dani said with a hint of defiance in her tone.

I looked away from her, glancing in the direction of the salon’s entrance. Bernard and Leopold stood outside, waiting for her to join them. I turned back to face her again.

“Do you want to get this deal, Dani?”

I wasn’t under any illusion about what was going on, and I didn’t feel like there was any reason for her to pretend like she was either.

“I-I’m not sure what you mean, Marco. I just want to do the best job I can for you. That’s the only reason I’m here.”

“I see,” I replied, turning and gesturing for her to pass by. “All right then, I’ll see you this evening.”

“Yes, thank you again, Marco. I’m looking forward to it.”


After leaving Marco’s yacht, we’d made our way back to the parking lot and our waiting limousine. In every direction I looked, the opulence of Monte Carlo filled my vision. However, I couldn't stop thinking about the effect Marco had on me. My last relationship, if it could even be called that, had ended nearly a year earlier. I’d buried myself in my work, telling myself it was what I had to do to achieve my dreams.

However, if I didn’t get my sudden urges under control before the gala, and fast, I worried I’d lose my chance to sign him. I had to keep my libido in check, or else. What was worse, I felt certain Bernard and Leopold had taken notice of how I’d behaved.

We neared the limousine. Pivoting in my direction, Bernard clapped his hands together.

“Well, I don’t think it could’ve gone much better. Great job, Dani.”

Leopold nodded in agreement. “Yes, you handled him exactly like we hoped you would. At this rate, it won’t be long before he’s signed on with the firm and your partnership is a done deal.”

Hmm, I guess they didn’t notice after all.

Where Marco was concerned, I doubted I’d get off so easy. I couldn’t deny my instant attraction to him. The way he made my blood run hot when he touched me – no man had done that to me in a long time, if ever.

Attraction or not, I wasn’t about to be put in a situation with the firm where I could simply be whored out, depending on the size of the client. Feeling indignant, I had to put a stop to these types of expectations before it was too late. I straightened the strap of my bag across my shoulder, squeezing it tight.

“I’m glad that the two of you are happy,” I began, staring at them. “But, I’ll tell you something right now. I’m not thrilled about the fact you are holding my ability to sign him over my head for a shot at partner.”

“What exactly are you trying to say, Dani?” Leopold asked.

I swallowed hard. The last remnants of saliva eked their way down my throat. I couldn’t believe they were going to make me say it, but at this point it didn’t really matter.

“Fine. If you want me to come right out and say it, I will. I have no intention of sleeping with him just so I can satisfy the demands you placed on me for partnership.”

No sooner had I finished speaking than Bernard leaned back, roaring with laughter. Unable to get a word out, he slapped Leopold on the back.

“What’s so funny?” I said, clenching my jaw.

Leopold raised his hands in a gesture of mock surrender.

“Dani,” he began, with Bernard’s laughter easing. “Who said anything about you sleeping with Marco Rhys?”

I wasn’t stupid. Of course they would never explicitly
tell me
to have sex with him. But they’d have to be blind not to get the intention behind Marco’s invitation. If they weren’t, then I needed to know. My self-respect was worth more than any deal, or any partnership, even if it meant seven figures a year.

“I know you didn’t say anything about me sleeping with him. Yet, you’ve both made it crystal clear that if I don’t sign him, I can forget about making partner.”

By now, Bernard had stopped laughing.

He nodded. “Yes, that’s correct, Dani. You are going to have to bring Marco in as a client to make partner. But, neither of us said anything about you sleeping with him to make that happen.”

Leopold listened while Bernard spoke. When he finished, Leopold looked at me.

“I have to echo what Bernard said. You’ve become like a daughter to us, Dani. Neither of us want you to do anything unethical or immoral to bring in a client. I’m sorry if that's the way you feel.”

I suppose I really shouldn’t have expected any other kind of response. Maybe I was being overly sensitive. In all the time I’d worked for them, Bernard and Leopold supported me and gave me the ability to move up in the organization. While I still might’ve believed I didn’t advance as fast as men like Miles did, things weren’t any better at any of the other two dozen investment banks in Manhattan.

“Dani,” Leopold began, “If landing this client is too stressful or otherwise difficult for you, please feel free to let us know.”

My shoulders drooped a bit. I exhaled. Bernard bent over and picked up his briefcase. Swinging it up, he placed it on top of the limousine’s trunk with a thump. 

“Perhaps this will change your mind,” he said, clicking the case open with two snaps of the locks.

I glanced at Leopold. He nodded at me. In less than a second, Bernard produced a thin stack of papers. Closing the case, he placed the stack on top of it and spun it around to face me.

“Here, Dani. Have a look.”

I glanced at it for an instant before looking at him again.

“What is this?”

“It’s the partnership agreement, Dani.” Bernard said, extending it towards me. “What does it look like?”

Frowning, I took the paperwork from Bernard. The two of them remained silent while I looked through it. I wasn’t an attorney, of course, but it looked to be legitimate. Over the next few minutes, they highlighted all of the major perks from it, including my equity, performance bonuses, and salary increase.

The strange thing about dreams coming true is that they always come wrapped in a different package than you’d expect. Yet, the unmistakable feel of the partnership agreement between my fingertips was all the proof I needed that my goal of independence was within my grasp.

“Do you want to be a part of this firm’s growth in the future, Dani?” Leopold asked.

It still felt like a hard sell to me. Even so, I would’ve been a fool to turn it down on the spot.

“I think I’ve made my goals very clear, Leopold. None of that has ever changed.”

Bernard nodded and smiled. “Excellent. Well, we’re looking forward to bringing Mr. Rhys on as a client and of course welcoming you as a partner in the firm.”

“As soon as you have a definitive answer from him, please let us know,” Leopold added. “For now though, I’m sure that you would like to get a bit of rest ahead of tonight’s event.”

Normally I prided myself on the ability to think clearly and decisively in stressful situations. But between their offer and Marco’s impact, my head felt thick, like it was filled with cement. I needed a few hours away from all of it if there was any chance I’d be ready to handle a man like Marco. In the meantime, there was no sense in turning down the offer. There was every possibility I could talk him into signing the agreement without having to compromise myself.

At least, that was my hope.


Throughout the rest of the day, I grew more convinced my exhaustion and the stress of Bernard and Leopold’s offer were the main culprits in my less-than-ideal meeting with Marco. There was no other explanation for how he’d gotten under my skin with such ease and quickness. That is, aside from the fact he was incredibly good looking, had a dangerous career and wealth beyond imagination.

Aside from
all of that
, it made no sense.

I’d been around my share of the young and privileged. None of them made their own way in the world. Yes, Marco inherited a staggering fortune, but I had the sense he’d be successful without a single penny of help.

Anyway, with some luck, I managed to find something to wear, and even luckier, it didn’t have to be altered. It was a black, silk halter gown with cascading ruffles, V-neck and an open back. Including the black leather heels and a suede clutch, I was in for more than five thousand dollars. It was
out of my price range, but I figured if I got Marco to sign the deal, it would be worth the investment.

BOOK: Thrust: Bad Boy Racing Romance (Fastlane Series Book 2)
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