Thrown by a Curve (8 page)

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Authors: Jaci Burton

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Thrown by a Curve
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“I don’t know. I’m kind of getting used to having you around.”

She laughed. “Sure you are. You can’t wait to get rid of me.” She held her hand out to help him off the bed.

He grasped her hand, but instead of pulling up he surprised the hell out of her by jerking her down onto the bed, then rolled over next to her.

“Garrett. What are you doing?”

“I’m not sure.”

He laid his hand on her stomach, and she was sure he could feel the out-of-control banging of her heart. She should shove his hand away and leap off the bed. She was his therapist, and they shouldn’t be close like this, and she damn sure shouldn’t be lying in the middle of his bed.

But oh, the press of his warm hand on her stomach and the feel of his hip connected to hers was unbearably hot, and she just didn’t want to get up. Not when his face loomed over her and she wanted to reach up and swipe her hand over the slight stubble of beard at his jaw. There was so much of him she craved to touch, that she’d denied herself. And he’d thrown down the gauntlet.

He paused, no doubt waiting for her to protest, to push him away and jump off the bed.

But she didn’t, because being next to him like this felt too good, catered to all the fantasies she’d had about him.

And when he leaned down and brushed his lips across hers, everything in her exploded with need and desire and want. She cupped the nape of his neck to hold him there as he explored her mouth, his tongue darting out to slide across her bottom lip, opening her to him.

Oh, God, it was so good. His lips were firm, coaxing, and she floated on a sea of erotic bliss. She could get so lost in Garrett.

She was shaking. This was wrong and was going to change everything. He’d lose focus, and she could lose her job.

She pressed on his chest, and he broke the kiss.

“Stop,” she whispered, barely able to get the word out because the absolute last thing she wanted right now was for him to stop.

He hopped off the bed, and the first thing she saw was a very nice erection that she’d like nothing more than to spend the night exploring. But he grabbed her hand and pulled her off the bed, and just like that, it was over.

“Sorry,” he said, dragging his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know why I did that.”

She straightened her T-shirt over her hips. “Don’t be. You weren’t the only one on that bed. But it’s a mistake. And we both know why.” She walked to the doorway leading her to her room, then stopped, unable to face him. “Thanks for being such a good guy about it.”

She turned, and he was right there, palming the wall next to her head, his body inches from hers. Testosterone rolled off him in waves. If he stepped in just a little closer, they’d touch. If he leaned in a little, his mouth would be on hers again. She wasn’t sure at this moment if she wanted that or not.

Oh, who was she kidding? She wanted it, wanted him. If he kissed her again, she wouldn’t stop him this time.

His eyes were hard glints of steel as he hovered only an inch away from her. “Make no mistake, Alicia. I’m not a nice guy. I knew exactly what I wanted on that bed. I still want you.”

She inhaled a deep breath, her desire for him warring with what she knew was best for both of them. She slid out from under his arm.

“I’ll see you in the morning, Garrett.”

He didn’t move, just nodded as she closed the door on him. She laid her forehead against the closed door.

Yeah, she had to be the logical one. What a crock of shit that was.

For the first time ever, she really hated her job.


and concentrated on the next step in his recovery, which would take place in—thank God—Florida. Since it was the dead of winter, Alicia had had to dig into the back of her closet for all her summer clothes. Normally, she’d be giddy about heading to Florida in late February, but this was work, not vacation.

She would be staying in his guesthouse, in close proximity to him every single day. Working together, sleeping nearby. After what had happened the other day, the living arrangements were going to make the situation between them even more difficult. She’d have to shore up her internal defenses and make sure Garrett understood that his recovery had to be his primary focus.

He’d gone down a couple of days earlier to get the house in order, giving her a break and promising her he’d head to the team facility and do daily therapy with Max. Which gave her a little breathing room, thankfully, and some time to shop and pack and see her family before she left. She’d had dinner two nights ago with her parents and said good-bye to them. Today she was going to see Liz, Tara, and Jenna for lunch before she hopped on the plane.

Tara insisted on hosting them at her place, though how she managed to organize it all with the new baby was beyond Alicia.

But Tara had a nice spread laid out with mini-sandwiches and three different kinds of salads.

“I don’t know how you do this,” Alicia said as she hugged Tara, then Liz and Jenna.

“Jenna and Liz helped.”

“And don’t you tell anyone I helped with the food prep or I’ll cut your throat,” Liz said with a mock glare.

Alicia laughed. “Your secret is safe with me.”

They sat down and ate. Little Sam was asleep in the bassinet in the living room.

“How’s he doing?” Alicia asked, dying to go over there, tickle his toes, and wake him up so she could hold him. But she knew better. Sleeping babies needed to be left alone, lest their tired mothers come after you with something sharp.

Tara sighed. “He’s perfect. I’m so lucky. He sleeps well and eats well and is ridiculously healthy. I couldn’t ask for more.”

“Lucky her,” Liz said. “She’s had a Stepford baby. He hardly even cries.”

“You’re not here when he cries. Believe me, he has a very healthy set of lungs, and he uses them often.”

“And then you hand him to Mick, right?” Jenna asked. “Tell me you do that.”

“Of course I do.” Tara gave them all a wicked grin. “What kind of woman would I be if I didn’t let the big, strong, macho guy handle a screaming baby?”

“And does he fall apart?” Jenna asked.

“He’s a total marshmallow.”

“Ha. I knew it.” Jenna gave them all a smug look. “Men are such babies when it comes to, well, babies.”

“And how’s your man?” Alicia asked.

“Delicious,” Jenna said, popping a grape into her mouth.

“She’s getting a lot of sex. You can tell by the content look on her face,” Liz said.

“Please don’t talk about sex. I haven’t had any for a while, and I’m about to die.”

Liz patted Tara’s hand. “The downside of pushing an eight pound baby out of your vagina.”

Tara glared at Liz. “Your day will come.”

Liz shuddered. “I don’t even want to think about it.”

“Are you pregnant?” Alicia asked.

“Not yet. I told you, we’re practicing. And enjoying the hell out of that right now, so don’t rush me.”

“Whatever,” Tara said. “But as soon as you get pregnant, I have to be the first to know.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “You’ll be the first to know. As soon as Gavin’s sperm does its magical explosion into my egg, I’ll be sure to call you, day or night.”

“Guys. I’m eating.” Jenna grimaced.

“Wuss. So, tell us about Florida, Alicia,” Tara said, taking a drink of tea. “I’m so excited you get to leave our dreary winter weather.”

“I’m utterly jealous,” Jenna said.

“I’m excited,” Alicia said. “Nervous, of course, since this is for work. There’s a lot riding on me getting Garrett in shape.”

“He looks in pretty good shape to me,” Jenna said. “At least from video and pictures I’ve seen. Is he hot?”

“Totally,” Liz said. “Victoria Baldwin is his agent, and she’s a good friend of mine, so I’ve had the opportunity to meet him. Believe me, he’s hot.”

“Lucky bitch,” Jenna said.

“Please,” Tara said to Jenna. “You have Ty.”

Jenna popped a grape into her mouth. “I do. He keeps me very happy. Which doesn’t mean I’m dead and I can’t appreciate other sexy men. Like Garrett Scott.”

“Amen to that,” Liz said. “The day I can’t ogle fine man flesh just because I have a hot man of my own is the day they bury me.”

“Do you think the guys talk about women the way we talk about men?” Tara asked.

“Of course they do,” Liz said. “Do you think they have blinders on when some cleavage-baring, minidress-sporting sexpot of a woman walks into the bar of the hotel when they’re playing away games? Hell, no. Of course they look. They don’t touch, but they sure as hell look their fill. They’d have to be mostly dead not to.”

“You’re right. And so will we, until we’re too old to care.” Jenna turned to Alicia. “How about you? Are you taking advantage of being able to put your hands on Garrett?”

Alicia paused, her fork filled with fruit salad as all eyes turned to her. “Um . . . of course not. He’s my job.”

Liz narrowed her gaze. “Which means what exactly? That you don’t get to feel him up in the fun way?”

“I wouldn’t even think of it.”

Tara snorted. “I would totally be thinking about it. Every time I put my hands on his shoulder, I’d want to explore all parts of him, especially lower, like down in his pants.”

“Girl, you so need to have sex,” Liz said.

Tara hung her head. “I know. I’m so ashamed.”

“You are not ashamed,” Jenna said. “You’re already thinking about when my brother is going to come home so you can jump him. And I can’t even believe I just said that.”

Tara laughed. “It’s okay. And you’re absolutely right. It’s been too long for me, and I’m kind of madly in love with Mick.”

Alicia was glad the topic of her and Garrett had been momentarily taken off the table. Because what was she going to say to them? That they were right, that she had been thinking about parts of him other than his shoulder, and she didn’t know what to do about it?

Maybe she should talk to the girls about Garrett. Get some advice, ask what they thought. Though based on today’s lunch conversation, she knew what the consensus would be.

Go for it.

If only it was that simple.

“So, I’ll be heading down to Florida to see Gavin soon. I’ll see you there?” Liz asked her.

“Definitely. You’ll be staying at the beach house?”

Liz grinned. “Hell yeah. Private and secluded, just the two of us. Lots of time for sex.”

Jenna sighed. “I should stop coming to these get-togethers.”

“Shut up, Jenna,” Liz said. “You know what we talk about. And you love us all anyway.”

“You’re right. I do love you. Maybe I’ll start talking in graphic detail about my sex life with Ty.”

“And that would bother us, how?” Tara asked.

Jenna sighed again. “It wouldn’t. You guys suck.”

“And swallow,” Liz added.

Alicia snickered, and Jenna burst out laughing.

“I give up,” Jenna said. “I wish Savannah was here. At least she isn’t in love with my brother.”

“No, she’s in love with
brother,” Alicia said. “And I don’t want to hear about her sex life.”

“Oh, come on, Alicia,” Jenna said, leaning into her. “Misery loves company.”

“That’s okay, Jenna. I like your misery a lot better.”

Jenna wrinkled her nose. “I hate you.”

They finished lunch, and by then Sam had awakened from his nap, so they all got to ooh and ahh over the baby, who was filling out and becoming more adorable every time Alicia saw him. She got to hold him after Tara fed him. Content, he stared up at her, wide-awake, and she was certain he smiled at her.

She sighed and looked over at Tara. “He’s gorgeous.”

Tara’s lips curved. “I think so. I don’t know how I ended up with this happily ever after, but I thank God every day for Mick.”

Alicia got teary eyed. “He’s lucky, too, you know. We’re all very lucky you’re part of the family.”

And then Tara’s eyes welled up. “Thanks.”

“Okay, everyone,” Liz said. “If we’re going to have a weep fest in here, I’m leaving.”

“Actually, I have to be at the bar, so I am leaving. Though it isn’t about all the emotion. I’m always happy to have a crying jag with you chicks,” Jenna said.

“I have to go, too,” Alicia said, carefully handing Sam over to Tara. “I have to finish packing.”

She hugged everyone, thanked Tara for lunch, and said her good-byes, then walked out with Jenna.

“Hey,” Jenna said as she stood at her car, which was parked behind Alicia’s. “I caught you deflecting the whole conversation about Garrett.”

Trying to play dumb, she frowned. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

Jenna leaned her hip against her car door. “Look, I’m the absolute best at trying to deny what’s right in front of me, and I wasted a lot of valuable time with Ty because of it. Do you have feelings for Garrett?”

Alicia could deny it, but what would be the point? She was closer to her family than anyone. They were better than girlfriends at keeping her secrets. “Honestly? There’s physical chemistry between us. Crazy chemistry. But it scares me because my job is to rehab him, not jump him, you know?”

“Yeah, I get that. You’re afraid for your job.”

“And his. I need him to concentrate on his shoulder, not on getting into my pants.”

Jenna laughed. “But if he’s relaxed—and we all know sex can be relaxing—wouldn’t that aid in his concentration?”

Alicia wagged a finger at Jenna. “You are no help.”

Jenna winked at her then opened her car door. “Have fun in Florida, cousin.”

*   *   *

car, and headed toward the beach house, though she was tempted to veer off course and just park at the beach for a few hours. It was gorgeous here and totally different from the cold weather at home. Preparing in advance for the abrupt weather change, she’d shed her coat and sweatshirt, shoes and socks, and rolled the window down to breathe in the fresh sea air as she made the drive along the coast highway.

When she arrived at Garrett’s beach house, she parked and grabbed her bags. He came outside, already looking tanned in his shorts and sleeveless muscle shirt.

She ignored the flutter in her stomach as he greeted her with a wide smile.

“How was your flight?” He took her bags and hauled them toward the front door.

“It was good, thanks. You look tan.”

“Do I? I’ve been doing beach runs twice a day.”

“That’s good.”

He led her inside.

“Come on in. I’ll take you on the tour.”

Alicia was certain she’d stepped into paradise. A one-story, fully furnished house, it was open, expansive, airy, with wood and marble floors and more windows than she’d ever want to clean in her lifetime. There was so much light, and it was so warm here. She was so tired of cold weather she wanted to walk out onto the back deck, park her butt in one of the comfortable chaise lounges, and not get up for at least a month.

She turned to Garrett, trying once again not to notice his legs and his arms and his—oh, God, his everything. So much skin was exposed here.

Maybe she liked winter better. Though she knew what was underneath those clothes, at least the top half, and she’d spent more than enough of her personal time fantasizing about the bottom half, something she shouldn’t be doing at all.

She’d also spent the past few days thinking about that kiss they’d shared, despite her vow to eradicate it from her mind forever.

Deciding that train of thought would get her nowhere but in trouble, she turned to face him. “It’s . . . amazing. Do you stay here every year for spring training?”

He set her bags down. “Yeah. I know the people who own it. They’re big baseball fans, so they’re accommodating.”

“How convenient.”

“It’s a good vacation spot. Unfortunately, sometimes they boot my ass out when they want to come down to watch a few games during spring training.”

“Gee, that’s tough.”

He laughed. “Well, it is their vacation place.”

Unfortunately, as she reminded herself, this was work, not her vacation, so as she wandered through the house, she found the workout room. It was huge and filled to her specifications with all the equipment she’d need.

“Really nice gym.”

“Yeah. We brought in the extra stuff you asked for. The owners are going to do a remodel later this summer, turn this into some kind of yoga or meditation room or something, so they were fine with it.”


“There’s a problem, though.”

She turned around to look at him. “Yeah, what’s that?”

“The guesthouse has been gutted.”

Disappointment made her stomach tighten. Now she’d have to stay at a hotel. She’d really miss sitting out on that deck. “Oh.”

He leaned against the wall leading to the backyard. “Yeah. I didn’t know that when I made the reservations for this place, but Bill and Margaret—the owners—basically dismantled it since they weren’t using it. They’re going to use the space for some organic-gardening thing they’re putting in.”

Alicia folded her arms. “Okay. I can move to a hotel.”

He frowned. “Look, Alicia, there are four bedrooms in this place. You can stay in one of those. One of the rooms has its own bathroom. It’s the same thing as you would have had, only it’s in the house instead of a few feet away from it. But if you’re uncomfortable with that, I understand.”

Relief washed over her. Commuting back and forth from a hotel to here would have been a logistics problem. She liked Garrett’s solution better.

“No, it’s fine. I’m not uncomfortable at all.”

“Are you sure? I understand if you’d rather stay at the hotel.”

“Now that would make me uncomfortable. Plus, it would be inconvenient for both of us, with you being here.”

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