Throwaway Daughter (24 page)

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Authors: Ting-Xing Ye

BOOK: Throwaway Daughter
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My dad had tears in his eyes when the program was over. And I had tears in mine when I dropped the little red book into the trash bag when the flight attendant came around. Old Man Yu, Mao, and the others who made the revolution were abstractions to me. I have met one hero in my life. Her name is Chun-mei, and she is my mother.


e would like to thank Meg Taylor for her contribution to this project, Shaun Oakey for the copy edit, and John Pearce, as always, for his support and guidance. Thanks also to the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council.



Nearly a century ago, deep in the centre of the Forbidden City, China’s last emperor reigned from his dragon throne. Although he was only a boy, the imperial decrees issued in his name echoed in every corner of the country. Each man had to shave his head and wear a single pigtail to symbolize his submission to the emperor, and every woman was second in importance to the men in her family. Women were obedient to their fathers and brothers, and later to the husbands in their arranged marriages. Certainly no woman was encouraged to attend school or show any independence.

Into this world White Lily was born. She had a happy childhood, running, playing, and laughing, until, at the age of four, she was forced to undergo the painful procedure of foot binding required for all females of her social class.

But White Lily has her heart set on more than a traditional role in society. Together, she and her beloved elder brother devise a plan that will allow White Lily’s feet
mind to grow.

seal books / isbn: 0-7704-2931-9


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Seal Books and colophon are trademarks of Random House of Canada Limited.

Seal Books/published by arrangement with Doubleday Canada
Doubleday Canada edition published 2003
Seal Books edition published April 2004

eISBN: 978-0-385-67350-1

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