Through the Fire (10 page)

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Authors: Serenity King

BOOK: Through the Fire
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“That’s perfect. And I want the key to

your real room, not the decoy.”

She felt Brandon’s eyes on her and their

gazes locked for another moment
Her cell

phone dinged again.

“Are you sure?”

she typed. She was anything

but positive, but now was not the time for

doubts. She’d made her decision, dammit.

“Are you leaving now?”

“Yes. So don’t be long. I have something

special planned for you.”

“Stop playing.”

“I’m not playing. Don’t keep me waiting.”

“I’ll give you a ten minute head start

before I’m right behind you,”
he texted

“Twenty minutes.”

“Fifteen. Final offer. Get your sexy ass up

and move it, wife.”

Through the Fire


“Bossy, bossy.”
His eyes narrowed

dangerously, so she sent him another message

that she knew he would like better.
“All right,

I’m moving it now.”

“Love you, baby.”

“Love you too. See you. Fifteen minutes.”

For no good reason, she felt tears begin to pool

in her eyes and blinked them back before

anyone could notice. Her phone dinged once

again. Dominique read the text and the tears

started to pool her eyes again.

“Be careful, baby.”

So like Brandon.
“I will.”

She stood up to prepare to leave. She had

to say goodbye to her host, but that was it. If

she dared let her parents know that she was

leaving, she’d have a million and one questions

to answer. And what if Felton tried to follow

her? The man was seriously starting to become

a nuisance.

“Leaving already, sis?”

Dominique started. “Xavier? When did

you get back? Chad said you were flying out


“I never said I wasn’t coming back. So

where are you off to again? You have something

going on that I need to know about?”



“Please don’t start. I’m out of here, X. I’m

tired and just want to relax. I do need a favor,

though.” She made her eyes as pleading as


Xavier’s eyes narrowed. “Name it.”

“Keep Daddy and that idiot Felton busy

while I make my escape. If I say my goodbyes,

Daddy will have a million questions and

probably insist on that fool seeing me back to

the hotel.”

“So Felton’s playing into this thing about

you two becoming a couple?” Xavier asked.

“Apparently. Trust me, it’s never going to

happen. He even dropped hints to Mom and

Dad that we were together all night, which is a

complete lie. He’s lucky Chad didn’t beat the

crap out of him. If he was smart he’d cut his

losses and move on.”

Dominique watched as Xavier’s eyes

turned cold and his nostrils flared. “He said

that about you? Chad
have beat the hell

out of him. Go on and get out of here, sis. I’ll

handle Hobbs and good ole Dad.

Dominique stood on her tiptoes to place a

kiss on her brother’s cheek. “Thank you, X. Are

you going back to Atlanta tonight?” she asked.

Through the Fire


“No, I won’t be back in Atlanta for

another few months. I have some business to

take care of in California”

“Okay, I’ll call your cell when I get back

home. Thanks again, big brother.”

“No thanks necessary, little sister. Just

make sure you’re prepared to tell me what’s

really going on with you when you call. No

more games, and don’t tell me nothing’s up,

because I know it is,” he responded.

“Okay,” Dominique said reluctantly. If

she slept in Brandon’s hotel room tonight,

everyone would know soon enough anyway.

She slipped into the house and out the

front door in an instant. Not wanting to risk

being delayed again, she made her way to her

car and drove to the hotel to wait for Brandon.

At the hotel, Dominique retrieved the

keycard to Brandon’s room. Then she went

down to her room to move all of her things to

Brandon’s. She needed to get to the airport

early to return her rental. She had an 11:45 a.m.

flight. That would give her just enough time to

have breakfast with Brandon before she left for




Or what she was calling home anyway. It

wasn’t really home. Her home was wherever

Brandon was. She knew that, now.

Dominique quickly transferred her things

from one room to the next without incident.

She took a shower, moisturized her body, and

walked out of the bath stark naked. Even with

the shower cap, her hair was a little damp. She

decided to let it fall loosely around her

shoulders. She used her finger to muss it a bit.

She was going for the sexy look. Diamond had

taught her that trick.

She checked her watch. Brandon was

running late. That was good, since she’d been

held over by Xavier and by moving her things

into Brandon’s room. Now all she had to do was

put on a little eye makeup for the added effect

and she’d be finished.

“Ta da,” she said looking at herself in the

mirror over the vanity. “Perfect.”

“Yes, you are.”

Dominique almost jumped out of her

skin. “Oh, shoot! Brandon you scared me to

death. I didn’t hear you come in.” She held a

hand to her naked breast and felt her heart


Through the Fire


“Of course you didn’t, sweetheart. You

were too busy talking to yourself,” he chuckled.

“I was not talking to myself. I was just

having a friendly discussion with…okay, with


“Oh, really now?” Brandon reached for

Dominique and pulled her into his embrace.

Bending down, he ravished her lips with a

passionate kiss.

“I was trying to surprise you, but you

snuck up on me,” she said, the words muted by

his lips. She felt for the buttons on his shirt and

undid them with nimble fingers. After slipping

the shirt from his back, her hands wandered up

and under his t-shirt. She pulled it over his

head, briefly breaking the kiss to do so, and

threw it across the room.

“I love your body,” she whispered against

his lips, running her hand across his rock hard


“I love yours, too,” he murmured, putting

a little space between them and fondling her


“Ah, that feels fantastic,” Dominique

murmured rolling her head back. “But I still

think one of us is overdressed.”



“Hmm, I think so, too. Let’s see what we

can do about that,” he said. Stepping away from

her, he unbuckled his belt, and pushed his

pants and boxers down his strong legs with one

fluid gesture.

For a minute Dominique could only

marvel at his magnificence. He was one fine

specimen of a man. And he was all hers. His

shaft, hard and thick, was nestled against

neatly trimmed curls at the apex of his thighs.

Her vagina pulsed and swelled at the

mere thought of him inside of her. Her cream

ran freely down the insides of her legs.

“If you want it, baby, come and get it,” he


“Oh I want it!” She leaped into his arms.

Brandon caught her mid-stride, staggered

backwards a step or two, and then lost his

balance and fell back onto the bed with

Dominique on top of him. Her lips played with

his. Her tongue dueled with his for control,

both seeking dominance.

Dominique kissed his face, his lips, his

brow, then bent down a little and bit down hard

on his neck. “Sorry, baby, but this is my show

remember?” she panted.

Through the Fire


“For now, sweetheart, but not for long,”

he grunted.

“We’ll see,” she sassed, then moved

further down his body, until her lips were

aligned with his amazing cock. Taking hold of

his engorged shaft, she placed her mouth on his

tip and sucked.

“Fuck,” he groaned.

Dominique licked the mushroom-shaped

outline of his cock as if it were her favorite

flavor of ice cream. She paid special attention

to the slit that seeped pre-cum. He went wild

beneath her. She took as much of him as she

could and paid homage to his shaft.

She was on fire, all of her senses on

overdrive. She was getting pleasure from

pleasing him, and that pleased her more.

Finally, Dominique lifted her mouth from

him. “Oh, God! You taste so good. More…I…oh,

I need you inside me now,” she moaned, as she

climbed on top of him, grasped his cock,

aligned it with her center, and pushed down on

him in one stroke.

“Shit!” Brandon grunted.

Dominique leaned forward and placed

her hands on Brandon’s chest. She rode him

hard, bouncing up and down on his cock like a



first place jockey astride her prize-winning


“You like that, husband of mine?”

Dominique gasped.

“Oh, hell yeah.”

“So…good. I’m about to come Brandon,”

she yelled, the walls of her pussy clenching his

cock. She was on the cusp of coming when

Brandon quickly rolled her beneath him. “What

the fu--?”

“Yes, you are going to come. More than

once,” he said, spreading her legs wide and

settling between them, pushing in all the way to

the hilt. Sweat poured off of him and onto her.

“See, baby girl, I think you forgot. You can

assert your dominance anywhere you want, but

wife, the bedroom belongs to me.”

He was powering into her so deep his

balls slapped against her ass.

“Harder,” she begged.

“Fuck, yeah!”

“Yes, just like that!” she screamed as her

body convulsed around him. He wasn’t finished

with her yet.

She felt his finger dip inside of her pussy.

Her cream dripped down his finger. The next

thing she knew he’d entered her from behind.

Through the Fire


!” she screamed again.

“Oh, baby, my pussy feels so good,” he


“Yours? Since when?” she moaned.

“Since the first time I fucked it, wife. Do

you deny it?”

“No. You treat it…so…nicely,” she gasped,

as he continued to power into her. He was

totally out of control. “Oh…God…I’m about to

come again. What…are…you…doing to me?”

“Making up for lost time,” he said,

bending down and biting her on the shoulder.

His breath came in short spurts.

Dominique pushed back against him and

came like a rocket. Her whole body shook its

release. She felt as if her heart had stopped, and

little sparkling lights flashed before her eyes.

The room began to spin. She was on the verge

of passing out from pleasure.

“Baby, I can’t hold it any longer,” he

breathed. “My pussy is holding me so good.”

Dominique flexed her vaginal walls

against him. She squeezed him tight, milking

him for all he was worth. “Hmm,” she

whimpered, not having the strength to say

anything else.



She heard Brandon’s shout of release.

“Fuck! Shit! Oh, my damn!” he shouted as he

jetted streams and streams of his seed into her.

Breathing labored, they both collapsed onto the


Neither said anything or moved for a

short while. After what they’d experienced, no

words were needed. God, she loved this man.

“Baby, I love you so much,” he said

rolling off of her and lying flat on his back. He

pulled her up into his arms and placed a tender

kiss on her brow.

“I love you, too. Even though you felt the

need to leave your mark on me, like a vampire,”

she teased him gently.

“Oh and that bite you gave me wasn’t

intended to mark me, I guess,” he chuckled.

“Oh, hush up. We marked each other.

That was awesome, baby. I missed you. I

missed you so, so much.” Tears filled her eyes.

“It’s going to work out this time, isn’t it,

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