Read Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive Online

Authors: Andie Lea

Tags: #Aspen, #submissive, #Eternal Press, #Love, #viewpoint, #Seattle, #handcuffs, #Ryan, #sex, #Romance, #bright pink cross, #domination, #Vegas, #Olivia, #BDSM, #wedding, #dominant, #Erotica, #male, #Andie Lea, #9781629290058

Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive (28 page)

BOOK: Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive
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Olivia Marie Johnson


Ryan William Rayner

Son of

Mister and Mrs. William Rayner

Saturday the seventh of September
Two thousand and thirteen
Three O’clock in the afternoon
At the Rayner residence
Seattle, Washington

Rayner Household-Seattle, Washington. Via Soon-to-be-Rayner

Ryan’s amazing sister, Amanda was helping me slip into my dress after Leslie, Rachael, and Tory assisted with my hair and make-up. Once she zipped me up, I had to remind myself to breathe.

I tried to sneak out of Amanda’s room earlier to talk to my groom, but Madison stopped me from doing so. She explained that whatever I needed to tell Ryan could wait until later. I hated it when she was right!

“You are not nervous, are you?” Amanda wondered with a little grin, holding out my bouquet.

My hand shook as I grabbed it. “How can you tell?”

Giving my dress one last fluff, she looked up at me and smiled. “If it makes you feel any better, Jason told me that Ryan is anxious as hell. He almost put his pants on backwards.”

Before I said another word, there was a light tapping on the door and my father poked his head in. “Are we about ready in here?”

He opened the door wider so my four best friends and future sister-in-law could walk out of the room.

My daddy beamed at me with tears reaching the rims of both eyes. “My little girl looks absolutely beautiful on her wedding day.”

I ran up and hugged him. “I love you, daddy.”

“I’m following your lead, sweetheart.”

After he kissed my cheek, I smiled as I tucked my left arm into his right. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

* * * *

The Altar-Seattle, Washington. Ryan Rayner

Standing near the preacher, I waited to see my gorgeous bride. The moment everyone had taken their seats, the volume of the music amplified and the crowd grew silent.

Amanda and Michael were the first ones up to walk. I was surprised to see her behaving herself and not trying to embarrass him.
! Too late. She kissed him and made sure everyone saw her smack his ass when they parted. My father, Tory, and Rachael, were next in line, followed by Jason with Leslie, and lastly Madison linked on the arm of Charlie. My pulse accelerated as Madison and Charlie came closer.

My eyes locked on Via the second I saw her. She took my breath away. I had been forced to take a second glance at the angel to whom I was about to make my vows. She made her dress look stunning, as she and her father stood at the other end of the aisle. I could not stop my manhood from hardening a tad at the thought of ripping her out of it later this evening.

Everyone stood to face her. I perceived the deep breath she took right before they started walking. My eyes did not escape hers as they strolled closer. The moment we were in each other’s reach, she took the hand I held out to her.

“You look like you are going to cry,” she whispered into my ear.

“Baby, you have no idea,” I whispered in return, kissing her cheek.

“Who here gives this woman to this man?” the preacher wondered aloud.

Mister Johnson smiled. “That would be me.” Releasing his grip, he kissed her cheek before taking his seat.

The preacher smiled. “We are gathered here this evening to bring this man and this woman together spiritually. In life, love can strike us when we least expect it. God always has a plan for each of us, and bringing together Ryan and Olivia today is the beginning of their wonderful journey as one.” He paused to smile at us. “At this time, I believe Ryan and Olivia would like to share a few words before the exchanging of rings…Miss Johnson.”

Her eyes widened and I thought she had choked on her own spit. We turned towards each other and she slapped my face. “Thank you so much for warning me the vows was going to be first, you big jerk.” She smiled mischievously, releasing the tension as the crowd snickered. “Ryan William Rayner, sometimes I cannot describe how much I am in love with you, and to be honest, it scares the shit out of me! I believed I had everything I could need in my life and then I met you.

“You showed me a new way to love another human being. The first time we laid eyes on each other in Vegas, it worried the hell out of me. I have not wanted anyone more. You are certainly someone I need in my life and I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Even though somebody didn’t ask for my number or give me his, but I won’t mention any names.” Twirling my thumb with hers, she looked out at everyone and back to me.

“I have been dying to tell you something all morning and I can’t hold it in anymore…”

A line between my eyebrows formed as I glared at her. Everyone was completely silent. You could have heard a pin drop as we waited for her words. “Baby, I’m pregnant… For sure this time!”

Our family began to clap and cheer.

I wrapped her in my arms and whirled her around. Placing her back on to her feet, I kept a hold of her hands and waited for everybody to quit cheering.

“You have made me the happiest man in the world. I love you so much. From the moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you. Something told me you would give me a run for my money, and man was I right. Who else would phone-order a male stripper to a guy they just met?” I asked, shaking my head as Michael’s cheeks blushed out of the corner of my eye.

“You bring out the best—and sometimes the worst—in me, Olivia Marie Rayner. You are the most stubborn, bull-headed woman I have ever met, but you are mine and I wouldn’t dare change a single thing about your uniqueness. Your soul is extraordinarily beautiful, and I would be an idiot if I tried to alter a single thing about you.” Kissing her hands again, I continued. “Thank you for giving me so much more to live for in this life. I cannot wait to begin this new chapter together. You and our baby own every single ounce of me.”

The preacher gave us a few moments to collect ourselves. ”May we have the rings please?” He smiled at us while holding my ring out for Via. “If you would place this ring upon Ryan’s finger and repeat the words after me.”

She took the ring and waited for him to speak.

“Ryan William Rayner, today I, Olivia Marie Johnson, place this ring on your finger. It symbolizes a bond that is never-ending and unbreakable. When you are in need of a reminder of the depth of my love for you, look not to the ring, but into my heart. I am forever yours to love and to cherish from this day forward, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until the last breath I take, we will be solely one.”

She did not remove her eyes from mine the entire time she spoke, sliding the ring on my finger. “Ryan William Rayner, today I, Olivia Marie Johnson, place this ring on your finger. It symbolizes a bond that is never-ending and unbreakable. When you are in need of a reminder of the depth of my love for you, look not to the ring, but into my heart. I am forever yours to love and to cherish from this day forward, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until the last breath I take, we will be solely one.”

Grinning, the preacher held Via’s ring out for me. “Now Ryan, you will place this ring upon Via’s finger and repeat these words after me.”

I stood, waiting for the words to repeat.

“Olivia Marie Johnson, just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. I, Ryan William Rayner, promise to give my sole commitment to our marriage. I will never fail or break the trust you have for me, promising to honor and protect you. I give my sworn guarantee that if a problem shall arise, I will do everything in my power to work with you on the situation. You are forever in my heart, to love and to cherish from this day forward, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until the last breath I take, we will be solely one.”

I rolled my eyes as I slid the ring on her perfect finger. “Olivia Marie Johnson, just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. I, Ryan William Rayner, promise to give my sole commitment to our marriage. I will never fail or break the trust you have for me, promising to honor and protect you. I give my sworn guarantee that if a problem shall arise, I will do everything in my power to work with you on the situation. You are forever in my heart…to love and to cherish from this day forward, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until the last breath I take, we will be solely one.”

“Ladies and gentleman, it is my honor to present to you Mister and Mrs. Ryan Rayner,” the preacher replied aloud. “You may now kiss your bride, Ryan.”

Cupping her face into my palms, my lips met hers. My heart slammed against my chest at the simple fact she was formally mine for the rest of my life. Pulling away from her, I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. “You are mine now,
Mrs. Rayner

how fucking sweet!” an unfamiliar voice hollered from the opposite end of the aisle.

Without saying a word, I guided my wife behind me with one arm. I looked at Jason and my father, who already had Via surrounded on either side.

“Get her out of here as fast as you can.”

“That wouldn’t be wise, Mister Rayner!” she shouted again.

Chapter Twenty-Three

When I turned to look back at my new sister-in-law, she had two men dressed in black from head to toe standing beside her.

“It doesn’t have to be this way, Lauren…”

She smirked as she stroked the pistol she held in her hands. “Oh, but I am afraid it does. Your precious little wife stole everything from me, and the saddest part, she wasn’t even fucking around!”

Madison and Charlie had made their way to either side of my body, waiting for my signal to attack.

From the corner of my eye, Claire walked up from where she had been hiding. “Lauren Ashley Johnson, what in the hell do you think you are doing?” she yelled.

Lauren hissed at her mother, “For twenty-one fucking years, I have been trying to make you proud of me and get a little of your attention. I am going to kill your precious baby! Do I have your fucking attention now?”

She then aimed the gun at her mother.


He had already begun to dive in front of Claire seconds before Lauren pulled the trigger, taking the bullet for Claire.

Shit! Damn! Fuck!

“What a waste of a bullet!” Lauren screamed.

I snarled at her, “If you want her, you are going to have to kill me first!”

Smirking, she aimed her weapon right at me. “I would be glad to,” she said, as she pulled the trigger once more.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest as somebody pushed me.

Still on the ground, I looked up at my brother and mouthed the words, “Get her out of here now.” Jason, my father, Michael, and Mister Johnson surrounded Via as they ushered her away from the scene.

Lying on the ground, I rolled over just as Madison scooted her gun towards me. “Go after her, Ryan.”

One of the men ran towards my wife. I stood and took my first shot, nailing him on the side of his leg and watching him fall to the ground.

“Why are you doing this, Lauren? Why now?” I turned to face her.

She smiled as if I had asked her the simplest question. “Your precious wife deserves to suffer like I did my entire life! It is her fault I had to grow up hearing ‘Olivia this and Olivia that’. It gets fucking old!”

“Baby, you know your father and I never meant to make you or your brother feel this way,” Claire chimed in, trying to reason with her.

Lauren glared at her mother. “Bullshit! You and Dad have done nothing but praise this so-called sister of ours who never comes around. Isn’t that right, Logan?”

The other guy dressed in black pulled off his ski-mask. “She is right, mother. You and dad wouldn’t give us the time of day. Everything was always about Olivia, the daughter you bailed on nearly thirty years ago!”

Lauren’s eyes brightened as if a light bulb had turned on in her head.

“Oh dear brother, I believe we have made a grave mistake. We took this whole ordeal out on the wrong person. It is
who made us this way.” Her eyes were glowering towards Claire.

I pulled Claire behind me and stared at them. “It isn’t anybody’s fault. Your parents made a huge mistake. They are only human.”

Logan and Lauren shook their heads at the same time.

“I’m afraid it isn’t that simple, Mister Rayner. Someone has to die.” Lauren spoke, aiming her weapon at me once more.

At this point, I had heard enough of their bullshit! They had crashed my special day and were keeping me from my wife.
I don’t fucking think so!

My gun shot off first, knocking Lauren off her feet. Jerking the gun out of his sister’s hands, Logan shot it off in my direction.

“No!” somebody called out, diving on top of me.

Seconds before my back hit the ground with a huge
I managed to squeeze the trigger and shoot Logan in his arm.

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