Threes Company (7 page)

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Authors: N.R. Walker

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Threes Company
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"You're both so beautiful."

Simon looked at Adam. "You okay? Or do you need some relief too?"

Adam grinned smugly. "No, I'm good. I wanna wait til we get this boy back to his room. I think he could do with a good spit-roasting."

I'd seen enough porn to know what that meant, and they'd done it to me before. One cock in my ass, one down my throat. Simon and I both moaned in unison and Adam chuckled at us. Simon kissed him soundly. "Love the way you think."

"I'm rather fond of it, too," I told them, earning a smile from Simon and a quick peck from Adam.

When I could stand unassisted, they stepped back, giving me room to stand up straight and tuck myself back into my pants. While I made myself presentable, Adam asked Simon how work went.

"Ugh," Simon groaned and rolled his eyes.

Apparently Adam understood what that meant, or whom Simon was referring to, because he shook his head.

"Why don't you two go out to the dance floor, and I'll get us drinks?" Adam asked rhetorically. He looked at Simon rather seriously. "You're not leaving until you're unwound and de-stressed."

Simon smiled fondly. "When I walked into the club



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and saw you two on the dance floor, believe me, work was the last thing I was thinking of." He opened the door.

To a little audience, apparently. They'd heard everything. They heard me moan, they heard me beg, and they heard me come.

One of them clapped.

My embarrassment crept hot up my neck and over my cheeks, and I ducked my head. Simon just smiled, but didn't say anything, but Adam, well, Adam stopped and grinned.

"Hello, gentlemen," he called. "Enjoy the show?"

"On the dance floor and in here," came one reply.

Oh, God.

Simon pulled me toward the door, when someone

jokingly called out, "Aren't you going to wash your hands?"

I turned to watch Adam deliberately lick his lips and tell them, "I didn't spill a drop." The audience of five or six men roared with laughter.

I was so mortified, my jaw almost hit the floor. I couldn't believe he said that. Simon just chuckled and dragged me by the hand out onto the dance floor.

When we'd ventured into the middle of the crowded area, Simon turned to face me. He slid his arm around me effortlessly, pulled me against him, and he started to move.

"He has no shame," I said into his ear, over the



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thumping music. He knew I was talking about Adam.

Simon laughed. "No, none. But he knows most of those guys." Then he pulled back to look at me, concerned.

"Did what he said bother you?"

I shook it off. "No. I'm just not used to it, that's all."

Simon smiled, seeming happier knowing I wasn't upset. "How do you feel now?"

Remembering what we just did in the bathroom, I sighed happily. "Heavy and weightless all at the same time."

He chuckled in my ear. "So you're all right to stay for a little while longer?"

"I think I'll manage."

Simon smiled into my neck and kissed the skin

there. "Good, because I could use a dance and a drink."

I slid my hands over his lower back, moving with him. "Don't drink too much or tire yourself out dancing," I teased him. "I hear there'll be a spit-roasting later."

Simon threw his head back and laughed, and then he concentrated on making us dance. He was a better dancer than Adam, very fluid, very sensual, almost like how I'd imagined a classical dancer would move.

And I could tell he loved it.

Not necessarily dancing with me, just dancing.

Moving, losing himself one song at a time. Not sexual, just



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letting go of his troubles.

I only needed to hold on for the ride.

Eventually, he led me off the dance floor over to where Adam was waiting with drinks. He'd been watching us, and he was smiling rather proudly by the time we got to him.

We talked for a while, telling Simon about our day, though it was rather difficult over the music. I'd had three drinks, so I was feeling kind of buzzed, and after it was my turn to buy, I came back to find them dancing.

So I watched them.

They were slow dancing, wrapped around each

other, in their own little world.

They were truly beautiful. As individual men they were stand-outs, but together… well, together, they were something else entirely.

I watched them, waiting for jealousy to rear its ugly head: jealousy that they were in love without me, jealousy for what they had, for what they shared, jealousy because it wasn't me out there with one of them. Or with both of them.

But there was no jealousy.


I felt… proud. I felt…
as I watched them. There was no jealousy at all.



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Though I wondered if I looked like that when I danced with either of them. I doubted I would have seemed that engrossed, that absorbed. Not like them. I wondered who on earth I could date back home that I would ever look so happy with.

No one.

And the odds of finding
men? Of having a three-way affair?

The likelihood of
made me snort.

"Something funny?" an unfamiliar voice beside me asked.

I turned to find a guy looking at me, obviously expecting me to answer him. He was okay-looking: tall, dark and handsome, one might say. He had a nice smile.

"No," I answered him. "Just thinking to myself." I turned to look back at the dance floor, back to Adam and Simon.

He put his drink down beside me and stood a little too close. "I saw you dancing earlier," he said smoothly.

Then he gave a pointed nod toward the dance floor. "But it seems your dance partner has already found someone else."

I said, "Oh, well, he found him before me."

Confusion crossed his face, and he shook his head.

Then he tried again. "I'm Deon," he said, offering me his hand. "That's one helluva southern accent you have."



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I shook his hand, not wanting to be rude. "Wilson.

And I'm from Alabama."

"Well, Wilson from Alabama," he said with a grin.

"Would you like to dance?"

"No, he wouldn't," a familiar voice said, making both our heads turn.

There stood Adam, with Simon behind him, looking at us. He was still smiling—he was always smiling—but it wasn't genuine.

"He's busy tonight," Adam went on to say, sliding his body right up next to mine and his arm around my waist. Then he looked at me with wide eyes. "Unless you wanted to go with him…"

I chuckled and looked at Deon. "Thank you for asking, but I am here with someone"—then I corrected—

. I'm here with

Adam planted a kiss on my lips. I handed Simon his drink, which earned me a peck on the lips, and when I looked back at Deon, he was staring at the three of us. He blinked slowly, before a slow smile hinted at his lips. "So, three play in your game, yes?"

Simon answered flatly. "Yes."

"Can I interest you in a fourth?"

Talk about a blunt proposition. I wasn't sure how I felt about bringing in another guy. I looked at Simon,



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waiting to see what he answered. Simon looked at me, then Adam, and finally back to Deon. He shook his head. "No, thanks. Three's the magic number."

Adam laughed and pulled Simon against the both of us, kissing the side of his neck. So I kissed down the other side of his neck, and I could feel the moan rumble in his throat. With Deon long forgotten, Adam moved to my neck, kissing and nipping, until he spoke in my ear. "God, we can't leave you alone for a minute, can we?"

I shook my head and tried to explain quickly. "I didn't… He approached me. I never…"

"He knows," Simon answered with a chuckle on behalf of Adam. "He's just toying with you."


Adam laughed again. "We'd better keep this country boy with us at all times, I think," he said, smiling at Simon.

I didn't want to draw attention to myself. I looked at them and bit my lip. "Am I doing something wrong?"

Adam grinned beautifully at me and shook his head.

"You're so adorable," he said, and with his thumb he pulled my lip from between my teeth. "You did nothing wrong, Wil. Just your wide-eyed charm has guys going crazy for a taste, that's all."

I rolled my eyes, knowing damned well what he

meant. "You mean crazy to take the naïve country boy



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home and fuck him stupid?"

Simon laughed loudly and pecked my lips. "That too."

Adam smiled warmly. "Well, the position of taking said naïve country boy home and fucking him stupid has been filled, thank you very much."

I tried to smile at his joke, but then looked at them both. "Am I that naïve?"

Adam nodded cheerfully. "You've had countless guys try and pick you up, here and at the hotel, and you're still unaware."

I remembered the different guys chatting to me at the bar at the hotel, and I remembered Adam laughing at me when I didn't even realize… I recalled the guys in the bathroom, and now poor dejected Deon.

"I'm just not used to it, that's all." I tried defending myself, but gave up. There wasn't much point. I
naïve when it came to guys—and gay clubs. I didn't have a fucking clue.

"Hey," Adam said, lifting my chin so I looked at him. "You're fucking adorable. You're sexy as hell and you don't even know it. So don't go being upset over anything."

Adam pulled me over to a stool at the table and pushed me onto it. Then he grabbed Simon and shoved him so he stood between my legs. "I'm going to the bar to get



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another round of drinks," Adam declared. He looked at Simon. "Keep him…
til I get back."

Adam disappeared into the crowd, and Simon just grinned. But he settled himself between my legs comfortably, leaning into me. I looked into his blue eyes.

"Adam keeps calling me adorable."

He nodded. "He likes you," he said easily, as if discussing the color of my shirt. He leaned in closer, nestling his groin into mine and pressing himself against me, and he trailed his lips over my jaw. "But he's right."

I gripped his hips, keeping him right where he was.

Having Simon with me like that was scrambling my brain.

"Right about what?"

He kissed just below my ear. "You are adorable."

Then he ever-so-slowly licked my neck. "And you are sexy as hell."

I shivered and pulled his hips closer into mine. I could feel his semi-hard cock; mine twitched as it stirred back to life.

He planted openmouthed kisses over my neck.

When he scraped his teeth across my skin, I shivered and he chuckled.

Adam returned with drinks and seemed a little

pleased at just how Simon kept me
. Simon stopped kissing my neck and talked with Adam, though he



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never moved from between my thighs. Adam stood on the outside of my thigh in the perfect position for me to kiss either man's neck and jaw while they talked.

They sipped their drinks and talked over the music, about work and staff problems and other people I didn't know, while I finished my drink and took turns at lavishing kisses to all the exposed skin I could. I opened my legs wider and pulled Simon in closer, keeping one hand on his lower back and the other hand on Adam's.

And while I scraped my teeth over Simon's neck like he'd done to me and ran my hand over his ass and down the back of his thigh, his head fell back and he groaned.

He stood back from me, but took my hand, pulling me off the stool and toward the dance floor. I managed to grab Adam's arm and brought him with us. I didn't want anyone sitting out this time.

Halfway across the crowded dance floor, Simon

turned and cupped both hands around my jaw, and he kissed me. Hard.

His desire, his want, surprised me. But I sure as hell didn't object.

I opened my mouth for him, allowing him complete access. I could taste him and the scotch he'd not long finished. But mostly him.
Oh, Simon.



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And Adam was behind me, kissing my neck,

rubbing himself against my ass. His hands were on my chest and moved over my stomach before his fingers slid under the waistband of my jeans. And when his hands weren't on me, they were on Simon, pulling the three of us together. When I needed to breathe, Simon would kiss Adam, and before too long, we were a panting, writhing mess.

God, it felt so good.

I couldn't help but arch into both of them. I wanted both of them. So fucking much. I ached to have them. And with four drinks and raw lust holding my inhibitions hostage, I told them they should take me home and fuck me. I
both of them; one in my ass, one down my throat. Anyway they wanted to, they could have me, however they wanted, as many times as they needed.

And so, God help me, that's exactly what they did.



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Chapter 6

I woke up early. The sun had barely shown any

interest in rising. Adam was next to me, in the middle, and Simon was on the other side. Both men still were still asleep. By the time we'd fallen asleep, I'd been exhausted, thoroughly sated, and I'd slept like a log.

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