Threes Company (19 page)

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Authors: N.R. Walker

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Threes Company
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I grabbed Adam so he didn't fall backward and slid him down onto the sofa with us. He was a moaning, boneless mess, and when I turned to look at Simon, his eyes were dark. Ignoring a blissed-out Adam, Simon pounced on me, pushing me back down on the sofa and thrusting his tongue into my mouth. All I could taste was Adam.



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I wrapped my arms around him and tried to open my legs for him, but with Adam still at one end, the sofa was too small. "Need a bigger sofa," I panted as Simon kissed down my neck.

Adam chuckled and squeezed his way out from

underneath us, giving us the entire couch to ourselves. I wriggled underneath Simon so his weight settled on me completely and bucked my hips into his. He kissed me like he couldn't get enough of me.

Then Adam was back, wearing his work uniform.

"Remember, no fucking without me."

We stopped kissing to look at him. He was grinning at us, almost like he was daring us. So Simon knelt up off me and maneuvered us into a sixty-nine position. I undid his fly and exposed his long, hard cock and swiped it with my tongue, while he did the same to me.

Adam groaned out a chuckle as he walked to the door. "Save some for me."

* * * *

The next two weeks were like living in a fairy tale.

Life with Simon and Adam couldn't have been better while we were still getting to know one another inside and outside of the bedroom. I ran with Simon in the morning



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and we'd have breakfast, then I'd spend a few hours with Adam before we started work. It was a busy two weeks, but it was also the most relaxed I remembered ever being.

I'd sorted out shifts and duties with Syd, and between us we had the restaurant running like a well-oiled machine. We laughed while we worked, and even the other staff said they now looked forward to coming in, which was a far cry from how it had been with Miguel.

I spoke to Callie every day. She was doing well, as was the restaurant, and I missed her like crazy. But I needed to go back to Alabama to finalize the sale of the restaurant. I could have had a lawyer organize it for me down here, but I figured I'd need to organize my house and collect a few things. I'd only come here with one suitcase.

So I'd scheduled time with Syd to make sure the shifts were covered and booked my ticket.

Simon and Adam both understood why I had to go back, and although they were concerned, they agreed I should go. So I was surprised when Simon called my cell, telling me to come up to the apartment. He sounded worried, and the fact I was only downstairs in the kitchen and he hadn't come down to get me had me concerned.

I raced upstairs to find Simon trying to calm down a rather agitated Adam. My heart leapt to my throat. "What's wrong?"



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Adam stood up and looked at me. He looked like he was about to be sick, or maybe he was having a panic attack or something. And he was holding my plane ticket in his hand. "I was tidying up and found this. I wasn't snooping," he said. "You left it on the counter."

"Adam, please, tell me what's wrong."

He held up my plane ticket. "This is one way, Wil.

One-fucking-way! When were you going to tell us?"

I didn't understand. "Tell you what?"

"That you weren't coming back!" he yelled, tears filling his eyes. "Fucking hell, Wil." His voice cracked. He could hardly speak. "We finally find you. We fall in love with you. And you do this." He held up the ticket.

I crossed the floor quickly and took his face in my hands. "I'm not leaving you, baby."

He shook his head and his tears spilled down his cheeks. If my heart wasn't hammering so hard, I'm sure it would have broken in my chest. I pulled him against me.

"Adam, baby, it's a one-way ticket because I'm driving my car back. Remember? I told you I had a car that I'd need to bring back, and I figured I'd be bringing back more clothes and other personal stuff so it made sense to fly up and drive back. I told you this, didn't I?"

Adam shook his head against me. "You told me about the car," he whispered. "But you never said you were



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driving it back this time, and when I found the one-way ticket, I didn't even think…"


"You told me," Simon murmured.

I looked over to Simon and tightened my arms

around Adam. "I'm so sorry, baby," I whispered into his neck. "I didn't mean to
tell you. I didn't mean to scare you."

Adam's arms tightened around me, his fingers dug into my sides, and he nodded. I looked over to Simon again and motioned with my hand for him to come over to us, and we both held on to Adam until he felt better. I realized right there just how ingrained Adam's fear of his loved ones leaving him really was—courtesy of his parents—and I swore to myself and to both Adam and Simon, I'd never make the same mistake again.

We added another rule that day. Open

communication on every fucking thing.

It wasn't that the fairy tale ended that day; it just made this relationship real. It wasn't a game. It wasn't a holiday fling. It was real. Real hearts on the line, real love at stake.

And later that night when the three of us were in bed, just two weeks after officially moving there, I told them I loved them for the very first time. And the next day



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at the airport as I was about to board the plane, I told them again.

Simon told me later that Adam just beamed the

entire day.



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Chapter 14

Going back to Alabama was strange. I sat in the taxi on the ride from the airport to my parents' house and stared out of the window. The passing countryside was so familiar, yet something was different. And by the time we'd pulled into the well-known drive a few miles out of Dalton, I knew what was off.

The countryside hadn't changed at all.

I had.

This town wasn't my home anymore. It wasn't

where I belonged. It never had been.

Walking into my parents' house was always a little off-putting. It was
house. Sure it was the house I grew up in. It was familiar, but since my parents had died, it never really felt like home.

It was too big, too quiet, too not-me. I mean, I still slept in my childhood bedroom because it felt bizarre to take the master suite. Because that was Mom and Dad's room, not mine.

It just didn't feel like home anymore because they weren't in it.

When I thought of home, I thought of a small

apartment with a king-sized bed. I thought of two guys, one



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with black hair, one with blond, how they smelled, how they laughed, and how they made me feel.

That was where my home was.

But I had a list of things to do and a list of people to see in Dalton. And first on that list was Callie.

It was a little after ten am, so I knew she'd be at work, getting things organized for the day. I walked through the very familiar service doors and called out,


She stuck her head out from the dry storage area and squealed. Then she ran and threw her arms around me.

"Oh, my God," she cried as she hugged me. "I've missed you!" Then she pulled back, and her eyes looked me over.

"Holy shit, you look so good!"

I grinned at her, dismissing her compliment, but she stared at me. "No, Wil, I mean it," she said with something like wonder in her eyes. "You've had some sun, and you look like you lost a few pounds. Jesus, Wil. What's it been, three or four weeks? You look…" She shook her head.

"Running every day on the beach and eating fruit and salads will do that, Cal."

"No." She shook her head. "Oh, my God, Wilson Curtis, you're in love."

I felt myself blush. I nodded. "Oh, Callie, they're just wonderful."



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Her eyes got teary. But then she turned and walked over to the coffee machine, poured two cups, and moved to a table, which meant we were about to talk.

"How's it all going, Cal?" I asked as we sat down.

"Things been okay? I presume business is back to good?"

"We can talk about work in a bit," she said, sipping her coffee. "First I want to talk about these two men of yours."

I sipped my coffee, wondering where to start.

"Well, Adam's the wild one. He's always smiling and could charm the leg off a chair. Simon's more reserved, quieter, but he's funny and so smart." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through some photos and showed the screen to Callie. "Here they are. Simon's the dark-haired one, Adam's the blond."

She looked at the small screen, at the picture of the three of us with our arms around each other, smiling for Sydney to take the photo. Then she looked at me. "So how does the three-guy thing work?"

I knew this was coming. I tried not to get defensive.

"I don't know exactly, Cal. It just does. It's like we're a puzzle that needed three pieces." I shrugged. I didn't know how to explain it any better than that.

Callie thought about that for a while. "And no one gets left out?"



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I shook my head. "It's the opposite of that, if that makes sense. It's like there's… more."

Callie looked at me, and her brow creased. "Wil, you spent two years with that asshole Rod, and I just don't want you to go from one relationship where your needs weren't met to another one. There's merit to the saying

'three's a crowd', Wil. Doesn't one of you feel left out at some point?"

"That's just the point, Cal. Even without the hiding and secrecy I went through, I'm getting double what I ever had with Rod. Double what I could have ever had with him.

It's double the attention, double the conversation, double the emotion. Double everything."

"Double the heartache."

"Cal, I won't justify this to you," I said gently. "You don't have to like it. But I'm
them. Both of them. I can't explain it, Cal. I can't describe how this works—it just does. We work. We each contribute something. We're like three pieces that just fit."

Callie sighed then was silent for a while. "I can see you're happy. Jesus, you've never looked so happy. But are you're sure this is what you want? It's not some rebound thing? An extended vacation fling?"

"It's more than that, Cal," I explained. "So much more than that. Come back with me, meet them."



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Callie rolled her eyes at the suggestion. "How can I? I just bought a business!"

I chuckled and conceded a nod. "True." And our talk of my decision to enter a polygamous relationship was over. I knew she'd be concerned, but as long as she knew I was happy, she'd be happy. "So, let's discuss this business-buying adventure."

So we did. But I left before the lunchtime rush started, not wanting to be seen by anyone, paid my lawyer a visit, then went back to the house. The fewer people who knew I was back, even for a day or so, the better. Later that night, Callie came by with two bottles of wine and helped me finish packing.

Though we didn't get much packing done, we

drank, we laughed, and we cried. So many memories.

Although it wasn't really a good-bye, we both knew it kind of was. And while she slept soundly in the bed down the hall, I stared at the ceiling. This house was just a house to me. Sure, I had memories of my childhood here, memories of my parents. But that's all they were. Memories.

The next morning, I packed a few things into my car, hugged Callie until she couldn't breathe, and stopped in to see the real estate agent before I left. I walked out of the office onto the sidewalk, pulled out my phone, opened the contacts, and hit the first number.



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Simon answered. "Hey you."

"Hey," I said. Even the sound of his voice made me happy. "Can you do me a favor? Tell Adam I'm coming home a day early."

I swear I could hear him smile. "You are?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "There's nothing for me here."

He told me he loved me, to drive safe, and that he'd see me soon. I was grinning as I got to my car, when I saw Rod frozen on the sidewalk. He was staring at me.

I looked at him for a long second, and if I'd

expected to feel something, anything, I didn't.


He looked… shocked. I didn't speak to him, I didn't wave, nothing. I simply got in my car and headed home.


Back to Florida, back to Adam and Simon.

* * * *

Almost fourteen hours later, I got there. Even as tired as I was, I was excited when I pulled up at the hotel. I left my stuff in the car and went straight inside. I headed directly to the bar where I knew Adam would be, and he grinned his heart-stopping grin when he saw me. Then he slowly walked out to meet me and kissed me so damn



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thoroughly we even got whistles and applause from the guests.

He pulled his mouth from mine and smirked

proudly. Then he looked over my shoulder and his eyes softened. I followed his gaze to find a smiling Simon standing near the foyer, watching us. So I walked to him and kissed him, just like Adam had kissed me.

And later that night, after a first round of blow jobs, I told them all about my trip. I told them how I'd met with Callie, how I got drunk with Callie, and how I'd run into Rod on the street.

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