Read Three Wild Werewolf Tales Online

Authors: Calandra Hunter

Three Wild Werewolf Tales (20 page)

BOOK: Three Wild Werewolf Tales
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“I can think of some ways for you to thank me…” Stephen growled meaningfully, and watched Daniel shudder.

“You really should’ve waited until the morning to say that.”

“Fine,” Stephen said, nuzzling Daniel’s shoulder. “I will.”




It was a busy Sunday morning. Stephen and Daniel had left their clothes in Stephen’s car, leaving McClanahan naked and shivering in the trap until the others had retrieved their own things from Richard’s cabin. McClanahan was over six feet tall, muscular and imposing, with dark brown hair past his shoulders and an unruly beard. His skin was pale from the cold, but even now he still muttered about revenge.

Richard and Alex hauled him out of the trap, Stephen standing next to Daniel in case McClanahan tried anything. He had expected the man to have lost some of his arrogance, but it was clearly going to take more than half a night in a pit to change him.

Daniel didn’t relax until McClanahan was out of sight, dragged along by Richard and Alex who were loudly discussing which ditch to dump the other man in.

“It’s over,” Stephen said, putting an arm around Daniel’s shoulder, smiling fondly when Daniel leaned into him.

“I sure hope so.” His breath was warm against Stephen’s neck.

Stephen lowered his head to kiss Daniel when Peter coughed loudly. He flushed when he realised the other four were still there, Karen and Lily both smirking while Holly was smiling brightly at him.

“So, someone’s gonna have to fill that hole back up,” the other man said, nodding at the trap. “Someone who knows how to drive an excavator.”

Stephen groaned, and felt Daniel press closer. He really, really didn’t want to spend this morning covering their tracks, but he wasn’t going to let any of the others do it either. “Fine, but next time we have to trap a wolf, we’re going to ask Nathan about metal traps,” he grumbled. “Or tranquilisers.”




It was two long hours later when Daniel dragged Stephen into the bedroom, one arm around his neck, the other hand a tight fist in Stephen’s sweater.

Stephen kicked the door shut behind him, pulling Daniel’s borrowed hoodie up until they were forced to break their kiss. The curtains were drawn, there was no risk of neighbours seeing more than they should. “I’m not leaving my home unless it’s on fire.” Even with the rest of the pack helping, it had still taken way too long. He wasn’t looking forward to tomorrow when his colleagues would notice the filled-up hole.

“Not letting you leave this room,” Daniel muttered, throwing the hoodie on the floor and pulling at Stephen’s sweater. “This bed, even.”

It was like a blindfold being lifted, Daniel’s scent was much stronger, much clearer now and Stephen groaned when the full force of it hit him. “Should’ve let you borrow my clothes.”

Daniel frowned slightly. “Wouldn’t that have masked it as well?”

Stephen helped him get his sweater off. “Might’ve, but at least you wouldn’t have smelled like you belonged to Richard.” That had only added to the confusion Stephen had felt around Daniel.

“This is just the werewolf possessiveness, right?” Daniel asked, still frowning. “Because if you’re thinking about ‘marking’ me, I am not into that.” He gestured meaningfully at Stephen’s crotch. “I’m not
grateful you helped me.”

Stephen shuddered at the thought of marking Daniel like that. “You know how it is during these days,” he said. “The wolf is closer to the surface than ever.” He moved closer to Daniel, kissing him, and smiling when he felt Daniel’s arms go around his neck. But amongst the desire, there was another smell. Fear. It wasn’t strong, but it was enough to make Stephen back off. “You do want to do this, right?”

“Haven’t we been over this?” Daniel sounded impatient.

“You seem… worried.”

“You’re never worried the first time you have sex with someone?” Daniel countered. “Ever?”

“Slightly nervous, yes,” Stephen admitted. There were plenty of things to worry about. “But I can smell your fear, Daniel.”

Daniel’s eyes widened, then he closed them. “Of course, yeah.” He sighed. “Thing is, I’ve never had sex with another werewolf.”

He didn’t see why that was something to be extra worried about. “So? You know better than anyone that we’re not that different from other humans, except -”

“Except during these few days,” Daniel interrupted him. “I know about some of those differences, okay? Like the - the knot, I guess is the best word for it.”

Ah. Right. That. “It is.” He gave Daniel an encouraging smile. “Hey, I’ve never had sex with another werewolf around the full moon either.”

But instead of reassuring Daniel, it only made him bite his lip, still worried. “So you don’t know if the knot - how that’s gonna fit when you fuck me?”

Oh God, he hadn’t thought about that. Not that he had had a lot of time to think about sex with Daniel at all. “I guess we’re going to find out. And,” he added, when Daniel didn’t exactly look pleased by that, “if it doesn’t work, we’ll do something else.” It wasn’t like fucking was the only thing he wanted to do Daniel, not by a long shot, but he wanted to try at least.

Daniel smiled, still looking a little anxious, but less so than before. “I’m probably worrying over nothing…”

“We’ll find out.” Stephen moved, guiding them towards the bed. He had slightly misjudged the distance, Daniel falling down and pulling Stephen with him.

“Careful!” Daniel managed, once Stephen pushed himself up on his elbows so his weight wasn’t on the man underneath him anymore.

“You okay?” Stephen asked, then rolled off him.

“I’ll live,” Daniel shifted further up the bed, unbuttoning his jeans and revealing that he’d been going commando.

After making a mental note to launder Richard’s clothes before giving them back, Stephen crawled closer to help Daniel with his trousers, and ran a hand over an old wound above his knee. “You’re sure you’re okay?”

Daniel threw the jeans off the bed, and nodded. “More than fine.” He leaned up to bat Stephen’s hands away. “Stop worrying, please.”

“I was only -”

“I know. But I also don’t want to talk or think about those wounds right now,” Daniel said, his eyes determined.

“Promise.” Not that it was difficult to focus on other things, because while Stephen had seen Daniel naked before, those had only been hasty glances. Now he was allowed to look his fill, as well as touch. He did both, lying next to Daniel and kissing him again, his hands running up and down Daniel’s bare chest, stroking him before pulling him close. He felt Daniel’s dick become harder against his thigh, his knot already swelling.

“What about you?” Daniel asked, nudging Stephen impatiently with his thigh. “Off.”

Removing his own trousers meant letting go of Daniel, which Stephen reluctantly did. He swore at his zipper when it refused to budge, but after a few firm tugs it moved again. “Don’t laugh,” he muttered, seeing Daniel smirk from the corner of his eye.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Daniel’s eyes widened when he saw Stephen’s dick, which was already mostly hard with a large knot. “That’s never gonna fit,” he muttered nervously.

This was the last thing he wanted.“Then we’ll wait for it to go down.”

“And how long do you want to wait?”

Not too long, he hoped. “Give me a couple of minutes.” That should be enough if he could think about anything but the attractive, horny, naked man lying next to him.

“I don’t want to.” Daniel rolled onto his side, pressing closer. “I mean, I do want you to fuck me. I just don’t want to wait.” And Daniel nuzzling him and kissing his neck like that wasn’t helping.

He whimpered when Daniel started stroking his chest, drifting down to his stomach. He had to do something. “I’ve got an idea.” He pushed up at Daniel until he was lying on his back, then moved to crouch over him. “To stop you from being bored.”

“I’m not bored,” Daniel replied, then gasped when Stephen lowered his head to kiss his neck. “Not at all!”

He picked up the spike in Daniel’s arousal, and Stephen made sure to kiss and lick the more sensitive spots he discovered. The noises Daniel made didn’t help, his dick remained fully hard. It was impossible to block out the appealing scent as he grazed the tender skin of Daniel’s neck with his teeth, making him whimper.

He had to think of something else, anything suitably distracting. He moved further down, kissing a path down Daniel’s chest, flicking his tongue over a nipple before biting down softly and Daniel swore at that, arching his back. Stephen didn’t do it again, not even after Daniel had mumbled a ‘please’. “Some other time,” he said, kissing his stomach, smiling slightly when Daniel swore at him. “I’ll make it up to you.”

After teasing Daniel some more, Stephen finally reached his goal: Daniel’s hard dick, the knot red and swollen. Stephen figured that giving a blowjob would require enough focus and be a good distraction. Although if Daniel kept making the desperate noises he had been making so far, Stephen’s erection might just stay as hard as it was right now. He got comfortable, straddling Daniel’s knees while he was panting now, shifting on the bed impatiently.

It had been a while since Stephen had sucked someone off, and his first lick was tentative, a quick swipe of the head. He moved down, licking the knot, and that had Daniel moaning and thrusting his hips up. Stephen put one hand on his right thigh. “Sensitive?”

“Very,” Daniel replied, his eyes closed. “Yours isn’t?”

He had jerked off enough times with his knotted dick to know that it didn’t feel all that different for him. “Not really. Does it hurt?”

“No.” Daniel shook his head. “The opposite. Please, do it again, just one - ah!”

He had pressed his tongue down harder that time, surprised by how much Daniel enjoyed it. After giving the tender skin a few more licks, Stephen opened his mouth to let the head of Daniel’s dick inside.

“Don’t stop now, don’t - oh yeah,” he moaned, pushing up into Stephen’s mouth. “Oh fuck, yeah.”

As Stephen had expected, Daniel’s noises and enjoyment didn’t help with his own arousal, but as he focused on sucking and tuning out the sounds of pleasure, he could feel his dick become softer. There was enough to think about, like keeping his teeth out of the way and trying not to gag whenever Daniel thrust up. Even with both of Stephen’s hands holding him down, he occasionally found the strength to do so.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, one hand sliding into Stephen’s hair to stroke and pet him apologetically. “It feels so good, so fucking good, you have no idea.”

Stephen closed his eyes, humming in contentment as Daniel kept petting him. If he had had a tail right now, he’d be wagging it. He could imagine Alex’ smug expression already. Stephen felt stupid now himself, for the way he had scoffed at Alex and Nathan, but he was able to admit to himself that it had come from a place of envy. As Daniel moaned underneath him and the grip on Stephen’s hair tightened, he knew there was no need for jealousy. He had Daniel, and he would fight a dozen McClanahans if he had to if it meant keeping Daniel in his life.

From the sound of it, Daniel was close, whimpering in pleasure with every breath. “Please, Stephen, don’t stop.”

He had no intention to. He moved up to catch his breath, licking Daniel’s head before taking it deeper, his lips touching the knot.

“Fuck,” Daniel grunted, tugging on Stephen’s hair now. “Close to coming now, if you want -” He moaned, but Stephen knew what he meant.

He made a noise that hopefully conveyed he wasn’t going anywhere and that he planned on swallowing Daniel’s come. Daniel’s shallow thrusts under Stephen’s hands sped up, as did the moans. He waited patiently, pressing his tongue against the dick in his mouth, enjoying the heat and tasting the bitter pre-come. It wouldn’t be long now.

“That’s it, that’s it, please, fuck,” Daniel muttered, his words eventually becoming lost in a moan. His grip on Stephen’s hair becoming even tighter was the final warning, and Daniel came with a deep groan.

Stephen swallowed immediately, moving his head up to make it easier. Daniel’s dick jerked inside his mouth, and Stephen was stroking his hips and sides soothingly, waiting for him to finish. And, if he was honest, waiting to see if Daniel thought he could take Stephen’s knot now.

Daniel’s breathing was ragged by the time Stephen released his dick. “Mmm,” was all he managed as Stephen crawled back up to lie by his side. “I liked that.”

Stephen laughed, wrapping one arm around Daniel’s waist. “Really? Hadn’t noticed.”

Daniel gave him a lazy smile. “Very funny.” He closed his eyes briefly.

Smiling himself, Stephen snuggled closer, his hand stroking Daniel’s stomach. He liked lying like this, their bodies pressed so close, the smell of sex in the air.

“What d’you want to do?” Daniel asked, putting his hand on Stephen’s arm.

“I could try to fuck you,” Stephen suggested, a little nervous. “If you think it’ll fit.”

Daniel pushed himself up on elbows and gave Stephen’s dick a thoughtful look. “It is smaller now,” he said. “Was giving me a blowjob that much of a turn-off?”

“It was a distraction.” Stephen kissed Daniel’s shoulder. “We don’t have to.” Although he wanted to. Part of it was his increased libido, telling him to take Daniel and make the other man his, but the rest it was simple human desire to be one.

BOOK: Three Wild Werewolf Tales
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