Three Ways to Wicked (2 page)

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Authors: Jodi Redford

BOOK: Three Ways to Wicked
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An obvious flicker of heat flared in Gibb’s eyes when Kayla’s breasts pillowed against his chest. Yeah, motherfucker didn’t have the hots for her. At all.

“Good to see you, Kay.” A note of huskiness threatened to bust Gibb before he caught the evil offender and covered it with a lame attempt at clearing his throat.

Ty didn’t bother reining in his smirk.

“You too.” Kayla’s gaze ping-ponged between him and Gibb. “Both of you.” Her cheeks holding a high dose of color, she chewed her bottom lip. “Bailey, uh, didn’t mention the possibility of either of you stopping by.”

It took all of Ty’s energy to drag his fascinated attention away from her soft, tempting lips. “We didn’t stop by. We’re staying here.”

Kayla’s expression resembled that of a deer caught in the headlights of a runaway semi. “What?”

“Storm blew through the marina the other day and ripped off a large portion of the roof at Master Charters,” Gibb offered.

“In other words, we’re shit out of luck until the insurance company decides to cut a check for the repairs.” Thankfully his and Gibb’s office and the lobby escaped damage-free, but the rear apartment hadn’t fared so lucky. The insurance adjuster had assured them that other than the ridiculously butt-high deductible, he and Gibb wouldn’t be faced with astronomical out-of-pocket expenses for the necessary repairs. Mighty generous, considering the insurance company was already sticking it up his and Gibb’s asses with outrageous annual premium hikes.

“God, that’s awful.” Worry shadowed Kayla’s sky-blue eyes. “Hopefully it won’t hurt your business.”

“No, we’re still able to function on that end.” Gibb scratched his jaw. “Assuming we can get the roofers lined up soon, we should be able to move back in before the first of the month.”

Kayla’s expression once again drifted into the territory of panicked. Ty frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Her gaze veered to the grocery sack on the counter. Enlightenment seeped into Ty’s brain. “You were planning to stay here too.”

“Your parents loaned the house to me for the next couple weeks. Obviously that was before your and Gibb’s situation cropped up.”

Kayla…under the same roof. Possibly walking around during the middle of the night in nothing but itty-bitty panties. His dick stirred beneath the towel.

“Ty? A powwow if you will,” Gibb demanded in a low undertone before stalking toward the far hallway that led to the bedrooms.

“Be right back, darlin’.” Tossing Kayla a wink, Ty trailed after Gibb and steeled himself for the argument looming on the horizon.

Once they were inside Ty’s room and out of earshot of the kitchen, Gibb stacked his arms over his polo-shirt-encased chest. “Keep your dick in your pants.” Tension pinched the corners of Gibb’s mouth when his gaze flickered south of Ty’s waist. “Or at least under that damn towel. If you even
about fucking around with Kayla, Bailey will cut off your balls and barbecue them before feeding them to the resident gators.”

Ty was plenty aware that his little sis could be scary when it came to protecting the innocent virtue of her friends. Her distrust of him was entirely unfair and unwarranted. Not like he’d tried putting the moves on any of her girlfriends…lately. And honestly, the Francesca situation wasn’t his damn fault. Crazy woman jumped him in the rear alley behind the Blue Marlin when he got too impatient to wait for the restroom to clear out. A guy should never have to fend off an unexpected, wily, cock-sucking attack while on a mission to take a leak.

Groaning, he plowed his fingers through the damp ends of his hair.

“You’ll get over it, Casanova.”

Pissed that Gibb had misread the cause for his frustration, Ty gifted him with a narrow look. Everyone within a fifty-mile radius of Wicked Shores was under the misassumption that Ty was a horn dog easily led around by his cock. It thoroughly chapped his ass that Gibb thought no better of him. Especially since Gibb was plenty responsible for Ty’s manic sexual Olympics during his mid-twenties and the resulting reputation Ty had earned for himself.

Yeah, maybe it was unfair to level any blame on Gibb. Not entirely his fault they’d gotten stupid drunk that night seven years ago. And it sure as hell wasn’t Gibb’s doing that his cock somehow ended up in Ty’s mouth. Christ, a blowjob was a blowjob, regardless if it came from a dude. Couldn’t fault Gibb for going along with it. But at the same time, Gibb damn well knew that night was the sole instigator for Ty’s man-whoring mission afterward.

Sucking his best friend off and loving the hell out of every second of it? For years Ty had questioned his sexuality and everything he’d assumed he’d known about himself. There were still moments he secretly questioned if he wasn’t bi, but at least he now refrained from screwing all available and willing women he could in an effort to prove he wasn’t gay for Gibb.

Still, it damn well wasn’t right that Gibb viewed Ty’s past sexual exploits with such a critical eye. Not when he knew the cause for them. Didn’t matter that they never talked about that night. It was always there between them. An awkward fucking ninja reject in Day-Glo orange.

The soft, tentative crunch of footsteps outside the door put an instantaneous halt to Ty’s silent grousing. Both he and Gibb simultaneously jerked their focuses to Kayla when she hesitated in the doorway.

“Since I’m not a big fan of strained moments, I’ll do us all a favor and find another place to stay.” She fished inside her purse and pulled out a fancy smartphone. “Any chance there’s a phone book with hotel listings lying around somewhere?”

Ty offered her a reproachful look. “Kay, what are you doing?”

“Saving you and Gibb the embarrassment of asking me to leave. I know that’s why you two came in here. To figure out a nice way to let me down easy.”

“That isn’t why we came in here.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “No? Then why?”

Not like he could tell her his boner was to blame. Even if it was the truth. “You don’t have to leave. This house is plenty big enough for the three of us.”

“I appreciate your willingness to share the house with me, really I do. But I think it’s better if I find a hotel room or something. No biggie.”

“Actually, it is. This is Venetian week,” Gibb pointed out. “Every hotel and rental within sixty miles is booked solid.”

Kayla’s face fell. “Aw, damn it. I forgot all about that.”

She looked so dejected by the news Ty saw no other choice than to hug her against him with a comforting squeeze. “Offer’s still open to stay with us.”

Gibb surprised him by nodding. “You can have the house. We’ll bunk in the pool house.”

He squinted at Gibb. “We will?”

The stubborn slant of Gibb’s jaw remained as unbendable as marble. “Yeah. We will.”

Kayla shook her head. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You’re not,” Gibb said. “We’re offering, and you’re going to say yes.”

She blinked at Gibb’s smooth command.

Ty’s previous annoyance at Gibb’s unsubtle cock-blocking evaporated slightly. Normally Gibb’s domineering ways bugged the shit out of him, but he couldn’t deny it possessed the desired effect of flustering Kayla to the point she seemed at a loss for words. Which afforded him the opportunity to ease her doubts however he could and convince her to stay. “Have you seen my parents’ pool house? Not like Gibb and I would be roughing it out there.” Shit, that was putting it mildly. The structure was a hell of a lot more luxurious than his and Gibb’s living quarters at the marina. “Even has a grill down there, so we won’t be getting in your hair all the time using the kitchen.”

“There’s a bathroom too,” Gibb added. “So we’re covered there.”

“And an outdoor shower.” Ty adopted his most roguish smile—the one that usually won his way with the ladies and routinely earned a black scowl from Gibb. “See? You won’t know we’re around.”

“You know darn well I was already aware of the shower.” Averting her gaze, Kayla fidgeted with the strap of her purse.

Reminded of the unintentional peep show he’d provided her earlier, Ty indulged in a slow grin. Knowing her eyes had been on him while he’d been washing off the sand from his jog on the beach stirred a wicked heat wave through him. Recalling his teasing promise to give her something more interesting to observe, he imagined pumping his cock while the outdoor shower’s warm spray trickled along his balls and the crack of his ass. Better yet, Kayla’s soft, wet tongue could be swirling over his cock head at the same time. His dick bobbed beneath the towel, giving a resounding
Hell yeah
to that mental scenario. He barely caged his moan.

Gibb gave Ty another suspicious glance before eyeing the distinct bulge under the towel. “I’ll make sure Ty keeps his showering limited to the pool house.”

Ty swore Kayla looked disappointed by the news. He filed that observation away for later analysis. “So what do you think? We have a deal?”

“I still feel weird letting you two sleep out there while I get this huge place to myself.”

“We could always stay in here with you.”

“Ty,” Gibb growled warningly.

“What? I’d hate for her to get lonely.”

Gibb donned one of his patented
glares. “Your selflessness is beyond commendable,” he drawled. “But I’m sure Kay would prefer some privacy.”

She gnawed her lip. “Are you absolutely certain you don’t mind this arrangement?”

Both he and Gibb shook their heads, and she took a deep breath before allowing it to spring free in a rush. “All right, in that case…I accept your offer.”

Her shaky capitulation filled Ty with unexpected happiness. Christ, you’d think she’d agreed to warm his sheets for the next couple of weeks with the way he was no doubt grinning like a fool.

Then again, that’d be a proposal he’d have an impossible time resisting, even
them sleeping under the same roof.

Chapter Three

Ty’s off-key whistling a grating soundtrack, Gibb stowed his duffel bag on one of the twin green-and-white-striped chaise lounges in the pool house.

This was a goddamned disaster in the making. He’d have to keep an eagle eye on the potentially volatile situation, or risk Ty getting neutered by an irate Bailey if she discovered her brother making time with her best friend.

To make matters worse, he’d be a lousy liar if he denied he was equally attracted to Kay. Shit, talk about the understatement of the century. She’d always gotten his juices going. Big time. Blonde, with curves that didn’t quit. A sweet smile and expressive blue eyes a man could get lost in. She was also smart and funny as hell. Generous to a fault. Her list of desirable qualities went on and on, but her one attribute that’d always kindled his lust until it straddled the danger zone was the way she blushed.

Every single damn time he’d witnessed her going into lobster-red mode he couldn’t help wondering if a dirty thought was to blame. An even bigger part of him hungered to provide a few distinctly dirty musings for her to mull over. Like how he lay awake at night, wondering what kinds of sounds she made when she came. Fluttery sighs and moans? Or was she a screamer?

These thoughts aren’t helping me at all.
The snugness behind his fly threatening to cut off circulation to vital parts, he grimaced and risked a glance in Ty’s direction. No doubt that horn dog would have no problem asking Kay if she was a screamer in bed. He’d likely request a demonstration too.

No sooner did he silently grumble the fact, and guilt poked at Gibb. Despite being a raging man slut, Ty was good people. He’d always been there for Gibb, no matter what. When Gibb discovered his ex, Lorna, had been cheating on him left and right, it’d been Ty who’d pulled Gibb out of his vast pit of depression. Eight months later, after the divorce was finalized and Gibb moved into Ty’s improvised bachelor pad at the marina, it’d been Ty who convinced Gibb it was time to get over Lorna’s betrayal by getting laid. Gibb sure as hell hadn’t expected his reentry into the land of sex to be courtesy of an all-nighter with the Simpson twins, but he couldn’t exactly complain.

Actually, he could, since his dick ended up sprained after six rounds of nonstop sexual gymnastics with Kimber and Josie. Shit,
twins still tended to head for higher ground whenever the sisters dropped by the marina on the pretense of chartering one of the Boston Whalers for the day. Seeing through their scheme didn’t take much effort, and he always managed to foist the job off on Ty. Considering Ty never came back to the dock walking bowlegged, it was safe to assume he’d found a way to resist the nympho twins.

Sprained dick aside, his friendship with Ty was something he’d never take for granted. It was the primary reason Gibb had sworn an oath to never breathe a word about the night seven years ago that’d rocked his world—in more ways than one. He refused to jeopardize his tight bond with Ty by bringing up any of it. Even if it did hurt and rankle him that Ty sucking him off had obviously damaged Ty so thoroughly he’d immediately rectified the situation with a strict regimen of banging every woman in Florida.

Regardless, Gibb was well aware of the monster he’d helped create by not stopping things before they went too far that night. God knows, he didn’t want to dwell too hard on the reason he’d loved the hot, brain-frying, un-fucking-believably fantastic suction of Ty’s mouth working him over.

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