Read Three-Part Harmony Online

Authors: Angel Payne

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #BDSM Menage

Three-Part Harmony (27 page)

BOOK: Three-Part Harmony
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“Wider,” David directed, opening her farther for him. “Yes. So lovely.” He ran a finger down her most sensitive flesh, causing her to jerk her hips again. “Be still now. If you fight me, D, this’ll only hurt worse.”

His statement didn’t match what she braced for next.
It’ll only hurt worse.
That implied she was going to hurt
. But the next sensation she felt was a rush of cold liquid, spilling over his fingers as he spread it into every inch of her grotto. A tangy strawberry scent gave away the liquid as lubricant. David seemed to know just how she liked to be caressed with it. She moaned, the sound strangled because of Kress’s cock, but the way David worked her nerves, sliding the lube deep into her vagina, made her never want to stop.
Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Please—


He’d warned her. But the sharp bites came as a shock anyway. It was like he’d had let miniature alligators loose on her pussy lips.
alligators. The little monsters latched on to her flesh and didn’t let up, even as she keened and writhed. And David, the bastard, merely hummed in appreciation. He started to explore her with equal languor, pressing fingers deeper into the intimate entrance he’d just widened. That wasn’t the end of it. With his other hand, he delivered another surprise. The clamps seemed to have wire extensions, which he pushed out to brace against her inner thighs. He locked them into place. He’d spread her even wider and rendered her completely helpless so he could taunt her flesh however he wished. And right now, that meant the relentless flicks of his fingers, pulling every layer of her pussy open—except the one place she longed to be touched the most. He came damn close so many times, causing her lungs to heave and her hips to tremble, until he turned his hand into a paddle instead.

“Breathe it down, D.” He only spanked her once, but it was enough. Her pussy throbbed and ached in a dizzying combination of agony and ecstasy.

She seethed but worked at calming herself. Kress came to her rescue in that department, pulling his cock out of her mouth and replacing it with a kiss. “Thank you, Beautiful. That was magnificent.”

“You’re finished?” Disbelief clouded David’s tone.

“Not by a long shot. But I don’t want her getting an aneurism like this. Besides, you’ve got her bucking like a colt on crack. What the hell are you doing?”

“Just enjoying our girl.” David pulled her so at least her head now rested on pillows, and the tension in her arms made it seem she went from forming a T to a V. Though the blood in her head returned to normal, David wasn’t so merciless on her bottom half. With the pussy clamps and thigh spreaders still in place, he now scooted a foam wedge beneath her lower back, lifting her pelvis high for both men’s scrutiny.

“Isn’t that pretty.” Kress. And, judging from the direction of his voice, it was his hand that wrapped around one of her ankles to steady her. “No,” he added, sliding fingertips down the inside of her leg, “not pretty. Fucking gorgeous.”

Dasha moaned again, long and low, telling them both how deeply she ached…how much she needed them.
of them.

pretty.” She swore she could hear the smile in David’s voice. “Keep up the soundtrack, sweetheart. Maybe this will help you out.”

to which he referred happened so fast, Dasha bypassed moans and went straight to screams. First, one of the guys released the spreaders. Her thighs turned to pools of relief—which fast became duo Sterno flames as the clamps got pulled off in rapid succession. The move invited blood back to her pussy in a flood of agony. Before she could process the pain, somebody’s mouth delved into her core, grabbed her inner thighs in a punishing hold, and took her clit with ruthless demand. Every nerve ending there, which had been desperate for the contact, gave in at once to the assault of raw passion. Her buttocks clenched. Her arms wrenched at the chains. Even her toes tensed as she spiraled higher, higher into a frenzy of fiery need.

“Shit,” she cried. “Ohhhh, shit! Oh, please!”

“Please what?” David betrayed himself as her pussy’s tormenter, his voice coming from there in a growl. “Say it.” He bit her thigh with savage intensity. “Tell me, D. Tell me now.”

Rational thought, she surmised, probably got left behind on the floor where her brain had been between Kress’s legs. And speaking of Kress…
oh Kress…
now that she could identify the lover at her other side, she turned her face toward him, her psyche reaching out for his brutally honest strength. He grunted, almost as if telling her he felt their bond too, and wrapped his wonderful anchor of a hold around her calf. She felt his erection against her inner knee, his desire at full attention. But right now, he devoted himself to watching over her, adoring her—and with that, lending her the strength to answer David.

“I need you,” she blurted. “I need your cock inside me. Please.”

David’s teeth scraped her skin again. “Whose cock?”

The words burst from her without compunction. “Both of you. I—I want you both.” Just go a little easy, she added silently, knowing it wouldn’t do her any good to beg him aloud. She knew what she’d asked for. David would take her how he pleased, and then Kress would do the same. They’d both show her body no mercy. She was real glad she didn’t have anything strenuous on the schedule for tomorrow, like performing. Or walking.

“Well, isn’t that better than Beethoven to my ears.” Kress’s voice was a low, sensual drawl. His grip descended to her center, stroking her where David had just sucked, then dipping even lower. She shuddered in fresh arousal when his fingers got to her anus—but tensed when he stayed there, prodding the rim of her back hole with steady intent.

“Right.” David snorted. “Because
listen to Beethoven.”

“The hell I don’t,” Kress retorted. “And this”— he pushed his finger deeper up her backside—“is more fucking beautiful than ‘Moonlight Sonata.’” He worked a second finger into her tight opening and shifted his hold to her thigh as she jerked from his invasion. “Easy, darlin’,” he instructed. “Relax and let me warm you up properly, okay?”

“Use this,” offered David. The sweet scent of the lube tinged the air again. As Kress grunted his thanks, squeezing some onto the third finger he worked inside her, a strange uneasiness set in. His exhortation haunted her.
Relax. Let me warm you up properly.

Warm her up…for what?

She didn’t have time to ruminate on that. It seemed David had helped himself to the lube first and now slicked a generous amount of it up her vagina, coating her walls, working sensual magic with his long, knowing fingers. “You’re so hot, babe,” he murmured. “Your beautiful cunt wants me, doesn’t it?”

“Yes.” She was captivated by the lust in his voice and the torment of his fingers.
she wanted to scream when he pulled out. She let out a distraught sigh, until Kress compensated for the emptiness by getting one more digit of his own into her ass. She pitched her breath to a tight cry. The pain was consuming and intrusive, but Kress kept pushing, widening her asshole with careful, ruthless intent.

“Easy,” he admonished again. “We’re gonna do this nice and easy, girl.”

“G-going to do—what?” She had to force it out, largely from being terrified of the answer. Kress poured more lubricant into her ass, and now his fingers thrust in and out of her with wet, steady

“Damn,” David said. “That’s such a nice sound. I think we need to sample it. We could lay it in as the backbeat of D’s next single. The thing would go triple platinum.” He added some sound effects of his own: the rubbery slide of a condom, his deep groan of pleasure.

She flashed a sarcastic grimace his way. “Ha fucking ha.”

Payback for that was the proverbial bitch. Two sharp strikes, one on each of her inner thighs, were accompanied by shocking stings. “That’s two times you’ve spoken out of turn, subbie,” David explained, his tone at the timbre that both thrilled and maddened. “So that’s two turns with the crop. The disciplines get doubled from here, so if you wanna take a little pain break, I’ve got a few other toys here…”

“No!” she exclaimed. “I mean—no, Sir! Please. I’ll be—oh!” Her voice caught as Kress edged his fingers deeper into her ass. “I’ll t-try to be good.”

“That’s beautiful.” Like a mixer changing channels, David’s voice slipped back to a husky rasp. “Beautiful, sweetheart.”

Without another word to prepare her, he parted her labia, seated his cock, and drove inside her. Though Dasha gasped from the size and suddenness of him, she breathed and took his first strokes in obedient silence. Somehow, she knew this was also David’s way of disciplining her. And testing her. For now, as Kress continued to slicken her back entrance, a clearer comprehension got pried open. It started in her mind, then slithered lower, burning to her stomach, turning into a ball of apprehension.

“I’m in.” She could tell David said it past locked teeth. One of his hands still gripped her thigh; the other dug into her waist as he shifted his angle, letting Kress get better access to her anus. “Damn, I’m in. Sweet God, D, you’re gripping me like a vacuum.”

“Yeah.” Kress’s tone was equally tight—with frustration. “And my fingers too. And that’s gonna be a problem, darlin’, unless you let a few muscles go.”

Dasha bit her lip. Discipline or not, she had to speak. “I’m…scared.”

Kress caressed her waist. “No shit. When you agreed to us both…you didn’t know you agreed to us
did you?”

“Crap.” David slowed his pace in the wake of her affirming silence. But the other man didn’t relent. Kress left his hands right where they were and continued in a voice she’d only heard out of him once before. It was the way he’d issued the mandate he was coming to Atlanta with her and David.

“Okay, we’re gonna be clear about it now. Let’s start at the obvious. Do you
getting taken in the ass, D?”

Her mind did a rewind, remembering when she’d been in the other room with them both last week. She’d been locked in the stockade, spinning through the wonderland of subspace, and David had taken her in that illicit way. The pain had wrenched her back to reality—hard. But once he’d hit his rhythm, it’d taken naughty to a whole new level for her. And knowing she’d satisfied his body with that service… It’d been glorious. And ohhh yes, the way he’d pleasured her afterward… It’d been better than glorious.

Finally, she replied to Kress, “It’s not bad.”

“And do you like pleasing me too?”

That didn’t take a mental trip at all. “Oh yes. Very much.”

He changed his pressure at her back hole. No…shifted it. The intrusion wasn’t from his fingers anymore.
Oh God.
It was…

“It’s going to please me to be in your ass tonight, D.”

It was the tip of his cock.

“But…what about…David?”

“Right here, sweetheart.”

“He’s going to stay right where he is. You feel him there, don’t you?”

“Yes…” And she loved the position David took too. He straddled her left leg, curling one of his own across her abdomen, holding her thigh high so he could penetrate her with deep, long strokes. He was so close, so hot, so strong and solid against her.

“Good.” Kress’s voice came from a few feet above. She got the impression he was on his knees, which strengthened as he lifted her right leg a little higher, angling her back hole even better for him. “Now your body’s just inviting me to the party too. And like I said, we’re gonna take this nice and easy.”

As if to prove that, he eased her blindfold off. She beheld Kress’s beautiful face, gazing down at her with a satyr’s smile gleaming against his stubbled jaw. She turned to David. His features were defined by unfiltered lust. He penetrated her with an intent stare. His mouth was slightly open as he dragged in air.

Only then did she dare a glance down. David still buried his shaft inside her, easing it in and out, its root gleaming with her juices. Right next to it was Kress’s erection, covered in a condom and thick layers of lube, the velvet head kissing her back entrance.

She didn’t know if she could be this naughty.

She curled her fingers, desperately grabbing the chains that still held her wrists. And gulped.

“You’re so fucking amazing,” David said. “What a good girl. Let him in, D. Let him in.”

She drowned the last of that with her shriek, as Kress finally breached her back opening with his steel-hard length. The size of him, in addition to David’s occupation of her already, felt like she was being ripped down the middle, torn and—

She hissed hard as he pulled out, then plunged back in. He went deeper this time. Lube sloshed inside her ass. Her thighs quivered from the pain.

“Christ,” David declared. “Christ, this is good. He’s almost all the way in, sweetheart. Shit, you’re amazing. The hard part’s nearly over. Then this is going to feel incredible for you, I promise.”

“Fuck. Off.”

The bastards should’ve been glad they’d secured her arms. Both of their laughing faces would have brand-new black eyes otherwise. Making their arrogance tougher to take was the realization, over the next couple of minutes, that David’s words proved more than empty platitudes. Dasha didn’t want to prove him right. She wanted to hang on to her fury and tension, though admitted the stuff was a shield to hide what really happened in her heart as she gazed at her two dark lovers. Feeling the outrage was easier,
easier, than letting in the adoration that flooded her heart. The stuff wound deeper in as she watched their faces, both awash in passion, and their bodies, sleek portraits of the pleasure she gave them.

The pleasure she didn’t want to share.

Oh…God…that she
share… Could she?

“Oh.” She sighed as the first nibble of fire teased at her core. “Oh,” she repeated as the flame caught hold deeper in. The hot tendrils of it ignited her from the waist down. The feeling was, even to her thesaurus brain, indescribable.

BOOK: Three-Part Harmony
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