Read Three of Spades Online

Authors: W. Ferraro

Three of Spades (12 page)

BOOK: Three of Spades
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Dylan gripped the arms of the chair to ensure he didn’t leave his seat and do exactly what his mind and cock were telling him to do.

“What are you doing in here?” Natalie asked in a whisper.

“I thought I would see how you were doing and I see that you are doing just fine.” Dylan’s eyes roamed all over her body. Her now high breasts showed just the right amount of cleavage and issued the perfect invitation for his tongue; her nether region was barely covered. “I like your choice, but I have to say, I’m not big on the idea of you leaving this curtained area without anything covering that beautiful body of yours. I’m not known for my willingness to share Natalie. Any man that saw you like that would find the closest horizontal surface and try to get you down on it.” The thought of any other man seeing Natalie like that filled Dylan with a burning rage so concentrated he wanted to punch something to get rid of some of the intensity. She looked like something out of old Hollywood with the backdrop of the dressing room, but her tousled hair from changing clothes gave her a very current seductive appearance. Standing in the room with her, he could smell her scent and his nostrils flared. Her scent was becoming more and more the most enhanced aphrodisiac Dylan could have ever imagined. He was starting to doubt his plan of the day, filled with seduction and build up, coming to fruition. He felt like a caveman just wanting to swing a club, grunt, throw her over his shoulder and take her to his cave.

Natalie wanted to cover up but seeing Dylan look at her with such hunger made her feel womanly in a way she never thought she would. She could see he liked what he saw and that made her want to look sexy and alluring for him. She wished he would get out of the chair but he seemed to be holding on with amazing might to the arms, given his white knuckles. Taking a deep breath, she slowly walked toward him and when a mere foot away, stopped and cocked out her hip and placed her hand on the same jutted hip. She knew it wasn’t the most seductive of poses but she was just impressed she wasn’t heading for the hills. Not knowing what else to do, she looked at him through her glasses and arched a slim brow as she had seen him do on many occasions.

Dylan’s racing arousal went up ten notches as she walked toward him. He could see her nerves but his Natalie stood there with her rod straight back. He gave mercy to her and stood up. Hell, who was he kidding, he had mercy on himself. With his change in position, he was, once again, aware of their substantial size difference. It reminded Dylan of how fragile she was, and God, he wanted to make this special for her. No, he needed to make this special for her. He leaned his dark head down and did what he had wanted to do since he felt them brush against his chest while dancing; he kissed the soft flesh of her exposed breasts. As he inhaled her this closely, Dylan was sure he smelled heaven. Her creamy skin was marked with dark freckles that gave Dylan the idea to play connect the dots later. His lips lingered from one fleshy mound to the other, followed by his tongue. He dipped once, then twice down her cleavage and was rewarded when Natalie tipped her head back, sighed and knotted her hands in his hair. Going on pure instinct, Dylan reached down and lifted her at the waist and she willingly wrapped those gorgeous legs around his waist. She was the most delicious entrée his palate had ever tasted. The more he licked and nibbled, the more he wanted to uncover. He finally succumbed and delved his hands into the back of the barely there panties to knead the soft bare flesh. God, how her ass fit perfectly in his hands, like one was created for the other. He flexed his fingers and squeezed, he stretched his fingers and felt her soft lips and their wetness. A moan radiated from Natalie, reminding Dylan where they were.

“Babe you, once again, made me lose control and I never lose control,” Dylan said against her neck where her pulse raced. Reluctant to let her go, Dylan placed a final kiss on her ever so soft mouth and moaned when she quickly stuck out that small pink tongue as if savoring his taste. He gave her bottom a final pat and tried to fix his extremely snug fitting jeans.

Loving how they could go from zero to sixty just like one of his cars, Natalie felt empowered. She quickly dressed and answered Dylan when he asked which clothes she would be taking. He was happy when she said all of them, but as he went to pick up the other lingerie pieces, Natalie quickly snatched them from him and insisted on carrying them herself. Natalie blushed when they walked out and she met CeCe’s gaze. When the total amount was given, her hand shook as she handed over her credit card and watched as the transaction went through. After CeCe had everything packaged and boxed up to go, she asked Dylan to take the things out to the car.

When the door closed behind Dylan’s back, CeCe turned to Natalie and said, “It was very nice meeting you Natalie and I hope we can be friends. You seem to be very important to Dylan.”

Natalie so badly hoped those words were true, but keeping their arrangement private she merely said, “Dylan is extremely kind and I’m enjoying the short time we have together.”

Confused at the implied known timeframe, CeCe asked what Natalie meant.

“I’m quite aware Dylan’s attention is brief and temporary. So I’m just going to enjoy every moment I have with him until the clock strikes midnight and I go back to my rotted pumpkin and my uninteresting mice.”

Before CeCe could ask Natalie to explain further, Dylan returned. CeCe watched as her honorary brother walked toward a woman as if being pulled by an invisible rope and just glowed with genuine happiness. Like it was the most natural thing to do, she watched as Dylan stood behind Natalie, wrapped his hands around her and placed them proprietarily on her slim waist. He leaned down and whispered something in Natalie’s ear. CeCe watched as Natalie blushed and smiled sharing their intimate moment. CeCe didn’t know what was going on between these two, but she was sure going to find out. Not because she was nosy, but CeCe wanted Dylan to be happy. Seeing him with Natalie made her female intuition scream that it was the end of Dylan’s availability era. If this was all Natalie’s doing, then CeCe was jumping on the bandwagon and going completely Team Natalie.



ylan and Natalie arrived back at Dylan’s house a short while after leaving CeCe’s. This was a first; not only was Dylan inviting a woman into his home, he actually could not wait to know what Natalie thought of it. They climbed the long upward driveway and Dylan pulled the Challenger into the garage. As the door closed behind them, Natalie looked at Dylan as if asking permission to exit the car.

“Well, come on, we can’t do what I have in mind in the car. Well, not at first anyway.” With a quick wink and the devilish grin that Natalie was beginning to yearn for, they exited the vehicle together. Dylan joined her on her side, quicker than Natalie could climb out and close her door. The vast space was quite bright from all of the overhead industrial lighting. It looked just like a full automotive business rather than someone’s private garage. Dylan pulled Natalie along in his wake toward the far corner. There, a shell of an older car stood but its beauty was drawing Natalie closer.

“Do you like cars?” Dylan asked, hating that he didn’t know that much about her hobbies or interests.

As Natalie leaned in and took inventory of the interior, she gently shook her head. “Unfortunately, other than you sticking a key in the ignition, my knowledge is limited.” Realizing she was being rude just touching and staring, she stood up and looked back toward Dylan. Dylan was disappointed as she stood, when she was leaning into the car he was enjoying the view her bent over body gave. Eager to show her around he simply said, “I’ll give you a car lesson later, after our much more important and critical lesson is finished.” Just because he could, he took the few steps toward her and caged her in against the Cuda. Images of Natalie bare, spread out on the hood of the beautiful beast flooded Dylan’s brain and he just needed to feel her against him. He leaned in intending for just a quick kiss, but soon it turned into the ferocious contest it always did when he kissed Natalie. Dylan loved how she curved her small body into him as if their bodies became one. When he leaned, she did the same creating a fluid movement each and every time. Pulling away when he would much rather pull her down onto the floor, Dylan brushed his thumb across her soft bottom lip and watched as her eyes focused once again from behind her glasses.

“Come on, I want to show you the house.”

Natalie thought of the brief view of the magnificent structure as they drove up the secluded drive. The log home looked like it belonged naturally with its rustic surroundings, as if it was carved right from the mountains that gave it the most beautiful of backdrops. The impression of being alone in the world would be quite easy in this environment. They climbed the few steps from the garage into what Natalie would describe as pure architectural amazement. The warm wood tone from the logs gave all surfaces a rustic, yet, masculine and elegant look. The large room boasted a sunken sitting area with a clean solid black granite fireplace. The sheer size and magnitude of the fireplace made you think it was part of the actual mountain and the house was built around it. The log mantel jut out of the granite giving the impression of what a war between the Gods would leave behind. To the right was an open staircase leading to the upper level that could be seen from the main area. With just the view Natalie had, she guessed there to be at least four rooms upstairs given the number of doors she could see from the open walkway. To the left were a few steps up to the main entrance way as well as the huge kitchen. Finally, she saw the huge custom bar built into the far wall. It had a western saloon feel with its fancy bottles behind glass and glasses of all sizes hanging from a suspended rack.

Not able to resist another moment, Natalie stepped down the few wide steps and touched the cool granite. The surface was so pure her reflection was thrown back at her as if she were looking in a mirror. She touched the mantel and let her fingers trace over an old knot that represented a deformity in the tree, yet rather than impair, it gave the piece character and depth.

“It’s beautiful Dylan. Truly,” Natalie said, as she sweetly folded her hands together in front of her to ensure she didn’t keep touching every surface she could.

As Natalie used those words to describe his home, Dylan’s only thought was those words could be used to describe her. As she stood there in his private domain, in her comfortable clothes right down to her sneakers, Dylan had never wanted a woman the way he wanted Natalie. Her personality and simplicity were just alluring perks. Her small sexy body called to him as none others had. To know she was untouched filled him with the desire to mark his territory. And that is exactly how he was starting to feel toward Natalie, territorial, she was his.

“I’m glad you like it, for you are the first other than my friends and family to see it.”

“Sure I am,” Natalie said, as she walked toward the bar and touched the smooth oak surface.

“Believe what you want, but I always go to my companion’s place they never come here.” He watched as she whipped her head around to stare at him as she digested his explanation.
. “Come, there is a lot more house to show you, and as always with you, I’m curious to learn what you think,” Dylan said, as he waited.

Natalie followed Dylan past the fireplace to the rear of the house. They stepped outside to a spacious but private veranda. A full outdoor living set adorned one side while another full bar adorned the other. Out past the covering was a large circular fire pit with three large loveseats surrounding it. If the furnishings and outside living space weren’t enough to take your breath away, then the view was. Natalie thought that the view coming up the driveway was spectacular, it was nothing compared to the beautiful terrain set before her now. All the foliage colors, as well as the smooth rolling mountains, made her think she stepped into a beautiful painting. The wind blew causing the trees and tall grass to wave as if dancing to an unheard symphony.

Natalie turned toward Dylan and found him a scant few inches from her. She didn’t even hear him approach. When she faced him, Dylan stepped forward and kissed her with all he had. It seemed like ages since they left the dressing room at CeCe’s not to mention ever since she asked him to deflower her, not much else had crossed his mind. He wound his hands into her hair and loved how she automatically tipped her head back for the union of their lips. Even outside in the autumn air, her scent was still so powerful. Almost as if it were the only smell his nose would register. Once their lips were joined, the erotic meeting of tongue vs. tongue began. Her audible moan fueled Dylan to take it deeper. Rather than nibble, he wanted to devour, to rid her of her innocence. That would be enough to make most men speed things up, but Dylan wanted to make this everything Natalie deserved. She deserved perfection. She deserved the sun, moon and stars wrapped with silver ribbon. Come hell or high water, Dylan was going to make sure that is exactly what she got.

Natalie lifted her arms and rested them on Dylan’s shoulders. Her fingers lightly tickled the back of his neck. Dylan released her mouth with a final suck of her bottom lip and began the trail down her neck; being sure to kiss every inch of beautiful skin. His hands molded to her derriere and he wanted to lift her as he did at CeCe’s to feel her legs around him. However, it was Natalie who surprised Dylan. Her hands began their own trek south, caressing as they went. When her hands stopped at his waist, Dylan was sure that would be as far as she would go, but she proved him wrong. Her hand moved even lower and she ran one side of her finger along his hardened shaft. What Dylan would not give to have that sensation be against bare skin. It was now his turn to release an audible moan. He tilted his head back and squeezed his eyes shut as her inexperienced fingers began to master this art form. Could this fantastic torture get any worse? Of course, it could; when Natalie said, “Dylan, I’m ready. I’m ready for this. I’m ready for you.” And she lifted up on tip toes and placed a kiss on his delicious lips.

BOOK: Three of Spades
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