Three of Hearts (10 page)

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Authors: W. Ferraro

BOOK: Three of Hearts
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Seth and the ladies rounded out their roaster with Aidan and Wes.

Mae had never laughed so hard in her life. She watched as Seth and Aidan complained because the women on their team were talking and not paying attention.

Dylan was getting equally heated when Conner was paying more attention to a bikini clad body on a boat going by, rather than playing.

The game ended with a final of 14-12. Dylan’s team came out the victors and Dylan gave all the credit to Megan who volleyed the ball to Wes. And even though he dramatically dove for it, he ultimately missed.

As Megan was carried to the house on Dylan’s shoulders, Seth took the opportunity to grab Mae.

“Dylan is lucky I’m a gentleman,” he said as he engulfed her in his arms.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing against Robyn, Christine or Molly, but I would have traded all of them for you, honey.”

Mae kissed Seth because she could. He made her feel cherished and special.

Seth took the kiss deeper until he was interrupted by Conner, who wanted to go out on the boat with his friends.

“Go on, have fun” Mae gave him a shove

Seth gave her butt a quick love slap and shouted toward the house for all the men to come out and join them on the boat.


Some of the partygoers decided to call it a night. The remaining females regrouped on the deck and opened a bottle of wine.

“So Mae, I’ve already sent out the invitations to the wedding, however, I would really love you to come.” Robyn said with a slight slur caused by too much wine.

Tickled to be included, Mae responded “I’d love to come.”

Just then Bryan piped in about someone else he needed to pay to feed at the not so small wedding that was costing him a small fortune. But Mae knew it was said teasingly After a few more rounds of banter, Christine and Mitch, as well as Molly and her husband Travis, decided it was time to leave.

Seeing that there were so many vacancies at the table, Robyn called for Bryan and Wes to join her and Mae. Bryan came over and lifted Robyn out of her chair and sat down, then placed Robyn on his lap. The kiss they exchanged made Mae think how lucky Robyn was. Bryan completely adored her and he showed it in every move he made.

Wes sat next to Mae and placed his arm across the back of her chair.

Mae asked Robyn how she and Bryan met. Bryan was the one who recanted the story of how he hit on Robyn in a bar when she was with her friends and wanted something original as a pick up line. So he used “Hi, I’m Bryan, Bryan with a ‘y’.” Robyn admitted that she thought he was a total idiot but how he continued to call her until she agreed to go on a date with him. They’ve been together ever since.

Mae was in stitches when Seth joined them on the deck. He loved the gentle, lively charm of her laughter, the way it rang out in the still night. Wes was sitting close to her but he knew that it was nothing.

As if reading his mind, Wes stood and walked to Seth, stuck out his hand and said “It’s been great man, but I’m catching an early flight tomorrow. I’m meeting with Sterling and Smythe about the Grossman Street project.”

Seth shook Wes’ hand and clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks for coming man, give me a call when you’re back and we’ll grab a beer.”

“Will do.” He leaned into Seth and whispered “She’s a catch, don’t do anything stupid”

Seth smiled and clapped Wes’ shoulder again and Wes turned to Mae and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

“And you Mae, I hope to see again”

Mae smiled and told him she looked forward to it.

Robyn asked Seth if she could take Aidan and Megan for the night. Seth agreed and Robyn and Bryan went in to pack the kids up.

Lynne and Liam came out then and announced their departure and Seth told her to take a few days off.

After promising that he wouldn’t touch the laundry or mess up her cabinets, Lynne agreed to the days off.

She kissed Mae and Seth and walked down the stairs hand in hand with Liam.

Mae smiled as she watched Liam help Lynne into the car. She gave one final wave as they backed out and she went into Seth’s home.

Conner rushed in and told Seth he was staying the night over at Michael’s and they would be going out to Mankin’s Cove first thing in the morning to fish.

Once Conner left with Robyn, Bryan, Aidan and Megan following, Seth closed the door and locked it.

He looked at Mae who was leaning on the back of the couch and walked towards her.

“We are alone.”

“Finally,” she breathed

“Let’s go upstairs and I will give you a personal lesson on how my shower works.”

“Clean is good.” Mae whispered as his hands wrapped around her and molded to her ass.

“But honey, before I get you all clean, I have to make sure you are thoroughly dirty first” His wicked grin melted her insides. He kissed her and the only thought she had was she no longer needed oxygen—she only needed Seth Finn.


Seth pulled Mae along in his wake until they reached his room. He closed the door and put the lights on low. He brought her over to the wing chair by his desk and sat her down.

“Don’t move.”

Mae did as she was told and watched as Seth moved around the room. He went over to a panel in the wall and soft music started playing. He turned down the bed and then went over to the bathroom and stepped inside.

Mae was giddy with excitement. What did he have in mind for them? Whatever it was she knew it would be wonderful.

Seth appeared moment later and he walked towards her. He pulled her out of her chair and brought her over to the bed.

Just as he did earlier in the day, he picked her up and placed her on the bed. When she was seated and he’d given her a feather light kiss on her nose, cheeks and lips, he bent down to remove each one of her sandals. Once both sandals were off, he slowly rubbed her arches, while never taking his eyes off her face.

“Feel good?” he asked with a sexy grin


“Why don’t we get these pants out of the way?” He pulled her off the bed and as she stood he slowly undid the button. His hands helped slide them down her hips and drop to the floor. He then guided her arms straight up in the air and he lightly pulled her sleeveless shirt over her head, and dropped it to the floor. He grabbed her hands and directed her to step out of her now discarded pants.

She stood before him in a bra and panties that surpassed any image of naughty lingerie he’d known. Before her alluring sight, all he could do was stare.

The deep purple of the bra was accentuated with lace overlay of black. There was a small bow on each strap where it met the cup and another small bow in the center where it fitted to her breastbone. Her voluptuous breasts were trying to burst out from the material. Seth lightly ran his finger along the lace of one cup.

His eyes continued their visual exploration down her soft belly to where her panties began. Just like her bra, they were the same deep purple color with the black lace overlay, but where the overlay covered the entire bra, here the lace only covered the top. It lay against the material in a small ruffle. Below the ruffle was purple satin. He could see that she was damp from his scrutiny.

Mae had never felt so on display as she did in this moment, even when she was spread out on the rock in the secluded cove. She wanted him to find her sexy, to like what he saw. She never imagined she could become aroused just by watching him look at her.

She stood motionless waiting for him to say something. His eyes retraced their original path back up her body until he was looking her in the eyes. Then he stepped toward her and with both hands cradling her face he leaned down and kissed her.

The kiss started sweet, and then quickly escalated to a furious duel of tongues and lips. Mae gave as good as she got. His taste was intoxicating and his lips were the most precious thing to her. His hands roamed all over her until they were in her panties, cupping her ass.

Seth spoke against her neck where he left love bites. “God Mae, I’ve never felt like this before.” He continued to kiss her all over and squeeze her bottom.

Mae undid his shorts and Seth quickly discarded them along with his shirt and boxers. They tumbled onto the bed in a wave of arms and legs.

Seth rolled so Mae was beneath him and he used his knee to spread her thighs. They looked at each other and the ritual began.

Seth moved down her body and removed each strap with his teeth. Once Mae’s arms were freed, Seth pulled the cups down and released her breasts.

He worshipped each one as if it were the most coveted of treasures. Her nipples were so sensitive, that with every lap of his tongue; every bite of his teeth, she felt herself building and building deep inside. He left her breasts and continued his path down her belly, swirling his tongue around her navel, dipping in multiple times.

His fingers pulled down her panties and his mouth idolized every inch that was exposed. Mae watched mesmerized: for such a large man, Seth was so gentle.

Seth kissed each leg all the way to her toes and back up the inside of her thighs, until he lingered on her sweet center. The scent of her arousal was mind-altering. He delved in, starting a rhythmic pace of licks and kisses. The pace increased in tempo and Mae’s back arched off the bed. Her knees came up and hugged his head as he lifted her bottom, so he could taste her deeper. Her sweet honey flowed and Seth loved how responsive she was. He didn’t think anything was better than going down on Mae. As Mae shattered from her orgasm, Seth blew on her tender flesh. He crawled over her and watched as she came down from her climax.

When Mae’s breathing returned to normal she gave kisses all over Seth’s face until they were both laughing.

“That was amazing, Seth.”

“I’m not done with you yet, I think you are dirty enough to need a good washing.” His smile glistened from her recent orgasm.

Seth rolled off the bed and grabbed Mae by the ankle and pulled until she almost toppled off the bed. But Seth caught her and they walked into the master bath.

Seth turned the shower on and set the shower control panel to a water cascade from the top and a rotating pulse for the surrounding heads. As they stepped in, Mae was overcome by the spraying water against her sensitive flesh. The musical pulse of the water formed a provocative addition to Seth’s hands.

Seth added body wash to his hands and covered Mae in suds. Forgoing a cloth, he used his hands to make sure every crevice and inch of her was thoroughly cleansed. He let the water wash away the soap and remnants of what they had done minutes ago. When she was rinsed clean he turned the pulsing shower heads off and leaned her against the shower wall.

Seth kissed Mae’s mouth and let his slick hands roam, once again, over her body. He deepened the kiss and used his hand to massage her center. He slipped one finger in and then another and slowly moved until Mae was panting. When he thought he had tortured her enough, he added his thumb to her clit and she cried out as her climax ignited. Mae’s orgasm left her weak and jelly-like. If it wasn’t for Seth, she knew she’d be on the floor.

Seth kissed her temple and turned her around slowly until she was facing the wall. He placed her hands on the tile and moved her long hair so it hung over her right shoulder. He placed soft kisses on her exposed shoulder and Mae turned her head to watch.

“Use the wall to push back against me,” he commanded.

Mae nodded her head, unable to speak from the overwhelming eroticism of the moment.

Seth guided his cock into her from behind and they both moaned at the sensation. Mae’s tissue was vitalized as if she was touching a live current.

Seth placed more kisses on her shoulder and started a slow rock. As his tempo increased, so did Mae’s moans. Seth had one hand on her stomach, anchoring her to him and the other braced against the wall to give him balance. Mae used both her hands now to hold his ass, to increase the penetration.

Seth roared out as he emptied himself into her.

Not withdrawing from her he slowly rocked and moved his hand down to touch her clit again. Mae yelled as she once again was rocketed to orgasm at the hand of Seth.

When they both regained their breathing, Seth shut off the water and stepped out, and grabbed a towel. He quickly dried himself and tied the towel around his waist. He held another and motioned for Mae to step into it. He deftly dried her and wrapped the towel around her and tucked it in over her breasts. He handed her another towel for her hair.

Mae watched as Seth left the bath and she could hear the squeak of the mattress as he sat down.

Mae dried her hair as best she could and hung the towel on the bar outside the shower. She walked out to find Seth lying on his side with his head on his hand.

He patted the bed beside him and she went and sat down facing him.

That sat there in silence just looking at each other, entwining their fingers and basking in each other’s touch.

Seth took off his towel and threw it toward the bath. He then removed Mae’s towel and threw it too.

He pulled her into his arms and said softly, “sleep now, Honey”

Mae fell asleep with her hand on his chest and her heart on her sleeve.


Mae awoke to find Seth gone. She quickly dressed and went in search of him until she found him out on the deck on his cell phone.

“I can be there by 6:00 tonight.” He said into the phone “yeah, book the hotel and I’ll meet you at the office at 4:00 and we can drive down then.”

He hung up then, startled by Mae’s hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, is everything ok?” She asked as she took the seat next to him.

Indicating the phone on the table he said “Well that depends on your definition of okay. That was Dylan. One of the distributors we use has a huge back order of stock. And the President of the hotel we are building is in hysterics because he can’t have the brass faucets he wants. He is insisting on an emergency meeting with Dylan and me or else he will pull out of the contract.”

“If he pulls out, doesn’t he still have to pay for breaking the contract?” Mae asked as she lifted her feet and placed them on Seth’s thigh.

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