Three Mates, One Destiny (15 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Gay

BOOK: Three Mates, One Destiny
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At last, Paulie was fully impaled on Marcus’s dick. Sebastian licked the sweat off Paulie’s shoulder and murmured, “Okay now.

Ride him, gorgeous. At your own rhythm.”

He released Paulie and let him set the pace. Almost instantly, Paulie let loose. He was poetry in motion, sex and sin incarnate. His

Scarlet Hyacinth

body accepted Marcus’s cock with little resistance, and the sight of it nearly made Sebastian come on the spot.

In a flash, Marcus flipped Paulie over on all fours, and thrust back inside. Paulie cried out, but he didn’t lose his balance. He looked up at Sebastian with lust-filled blue eyes. “Please…”

Sebastian didn’t need to be asked twice. His dick demanded release, preferably within one of his mates. Without hesitation, he rubbed his cock against Paulie’s lips, groaning as his human’s pink tongue came out to lick at the leaking tip. Sebastian allowed his mate to experiment for a few moments, but with each teasing lick, the need escalated even more.

But one thrust from Marcus made Paulie gasp and lose his focus.

Marcus had allowed Paulie to get used to the new position, but with the renewed rhythm, Paulie proved to be unable to tease Sebastian further. He parted his lips, and Sebastian took the invitation. He pushed inside the wet cavern, threading his fingers through Paulie’s sweaty locks.

Sexual energy arched between them. As he fucked Paulie’s mouth, Sebastian felt like he’d died and gone to heaven. He simply let go, reveling in the way Paulie took him deep. With each of Marcus’s thrusts inside their mate, Paulie moaned, sending vibrations of ecstasy through Sebastian.

The rhythm between them became a symphony of carnal fulfillment. Together, they chased their orgasms. Sebastian was so close, and he could feel the pleasure soar inside his mates as well. He just needed one more thing to make the moment perfect.

His fangs descended, and he ached to sink them in Paulie’s flesh.

He felt an echoing desire inside Marcus. In their current position, they couldn’t fulfill it, but they could change that.

* * * *

Three Mates, One Destiny


Paulie was speared in two by his mates’ cocks. He’d never have thought he could experience so much bliss in his life. Any moment now, his brain would short-circuit and he’d die out of sensual overload.

Sebastian’s taste on his tongue made his head spin like ambrosia.

Marcus’s dick stretched him to the extent of pain, the burn and the feeling of complete fullness driving him closer and closer to orgasm.

He didn’t even have to touch himself. He could feel his climax there, just within his reach.

And then, out of the blue, his mates vanished. Sebastian’s cock left Paulie’s mouth and Marcus’s abandoned his ass. A feeling of emptiness and abandonment assaulted Paulie and he moaned in protest. If not for the fact that he could still feel them there, so close to him, he’d have thought everything had only been a wonderful dream.

He didn’t have time to wonder about the reason of his mates’

sudden actions. Marcus lifted him up with striking ease and tossed him to Sebastian. Dazed, Paulie recovered when Sebastian fat prick filled him in one single thrust. The pain and the pleasure choked him.

He scrambled for some sort of anchor, and clung to Sebastian’s shoulders, distantly hearing his own voice beg and plead.

And then, just when Paulie thought it could not get any better, his mates proved him wrong. A shock of sweet agony coursed through him when Marcus’s fangs pierced the sensitive skin of his throat. The amazing ecstasy that followed made Paulie lose track of all reality.

An explosive climax swept over him and a sense of wildness invaded him, awakening a deep passion within. Another bite, Sebastian’s this time, tamed it, turning it into something else entirely.

For a few moments, he forgot his very identity. He didn’t exist beyond this moment. Space and time vanished as the bond with his mates cemented, tying their destinies together for all time. He could see them in his mind, so handsome, so brave, so loving, and he didn’t know what he’d done to deserve the gift of their overwhelming affection.


Scarlet Hyacinth

In the end, the whys and the hows didn’t matter. Paulie accepted them wholeheartedly, and opened his mind and soul to their bond.

Throughout it all, the pleasure guided him. Renewed bliss burst through him as his two mates found their peak as well, and in that beautiful moment, Paulie didn’t know where one ended and the other began.

He didn’t know how long he floated in the perfect aftermath of the orgasm, but when he at last recovered, he found himself sandwiched between Marcus and Sebastian. This position was quickly becoming a personal favorite, and he allowed himself to enjoy the combined scents of man, sweat, and sex. At one point during his dazed unconsciousness, his mates must have wiped him down, and he didn’t even have to move to clean up. No one spoke, the silence comfortable and sweet, and Paulie smiled to himself. They might not be in a perfect situation. Hell, they had so much trouble coming their way it should have scared him. But Paulie felt no fear. He just knew that from now on, no one would be able to tear them apart. They’d deal with the rest, together.

Three Mates, One Destiny


A few weeks later

Marcus analyzed the blueprints in his hand and looked over the skeleton of the building in front of him. The construction of the new clinic at the Hart compound was going quite well. They were actually ahead of schedule, which surprised Marcus, given that the people here needed to work on strengthening their defense perimeter at the same time.

Many spirit wolf families piped in to help. They all knew the importance of the clinic, and of Andrew Blunt’s research and studies.

Even Fritz, Wolfram’s human mate, came to lend a hand. The man had worked in construction prior to his bonding with the Magistrate and turned out to be an invaluable resource.

Still, nothing could ever be perfect. These days, Sebastian spent a lot of time away from the compound and with his parents. The Morrigans had great difficulty in accepting the fate Peter chose for himself. The Magistrate eventually decided on incarceration for an indefinite period for Peter, as well as Paulie’s grandparents. As cozy as the accommodation might be, the fact remained that Peter would be imprisoned. Judith and Chad might not live long enough to truly appreciate the severity of this punishment. For a spirit wolf, it was much worse. They needed to be free, to let their beast run and hunt.

For Peter, that life would be over now. Marcus’s family narrowly escaped the same punishment, being exiled to their own domains instead. It didn’t worry Marcus too much. His sister, Sophie would take care of them if need be.


Scarlet Hyacinth

The familiar feel of his human mate drove him out of his thoughts.

“He’ll be back soon,” Paulie whispered. “You’ll see.”

Marcus sighed and put the blueprints back in the pocket of his jacket. He gripped Paulie’s hand and kissed it. “I know. It’s very difficult.”

Paulie’s warm arms went around his waist. “This damn thing won’t last forever. We’ll find Joseph, and then we can be together, always.”

Marcus hoped so. He’d never been away from Sebastian for so long and so often before. It didn’t help that Sebastian’s anxiety plagued him even from the distance. Their parting hurt Sebastian as much as it hurt Marcus and Paulie. He trusted that once the hospital was complete and the safety measures fully in place, he and Paulie could join Sebastian on his visits.

All of a sudden, a deep warmth began to fill Marcus. He broke away from Paulie and they shared a knowing look. “Sebastian’s coming,” Paulie said.

Marcus’s gloomy mood didn’t vanish completely, but he still felt relieved “Come on. Let’s meet him.”

After what seemed like forever, Sebastian’s Jeep pulled in and stopped in front of Marcus and Paulie. Sebastian got out, his expression a mix of relief, joy, and disgruntlement. Immediately, Marcus knew Sebastian’s anxiety held a deeper cause than just their separation.

“What happened?” he and Paulie asked at the same time.

Sebastian smiled weakly. “I’ll tell you later.” He gave them both a telling look, and Marcus understood the information Sebastian found out needed to be kept away from indiscreet ears.

Several more people came out to meet Sebastian. “Hello, my boy,” Grant Hart said. “How are your parents?”

“As well as can be expected,” Sebastian replied.

Three Mates, One Destiny


Grant nodded in understanding. The man seemed to have aged in the past few weeks. Clay’s disappearance had hit him hard, especially when coupled with the attack on his family and compound.

“Come on inside,” Marion said. “You’re probably exhausted.”

As always, Amy smiled silently. These days, her mind always seemed on something else. Marcus wondered if her parents questioned her about Clay’s whereabouts. Perhaps she might know something. But Marcus refrained from making any comments. If she did have a secret, it wasn’t his place to draw it out of her.

A while later, they escaped the clutches of the Harts and managed to take a breather in their room. Fortunately, Ash and the others were busy on the construction site, so they reached their destination without being noticed.

“Now can you tell us what’s wrong?” Paulie asked as soon as the door closed.

“We received notice a feral and two spirit wolves have been spotted in Ireland. Unfortunately, by the time our troops got there, they were already long gone.”

Paulie looked both concerned and hopeful. “You think it might be Ross?”

“Perhaps,” Sebastian replied, “although the presence of the second wolf confuses and worries me.”

Marcus agreed. The idea that more traitors might appear concerned him, too.

“At any rate,” Sebastian continued, “we can’t let Marion and Grant know. It will only hurt them. I will talk to Ash tonight. The Magistrate is already assembling a troop to scout the area better. If Ross is there, they’ll find him.”

“And when that happens, he’ll need our help,” Paulie answered.

Sebastian nodded. “Clay might be holding the virus back with his bite for the moment, but it won’t work for long. It might very well make things worse.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

Thankfully, Paulie and Andrew had been able to prepare a new batch of the serum in the Magistrate’s Den labs, but beyond that, nothing was certain. Ross’s powers, Clay’s involvement, and the appearance of this third spirit wolf complicated everything.

But then, Paulie smiled, his expression so warm it reached out to every corner of Marcus’s heart. “It will be all right,” he told them.

“You’ll see.”

The words might have seemed pointless, but the tension drained out of Sebastian and Marcus. When Marcus looked into Paulie’s eyes, he truly believed everything would be fine. How could he not? In Paulie’s blue gaze, he saw light, love, his own and Sebastian’s emotions reflected, and so much hope for the future. If anyone could help the spirit wolves, it was Paulie and his dad. For his part, Marcus never expected to feel for someone the same thing he did for Sebastian, and this affection, a miracle in itself, gave him the belief the Spirit Mother watched over them. And Marcus would do anything to protect this miracle, his mates, his lovers, and his hope.




A native Romanian, Scarlet was born in 1986 and grew up an avid fan of Karl May and Jules Verne, reading fantasy stories and adventure. Later, when she was out of fantasy stories to read, she delved into her mother’s collection of books, and of course, stumbled onto romance.

As a writer though, Scarlet Hyacinth was born one sunny summer day, when a dear friend of hers—the same friend who introduced her to GLBT fiction—proposed they start writing a story of their own. As it turns out, the two friends never did finish that particular story, but Scarlet discovered she had a knack for writing and ended up starting to write individually. And so, between working on her dissertation, studying for exams, and reading yaoi manga, she started writing the Kaldor Saga. Along the way, Scarlet met a lot of wonderful people who supported her, and in the end, she found her story a home, and in the process, fulfilled a beautiful dream.

Also by Scarlet Hyacinth

Siren Classic ManLove: Kaldor Saga 1:
Siren Classic ManLove: Kaldor Saga 2:
Over the Edge
Siren Classic ManLove: Kaldor Saga 3:
Destinies in Darkness, Part 1

Siren Classic ManLove: Kaldor Saga 3:
Destinies in Darkness, Part 2

Siren Classic ManLove: Kaldor Saga 4:
Mending Shattered Souls
Ménage Amour ManLove:
The Three Horsemen of the Black Forest
Siren Allure ManLove:
Truth and Deception

Siren Classic ManLove: Sequel to
Truth and Deception
Siren Classic ManLove: Deadly Mates 1:
Moon’s Sweet Poison
Siren Classic ManLove: Deadly Mates 2:
Wings of Moonlight
Ménage Amour ManLove: Deadly Mates 3:

Spell of the Predator’s Moon

Ménage Amour ManLove: Deadly Mates 4:
Dragon’s Bloodmoon
Ménage Amour ManLove:
Fire of the Four Seasons
Ménage Amour ManLove: Spirit Wolves 1:

A Mate Beyond Their Reach

Ménage Amour ManLove: Spirit Wolves 2:
Mates in Life and Death
Ménage Amour ManLove: Spirit Wolves 3:

Two Mates for a Magistrate

Available at


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