Three Kings for Sarah (5 page)

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Authors: Noa Xireau

BOOK: Three Kings for Sarah
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“I’m absofuckenlutely fucked!” Duncan shouted, gripping the
back of his head with both hands. “There was only one moon when we arrived!
Even a world without a moon would be bad—but with three? How the fuck am I
supposed to not claim her without going feral?”

Gedeon gave Duncan a worried look. Ged didn’t need to ask
for clarification. Vampires were not as affected by the moon as werewolves
were, but even he could feel the power, his response to the moons’ call, the
compulsion to fuck or fight. The fact that all three moons were in similar
phases didn’t ease his concern in the slightest. They were at different distances
from the planet, taking into account their size and how clearly he could see
their craters. With the satellites traveling at varying paces toward the full
moon, it’d be very bad luck if all three happened to reach their plenitude the
same night. But that seemed quite likely, and Duncan wouldn’t be the only one
affected. Their urge for release—one way or another—would be mining their
control. Fuck or fight!

“It’s your goddamn fault!” Duncan paced agitatedly from one
side of the clearing to the other.

Fight it is
, Gedeon thought wryly,
at least for

“I should have killed you five years ago.”

“Well, I’m dead anyway, right?” He couldn’t hide his

“You know what I mean. I should have staked you then and

“Why didn’t you?” asked Ged, crossing his arms, although he
kept his gaze pinned on Duncan.

“I should have. You betrayed me, you killed my uncle—”

“He tried to kill your mother,” Gedeon stated coldly.

Duncan stopped abruptly. “He tried to kill my mother?” he
repeated. “My mother disappeared that night.” He stared Gedeon straight in the
eyes. “Did you murder her too?”


“And why should I believe you?”

“Because… I’ve never lied to you.”
Now isn’t the time to
tell him the truth
, Gedeon admonished himself.

“My uncle and six members of the pack appeared dead. There
were signs of the presence of at least five vampires, and my mother vanished,
leaving a trail of blood behind and… You just left.”

“It was necessary.” Gedeon pressed his lips together to keep
from saying more.

“It was necessary?” Duncan snarled, throwing his first punch
straight to Gedeon’s face. His head rolled back. He’d seen it coming but his
mind had refused to avoid Duncan’s rage. Somehow, Ged could understand Duncan
and acknowledged him his right to take out some of his anger.

“You just decided to get lost in the ether without a word,
without a fucking message or a goodbye. All I received was the council’s
statement that you were absolved of any suspicion of having killed my
mother—and you say it was necessary?”

Gedeon grunted when the second punch to his jaw made his
ears ring but kept still.

“We were lovers! I fucking loved you and you betrayed me!
You left me fucking alone! I had to fight the whole fucking pack for my life
and my right to be the alpha!”

When the following two strikes made him see stars, Gedeon
decided it was time to get out of the way of Duncan’s fists—especially if
Gedeon was supposed to keep Duncan away from their woman for the rest of the

But Gedeon quickly discovered what he’d already guessed beforehand—it
would be neither easy nor painless to beat a sturdy werewolf like
Duncan—especially since Gedeon didn’t want to kill or hurt the man…much. The
ability to read Duncan’s next moves in advance without him realizing it came in
handy. Nevertheless, with Duncan’s tireless brute strength, Gedeon had to focus
his whole being for more than an hour to take the wolf off balance.

Facedown, Duncan finally yielded. His muscles relaxed, his
breathing slowed and his claws retracted. “You win…this time.”

Gedeon didn’t reply, aware of how he’d been holding back
during their fight, that he hadn’t even attempted to shift. Gedeon pressed his
rock-hard, pulsing cock against Duncan’s ass.

“Shit! You’re going to fuck me!” Duncan swore.

“We both knew what the winner’s prize was going to be.”
Gedeon released his tight grip and fell partially to Duncan’s side.

“You’re not always going to be the winner,” Duncan’s remark
was dry.

“Mmhmm!” Gedeon didn’t even try to unglue his nose from the
man’s throat, inhaling blissfully Duncan’s fresh, earthy scent.

“I’m not a pup anymore!” Duncan snarled.

Gedeon stopped sniffing and raised his head. “I know,” he
admitted calmly.

“If I win next time, I’m going to fuck you!” Duncan warned,
fangs extended.


Duncan stared incredulously over his shoulder. “Good? That’s

Chuckling, Gedeon rasped his sharp teeth over Duncan’s skin
and with a low moan lapped at the spicy trail of tiny red drops Gedeon’s fangs
left behind.

“You don’t believe I’m prepared to win, do you?”

Duncan’s eyes narrowed as he asked the question but his
dilated pupils were enough to tell Gedeon how much Duncan enjoyed the
pleasure-pain Gedeon was dishing him out.

“I not only believe it, but I really hope it happens.”

“What?” Duncan went absolutely still.

Letting out a long sigh, Gedeon raised his head. He held
Duncan’s gaze. “I prefer to submit.”

Duncan stared at Ged for a few moments. “You’re joking,

Gedeon shook his head.

“You always forced me to submit.” Duncan shook his head,
obviously confused. “You never… Not once did you let me take control when we

“I like it both ways. However, in order to submit, I require
someone stronger than me. You weren’t…then.” Gedeon watched Duncan carefully.
“You were just an inexperienced pup. While I waited for you to become the
powerful alpha I knew you’d be one day, I trained you and showed you how to be
the lover I needed.”

The silence stretched between them. Duncan’s turbulent
emotions were written all over his face. He finally lifted his fingers to trace
Gedeon’s cheekbone and he held his breath, waiting as Duncan took his time with
the caress before pressing a hard, demanding kiss against Gedeon’s lips. He
groaned, opened for his lover, wishing he could submit, give himself to the man
he loved, had always loved, until he remembered the reason they were there.
Taking hold of Duncan’s hair, Gedeon bit Duncan’s lips before pulling back
enough to regain control. Gedeon lapped up the drops of blood, provoking Duncan
to rebel against Gedeon’s firm hold. Pulling back each time his lover’s mouth
tried to claim him again, Gedeon teased Duncan with tongue and teeth until
Gedeon could sense his lover’s lightheadedness. Only then did he delve his
tongue into Duncan’s mouth to conquer it, him, demanding his surrender.

They finally separated, struggling to breathe again, and
Duncan looked accusingly at Gedeon.

“You’re a lying bastard. Submissive? My ass!”

“Today, I won and your ass is mine,” Gedeon stated
matter-of-factly. “If you want my ass, you’ll have to win it.”

A vein pulsed fiercely in Duncan’s neck, his golden wolf
irises shining as if lit from behind. “I want to fuck you!”

Duncan’s low, husky growl traveled from Gedeon’s groin to
the end of his hairs. He struggled to recall the reasons why he couldn’t and
wouldn’t yield to the intense urge to give himself to his alpha werewolf.

“I can’t. Not tonight.”

“Why not?”

“Because if I give you free rein, your wolf could try to
take over. Once you’re finished with me, you’d go back to the cabin to claim
Sarah. She’s not prepared for you…yet.”

Duncan froze. “You know that whatever we’ll do tonight won’t
change anything, right?” he asked, a flicker of regret in his stern eyes. “Not
now that I’ve found my mate. The reason I’m here with you is because I’ve not
claimed her yet and because I don’t want to hurt her if I completely lose
control and can no longer restrain my wolf.”

Despite how Gedeon felt regarding Sarah, an ache bloomed in
his chest, making him gulp before he nodded.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to stop my wolf from battling
you tonight. Not after what you’ve just admitted,” Duncan warned on a heavy
sigh, closing his eyes.

In a show of determination, Gedeon let his gaze travel over
Duncan. “Then there’s only one thing we can do.”

* * * * *

She woke up feeling warm, cozy and protected. What a shame
she had to get up. When was the last time she’d had such a restful sleep? She
should roll over and keep sleeping, but she was absolutely sure there was
something she needed to remember. Her eyes popped open and she scanned the
room. The walls were empty. Xiu was still there, sitting like a perfect statue
on the floor.

No surprise they’d broken their bonds. She’d known they’d
escape sooner or later. She sighed. Tying them had just been a cheap trick to
win some time. The problem was that she hadn’t warned them about the three
moons and their side effects. Only Xiu had remained in the cabin so Duncan and
Ged had to be outside…being influenced by her moons! If she hadn’t been worried
about her impending death, she’d have taken time to write instructions for
newcomers and pin them to her door.
Not everything here worked
quite the same way as in their world. Maybe there were some facts people should
know before they went wandering around without her. The three satellites were merely
one of the distinctive aspects of her universe. She’d created the moons because
she’d been terrified of the darkness. Only recently had she discovered how they
affected some people. Nonetheless, they weren’t the only whims she had that had
surprising side effects.
It’s probably better if I go searching for them!

She studied Xiu, who sat a few feet from her with his legs
crossed, his eyes closed and his hands resting motionless on his knees. The
orange flames in the fireplace reflected a golden glow over his dark,
cinnamon-colored skin. His calm face spoke of silence, of hidden suffering, of
containment, of honor and sincerity, of strength and power. When he’d told her
the history of his people, he hadn’t mentioned a word concerning his own story.
Even when she’d wanted to ask him about it, she’d restrained herself because
she’d sensed he wouldn’t answer, that his memories were too painful, too
terrible for him to relate without feeling exposed.

She sat up slowly, trying not to wake him from his trance.
After a quick glance at her discarded jeans, she stood up and put on a robe. It
wasn’t as if it’d be too cold outside. Winter or not, it was her world after
all. It would have been stupid to create an environment that might threaten her
own survival just to imitate Earth’s often harsh and unstable climates.

When she turned around her gaze fell on Xiu. Her heart
stopped for a moment and her stomach threatened to heave. Her trembling hand
covered her lips to quiet the cries echoing in her mind. She drew closer to his
battered back and went down on her knees. She didn’t touch him, too afraid to
awaken him, although she itched to trace the patterns of scar tissue with her
fingertips. It would have taken probably an eternity to locate each one of
them. The scars not only crisscrossed his back but each one of them overlapped
an older one, revealing centuries of agony and abuse.

His nature should have healed him and, even if not, he could
have come to her dream world with perfect, healthy skin. The rest of his body
was flawless. As it was, she doubted he was even aware of the awful marks he
carried on his back. He wasn’t one to show others the pain and suffering he’d
endured. No, she was certain he didn’t know how the deep scars that marred his
soul were reflecting on his body, like a silent scream for help.

Feeling the strange warmth over her skin, she looked down at
the beautifully carved stone hanging over her heart. She took it in her palm
and wished she had the power and the time to help him, at least a little bit—him
and her two other mates—before death took her away. Covering him carefully with
her blanket, she left silently the cabin.

Chapter Five


Hanging spread-eagle between two trees, Duncan groaned and
let his head fall back. The sturdy silver ropes abraded the sensitive skin at
his wrists and ankles a little bit, making him feel exposed and vulnerable
while Ged playfully grazed his sharp fangs here and there along Duncan’s skin,
following with his calming tongue and cool lips.

The vampire was a master at sensual torture—no doubt about
it. Where Duncan was pure, wild animal passion, Ged enjoyed the slow,
sophisticated torment that made a man climb a long, seemingly endless ladder of
pleasure with no end at sight. Gedeon was able to make his lover beg and plead
for hours, increasing his need moment by moment, leaving him hanging for an
eternity at the fine line separating the simple, unadulterated pleasure from
the big-bang-you’ll-never-be-the-same-again finale. Duncan should know better
than anybody else by now.

A sweet, fresh whiff of jasmine and mandarins made him shut
his eyes in sheer bliss and howl his urge to the moons. But the smell of fear
that came along with the sweeter odors made him aware that they weren’t alone
anymore. He tensed. His eyes snapped open, finding his mate’s shocked face
watching them from the other side of the clearing.

“Ged, stop!” Duncan gulped, waiting for her outburst.

The long, slender fingers only inches above his cock came to
an abrupt halt. Behind him, Duncan sensed Ged straighten slowly.

“Everything’s okay, little one,” Ged said, sounding calm.

“Are you hurting him?” Sarah inquired, her wide-open eyes
glued on them.

“Not in the way you’re imagining.”

“Are you willing?” she asked Duncan, poker-faced.

He wanted to deny it. Instead, pressing his lips together,
he stared at the ground.

“Sarah?” Ged’s tone was tender, understanding. “Watch him,”
he told her, letting his fingers slide to their goal and surround Duncan’s
thick, throbbing cock.

“What the fuck!”
Duncan’s back stiffened to an almost-painful
“I don’t want her seeing me! Not like this! Not with another man!”
He pulled at the silver ropes. “
Gedeon, stop!”
Duncan’s fangs extended.

Stop right now or I’ll kill you!”

Ged ignored him. Duncan snapped at the vampire to show how
serious his claim was.

“Look at her!”

Ged’s harsh tone made Duncan follow the man’s order
involuntarily. He found Sarah staring with gleaming eyes and half-open lips at
his crotch. He tracked her look to catch Ged’s pale hand sliding firmly over
Duncan’s dark, swollen shaft, from the base to his purple-hued head, where
drops of pre-cum had appeared, glistening like small diamonds under the moons’

“Oh…!” Her voice revealed that she’d grasped what was

Duncan gulped again and turned his face away.

“Can I…stay and…watch?” The words came out almost in a
whisper, although the wind brought them through the clearing loud enough to be

Duncan gazed at her in shock.

Ged sounded amused when he replied, “No.”

“Ah…well…I…” Sarah blushed, looking around her. “I’ll
just…go…back then.”

“However, you
help me out…help me torture him
until his beast calms down.”

“Oh! Um…” She nibbled at her bottom lip. “I suppose…I could
do that.”

“He’s here, tied up, because he wants to fuck you, because
he can’t think about anything other than catching you and shoving you to the
ground to take your sweet, tight body. He wants to taste you, lick you, bite
you… It doesn’t matter where or how, he wants to feel you, possess you, to
claim you in every possible way.”

A muscle in his jaw twitched. Duncan wasn’t sure if he
wanted to kill Gedeon with his bare hands or just throw himself over his mate
to fulfill each and every scene those words made him replay in his mind.

A sensual, luscious scent reached his nostrils, betraying
her arousal, the growing wetness between her thighs. Duncan’s cock responded,
pulsing with the same rhythm as the increasing pounding of her heart.

“And what do you propose I should do about it?” Her head
tilted to the side while she sized them up from beneath her lashes.

“I want you to teach him that you won’t make things easy for
him. That you aren’t a wimpy little girl, with whom he can do what he pleases.
You must show his wolf the strong, powerful woman you are—a woman who deserves to
be respected, to be fought for. Do you think you’ll be able to do that, honey?”

“Awww, fuck, baby! Don’t look at me like that!”

A slow smile rose on her lips as she gave Duncan a sexy
once-over. “You want me to pet our cute puppy for a while?”

His low growl resounded in the clearing. He relaxed his
control over his beast enough to let her glimpse the gold flaring in his wolf
irises when he glared warningly at her. “Sooner or later, you’re going to be
mine…be sure you comprehend what you’re getting yourself into.”

Her eyes darkened and her rich scent acquired a slightly
spicy hint. Her smile shifted into one of feminine confidence as her hands went
to untie the sash holding closed her robe. Duncan’s heart stopped beating.

Ged chuckled softly. “That’s my girl. Now come and take
what’s yours.”

She let her robe fall to the ground before she strolled
sensuously in their direction. She licked her lips while her hands played with
her blouse, opening the buttons calmly, taking her time about it.

Sucking in a deep breath, Duncan filled his lungs with her
provocative fragrance. His attention stayed glued to the hard, pearl-pink
nipples and the full curves of her breasts as she slowly uncovered them. The
closer she got, the more her scent impregnated his nostrils, until he could
almost taste her in the air. At his back, Ged’s hard torso was pressed against
Duncan, letting him perceive how affected the vampire was by the situation too.

He didn’t mind the ropes holding him or that he wouldn’t be
the one in charge for now. Actually, he loved the way she walked toward him,
her playfulness, her determination and strength. As Ged had already guessed,
Duncan would enjoy the challenge of a combative, strong-willed woman. He’d been
afraid she wouldn’t be prepared to accept his attraction to another man, or she
wouldn’t be ready to manage his preference for kinky sex. He’d been wrong and
her sexy acceptance made him feel like a damn lucky man! Regarding the dominant
part… Well, he enjoyed it, it was something natural for him—however, kink was
kink and he was absolutely sure he could manage to pay them both back in their
own coin very soon.

She stopped in front of him. Slipping the blouse over her
shoulders, she stood there wearing only in her tiny red sateen G-string. Behind
him, Ged kept as motionless as Duncan was. Only their pants, coming out in
quick, shallow puffs, betrayed their eagerness. She was stunning, standing
there under the moon with her heavy, round breasts, her long, puckered nipples
and her wide hips. All sweet, feminine curves, all his!

“Approach,” Ged murmured huskily.

“First, show me what you had in mind to do to him.”

Her command made Duncan’s skin prickle with awareness.

“Do you think you’re prepared to play with both of us,
darling?” Ged asked slowly.

She regarded him from beneath her lashes with a crooked
smile. “Show me how good you are and I’ll let you see how great it makes me
feel,” she proposed, her voice low and suggestive. She caressed her breasts,
before her hand disappeared under the small piece of crimson sateen, letting
them imagine what her fingers were doing in slow, smooth motions.

Duncan gulped, staring entranced at the provocative display.
He could hear the wet sound of her fingers slipping through the slick, warm
folds, raising his hunger for her, his urge to taste her. Ged’s hand, curled
around his cock, followed her rhythm in long, firm movements. Ged’s mouth
turned hard and demanding on Duncan’s neck, as more and more of her petite hand
disappeared under the red nothing. He cursed when Ged’s fangs sank into
Duncan’s tender skin, but they both moaned when they saw her tongue tracing her

“Take it off!” Even to Duncan’s own ears his order sounded

Laughter bubbled up from Sarah’s throat. “What do you want
me to take off?” she asked sassily, removing her glistening fingers and
bringing them to her mouth to taste herself with a low purr.

“Take that fucking red thing off!” Duncan roared, about to
lose his mind.

“That’s going to cost you,” she told him in a smoky voice,
while her gaze darted to Ged.

“What do you want?” Ged inquired hoarsely.

“You’re not giving me much right now. I’m still waiting to
appreciate your experience, lord vampire.”

Duncan tensed, sensing Ged’s determination to give her
exactly what she wanted. The strong pull at Duncan’s hair forced him to tilt
his head, granting the vampire better access to his throat. A demanding hand
slipped over Duncan’s stomach, tracing a path to his chest. The skilled fingers
paid homage to his nipples until the pleasure-pain made him squirm and push
against the rock-hard erection pulsing against his butt cheeks. Ged didn’t stop
there; his hands and lips traveled over Duncan’s torso, kissing him, licking
him, biting him and holding him still so Gedeon could rub his throbbing shaft
against Duncan’s ass.

When Ged paused, Duncan directed Sarah a challenging look,
waiting for her to get rid of the tiny piece of cloth.

“Spread your legs! I want to see you,” Duncan said.

“Then give me more,” she demanded, opening her smooth,
swollen folds with one hand, letting the moons’ timid beams caress her
glistening wetness, and using the other hand to explore herself again.

He thought he was going crazy when Sarah bit her lip and
Ged’s fingers began to pave their own way inside Duncan’s body, stretching him,
preparing him, making him pant, moan… Seemingly spellbound, his mate followed
Ged’s display of possession over Duncan. He no longer cared that she witnessed
how he was submitting to another man—he could see the sparkle in her pupils,
smell her arousal, and hell if it didn’t feel good to give in, to have someone
else directing his needs, to be able to just revel in the pleasure… And the
perfect amount of torture!

Sarah drew a couple steps closer and his nostrils flared,
her scent making him lightheaded, her heat burning his skin with desire. Rising
on her tiptoes, she pressed her soft curves against him, compelling his hard
muscles to yield under her smoothness. Duncan’s erection got trapped between
her slick flesh. Her tongue conquered his already open lips. He returned her
long, ravenous kiss, overwhelmed by the double sensation of her sweet, burning
wetness slipping over his hard, aching shaft, and Ged’s masterful fingers
stretching Duncan’s tight ass.

Duncan wanted to take her in his arms, to grasp her by her
hips and lower her over his swollen shaft, to stretch her, fill her and feel
her hot, slippery flesh clenching him. He moaned. Only the silver ropes and the
fear he wouldn’t be able to contain the beast’s drive to claim her in every
possible manner were restraining him.

When Ged became more demanding, Duncan forced himself to
relax, giving in to his lover’s demands, spurred on by the scalding honey Sarah
was spilling over him while her thighs pressed together, squeezing him tighter.
Her movements became almost frantic.

Her moans vibrated through his lower belly, her fingernails
sank into his shoulders, deeper and deeper, making him relish in her pleasure.
He could sense her orgasm approaching, the telltale shiver of her body before
she convulsed. She sank her little teeth into the skin on the side of his neck,
stifling her cry, as Ged’s fangs found their way into the flesh on the other
side of Duncan’s neck. Unable to hold back anymore, Duncan threw his head up
and howled his ecstasy.

If it weren’t for his bound wrists holding him up, he’d have
fallen to the ground. His quivery legs were incapable of withstanding his
weight anymore. Sarah rested weakly against him, her breathing as labored as
his. Ged’s arms were wrapped around both of them, holding them together,
supporting them. Duncan just hung there, immersed in their warmth, hearing her
blood pumping vigorously in unison with his, with nothing else to think about
or feel… Until his lover stirred behind him.

“I’m not finished yet.”

Ged’s low, velvety voice resounded in Duncan’s mind,
reminding him of his lover’s dangerous, predatory side.

A shiver ran up Duncan’s spine. Apparently, he wasn’t the
only one affected by the moons. They’d brought Gedeon’s vampire nature to its
limit. Sarah lifted her head slowly, looking over his shoulder at Ged.

“On your knees.” Gedeon’s whispered command came out softly,
underlined by an almost imperceptible warning, although nobody would have taken
the risk to disobey him anyway.

Sarah let herself slide down, brushing her voluptuous curves
against Duncan’s torso. When her knees touched the ground, her lips were mere
inches from his shaft, which had already recovered and grown stiff. Staring
into her big, bedroom eyes, he could feel that she was as much under Ged’s
spell as Duncan was himself. Virile fingers closed around his sensitive cock,
guiding the shaft to trace her lips with the swollen head, moistening them with
his pre-cum and offering it to her. Duncan was unable to avert his attention
from the cute pink tongue that appeared from between her lips to lap up the
small, shiny drops on the swollen head.

His lover leaned into him. “It’s time for my prize, pup…”
Gedeon whispered huskily into Duncan’s ear.

His knees buckled under his weight. Ged took hold of
Duncan’s hair and turned his head enough to reach his mouth and kiss him.
Pressing his body against Duncan’s, Gedeon silently asked for entrance. At the
same moment, Sarah opened her mouth, taking Duncan’s cock slowly, leisurely
Oh God!
The sensual ache and the unexpected, intense pleasure
tore apart his reasoning. His hips began to move on their own, craving both the
sharp, delightful pain and the sweet, terrible pleasure. He reached a state
where he wasn’t able to feel the difference between them, where the moans,
groans, cries and whimpers surrounding him melted into one and reverberated
inside him.

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