Three Is Just Enough

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Authors: Jon Keys

Tags: #Contemporary, #Mainstream, #Menage

BOOK: Three Is Just Enough
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Three college students struggle to make a triad polyamorous relationship work. If you think holding a couple together is hard, try a trio.



Cole and Tara are a happy couple, but both are drawn to the potential of a triad relationship. Dalton, their new roommate, is coming to the realization that he is attracted to both Tara and Cole. With twists and turns, they begin to work their way through their complex new love with its youthful mistakes, Unresolved issues, family baggage, and life after graduation converge to create a struggle that the three must face in order for their relationship to survive and flourish.


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Three Is Just Enough

Copyright © 2014 Jon Keys

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0042-2

Cover art by Carmen Waters


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Three Is Just Enough






Jon Keys


Chapter One



Things had to change, or Dalton was going to arrange some tragic accident for his roommate. He’d called several ads searching for a new place, but this one had come out on top. The guy he’d talked to on the phone had been extremely helpful and answered every one of his questions. Afterwards, he’d told Dalton to stop by any time he wanted to see the room.

He double checked the address and climbed the steps of a well-kept house. After a brief pause to triple check the address, Dalton knocked. His anxiety grew as he waited, his gaze wandering over the perfectly trimmed lawn and shrubs. Not the standard college student rental littered with empties and ping-pong balls for beer pong.
Crap, I have so much going on, between a bad roommate and classes. How am I going to get it all done?
Dalton was poised to knock again when the door swung open and a petite blonde stood framed in the doorway.

“Hey, I called about the room.” Dalton held out the slip of paper he’d written the address on, only to drop his hand to his side when he realized how dumb the gesture looked.

Her face bloomed into a brilliant white smile. “Yeah, the guy we lease from raised the rent, and we need a roomie to help out.”

Man, she’s hot. Focus, Dalton. Remember, good first impressions.

“I’m looking for a new place. The crap at the dorms is getting old, especially with the roommate they gave me. It’s bad enough he’s a slob, but he gets smashed almost every night. It’s getting old. But apartments are expensive.” He grinned. “I can only work so many jobs and still pass.”

“Yeah, same here.” She yelled over her shoulder. “Cole!” Turning back she smiled. “I’m Tara, by the way.”

“I’m Dalton, nice to meet you.”

A moment or two later a tall muscular guy rounded the corner and ambled over. Tara smiled as he came closer. “This is Dalton. You talked to him on the phone.”

They shook hands and Dalton found himself engulfed in a musky scent. Cole’s handshake was firm without being the bone-crusher some people liked to pull. The physical contact and the pheromones drifting from Cole sent a tremor through Dalton. His daze lifted when Cole grinned at him.

“Hey, nice to meet you. I’m Cole. It smells kinda funky in here right now. We just painted the spare room and I’m finishin’ up. It’s a hot motherfucker, too, and I’m sweatin’ like crazy. We take care of stuff around here and the landlord cuts us a break on the rent.”

Tara smiled. “Come on in. I’ll get us something to drink.”

Dalton stepped through the house and discovered Cole was right. The smell of sweat and fresh paint were the dominant scents.

Tara explained the rent and utilities in exhaustive detail. But Dalton would have been hard pressed to repeat any of the information. He was busy gawking at Tara’s breasts that so nicely filled out the top she was wearing. It didn’t help when Cole pulled off his shirt, used it as a towel to dry his face and then tossed it into a pile of clothes. The sight of his masculine torso had Dalton’s crotch tight and heart racing.

Tara noticed Dalton staring at the pile of clothes where Cole’s shirt landed and misunderstood the interest. “We take turns with stuff like cooking, washing dishes and laundry—if that works with you?”

Dalton snapped back to the discussion. Why was Cole having such an effect? He was attracted to girls. Dated his fair share without any complaints. The idea of dating a guy wasn’t repellent. He just hadn’t found anyone he was attracted to, but he still enjoyed the scenery. But at nineteen, just about anything could send the blood rushing to his crotch
He realized the room had gone silent and his gaze was locked on the swirl of hair between Cole’s well-developed pecs.

Dalton swallowed, his adam’s apple fluttering as he struggled to regain his focus. “Yeah, sounds great. Can I see the room?”

Tara grinned and motioned to Cole. “Why don’t you show him? The redesign was your idea.”

Cole smiled, his pearl-white grin framed against his tanned face. His excitement was so obvious, like a little kid who wanted to show off his best drawings from school. “Sure. Come on, Dalton. I hope you like it.”

Dalton followed the muscular co-ed down the narrow hall to one of two doors opposite each other. Cole opened the door with a flourish, and a wave of heat laced with pine, glue and sweat crashed against Dalton. The assault on his senses left him weak kneed and wondering why. He recovered after a moment, stepped inside and swept his gaze around the room. Able to focus on the room, Dalton had no difficulty telling each choice had been considered carefully. Cole began sharing the details of the remodeling, and it was obvious he was passionate about renewable resources. Every material he used was environmentally conscious.

“Yeah, the low VOC paint keeps crap outta the air. But the coolest thing is the flooring. It’s bamboo and…”

Dalton smiled, finding the whole thing strangely endearing.

Cole studied him for a moment and then his face split with a grin. “I’m doin’ it again aren’t I?”

“What’s that?”

“Going on a Greenie rampage.”

Dalton motioned at the room. “It’s cool you’re so passionate about keeping everything as low impact as possible. We just started covering that in one of my architecture classes. I think it’s really interesting.” Dalton grinned and then continued. “I think you could come in as a guest speaker and teach the professor a few things.”

Dalton reached up and patted Cole’s shoulder. The touch sent an electric pulse across Dalton’s body and into his crotch. He dropped his hand as his chest tightened and his heart began to pound, fighting to keep his feelings hidden from Cole. When he was able to think beyond his stiffening dick, he refocused on the room.

Cole had done a great job picking out colors. The muted earth tones would be so calm and restful. It wasn’t a large room, but the dorm room he was living in was smaller, and he shared that space with an asshole. He glanced around the space, mentally placing his few belongings. The closet would hold what clothes he had. He walked to a doorway at the corner of the room and discovered the bathroom.

It was good sized, with a door on the opposite wall telling him it was shared. He took a few moments to study the room. Carefully tiled, with a huge glass shower covering one corner, it was much better than what Dalton would have expected. The rest of the decoration looked like it was from Ikea, an architect’s wet dream. Well, it was his, anyway. The chrome, glass and wood were exactly what he would have picked. With a grin of satisfaction on his face, he walked back into the bedroom.

“Yeah, there’s only one bathroom. We’re pretty good at sharing, though.” Cole smirked.

What the hell was that about?
“I’m sure we can work out a schedule or something. My classes are pretty scattered. That bathroom is gorgeous. Did you do it?”

Cole’s face lit up. “Tara and I worked on it together, but I think it came out pretty good. I love the shower—I still can’t believe the landlord let us put in that big ass thing.” He shook his head for a moment before continuing. “But like I was saying, I’m sure the bathroom won’t be a problem. We’re flexible.”

They walked back into the living room and Tara motioned to the breakfast bar. “I made some limeade.”

Cole picked up the two glasses and handed one to Dalton before he winked at Tara. “She makes a mean glass of limeade.”

Tara’s eyes twinkled with affection as she shook her head. “Cole’s easy to make happy. Just make him limeade a few days a week.”

Cole’s grin grew larger. “It takes a little more than just limeade.”

Tara shot Cole a last grin and then focused on Dalton. “So, what do you think?”

“I think it’s a great setup, and a third of the bills are doable.”

Tara’s lips pressed into a thin line. “I’m with you on being a poor student. I work in the Art Department office. At least when there’s nothing to do, I can do homework. Sometimes I fill in at a bar down the street, too. It’s pretty fun, though, my friend Avery works there with me. She’s a card.”

Cole drained his glass and sat it on the counter. “At least you’re not on the grounds crew. Everyone thinks we’re too stupid to breathe.”

Dalton shook his head. “I work at food services. It’s not too bad. Mostly it’s keeping everything filled up.”

Tara chuckled. “Three working stiffs trying to get through college.”

“Hey, don’t knock it. If I survive, I’ll be the first in my family to go to college.” Cole twisted his lips and frowned. “Not that any of them care.”

Dalton waited for more explanation, but after a few moments realized none was coming. He turned back to Tara. “So anyway, yeah. I think this’ll be perfect. I can leave you a deposit, or whatever you need. It’ll probably be Friday or Saturday before I can move in. I have to rent a truck to haul my stuff.”

“Nah, that’s bullshit,” Cole said.

Dalton twisted his head. “What?”

“Forget rentin’ a truck. I’ll help you move. We can use my pickup.”

“You sure? That’d be fantastic, but I don’t want to put you out or anything.”

“Nah, I’m off Friday. I can help and I bet we’re done in a couple of hours.”

“That’d be great. Save me some cash,” Dalton said.

“Yup, gotta stick together.”

Dalton’s face was covered with a smile and his heart had begun to race again.
This will be amazing.


Chapter Two



Dalton stumbled as they hauled his small dresser out of the dorm room. As they carried the last of his stuff to Cole’s pickup, he couldn’t help but admire his new roommate’s physique. Cole’s muscular torso had been on display for hours. As they’d worked through the afternoon, Dalton struggled to keep himself in check. But every time the breeze blew from Cole, his scent caused Dalton’s dick to plump in his basketball shorts. Fortunately the compression shorts he was wearing as underwear made it pretty easy to hide his growing problem.

The rest of Cole’s almost nonexistent clothing consisted of jeans with huge rips littering the front, giving Dalton views of his legs and briefs, topped off by a pair of steel-toed boots. The look couldn’t have been more like a hunky fantasy construction worker if Cole had tried. Dalton stumbled again as they neared the pickup, this time from fatigue. “I’m glad this is all of my stuff. I can’t believe I have so much shit.”

Cole chuckled and shoved the last piece of furniture in far enough to survive the ride and let them close the tailgate. “You shoulda seen the stuff Tara moved in with. I couldn’t believe it. That girl had a metric shit ton of junk. It was all sentimental, too, so we had to move everything, including a whole fuckin’ drawer full of hair things.”

Dalton leaned against the pickup and shook his head. “My last girlfriend had a drawer in the bathroom like that. I opened it once, about had to go into therapy.”

Cole chuckled and nodded. “That would be the one.” He considered Dalton for a moment. “So you still have a girlfriend?”

“Nah, we broke up when I came to college. We didn’t think a long distance relationship thing was a good idea. But really, it just wasn’t working out for us.”

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