Three Hearts One Soul (The Soul Series #1)

BOOK: Three Hearts One Soul (The Soul Series #1)
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© 2013 Bec Botefuhr

Published by
Bec Botefuhr, June 2013.


Three hearts one soul is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.



Books in this Series


Three Hearts One Soul – Book One

Two Hearts One Soul – Book Two (Released June/July 2013)

Book Three is still being decided upon.


Join my
facebook page “Author Bec Botefuhr” to get updates on more of my work! Also go and give my like page “Bec Botefuhr” a like for me!! It would mean a lot!


*PLEASE NOTE* I am an Australian Author and while I try hard to make sure my work doesn’t sound too “Aussie.” I do miss things here and there. I have tried to set most of my work in Australia, and tried to make my slang a little less obvious. Please, if you find anything feel free to email me on
[email protected]
and let me know. That goes for spelling/grammar errors too; I try the best I can.



I’m fairly sure I’ve given everyone I love an acknowledgment now, so this book goes out to all of you who have had a friend in your life that changed everything for you. A friend that made you who you are, a friend that you fell in love with or didn’t. Friendship is the rainbow in life, it gives us everything we need to stay strong even through the storms.

So for all of you, and your wonderful friends, this one is for you.



Do you remember your first love? I don’t mean the one you had when you were ten, I mean the one that came along like a hurricane and changed your life. The one that took your breath away, the one that made every day worth living, the one that taught you how to love, how to fight, how to be strong,
and how to reach for your dreams. The one that was not only your friend, but your lover, your hero and your confidant. The one that changed something inside you. The one that would, in one way or another, break your heart.

I remember my first love, because I had two of them.
Jase and Jarrod ‘Whiskey’ Levanox. I remember them because they whirled into my life and taught me everything I know now. They weren’t just my friends, they were my soul mates, they held me together like glue, they brought sunshine into darkness. Then, they left me. Left me to fight, left me to try and love again, left me alone. They took a part of me with them, and sometimes I honestly feel like I’ll never love another person in my life, the way I loved them.

But life is funny
sometimes, it throws us situations that sometimes we believe is a second chance. In my case, it threw me the back the boys, but there’s always a catch isn’t there? Nothing ever just goes perfectly, no matter how much planning and effort is put into it. Life goes how life goes, and that’s why it’s so damned hard sometimes, because it’s something we can’t control. Mostly though, life teaches us a lesson, even if at first we don’t see what that lesson is. I am still trying to figure out what my lesson is, because sometimes looking past the pain, heartache and agony makes it hard to see the light at the other end.

I’m sure though, that my lesson is there, I just have to find it.


Chapter 1


“Whiskey, shove over, you can’t always sit next to her!” Jase laughs, shoving his brother in the shoulder. His beautiful smile lights up the room. His eyes dance with mischief. That’s Jase, always the mischief maker.

“Nah, this time she’s mine,” Whiskey grins, giving me that devilish smile that gets him into more trouble than it’s worth. He’s the perfect combination of gorgeous bad boy. He has that stunning charm and at the same time, he can be an utter ass.

“How about this,” I smile, standing. “I’ll sit in the middle,
then you can both have me.”

Sometimes hanging with these two is like hanging with a bunch of school kids. They argue and fight for my attention often. That’s why I love them
though, their dedication to me is truly heart-warming.

Jase laughs and Whiskey smirks at me. “A girl wi
th brains,” he drawls. “I like it.”

“Yeah, well, what can I say? I’m amazing.”

I sit on the chair between the two boys and feel my heart swell. Since ten years old, we’ve all been friends. I met Jarrod aka ‘Whiskey’ and Jase when we moved in down the road. They used to tease me, as all young boys did. Then one day some older girls picked on me and the boys were there, just like that. After that, something just grew between us. Life’s funny like that sometimes, isn’t it? They turned from teasing me, to protecting me and life for us all was never the same after that. I’d like to say it changed for the best, I am more a glass half full kinda girl.

Since that day, we’ve all been inseparable. Known as the trouble makers and the three stooges, Whiskey, Jase and I did everything together. We went to school together, we hung out tog
ether, we sat together at lunch together, we partied together, curled up together on rainy nights and they were always there for me when I needed them. I’d never met one person in my life that I felt was a part of me before, let alone two. The boys quickly became my everything and that’s how they’ve stayed.

“So Nevaeh, girl, tell us about Harold?”

I snort at Jase’s teasing voice. Jase lives to tease, he’s got that personality. He’s just one of those happy go lucky people, I really don’t think Jase has a dark side, if he does I’ve never seen it. He’s utterly beautiful, inside and out.

I cross my arms across my woollen sweater and give Jase a pointed look. “Harold? What about him?”

“He was totally giving you the bedroom eyes at lunchtime,” he grins, wiggling his eyebrows.

Whiskey snorts rudely and I give his hand a sympathetic squeeze. Whiskey and I have always had a lot of…shall we say…sexual tension. While Jase and I have always had a crush on one another, with Whiskey it’s more…dangerous. The two boys are
ying and yang, Jase is quiet, sweet and the kind of person that puts everyone before himself. Whiskey is different, he’s darker, tougher, rougher and the bad boy of the two. My dark and light, my heaven and hell, my day and night, my sunshine and rain, they are my perfect opposites.

“Aw Whiskey
, mate, don’t be jealous!” Jase laughs, shoving his brother in the shoulder.

“There’s nothing to be jealous about!” I cry, slapping Jase’s leg and giving him a scowl. “I don’t even like Harold!”

They both laugh now, the sound is like Christmas. “Nevaeh and Harold sittin’ in a tree,” Whiskey begins singing in his drawly voice.

Huffing, I stand. “Fine, watch the movie yourselves.”

“Aw Heaven, come on!” Whiskey says, gripping my arm and pulling me back down. “We’re only teasin’.”

“Why do you insist on calling me Heaven?” I ask, crossing my legs and staring at Whiskey.

He looks divine tonight, in his black singlet, black jeans and chains hanging around his neck and off his jeans. He likes his bad boy look. His dark hair is messy and his black boots top the look perfectly. He turns to me and winks, making my heart do a crazy little flutter.

“Because your name is Heaven spelled backwards, I think it suits you better the way I put it.”

I smile and roll my eyes, then I shove my hand into the popcorn, popping the buttery morsel into my mouth and groaning as I chew. When I’m done having a moment with the popcorn, I turn to Whiskey. “Well, I think your name suits you, too!”

“Oh?” Whiskey smirks, showing me those perfect dimples in his cheeks.

“Yep, I hear you smell good when covered in your own Whiskey spew.”

He grumbles and Jase roars with laughter, gripping his belly and leaning back against the chair. “He’ll never live that down.”

I grin thinking about how Jarrod got his nickname ‘Whiskey’, which everyone now calls him. We were at a party one night and he was on the prowl. He began drinking our friend Liam’s father’s expensive Whiskey. We all warned him it would make him sick, but he didn’t listen. Whiskey is stubborn like that, he thinks he knows best all the time. Anyway, he went walking off with a girl and right before they got it on, he barfed all over her. She ran off screaming that all she could smell was Whiskey and how it burned her nose, that she would never be able to get it off her clothes. After that the name just stuck.

“You’re a real piece of man candy, Whiskey,” I giggle.
“Barfing on girls.”

He chuckles and grips my face, bringing me close.
“Says she. I’ve held your hair back while you’ve barfed on my shoes sugar, real piece of woman candy you are.”

I giggle and reach out for Jase’s hand. He looks over at me with the same brown eyes as Whiskey and runs his free hand through his thick blonde locks.

“This,” he says pointing between us all. “Is love.”

Shhh you lot!” Someone from the back yells.

With a giggle, I snuggle back into the chairs and watch the movie with my two favourite people. Life is perfect.

“Nevaeh? Hey! Helloooo!”

I snap my head up and look over at my colleague, Tanya. She’s clicking her fingers in front of my face. I blink a few times and focus on her face. I hadn’t even heard her
approach, I really was off in my own little world.

“What’s up?” I ask, shaking myself from my moment of

“I was calling you, from like…back near the storage closet. Seriously, where were you just then?”

I shake my head and run my hands over my face. “Daydreaming, sorry Tan.”

She smiles and rolls her eyes, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder and looking down at the clipboard in her hands. “You’re on beds three to nine today. We’ve got a new patient in nine, he’s in for cancer treatment but there’s not a spare bed in oncology at the moment, so he’ll spend a couple of nights here before they move him. Bed
s three to eight are the same as yesterday. Bed seven, Mr’s Anderson, needs a dressing changed this morning. She’s been complaining… a lot.”

I scoff and finish it with a long,
dreary sigh. “Craggy old duck will be the death of me. I’m always so nice to her and she still snaps at me and constantly says ‘you kids these days’ seriously, the woman needs a good slap.”

Tanya giggles. “You’re the best nurse
ever, no wonder the males like you.”

I grin, flicking my blonde locks and giving her my best sultry voice. “They just love me for my booty!”

With a laugh, Tanya hugs me and then continues on her rounds. I plod happily to reception to gather my charts, but I can’t find the chart for bed nine. It must be still in there. Picking up my pen, stethoscope, and mini torch, I head towards bed nine. When I get into the bland, clean smelling room, I look over at the man lying on the bed facing the wall. He’s quite large in build, well-muscled and broad. His head is completely bald, and my heart goes out to him. I couldn’t imagine how it must feel to be so sick. I have been lucky enough to never have a family member get so sick, I honestly don’t know how I’d deal with that.

I walk over to his bed and pick up his chart. My heart stops as I read the name. No…it can’t be. It can’t be. No, god, please. This isn’t happening right now, how can it be?

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