Three (25 page)

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Authors: Twyla Turner

BOOK: Three
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“I feel a little over dressed for Fairbanks. Is there any place that I won’t stick out like a sore thumb?” Simone asked nervously.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t matter where we go, you’ll still stick out.” Xander grinned down at her, his dimples charming her as usual.

Jackson grunted in agreement.

“I’m just trying to keep up with the two of you.” Simone stated truthfully. “You both look very handsome tonight.” Simone praised.

Under their coats Jackson wore a black V-neck sweater that fit his broad muscular frame like a glove and Xander wore a cream tight fitting thermal with a green hooded zip-up sweater that made his hazel eyes glow green and conformed to his lean swimmers physique. And of course they paired them with their usual staples of jeans and boots.

“Mmm…is that so? Just make sure that you stay nearby and don’t bend over.” Xander murmured low as he moved closer to her, his warm hand stroking a path up her thigh to the naked skin of her quickly moistening labia.

“Xan…don’t.” Simone tried to protest feebly.

“What?” Xander whispered breathless against her lips.

“Not here, in the truck where we can’t finish.” Simone pleaded as her hips betrayed her, pumping towards the finger that slipped into her heat.

“Oh, you don’t think so?” Xander challenged before unbuckling her seatbelt and pulling her onto his lap.

He made quick work of undoing his pants, releasing his throbbing erection and lifting her up, plunged into the deep recesses of her aching sex. Simone grabbed ahold of the dashboard in front of her as he took her roughly and quickly. Both their climaxes building within seconds. They both shouted out their release as Jackson white knuckled the steering wheel in anticipation, his own erection pressing painfully against his jeans.

Jackson quickly pulled into the parking lot behind the nightclub. Throwing the truck in park, he unbuckled his seatbelt, undid his jeans and grabbed a limp and sated Simone off of Xander’s lap like a ragdoll. Pulling her over to straddle his hips, he kissed her red lips as he impaled her with his pulsing cock.

The intrusion hit her sweet spot, instantly revving her body up and immediately sending her into another orgasm. Her quaking muscles rippled around him and he came hard a moment later, after only a handful of deep thrusts.

Her forehead fell on his shoulder in exhaustion. Xander reached into the glove-box for several clean napkins. Lifting her off of Jackson, he gently cleaned her up.

“That should keep the wolves at bay, now that you’re completely satisfied and covered in our scent.” Xander said softly against her temple.

“Was that what this was all about?” Simone said drowsily. “To mark your territory?”

“Well, that
that dress. We wanted to fuck you senseless since the moment we laid eyes on you in it.” Jackson admitted.

“You can’t even see it right now under my coat.” Simone reasoned.

“Doesn’t matter. That image will be eternally etched in our minds.” Xander smirked, tapping a finger against his temple.

Someone banged on the truck making Simone jump. “Let’s go! What are you guys doing in there and why are the windows all foggy?” Ethan shouted from outside.

“Come on, Si. Let’s get moving before I have to choke out my baby brother.” Xander said, trying to hold onto his patience with his little brother.

They all got out of the truck to meet the others and all of them except Bethany started laughing.

“Well, now we know why the windows were all foggy, if the smeared lipstick all over Jackson’s face is any indication. Aside from the fact that the three of you look like the cat that got the cream.” Lanie teased them.

Jackson quickly wiped his mouth and face with his coat sleeve, while Amber helped clean up Simone’s smeared lipstick and reapplied a fresh layer of color. When they were finally presentable, the eight of them walked briskly into the darkened nightclub.

The pulsing sounds of music reached their ears as they checked their coats. The atmosphere charged their blood with a sense of excitement for the night. Especially for Amber and Ethan who had already disappeared into the dim club. Xander and Jackson flanked either side of Simone, protecting her from any untoward advances, like Norse Gods.

“What do you want to drink, Si?” Lanie shouted to Simone over the music.

“Uh…I don’t really drink much. So I have no idea.” Simone answered

“How about a Long Island Ice Tea? They make them really good here.” Lanie suggested.

“Okay.” Simone shrugged not knowing much about the drink.

“Hey boys? Get Simone a Long Island. And I’ll take a rum and Coke.” She informed them as only a little sister could.

Jackson stood several inches taller and was considerably broader than everyone at the bar, so the bartender spotted him quickly. Within a few minutes Jackson handed them all their drinks.

“So I never got around to asking what all of you do for a living.” Simone said to Delanie, curious about the big family.

“Well, I’m a kindergarten teacher.” Lanie started and Simone smiled thinking that was the perfect profession for the bubbly woman. “Bethany is a legal aid for a small law firm. And Chris and Ethan are both fishermen like my dad before he retired.” Lanie finished.

“I bet your students love you. You have such a happy personality.” Simone told the younger woman.

“Yeah, they’re a lot of fun.” Lanie smiled with a distant look in her eye. Simone assumed she was thinking of her students. “Now drink up. I wanna dance!” Lanie bounced to the music playing as she quickly downed the rest of her drink.

Simone followed her lead and slurped the rest of her drink down. She instantly got a head rush and then a nice fuzzy feeling draped over her like a blanket. Lanie grabbed her empty glass from her hand and placed it on the bar and then grabbed her hand.

We’ll be right back.” Lanie yelled to the guys as she pulled Simone out onto the dance floor where Amber and Ethan were already grinding against each other.

“Um…Lanie. I don’t really dance.” Simone said helplessly as Lanie dragged her to the middle of the dancing crowd.

“Just move with the beat and you’ll figure it out. Not to stereotype, but both your cultures are known for having great rhythm.” Lanie waved off her protests.

Once they had found a relatively empty spot, Lanie started to dance around happily as the song
Bang Bang
started to blare from the speakers. Simone swayed a little to the beat of the song, not exactly sure what to do since she never went dancing. But as the song changed to Usher’s
Good Kisser
, the beat turning slower and more seductive, Simone felt someone behind her. Looking back she saw that it was Amber.

“Just roll and sway your hips. Pretend as if their tongues are on your clit. And your body will move accordingly.” Amber whispered in her ear, placing her hands on Simone’s hips guiding her and nodding her head in the direction of her men.

Simone looked over in their direction. Jackson and Xander’s eyes were on her and her alone. As she stood captivated by the weight of their stares; Amber, the crowd and everything else disappeared. All that remained was the throbbing beat of the music, the hazy feeling of alcohol coursing through her veins and her men. It felt as if she was alone on the dance floor and they were her audience. And from someplace buried deep inside, where her body recognized the beat, a pulse spread through her frame that mirrored the rhythm. And her body started to roll, flex and sway seductively to the song.

As the men watched her, their eyes became hooded and they shifted restlessly. Simone rolled her body from her chest to hips. Her ass fitting snugly into Amber’s pelvis. Amber slowly moved around to Simone’s front. Her hands caressed down the front of Simone’s body. She dropped down in front of Simone and slowly slid back up her body.

Simone gazed over at Xander and Jackson, beckoning them. Their mouths were slightly open and their chests rose and fell rapidly. Their gaze so intense, it felt as if everywhere their eyes moved on her she could feel the echo of their hands there.

They quickly swallowed the rest of their drinks and started to make their way onto the dance floor. The song changed to Maroon 5’s
as they reached her. The provocative beat of the song surrounded them as Jackson took her front and Xander her back. They fused into one as they began to dance together.

Simone could feel Jackson’s hardened length against her hip and Xander’s at the crease of her ass. Jackson’s hands ran up and down her sides. His thumbs brushing inconspicuously over her hard nipples. Xander’s hands caressed at her bare back. Her clit throbbed with need to the beat of the music. And as if he knew what she needed. What she wanted. Xander’s hand secretly snaked between the loose back of her dress and slid down to her naked pussy.

The way they had her sandwiched between them, no one was the wiser as Xander covertly strummed at her clit. Jackson continued to circle her sensitive nipples with his thumbs and Simone wreathed between them in time to the music. And as the song hit its climax, so did she. Simone cried out, but the sounds of the music drowned out any noise from her.

As the song ended, Jackson and Xander guided Simone off of the dance floor for another drink at the bar. Lanie followed close behind, also ready for a break.

“Holy crap! You guys are smokin’ hot together!” Lanie declared fanning her flushed face. “I try not to look at my brothers in that way, ‘cause that’s just gross. But I couldn’t help
stare at you three together. And neither could the entire club. Literally all eyes were on you guys.” Lanie added. “I couldn’t tell if my sister wanted to barf, rip your hair out or murder you in your sleep.”

This time Xander handed them their fresh drinks. Lanie stopped talking long enough for them to take a much needed sip after dancing up a good sweat. Simone glanced over to where Bethany had been standing on the other side of the bar with another woman. They were talking animatedly and sneaking hateful glances over at her.

“I feel so uncomfortable around her.” Simone said as quietly as she could to Lanie without the guys hearing.

“Uncomfortable around who?” Amber said as she bounced up to them. She was the only person Simone knew that could look gorgeous covered in sweat. Instead of looking limp and oily, she glistened.

“Oh, my stupid sister, Beth.” Lanie answered for Simone.

“Yeah, what’s her deal anyway? I kept noticing her giving you the evil eye all night.” Amber asked curiously as she gladly took the drink Ethan handed her.

“She’s jealous of Simone because she’s in love with Jackson and he only thinks of her as a little sister.” Lanie rolled her eyes.

“Well, she’ll just have to get over it.” Amber shrugged apathetically.

“Don’t let her get to you or sway your decision to stay, Si.” Lanie comforted.

“Yeah, I know.” Simone said thoughtfully.

“By the way, I was wondering what your plans were. Are you coming back with me and starting work at Dr. Roth’s office? Or are you going to stay here with them? I know you said you were still deciding, but you have to at least know which way you’re leaning towards.” Amber asked trying to stay neutral.

“I…I don’t know.” Simone said hesitantly. Then she took a deep breath and blurted out the next sentence. “I’m in love with them.”

Lanie jumped up and down at Simone’s admission. “Yes! I knew it!”

“I’m so happy for you! Sad for me, but happy for you.” Amber said hugging her.

“Wait. That still doesn’t mean I’m staying.” Simone cautioned.

“But why not?” Lanie said deflated.

“Well…because I don’t know if I can give up everything back home to move here permanently. Especially when Xander doesn’t even know if he’s in it for the long haul.” Simone said sadly.

“What exactly are you giving up? I love you and I’d miss the shit out of you. But you have no family back home, you can get a job as a nurse absolutely anywhere and we can always visit each other. Besides your mother’s tribe is here too.” Amber said selflessly pushing her best friend in the direction she knew she needed to go.

“I haven’t even gotten up the guts to meet them yet. They may not even want me around.” Simone tried to reason.

“Well then, let’s go tomorrow and get it over with. You’ll find out one way or another. And if they want you here, that just might help you decide. Alright?” Amber appealed.

“Alright.” Simone gave in.

“Good. Now let’s go to the bathroom, before I piss my pants.” Amber did a little pee dance, making Simone and Lanie laugh as they followed her.






“Hey, did you notice that Tracy is here?” Ethan asked Xander and Jackson after swallowing down half his beer.

“What?!” Jackson said, eyes bulging out of his head.

“Yeah, Beth’s been over there talking to her.” Ethan jerked his head to the side in the direction of the other side of the bar.

Both Jackson and Xander whipped their head in the same direction and saw their ex talking with Xander’s sister.

“Fuck! She would be here.” Xander groaned.

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