Thorn's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Thorn's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 2)
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He returned his attention to the warriors around him. "Yes?"

"Which do you prefer? Blondes or redheads?"


Ronin cursed and Dag laughed. "You owe me five credits, Ronin."

Thorn's brow lifted in inquiry.

Dag slapped Ronin on the back. "I told him you preferred females with black hair but he didn't believe me. He's the one who insisted on the wager."

"But, every time I've seen you with a female, she's been a blond or a redhead," Ronin insisted. "The only black-haired female I ever saw you with was Naline."

Dag elbowed Ronin, drawing a grunt from him as Thorn stood up. "Dag, you have the bridge." The words were said harshly before he stalked away.

"Hell, Dag, I'm sorry. I didn't think."

"It's alright. Sooner or later, Thorn's going to have to come to terms with the past."

"Are Dane and Dev making any progress with him?" Ronin asked.

"No. They're not any closer now than they were before the journey began."

"When's he going to wake up and realize his sons need him? If he doesn't do something soon, he's going to lose them forever." Ronin ran his hands over his face. "We're not doing enough as their mentors to make him see how he's harming them."

"I don't know what else to do. We hoped this time together would improve matters but it's only made things worse. Even the boys are beginning to dislike him."

"Yes, and after all the time we spent telling them what a great warrior he is and trying to convince them he regretted not being with them."

"I still believe he regrets it. He just doesn't know what to do about it."


Chapter Two



Three days went by while Daria slept, ate, and worried. When she became bored with the inactivity she put herself through long and exhausting exercise routines. Now, she sipped a glass of wine and watched the stars. Every nano-unit that went by took her farther away from Earth and her friends. She wondered how Marie was doing and wished she could've gotten a message to her before she left Earth. Of course, doing that might have endangered both of them. Hopefully, the men who'd chased her and Emma would leave Marie alone. They'd certainly been tracking Emma since they'd shown up so soon after she'd contacted her. For the first time in her life Daria was thankful she hadn't made more friends who would be endangered because of her and her job.

Madami Valan had told her that the journey from Zarronia to Earth took two moon phases, which was the equivalent of around three Earth months. Their days were thirty hours or units long and each unit had eighty micro-units or minutes in it. She figured the journey would give her a chance to acclimate to their time difference, and if she could stay hidden until they reached the half-way point, it would be too late for them to return her to Earth. Even so she was taking a deadly risk. Four months, no she had to get used to using their terms, so four moon phases ago, the Zarronians had caught a spy on one of their starships and he'd been judged, found guilty, and executed. Nobody could say he hadn't been warned. The Zarronians guarded their privacy diligently and made it clear that anyone caught spying would be executed. Sneaking aboard one of their starships was enough to get her killed but at least here she had a chance to convince the Zarronians that the information she had was true.

She wandered into the bathing chamber, filled the tub full with hot steamy water, and slid into it. Idly, she gazed at the ceiling and wished she could find something to do with her time besides worry. It was too bad the previous occupants hadn't left any books behind. There weren't even any viewing discs she could watch to help her pass the time.

She'd thought about sneaking out and exploring the ship but she didn't dare take the chance. If she got caught gathering information about them they'd charge her with espionage. The quarters next to her belonged to the starship Commander and she wondered if he was absent most of the time. If she could sneak into it she'd borrow a few things from him. Especially, some clothes as she was sick of wearing the same dress every day.

A huge yawn interrupted her thoughts and she laughed softly. It looked like the exercise combined with the hot bath and glass of wine just might help her sleep tonight. She dried herself, finger-combed her hair, then went into the bedroom and flopped down on the bed. A couple micro-units later she was asleep.


# # #


Dane lifted his finger to his lips and signaled Dev to be quiet. Together they tiptoed into the bed chamber. The female in the bed didn't stir as they entered the room. They parted at the end of the bed, then each boy slowly crawled onto the mattress, being careful not to disturb the sleeping occupant. Sitting on their knees, they grinned at each other.

"I told you she was in here," Dev whispered. He'd spent the last three days trying to convince Dane that someone was living in the quarters next to them.

"Do you think she belongs to Father?" Dane asked.

"No. He hates females." Dev studied the figure on the bed. The blanket covered her but her feet nearly reached the end of the bed which meant she was tall. Almost as tall as their father. Her hair was black like theirs except it was longer and it was squiggly and fluffy.

"Since we found her that means she belongs to us," Dane said.

Dev nodded and his hair fell forward over his eyes. Impatiently, he brushed it away and looked at the female. "She's pretty. Like the princess in the story from Earth that Grandmother read to us."

"The princess was fleeing from a fire-breathing dragon and a warrior saved her. Do you think a dragon is after her?"

"Maybe." Dev shivered with excitement. He and Dane would be her warriors and protect her. After all, she belonged to them now.

"Do you think we should wake her up?"

Dev remembered another story their grandmother had read to them. Quietly, he moved forward and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. Dane copied his actions. Her eyes fluttered opened and she smiled.


# # #


Two of the most adorable children Daria had ever seen leaned over her. She gazed from one pair of grey eyes to the other, and her smile grew. Then, she remembered where she was and that she'd been discovered. Gasping, she grabbed the sheet and scooted away. She searched the room, expecting to see a huge warrior glaring down at her then breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the three of them were alone. She returned their gaze and they sent her identical grins.

They were cute kids with long black hair, grey eyes, and sweet smiles. They were dressed in smaller versions of the clothes the Zarronian warriors wore. Black leather pants, black knee-boots, and a black sleeveless vest. Wide gold bands etched in platinum and set with red stones gleamed on their arms. "I'm Dane. This is my brother, Dev."

His voice was solemn, drawing another smile from her. "I'm Daria."

She watched as a silent message flew between them and they nodded at each other. "Ask her Dane."

"Do you belong to our Father?"

She laughed, then reached out and ruffled two shiny heads of hair. "No, I don't."

"See, I told you." Dev looked back at her. "Father, says Earth females are nothing but trouble."

"Oh, he does, does he?" Daria wondered what kind of a jerk these two adorable boys had for a father. "Maybe he just hasn't met the right one yet."

"Well, it's too late for him to claim you because we found you first and we claim you," Dane said then he and Dev watched her, waiting for her response.

Daria laughed. "Who do you two belong to and where do you live?"

"Our father is the commander of this starship." Dev said.

"We live next door," Dane said.

Daria wanted to panic and run. Instead she forced herself to stay calm and gather as much information as she could. "Can you tell me the name of this ship, Dane?"

"The Invincible. Are you running away from a fire-breathing dragon, Daria?"

Leaning forward, she whispered, "Can you guys keep a secret?" They each placed a fist on their chest and bowed their heads. She took that to mean that they could. "Some bad men wanted to hurt me so I ran away from them. This was the only place I could hide where I'd be safe. I need you guys to forget that you found me. Okay?"

"No. You belong to us and we have to protect you." Dane's face was creased with determination. Dev wore the same expression.

"It's really important that I reach Zarronia. So, please, don't tell anyone that I'm here. Okay?"

Dane looked at Dev for a moment then they turned to her. "We won't tell anyone as long as you agree to belong to us," Dane said.

"That's right. You have to agree."

Daria had to hold back her laughter. The two little warriors were trying to blackmail her. "What if I don't agree?" Daria waited for their answer, expecting them to back off.

"We'd have to tell someone you're here," Dev said. "Unclaimed females aren't allowed on starships. It’s the law."

"The law, huh? Well, then I guess I belong to the two of you."

Dev leaned closer and stared into her eyes.

"You're eyes are purple, Daria. Like a wolfen's."

"What's a wolfen, sweetie?"

"It's a great big, mean animal with long sharp teeth, shiny black fur and purple eyes," Dane said.

"You're kidding. I don't believe I've ever seen an animal with purple eyes."

"You haven't?" Dev asked.

"Huh-uh. How big is it? Is it as big as a pillow?"

"Bigger!" Dane told her.

"No way. Is it as big as bed?"

"Yes," they both shouted, then giggled, and threw themselves onto her.

Daria laughed and tickled them. They were adorable. She'd always liked children, even though she didn't plan to have any of her own. It was more fun to play with other people's children than to give up her freedom and tie herself down to a husband and a family. "I'd like to see a wolfen."

Dane sat up and looked at her. "We could show you one, Daria. There's a picture of one on our info-discs."

"Is there? Dane, do you think you could bring me some info-discs? I could sure use something to do to help pass the time."

"Sure. We can do that. Can't we, Dev?"

Dev nodded, and jumped off the bed. Dane followed him.

"Just be careful, okay? I don't want you to get into trouble for helping me." She chewed on her lip for a moment then sighed. "It would be better if you just told your father that I'm here."

"No," Dev shouted, alarmed. "Our mentors told us he's the biggest, meanest warrior on Zarronia. Isn't he, Dane?"

"Yes, and he doesn't like females. He'd kill you for sure." Dane made a slashing gesture across his throat then grinned.

Daria's imagination took over and formed a picture of a big, hulking monster with a bloody sword and an evil leer. "Are you sure? Maybe he's really nice."

Dane shook his head. "Nope. Even Uncle Soren says father is the dirtiest fighter he's ever known and he'd rather have him at his back in a fight than anyone else. Grandfather says Uncle Soren is worse than Father."

"Oh, dear." All of a sudden she wasn't feeling so sure of her decision to sneak on board the ship.

Dane patted her arm. "Don't worry. We'll help you and we won't get caught. Will we, Dev?"

Dev grinned, shook his head, and ran out of the room. Dane followed him, telling her over his shoulder that they would be right back. Before she could stop them they were gone.

# # #


Daria went into the bathing chamber and pulled on her gown. She ran her fingers through her hair in a futile attempt to smooth it as she moved into the living area and waited for them. Two minutes later they returned.

"I brought you some paper, Daria. So, you can draw pictures." Dev handed her a notebook and several writing instruments.

Dane handed her a stack of books and several viewing discs.

She examined them. The books were children's picture books with lots of pictures and very few words. Her reporters' instincts flared up when she examined the discs. They were educational documentaries about Zarronia. "This is great!" She knelt down, wrapped her arms around them, and gave each of them a kiss on their softly rounded cheeks. Startled grey eyes met hers. For a moment, they froze, then they stepped closer and wrapped their arms around her and held onto her.

Dane was the first to move away. He rocked back and forth on his heels and refused to look at her. It took Dev longer to release her.

Daria hid her grin. Her little warriors appeared to be embarrassed. "Well, I think it's time one of you showed me how to operate the viewing screen."

They grabbed her hands and pulled her to the screen. Dane explained its operation to her, while Dev put a disc into the slot and Dane pushed several buttons. A picture appeared on the screen and he adjusted the sound. Then, he showed her how to stop the machine and remove the disc.

"Great! I think I can operate it now." Thinking about the time, she wondered if they would be missed. "Are you supposed to be somewhere right now?"

They nodded. "We're supposed to be doing our lessons," Dev said.

"Then, maybe you better go finish them. We wouldn't want your teacher to be angry at you."

"We've already done the lessons our teacher assigned but Father assigned us more to do. If we get them wrong he just corrects them and assigns more." Dane's voice sounded bitter and full of resentment.

Crouching down, she looked into his eyes. "Dane? What's wrong, sweetie?"

"What's a 'sweetie'? Dane asked.

Daria smiled. "It means you're someone I like a lot. Now tell me what's wrong."

He hesitated for a moment. "Father, doesn't like us."

"Oh, dear, I'm sure that can't be true. You're the most wonderful little boys I've ever met."

"It's true, Daria. Father doesn't like anyone." Dev looked like he was about to cry.

Rage rushed through Daria. What kind of man would hurt his own children like this? She led them to one of the couches and pulled them down beside her. She wrapped her arms around them and just held them for a few moments. "Now, I want you to tell me why you think your father doesn't like you."

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