Thirteen Roses Book Two: After: A Paranormal Zombie Saga (24 page)

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Authors: Michael Cairns

Tags: #devil, #god, #lucifer, #Zombies, #post apocalypse, #apocalypse

BOOK: Thirteen Roses Book Two: After: A Paranormal Zombie Saga
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'Welcome, my children. You are just in time.'

He didn't want to ask, but he had to. 'In time for what?'

'For the Messiah, of course. I didn't want him born here, but his father insisted.'

'His father?' Another question he'd have happily never asked.

'Oh yes. God. He came to me and well, you know.'

She blushed, batting her eyelids like she'd watched too many bad romance movies. Alex had stopped a few feet back and grabbed Luke by the shoulder, pulling him back. 'What's going on? What's she doing here? Who is she?'

'Why are you asking me?'

'You're supposed to know these things. The Father didn't do this, did he?'

'Wouldn't put it past him, she's pretty enough.'

'She's stunning, but why? And why isn't she wearing a gas mask?'

It was that detail he'd avoided thinking about, but now it struck him front and centre.

'Who are you?'

'My name is Celia. I am one of the soldiers of god. And now I am mother to the Messiah.'

She smiled again and he caught the faintest hint of madness, like the first cracks in a sheet of ice just before it gives way and plunges you into the dark waters beneath.

'Why aren't you wearing a gas mask?'

'God said he would shield me from the plague.'

'And you believed him, just like that?'

She laughed, the sound pealing up into the roof of the cathedral. He glanced over his shoulder but the soldiers were nowhere to be seen.

'How could I not? He came to me and loved me and made me feel like no one from Earth ever could.'

'When did this happen?'

She blushed and looked at her hands where they rested protectively on her bump. 'Two days ago. What other proof did I need?'

Luke groaned and put his head in his hands.

'What is it?'

'Az. He's got the strength to do this. Protect her, I mean. The pregnancy is natural for a demon.'

'Az made her pregnant? But he only came here two days ago.'

'So more than enough time. Sod it, the sneaky bastard. What does he want?'

Alex shrugged, which wasn't surprising. The woman called Celia moaned, the sound cutting through Luke's circling thoughts. They turned back to her in unison as she fell forwards off her seat and onto all fours.

'It's coming, oh God, it's coming.'

Thirteen Roses continues in Book Three: Beyond


St Paul's Cathedral is filled with attractive young blond women. In gas masks.

The plague will soon have run its course, leaving the world filled with zombies and the crew neck deep in shit. And attractive young blond women in need of rescue.

But first, Luke and the others have to escape from St Paul's. The soldiers of God have other plans, and they aren't the only ones. Some old friends of Luke's are about to turn up and offer him a proposition he might not be able to refuse.

Even if they do escape, they know they have to go back in one more time. After all, attractive blond women in need of rescue… But who will go in, and who will come out?

And it's not all about Luke.

Bayleigh has dreams of making something worthwhile in the new world, whilst David has dreams of murder.

Krystal's already living her dream, in a world where everyone's homeless.

Alex is a believer, in a new world filled with cynics.

And Jackson? Jackson doesn't need dreams. He's got God.

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The Spirit Room, (The Planets, book one) Superhero/Sci-Fi.

'The Avengers meets Magician, The Assembly trilogy is superhero conflict on a global scale…'

An ancient cadre of magicians

A select team of extraordinary warriors

An unseen foe

As two ancient forces battle for control, reality as we know it is being torn apart. Caught somewhere in the middle, and tasked with ridding the world of the insidious alien intelligence are The Planets. Neptune hails from Rio, the gay daughter of strict catholic parents. Mars, from Ireland, still missing the sister he lost years ago. Uri grew up on the streets of New York, and Venus… well, no one knows and she isn't telling. Imbued with extraordinary powers, these highly trained individuals take the fight across the globe. With startling and unnerving revelations at every turn, the depth of deception is only now becoming clear…'


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Chapter One: Mars

He was called Connor, before they named him Mars. He felt odd about the titles and wondered what was wrong with choosing your own. Apparently it was all about balance. Ten planets, ten agents, all with their own place, their own expertise. No prizes for guessing what his was. Of course, he could have ended up as Pluto, or Uranus, so he should be grateful.

His thoughts scattered as the wind buffeted him against the chopper's open door. Below, the lights of London beckoned as the adrenaline began to pump. He grinned, nodding as the dulcet tones of Slayer blasted through the suit comms. The helicopter slowed as it flew out over the Thames, dropping lower until he could make out the people walking down Embankment.

He glanced back at the cockpit, where Luna gave him the thumbs up and a smile. He nodded, then turned back to the open door, facemask sliding up and sealing. The water waited, dark and choppy and he swallowed. It was a long way down; time to go. He cranked the volume until the music roared and grinned again, the vertigo fading as his anticipation of the night ahead grew. He unwrapped his hand from the strap and jumped.

Connor was confused and sick when they found him. Sick with fear of the world around him. Sick with the belief that something else was going on and he didn't know what it was. He didn't share it with anyone, or talk about it. He was too scared the doctors would look at him the way they looked at his sister Sarah when she'd shaved her head and begun talking about sub-programming of the reality field. But he couldn't deny what was happening.

He watched his mother grow old, again and again. He'd catch sight of her out the corner of his eye and her face would look like a crumpled, yellowing map, like she'd aged decades in seconds. He shared his wild brown hair with her and seeing it turn grey and fall out made his stomach turn.

It happened more than once, enough that he kept his slate-brown eyes closed around the people he loved. That's why he had run away. That and Sarah. They'd called her mad when she ranted about 'parallel events across alternate realities' and they'd locked her up. He'd believed them. He didn't now, of course. Sarah had been entirely sane, there just hadn't been anyone to tell her that before the pills and blank walls and knowledge made death the only option.

He'd been close to that when they found him, his strong features gaunt and lined. He was living in a squat, reality crumbling around him as he saw what people were going to do before they did it. When he was a teenager, he found he knew what a girl was going to say before he asked her out. It saved on the heartbreak, but he'd been lonely. As he grew older, so the power got stronger. By the time The Assembly appeared he could see a person's entire life stretched flat like a sheet. Making friends with someone whose death you could predict was a difficult thing to do. As was falling in love.

The lights rushed to meet him as he snapped back to the job at hand. His on-board nano tech fed him all the necessary info but he liked to be 'live' before he landed. The smart suit tightened for impact then released anti-shockers as the Thames swallowed him up. He surfaced near Wapping, dumped the air-tank and travelled rapidly inland to a small house off the high street. Approaching the door, he checked for signs of life inside and, as Luna had assured him, found none. He pushed the door open and stepped in, read out providing both infra-red and daylight-vis. His suit disengaged the helmet and gloves as he prowled. He reached the second floor and there he was, just as promised. The God before him, if God was the right term, was a Shamanic totem made physical. His power came from thousands of years of worship and sacrifice. Why he chose to appear as a squat French man was beyond Mars.

"You are Mars?"

"And you must be Apport. I have to ask, is the look your choice, or is that really how your worshippers see you?"

Apport smiled. The room around Mars swelled and stretched away from him. The door became massive and towering and before him, the totem loomed tall and powerful.

"It is not so much how my 'worshippers', as you call them, see me, but how you do. What could we learn of you that you view a God in such a way?"

"Fair enough." Mars grinned. Maybe not the right time for those sorts of questions. The room re-shaped and he stood looking down on the Totem, although he did seem somewhat taller and rather less fat than previously.

"My bosses told me you have something we want." Mars said.

"Indeed I do. Your bosses can be quite persuasive. This thing I give to you is not something given lightly, nor should it be taken with anything less than absolute respect. However, those you work for should also have told you that you will be performing a small job for me this evening, in return for the key to the Spirit Room."

"I don't know anything about the Spirit Room, but if you've got the key then fire away. Hope we've enough time for this. Sun's up in four hours."

"There will be plenty of time, Mars. You of all people should know that. Your task is to eliminate someone both myself and your employers wish removed from the struggle. He is a man called Edward James and is known to the country as the personal aide to the Prime Minister. He's also known in certain other circles as Jane, and shares with the Prime Minister an affinity for young boys in fishnets. He's also an agent for The Unseen. You will find him in 10 Downing Street. There's a private party there this evening so you are also welcome to take photos should you wish to create some chaos, assuming your masters wouldn't mind."

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