Thinking Small (66 page)

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Authors: Andrea Hiott

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Many in New York City have already been mentioned, but there are many more! One of the most charming and important presences in this whole process for me was the great Julian Koenig, and I am forever grateful to him for sharing his time, stories, and jokes. It is a pleasure to know you. Thanks also to his daughter Sarah Koenig for her time and patience and help. I also had the opportunity to spend a few afternoons talking with George Lois, and as everyone who knows him will tell you, he is a
whirlwind of energy that one can never forget. Thank you George for being generous and kind, and thanks to his son Luke for his help in finding photos. Thanks also goes to Fred Papert for talking with me about his two former business partners, and for just being an interesting and intelligent guy.

I was very nervous the first time I went to meet Bill Bernbach’s son, John, and so I would like to thank him for making time in his schedule to answer my many questions, and for being kind and helpful in every way. Thanks also to his wonderful secretary at Engine, Debbie Brown, and to a fellow-southerner, Laura Hynes.

I am also very grateful to Alicia Brindak at DDB Worldwide for answering all my questions and putting me in touch with the people I needed to speak with, as well as helping me to find photos and permissions. Thanks also to Jeff Swystun at DDB for his support and help with this book. I also have to thank the original Doyle Dane Bernbach staff, and so many who helped build and create it. Much respect goes to the memory of Helmut Krone, and to his daughter Kathryn Krone. Thanks and respect must also be given to legends and legacies of Bill Charmatz, Bob Gage, Phyllis Robinson, Bob Levenson, Helmut Schmitz, David Oglivy and Paul Rand. Thanks to the wonderful staff and wonderful resources of the New York Public Library, to the Ad Club and the One Club in NYC, to Bob Contant and Terry McCoy, and the entire staff of St Marks Bookshop, past and present; to Greg Foley for sharing his creative spark and essential advice, to Marilyn Apelson for the dinners full of deep literary discussion, to Wade Lawrence at the Bethel Museum for his generosity, and to Marlon Stolzman, whose friendship and support has changed my life immeasurably: I’m so glad you noticed that hot pink folder at IMG! Your friendship is a rare gift.

This list seems to be ordered by cities, and on that note, I’d like to express gratitude to a few more. Much gratitude goes to Detroit and its automotive legacy, as well as to the staff at the archives and museums of Ford and GM. Thanks also for the awakenings I’ve had in D.C.; and to so many in Seattle, for the support, the
faith, the endurance, and especially for the love that your presence in my life allows me to feel. Also to R., a rare and true intellectual soulmate, for the tender, mindful communication and love.

Very warm thanks to the Carolinas and all my family there, especially my grandmothers and great grandmother, who have taught me as much about story as anyone. Thanks also to my aunts and uncles in the north, to the many libraries all over the country that I’ve frequented in my research, to Savannah’s School of Art and Design, and to the members of my family in my hometown of Atlanta, especially to my father for always encouraging me to follow my dreams, to my mother for always letting me know that I have a place to come back to, and my brother for showing me that true inner transformation is real. Thanks also to Allison, Emily, Colleen, and Dori, for all the years of friendship, support, patience and faith in this book.

I have to also thank all the German musicians, writers, and philosophers who inspired me from a very young age, and who are, as much as anything else, responsible for my pilgrimage to Germany, and thus for my eventual discovery of this story, a story which I am thankful for as well, as it has taught me a great deal, and given me an inspiring journey, as well as the chance to meet and work with many beautiful people. In writing this book, I was gifted access to the public and personal archives and memories of so many. It took a delicate balance on all our parts, and I was lucky enough to be able to find people who were willing to seek out the truth with me, though no doubt there is still more truth yet to be discovered.

One of the hardest things in writing this book was not being able to include every story, name, and moment that happened. And in that sense especially, please know that any and all mistakes in this book are my own. There were also times when one person’s memory or take on an event differed from another. This is human nature, and it makes our lives rich and full of fruitful debate, but it is not easy to present such a vast web in linear and
concise fashion. I’ve tried my best, and I am still learning, but I only hope that everyone who helped with this story can feel my deep admiration and respect for all their work and openness and talent. All their lives and contributions are rich and nuanced, and they matter much more than this book can tell.

Unpublished Sources

From Ed Russell to Julian Koenig • Letters from Ed Russell to
Advertising Age


Volkswagen workers, Wolfsburg Museum Collection


Auto-Kino: Unternehmensfilme von Volkswagen:
Silikose (1949/51); Sinfonie eines Autos (1949), und Sisu—Tiere im nordischen Urwald (1952).
Guenter Riederer, Kino Arsenal: Eine Veranstaltungsreihe von CineGraph Babelsberg, Berlin-Brandenburgisches Centrum fuer Filmforschung und dem Aresenal, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, der Deutschen Kinemathek und der Historischen Kommunikation der Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft. Berlin, 19 April

Collections and Archives

Stadt Wolfsburg, Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte und Stadtpraesentation, Wolfsburg • Volkswagen Corporate Archive, Wolfsburg • Volkswagen of America Archive, Herndon, VA • New York Public Library, New York • British Library, London • Stadt Archive, Berlin • Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin • Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin • Deutsches Historisches, Berlin • Porsche Archive, Stuttgart • Library and
Media Center at Savannah School of Art and Design, Savannah • Stadtbibliothek Wolfsburg • Technical University, Berlin • The Henry Ford, Dearborn Michigan • General Motors, Online Archive • Opel, Media Archive


Nedelkovski, Aleksandar.
Kunst als identitätsstiftendes Medium untersucht am Beispiel der Ausstellung ‘Heidersberger: Stadt-Werk, 1963.’
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern: Master-Fernstudiengang “Management von Kultur- und Non-Profit-Organisationen.” Abgabedatum: 30 April 2010.

Turner, Ian David.
British Occupation Policy and Its Effects on the Town of Wolfsburg and the Volkswagenwerk 1945–1949.
Department of European Studies and Modern Languages, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Submitted: 15 October 1984.

Author Interviews/Discussions

John Bernbach, NYC • Axel Bosse, Wolfsburg • BCN New York City • Manfred Grieger, Wolfsburg • Ulrike Gutzman, Wolfsburg • Carl Hahn, Wolfsburg • Justin Hoffman, Wolfsburg • Wolfgang Kaese, Wolfsburg • Julian Koenig, New York City • Dieter Landenberger, Stuttgart • Andrea Mueller, Wolfsburg • George Lois, New York City • Renate Riemer, Wolfsburg

Published Sources

Book of Nations,
New York World’s Fair, Volume 785 by William Bernbach, Herman Jaffe, Clarence Pearson Hornung. New York, Winkler & Kelmans, 1939.

Koehler, Volkmar.
Kulturpolitik in Wolfsburg—die Anfänge.
Stadt Wolfsburg, Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte und Stadtpraesentation, 2010.

Strauss, Werner.
Wolfsburg—Kleine Stadtgeschichte.
Wolfsburg, Texte zur Geschichte Wolfsburg, Stadt Wolfsburg, 2002.

Auto Museum Volkswagen: Schatzkammer der Marke.
Wolfsburg, Stiftung Auto Museum Volkswagen.

Directive to Commander-in-Chief of United States Forces of Occupation Regarding the Military Government of Germany; April 1945 (JCS 1067):
United States Government.

The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Radio addresses to the American people broadcast between 1933 and 1944.

The Jewish Question: A Selection of Articles (1920–1922) published by Mr. Henry Ford’s paper
The Dearborn Independent
and reprinted later under the general title of “The International Jew.” 1936.

The German-American Relationship: The Importance of Vision:
Speech by the Ambassador of the United States of America Richard R. Burt on the Occasion of Ceremonies Commemorating the Fortieth Anniversary of Secretary of State James F. Byrnes’s “Rede der Hoffnung,” Given at the Grosses Haus of the Wuerttembergisches Staatstheater Stuttgart, September 6, 1986. U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany.

Public Relations, Edward L. Bernays and the American Scene.
Internet Source: F. W. Faxton Company: Annotated bibliography of, and reference guide to, writings by and about Edward Bernays from 1917 to 1951.

Top Secret-OSS-Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler.
Walter Langer, M.O. Branch Office of Strategic Services, Washington, D.C. With the collaboration of Prof. Henry A. Murray of Harvard Psychological Clinic, Dr. Ernst Kris of the New School for Social Research, and Dr. Bertram D. Lawin of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute.

Typisch Wolfsburg! Von Werden einer neuen Stadt 1938–2008.
Wolfsburg, Stadt Wolfsburg, 2008.

Volkswagen Writes History:
A chronicle of facts and pictures—from the past to the present. Wolfsburg, Volkswagen AG. 1998.

Wortprotokoll der Uebertragung der Grundsteinlegung des Volkswagen Werkes bei Fallersleben am 26 Mai 1938.
Erstellt vom Rolf Linnemann, März 1987. Eigentum der Stadt Wolfsburg, Stadtarchiv F264.

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